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The Devils Playground aka HIAC

John Cena mentioned several times tonight during his promo that Hell in a Cell was the Devils Playground....

The Devil in the WWE is often referred to as the Undertaker, the Deadman, Big Evil, the Big Red Devil

Could we see the return of the Big Red Devil aka the Undertaker this Sunday at Hell In A Cell?

Punk mentioned during the match how he faced the Undertaker in a HIAC match.
Punk stated how he meet the Devil in HIAC and has never been the same since.

Its been almost 6 months since WM27...

Which was the last time we saw the Deadman. Undertaker has been known for returning around this time of year to pick up a end of the year feud before disappearing until WM season.

Could he return this weekend at HIAC and get involved in one of the World Title Matches?

Which match would you rather see him get involved in Punk vs Del Rio vs Cena or Henry vs Orton?

Where would he fit in now Raw or Smackdown?

Who could he possibly feud with at this point and time?
Could he return this weekend at HIAC and get involved in one of the World Title Matches?

The Hell in a Cell match has been called the Devil's Playground since its creation, it's really nothing new. I don't think Undertaker will be back so soon especially with Wrestlemania so far away. Undertaker is getting up there in age and I believe it would be incredibly risky to bring him back to the WWE so far away from Wrestlemania and run the risk of having him injured before the big show.

I'm not saying it won’t happen, it just seems very unlikely.

Which match would you rather see him get involved in Punk vs Del Rio vs Cena or Henry vs Orton?

Neither actually. The Undertaker fits no where in the Conspiracy storyline. As for Henry's match with Orton, I’ll pass on that too. Mark Henry's on an incredible role as of late and is at his best. If Undertaker inserts himself into the World Heavyweight Championship picture then there's a good chance he might dethrone Henry. Obviously, if the Undertaker dethrones Henry, a perfect opportunity would've been wasted to give someone like Daniel Bryan some credibility and get him over.

Where would he fit in now Raw or Smackdown?

No where; see above.

Who could he possibly feud with at this point and time?

Sheamus, Del Rio, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan; I really don't know. Anyone could use the rub off of The Undertaker but I just don't think now is the right time to return.
I would love for Undertaker to return at Hell In A Cell or as soon as he is fit and ready too. As the person above mentioned already, the Hell In A Cell has been called the devils playground without any Undertaker connection... it is just a nickname given to the structure. I am pretty biased towards The Undertaker and would like him to return and if that means becoming Champion and stopping Mark Henry's (well deserved brilliant) run as of late i would not mind. The Undertaker does not need the belt though..his character can survive at the top without that... If it really is his last run in the WWE I would like to see him spend more time over on Raw anyway.
no.. he shouldn't return at HIAC... as previously mentioned it would be pointless... He could potentially return at Survivor Series as that was his first sighting, but until then he'll lie low..... the only person or Persons I see "returning" are nash/miz/r truth... Those are the only people I see showing up at HIAC.
Heard he was returning at Vengeance, so i doubt he will return at Hell in a Cell, so if he returns before Wrestlemania season, it will be around Vengeance-Survivor Series, as to who he'll feud with, Im going with Kane and Wade Barrett right now, i cant think of anyone else, other than maybe Triple H that he can feud with.... afterall, Triple H did say, that when the Undertaker returns, he'll be waiting, so Kane/Barrett or Triple H, thats what im going with.
While it would be odd if it were true, it could be building up Kane's return instead although I have no idea how long he's meant to be out for. Before he left, Kane was constantly referred to as the Devil's favourite demon so perhaps he could return and interfere in the SD main event to take out Henry. There were reports yesterday on WZ saying WWE were interested in extending the Orton/Rhodes feud, so it could play into that. Again, I have no idea what Kane's situation is at the mo so I could be well off base.

As for Taker, I do think he will return before the end of the year, maybe have a brief confrontation with HHH and then get called out by a younger competitor. As HHH already has plenty going on, adding Taker to the mix would probably be overkill.
Undertaker doesn't fit with either title feud at all. I could see him being involved with Punk if he were playing himself, because of how he's always been a sort of leader/almost an authority backstage, but as the Deadman, no. It's also unwise to have him anywhere near Cena right now if they still have plans to do Cena vs. Taker, which they may or may not, but they should. Del Rio? Meh. He could be involved with Orton vs. Henry since he has history for both men, but what would it accomplish really? Taker would come out of it with the title like he always does, and then we'd have a broken down champion who's getting ready to retire. He's better off just staying away until something that makes more sense comes up.
I just read Hamler's reply, and decided there was no need to write one of my own. However, I do have just one thing to add. The Undertaker has been featured in EVERY ad for EVERY Hell in a Cell PPV and match. I don't think they're teasing a return, he's just the most prominant figure when it comes to Hell in a Cell.
The thing about a possible return at HIAC for Taker is he doesn't have to get physically involved in ring with anyone, just his music, the creepy lights, and the lightning could strike fear into anyone on the roster. He wouldn't need to actually appear to do this, they could randomly have the lights go dark, the gong hit and the lights go crazy the fans go ape shit.
No. Taker shouldn't return now. I mean RAW is crowded with various superstars and various issues, inserting him there would just bring complications. While returning him to SmackDown would be much more fitting, I don't want to remove the spotlight to Mark Henry just like that. He should just return on Survivor Series the earliest, The Royal rumble that latest. We are still 6 months away from Wrestlemania I don't want to see him not 100% before that.
At the EARLIEST we will see Taker at the Rumble. They want him to have that Mania push and in order to do the best they can to guarantee his well being for the big show they can't have him anywhere NEAR the WWE for the moment. Besides, it was what, 2 months ago the deadman had no hair. So in order to have the dead man hair and have him actually walking at Mania, he won't be around for a while. I REALLY think that even Survivor Series is WAAAAAAAY too soon.
John Cena mentioned several times tonight during his promo that Hell in a Cell was the Devils Playground....

