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The Demand For Sting


Occasional Pre-Show
The demand for Sting has been overwhelming and much more than the WWE anticipated. Reports out of last nights raw in Houston said that there was a massive pop when the Sting video played and a very loud "we want sting" chant started. Houston isn't exactly WCW country either. There was even talk that Sting appearing for WWE at Comic Con was the big news story stealing thunder away from Marvel and DC at Comic Con. There is no doubt that Sting is going to wrestle one more match probably at Wrestlemania but is that enough? With the reaction that Sting is getting I think he should have a least a mini run with the WWE. He could debut in October or November and have a few matches before Wrestlemania. His opponents are obvious.....Cena, Orton, and Triple H.
No matter how hard it is spun, the demand for Sting is locked inside of nostalgia. If anyone watched his last several years in TNA, there would be absolutely zero demand for Sting in the WWE. He's awful in the ring right now.
No matter how hard it is spun, the demand for Sting is locked inside of nostalgia. If anyone watched his last several years in TNA, there would be absolutely zero demand for Sting in the WWE. He's awful in the ring right now.

Nobody cares. Everybody wants to see Sting wrestle. You know who nobody is missing? Daniel Bryan.
Nobody cares. Everybody wants to see Sting wrestle. You know who nobody is missing? Daniel Bryan.

To quote the audience last night when Brie got the upperhand on Stephanie. "YES! YES! YES! YES!"

:p I have no urge to watch Sting, if Daniel Bryan left WWE for a decade and came back there would be a huge pop too. I say keep Sting away from the wrestling angle, he can entertain all he wants but I don't wanna see a guy who's 50 or up wrestling. No reason changes my mind, Taker is my favorite wrestler and I'm fine him never wrestling again. Sting might be in shape but I seriously think there's no reason. Buy the TNA episodes and have him referee a match, use that to sell a Sting DVD and hopefully please the audience.
when sting finally appears on Raw it will be insane, hell I think by the general reaction they could debut him in any state and he would get a huge pop, but do it down south/california/orlando and the roof will go off.

Sting is the last of his kind, the only big name thats reached legendary status without ever needing any help from WWE. Never again are we going to see this. He is truly the last one, it will be an iconic moment for the man they call the icon.
Nobody cares. Everybody wants to see Sting wrestle. You know who nobody is missing? Daniel Bryan.

This whole post is wrong.

A. People that have seen Sting the last few years care. While I disagree that he is terrible in the ring right now he is pretty far away from the guy he was during his WCW days.

B. EVERYBODY does not want to see Sting. There are plenty of people who don't want to see him wrestle again. WWE or not.

C. NOBODY is missing Daniel Bryan? Also false. He still has plenty of supporters and people who want him to come back and be in the main event scene.

If Sting were to just make an appearance and promote the game and his dvd that would be enough for me. I don't wish to see him other than that. And even if he doesn't do that I wouldn't care.
No matter how hard it is spun, the demand for Sting is locked inside of nostalgia. If anyone watched his last several years in TNA, there would be absolutely zero demand for Sting in the WWE. He's awful in the ring right now.

He hasn't wrestled in 7 months, how can you conclude that he's awful right now? He didn't care in TNA and, thus, his ring presence suffered. He's been training real hard for that one last match in WWE. With very a very dedicated workout regime in 7 months, just about anyone can get in to great shape. Sting is a former bodybuilder, so he actually has an advantage. When he does step in the ring, he's going to surprise a lot of WWE fans that wrongly just assume he's going to be TNA Sting. To be honest, he will more close resemble Sting of the early to mid 90's (just with less hair and a couple steps slower). Remember, this isn't Undertaker we're talking about. Sting hasn't been nursing any nagging injuries. He's healthy and able to workout.
If anyone watched his last several years in TNA, there would be absolutely zero demand for Sting in the WWE. He's awful in the ring right now.

I have to disagree with this.

Sting is still capable of putting together a very solid match when he has a good opponent, and a story to work with.

