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Pre-Show Stalwart
ok, according to the tna web page, suicide's finisher is the DOA. however, we've only seen the character try and pull it off once and it wasn't done very well. now on impact, we saw amazing red pull it off. are daniels nor kaz capable of doing the maneuver. we havn't seen enough of kaz to know what his finisher for the character is, and daniels uses the suicide solution, which i think is pretty innovative and wicked. my question is, to those who actually kinda like the character, do you think suicide should be using the DOA?
i'm not a big fan but i do love the suicide solution but the reason daniels - suicide is using the suicide solution is because daniels has trouble using the DOA and KAZ can't do either one of them so i think kaz is going to have to think of something new when he returns as suicide
i think the suicide solution is ok for daniels and kaz has to come up with some thing but there is one person that can pull it off and he is off the tna roster so the person ithink can use the DOA is petey williams
Daniels can probably pull off the move, but as most of use have seen, Kaz can't. They can't have him performing the move then have him suddenly stop when Kaz comes back.

But that is what happens when you invent a cool looking move for a flop game then bring the character to TV. It's just not going to be the said. No wait, it is, Suicide is just as shit as the game. Goal achieved.

I never did get that arena set in England. If only I hadn't cashed that game in for £2.
Personally, I think Suicide is just a bad gimmick, regardless of who he is or what his finishing move is. Taking the x-division title from Alex Shelley was an insult. Shelley was finally getting some credit and fair time in TNA, and he loses it to a video game character. It's great that daniels is back, but didn't Kaz make a big deal about leaving TNA last year. He could just come back and the TNA crowd would eat it like a bulemic at a chinese buffet, they'd just keep coming back for more. And on a side note, TNA has to stop with the Japan tag team titles. It's infuriating.
I think that they need to come up with another finisher, fast. I mean, its not like if you make a cool move in a video game, a wrestler can actually do it. I am not a fan of Suicide in general, I don't get why fans even like him, and I don't get anything about him. Will he ever unmask? Will TNA ever use a god-awful video game character in wrestling for the 3rd time? Only time will tell.
i kinda like the character because it's different than what you normally see now a days. i just forget about the game altogether and hope that tna does something with the character. "suicide" is supposed to covered head to toe cause he apparently got beaten to hell and ended up in the hospital covered in bandages head to toe. i'm sure all of saw the vignettes for his debut. i just try and run with that. but ya, i like the character because it's different. i'll like him a lot more if tna actually puts him in a story relating to his origins before coming to tna (talking story here). i want homicide to start a feud with suicide. i think he still has his feast or fired brief case, a match between homicide and suicide (aka hopefully kaz) would look pretty sick. i'm sure those two can come up with a way to put on a hell of match despite kaz playing someone/something else.
Actually kaz can do the maneuver but shortly there after he got injured and Daniels couldn't do it so he uses the Suicide Solution. I like both of the moves to be honest.
I think he should probably use it because in the game you have to work your ass off to unlock it and they say it's amazing, and if you're bringing the guy to life then why not bring his finisher.

As to whether or not Kaz and Daniels can do it...well Daniels may be a better wrestler but Kaz is a better athlete so I'd argue it's the reverse. Kaz Suicide did it twice, and botched one of them, I think it was on like Sonjay or Petey, small guys, but he did it well on Sabin... I might have that the completely wrong way round, but I know he did it fine once and bad the other time. I'd imagine Daniels not being able to do it/it being too difficult on bigger guys is why they brought in the SS, which I swear some X-Division guys use as a normal move...

Funny that Red did it (it is his move) with Suicide as his partner, if a TNA fan is paying attention that should raise an eyebrow. I liked how Suicide helped him with it too, was kinda funny.
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