The Demand For Sting

I laugh my ass off when I see people and their we want sting bs. All day every day fans here at wrestlezone and all over TNA about using OLD talent...But your dying to see sting vs taker or some other old has been wrestler.

Please explain who you cry bitch and moan about TNA using old wrestlers, but want old ass sting to wrestle. Make up your minds morons.
I'm honestly surprised. I figured the WWE would have had to educate their fans on Sting but I guess the older fans still remember him.

I'd be surprised if they can get one match out of him. I'd be fine with just a promo. I remember fans wanted Stone Cold to do a match for years and he finally returned at WM XXX just to do a promo.

If Sting isn't in ring shape to put on a great match, I wouldn't want to see the shadow of his former self in the ring or him facing Taker if he's not back to where he used to be physically.

Just give me HHH vs. Sting at WM. Biggest heel over the past 15 years vs. the legendary Sting
do you ever wwe moronic marks ever stop and give up STEVE STING Borden has a similar contract like GOLDBERG did a Legend deal only for his character likeness and trademarkshe is compensated for since he owns it . He won t wrestle he ll be back in TNA by next year so will Christian and ALberto del rio along with ricardo rodriguez lol
He is out of shape he won t be able to handle the cruel schedule wwe offers
HE won t wrestle period
I laugh my ass off when I see people and their we want sting bs. All day every day fans here at wrestlezone and all over TNA about using OLD talent...But your dying to see sting vs taker or some other old has been wrestler.

Your point is well taken, yet there's a big difference between using old talent as a small part of the production....and building your promotion around the old crocks, which is what most of the criticism for TNA revolved around.

In my opinion, there are a very few performers in pro wrestling that belong at the very summit of the sport's history. I'm talking about guys like Bruno Sammartino, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker and......eventually, John Cena. Sure, you could start naming more, but I'm referring to people so legendary that their appearance in a wrestling ring long after their active careers have ended will guarantee fan excitement. It's a very limited group.

Sting is one of these men; I don't believe there's any doubt of that. Plus, since Bruno has joined the fold, Steve Borden is the last of the immortals who have never appeared in a WWE ring. Don't talk to me about WWE-based video games or Sting t-shirts; I'm referring to the man himself standing in ring center, telling the fans how great it is to finally be here......and then getting involved in a storyline that will eventually make the fans flock to the PPV that addresses it.

Tell me, did Lou Thesz ever appear in a WWE ring? If not, it's too late to bring him in......but it isn't too late for Steve Borden. The demand is there.

C'mon, Stinger.
John Cena, Randy Orton, or Triple-H...
It doesn't make much sense. Why would he go after any of those guys, when he has said for time and time again that he wants to face only The Undertaker?
Also, he is the biggest guy that never worked for WWE (as we already know). He finally comes to WWE after all these years and he faces... Randy Orton? Or the guy that both Daniel Bryan has beaten and Roman Reigns would have beaten by then? Or John Cena, whose focus should be on the WWE World Championship? I just don't see the pay-off.
The most I'd go is having him attack random Main-eventers and Upper-mid-carders as a part of the storyline until Undertaker accepts his challenge. A match against anyone before the Wrestlemania match might lower his value or expose some weakness. And we wouldn't want that to happen.
In this era of near instant access to almost anything that has happened on TV at any point(youtube, WWE network, etc.) it's not difficult for the newer fans to know about older wrestlers. Give Sting any hype of being a big deal at all, and the new fans will hop on board.

However, Sting-Taker has passed IMO. Two old guys who are normally not on the show all year showing up for Mania? Nah. It won't even feel like they are part of the WWE. I want Sting vs. Bray Wyatt.....or Sting vs. Seth Rollins as part of a Sting vs. The Authority angle.
Yes, I agree. The stalking and hanging out in the rafters crow movie gimmick works when he has a group to go up against. Otherwise I think that may be seen as cowardly. Of course the announcers can always claim he is playing "mind games" with whoever his opponent is.

Let's say the Authority is in the ring bragging about how they took over wrestling and no group ever had as much power as they now do. Not DX, not the nWo, not the Four Horsemen, All great teams which you can see on the WWE Network for only $9.99. But the authority and specifically Triple H is wrestling now and everyone here should be thankful. We then see Sting in the rafters.

That one moment of just seeing Sting in the rafters would get so much buzz. "What are his motivations?" "Do you think he disagrees with Triple H?" "Some of you WWE fans may not know who that was, but you can learn all about what an impressive wrestler Sting was on the WWE Network for only $9.99." "The landscape of the WWE may have changed forever" - Michael Cole

I really don't care how good a wrestler he can still be. There are plenty of gimmick things they can do to cover less than great wrestling. It is Always, Always, Always about storyline, and the Sting character can be used to tell an interesting story.

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