He had good showings in 2011 against both RVD and Angle. He had a very good match with Roode at Victory Road 2011, and a nice outing versus Bully Ray at Slammiversary last year.

Present the right angle and let Sting work against the likes of veterans like Cena, Orton, Hunter, Taker, or even a guy like Wyatt who is a good in-ring storyteller for a young guy and could make for an intriguing build, and he may surprise you with a high quality PPV match that exceeds reasonable expectations.
when sting finally appears on Raw it will be insane, hell I think by the general reaction they could debut him in any state and he would get a huge pop, but do it down south/california/orlando and the roof will go off.

Sting is the last of his kind, the only big name thats reached legendary status without ever needing any help from WWE. Never again are we going to see this. He is truly the last one, it will be an iconic moment for the man they call the icon.

It really depends where. Because as we've seen so many times, a wrestler surprises or even is built up to appear on an 'x' date and the crowd is just atrociously bad. They ruin it.

That's why I love when the WWE goes to New York/Chicago etc or up into Canada in North America. They love their wrestling and let everyone know. And if someone appears the decimal radar is off the charts. Just how it should be and just what whatever wrestler that pops up deserves.
This is the misnomer...there IS NO DEMAND... there is at best an interest, a curiosity amongst older fans (who WWE have not catered to in a LOOOONG time) and kids who ask their parents "Who is Sting?" "Well Lil Jimmy, let's boot up the Network and I'll show ya!!!"

Sting has about ZERO to offer to WWE fans of today other than a fleeting glimpse of something that never happened... WCW IS dead... TNA is being CPR'd... Sting's career is basically the same to today's crowd...

So if they are going to go there.. they have to make him relevant.. the video game is a good idea.. get people into using him as a character, make him train his ass off (remember they were casting a body double for that commercial) and make him do a stint... if it's 6 months thats what it is... but it's house shows, the full schedule.. no Part time BS...

If he's not willing or able, fair enough, he becomes the enigma they never had... maybe make him the authority figure...but one match isn't gonna cut it with today's crowd... the kids will need one to even realise he IS a wrestler not just some old dude...

Don't get me wrong I loved Sting in his prime... his progarmme with Rude was in the top 3 EVER... but that's not this guy... those fans are not who watches now and there are not enough of us to care to make it work... Sad, but it's 5 years too late... and hopefully all sides realise it.
There is absolutely no doubt that there is a demand for Sting in WWE. Maybe it's nostalgia. Maybe it's simple curiosity. Maybe it's the people who are truly fans of his wanting to see him have one last run, however brief, in front of an audience on the grandest stage of them all. Hell, maybe it's a combination of all of this. But make no mistake about it, the demand is there.

I'm not so sure why people think he will be in terrible shape. Granted he won't be 1990's Sting, but he's had sufficient time to get himself back into reasonable shape for a man of his age. And the spectacle that will surround his debut, plus his ability to tell a story in the ring, his charisma, his mic skills, etc., will make his appearance more than plausible and entertaining. And I don't mean just one match at Wrestlemania: there's no reason to think he can't come on board for a year and compete several times on a few of the bigger PPV's. Clearly he won't compete every week on RAW, and won't endure the rigorous WWE schedule. But he can clearly do a Lesnar-esque schedule, easily.

I also don't buy the fact that no one will know who he is. That's nonsense. There are a lot of folks in the audience, whether it be in the arenas, watching on TV or on PPV, who are old enough to know exactly who he is. Those who are younger have parents, or grandparents, or older siblings or family members who can damn well tell them who he is. My son is too young to have seen Sting in his heyday, but I can assure you, he damn well knows exactly who he is, and he will be high fiving me when Sting walks out on some episode of RAW. And I doubt he's alone in that regard.