That's just a way to get the match type over and convince more people to buy the show, even though it is one of WWE's bottom tier shows.

The Devil in the WWE is often referred to as the Undertaker, the Deadman, Big Evil, the Big Red Devil

I have never heard Undertaker be referred to as The Devil. As for "The Big Red Devil", are you sure you didn't mean Kane?

Could we see the return of the Big Red Devil aka the Undertaker this Sunday at Hell In A Cell?

Hopefully not. Taker should be resting and preparing for his likely final Wrestlemania. He has absolutely nothing left to prove other than going 20-0 at the biggest show of the year. No further pushes or world title reigns will accomplish anything. Orton, Christian, Sheamus, and Henry have Smackdown taken care of.

Punk mentioned during the match how he faced the Undertaker in a HIAC match.
Punk stated how he meet the Devil in HIAC and has never been the same since.

Again, that's just to get the match type over.

Its been almost 6 months since WM27...

Already? This has been a pretty bad year so far for WWE other than Punk's recent promos.

Which was the last time we saw the Deadman. Undertaker has been known for returning around this time of year to pick up a end of the year feud before disappearing until WM season.

I hope he doesn't, honestly. There are plenty of other guys on both brands who can put people over. What if Taker returned and got another injury? There go his Wrestlemania plans. They need him for that streak match. It's better to keep him on vacation for now. It's too soon to return.

Could he return this weekend at HIAC and get involved in one of the World Title Matches?

Maybe. I could see him returning during the Orton/Henry match if it main events, which could set up a feud between Taker and either guy. Taker/Henry would be pretty awful, but it's the more likely of the two since Orton is probably going to feud with Rhodes next. Orton/Taker could be cool.

Which match would you rather see him get involved in Punk vs Del Rio vs Cena or Henry vs Orton?

If he did it would be the Orton/Henry match. Both of them are former Wrestlemania streak victims who could use that to start a feud. Orton VS Taker I wouldn't mind seeing again now that Orton has changed so much since Wrestlemania 21. Punk and Del Rio are supposedly going to feud over on Raw, while Cena is likely going to be building up his involvement with The Rock. There's no reason for Taker to get involved with any of them, so if he shows up it will be during Smackdown's world title match.

Where would he fit in now Raw or Smackdown?

Smackdown has always been Undertaker's show, other than Wrestlemania season when he starts showing up on Raw some. There are a few guys on the blue brand who could benefit from a feud with him.

Who could he possibly feud with at this point and time?

Ted needs something pretty badly right now. If Taker returned they could set up a feud for Survivor Series as a tribute to Ted's father introducing Taker at that show many years ago. Working with a legendary veteran like Taker would be a huge help for Ted too since he is going nowhere at the moment.
Could he return this weekend at HIAC and get involved in one of the World Title Matches?

It's always possible, although I would say Survivor Series or Vengence should be the site of his return.

Which match would you rather see him get involved in Punk vs Del Rio vs Cena or Henry vs Orton?

IMO it has to be Orton/Henry although I don't see him getting involved with it as much as I see him appearing at the end of it to walk out to his music and give the signature throat slash to whoever wins the title (Henry).

Where would he fit in now Raw or Smackdown?

I would say either, but SD! is his home. It has been for years. There are plenty of heels on that show that need their soul taken from them.

Who could he possibly feud with at this point and time?
If Mark Henry continues his dominant run and keeps saying that no man is gonna take the title from him, there's your answer. He could feud with Wade Barrett, or even Christian for whatever reason. Cody Rhodes is another option but I can't come up with a scenario in my head that could have them go at it.
Well, WWE Magazine has teased his return at vengeance many times. Whether they mean in-ring or actual return is another matter. So, to answer your question on whther he may return to interfere in a title match, maybe. He could potentially interfere in the WHC match AND the WWE title match. I'm leaning more towards WHC, at the moment just on the simple merit that he's returning to banish Mark Henry. Perhaps even leading to a career vs career match at Survivor Series or further down the line. However, he may also have something to do with this conspiracy angle. He still has unfinished beef with Triple H and it'd a perfect way to get him back in the spotlight (although he doesn't really need it).
At Hell in a cell we will see the return of Kane and/or Big show, leading to a match at Vengence for the title from which we will see the return of the Undertaker. Its not going to happen this sunday. What would Taker gain from returning this sunday? what reason would he have to go after Henry? Now if Kane returned and Henry continued to beat him down week in week out then thats reason for Undertaker to return, to help his little brother (even though they are constantly at war) So my answer is no Taker wont return this sunday but he will return at Vengence. "The Devils playground" is the perfect place for the return of "the Devil's favourite Demon"

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