Plus, there's this new fan dangle thing that the younger generation seems to like. It's called the Internet. And on there, there's plenty of opportunity to go online and find plenty of footage of Sting from his prime. There's no reason to think that if WWE promotes him properly, which they seem to be doing, that the younger generation will be unfamiliar with him. It seemed to me that people knew who the Ultimate Warrior was. And they'll know who Sting is too. And they'll appreciate seeing him. Not as much as they would have 5-10 years ago, versus the Undertaker with the streak on the line. But there's a demand for Sting in WWE, I'm convinced of this. He'll be far more motivated than he was the last few years for obvious reasons, and the results will be there, count in it.
Maybe three years ago when the jump meant a lot more and we were all fooled into thinking Taker's return video had something to due with Sting as well but he resigned with TNA, Taker's streak ended and what do you do with the guy? He has absolutely no lineage with WWE which I guess adds to the intrigue but the man is in his mid-50s do you really expect matches out of him? I'll go as far as to say maybe only one and thats it.

Who would you pair him against and why? Are the other questions I propose. Taker, the main man people want to see him compete against and who Sting does have interest in wrestling may be done for good and is completely broken down. I guess you could put up against HHH or Cena but the story would have to be concrete. I'd love to see Sting put over Wyatt but would that be a program he thinks would be worth it? I see Stinger wanting a good payoff for the match he does work.

As for me I think seeing him compete in WWE has lost it's luster. It just feels a little too late for him now but maybe he will get that one WrestleMania match under his belt and officially call it a career.
I truly believe people just want to see Sting come out and get in a WWE ring. Regardless if he wrestles or not, the fact he signed and came onto live TV would finally seal the; "Will Sting ever sign to WWE?" questions.

Vince McMahon would finally get Sting, even if he's pushing 60. Still better than never getting him. I just want to see him in the HOF.
Everybody wants Sting, especially the "I'm-so-over-it" brigade who secretly cry themselves to sleep because Sting's not in WWE. Replace the tee with a Starrcade '97 sleeveless tee, get that thinning hair firmly combed back and covered in extra-hold spray, and let him go with Cena, Triple H, Orton, Jericho and The Undertaker. Maybe The Rock too. Sting, like Hogan, is an industry icon whose star power overshadows such trivial matters as wrestling ability. And at that, Sting is still passable, and could maybe even be good if motivated.
The dilemma with Sting is that long term, what do you do with him? If he debuts any time before the Taker match, how do you book him?

If he loses his pre-Taker feuds, he is viewed as enhancement talent and the Taker match loses it's luster. If he wins the pre-Taker feuds, he is a 50+ year old talent being pushed and built up when they don't even have a real top face or heel right now.

I personally think he should do the Taker match, and then be the General Manager/On Screen Authority Figure of the new TNA that WWE will have purchased and be running as a brand by January.
I personally think he should do the Taker match, and then be the General Manager/On Screen Authority Figure of the new TNA that WWE will have purchased and be running as a brand by January.

Possible. Despite 12 years of opportunities TNA has absolutely no stars other than WWE creation Jeff Hardy (Angle's out and has basically said he won't be re-signing), so there are no other TNA contracts worth picking up. On the Network though, people would probably pay to watch TNA footage dedicated to actual stars like Angle, Hogan, Flair, Sting, Hardy, Nash, Hennig, Punk, Christian, Booker and Steiner. The worthless home-grown non-stars need not be focused upon since there's zero money to be made from them; WWE can simply re-write TNA's history as a branch of WWE.
I can't believe people are saying there is no demand for Sting. I am a huge mark for Sting, but even those that hate him can't ignore the cheers he is getting from a commercial and Comic Con appearance. Plus they have other wrestlers including Triple H talking about him. And what makes Sting so old and ineffective in the ring, yet every year people can't wait to watch Undertaker. It's simple; there's money to be made with Sting so WWE will do something. The question is what.

***Warning Fantasy Booking to Follow***
A few years ago when they did Wrestlemania in Atlanta I thought the story should have been Sting getting inducted in the HOF and declaring himself the best in the business with HBK disagreeing & setting up a HOFamers match.

I would still love the see Sting vs HBK but I don't think that's going to happen. I think the best way to utilize Sting is him stalking and appearing from the rafters. He needs a group to go up against otherwise these tactics look cowardly. Thus I think Sting vs. the Wyatts may be a good feud if you wanted to do a long story. Then some bigger name at Mania.

And really who cares if the entire audience isn't familiar with Sting. The man looks cool. No one else looks like him. You really think it will take long for kids to catch on that he is a good guy and has a cool look and older fans are cheering for him so maybe I should too and and may I please buy that mask to wear too daddy?
I can't believe people are saying there is no demand for Sting. I am a huge mark for Sting, but even those that hate him can't ignore the cheers he is getting from a commercial and Comic Con appearance. Plus they have other wrestlers including Triple H talking about him. And what makes Sting so old and ineffective in the ring, yet every year people can't wait to watch Undertaker. It's simple; there's money to be made with Sting so WWE will do something. The question is what.

***Warning Fantasy Booking to Follow***
A few years ago when they did Wrestlemania in Atlanta I thought the story should have been Sting getting inducted in the HOF and declaring himself the best in the business with HBK disagreeing & setting up a HOFamers match.

I would still love the see Sting vs HBK but I don't think that's going to happen. I think the best way to utilize Sting is him stalking and appearing from the rafters. He needs a group to go up against otherwise these tactics look cowardly. Thus I think Sting vs. the Wyatts may be a good feud if you wanted to do a long story. Then some bigger name at Mania.

And really who cares if the entire audience isn't familiar with Sting. The man looks cool. No one else looks like him. You really think it will take long for kids to catch on that he is a good guy and has a cool look and older fans are cheering for him so maybe I should too and and may I please buy that mask to wear too daddy?

Here's the thing though: Sting will be 56 by time Wrestlemania this year and Taker was 49 last year. Taker had a streak to offer that has been around longer than quite a bit of the WWE target audience. I'm not saying Sting would underperform because I truly don't know that, but he'll be 56! In any other sport he'd be retired by at least a decade but in WWE we consider this safe? Taker is still banged up(granted Lesnar is more stiff than Taker from my understanding) could you imagine two guys who's ages added together makes 106 going at it? I mean while we're at it, let's have Hogan versus Flair too xD

Here's how I feel, Taker should never wrestle again, he's been doing it for so long and really there's nothing left he NEEDS to do, I know there's a huge uproar for a match with Sting but neither guy gains anything from it. Sting can be on TV as a GM or a talent guy or hell, if he's as good at promos as everyone claims, he can manage someone(maybe a Bo Dallas?).

Also, even if they put on a decent match you have to be worried for their health, Taker's legacy is set no use having him get injured again for a win or loss that pushes neither guy.
I agree. I think Taker vs Sting would not make for a very good match. The Taker vs HHH match was good because of all the story telling in the match. I think Sting will need the same. Story is everything for Sting. I think the WWE can go weeks, maybe 2 or 3 months just having a crow or black roses showing up somewhere and then Sting in the rafters. The man's gimmick was less is more and it was intense.

I hear Great Khali can barely walk out of the arena at night but they still work matches with him and know what to do to make him look strong. Sting is worth the WWE machine getting behind and doing something.

Again tell a long story with him and people will pay to see the match even if most people believe it will not be great.
There is a clear ratio of ability vs. magnitude of match for Sting and Taker.

The one holding this up isn't Sting. Despite what many people are saying on here (I think they are projecting the Undertaker onto him), Sting can still do enough to justify one more match for the amount of buzz and hype it would accumulate.

As for the younger generation? Correct, they don't know who Sting much is, just as they didn't know who Brock Lesnar was when he came back to F5 Cena on the RAW after Wrestlemania a few years ago.

What does that mean? When someone is deemed a "big deal" by not only the WWE, but by the older crowd, the younger crowd will get curious to know what all the fuss is about.

As for strictly an Undertaker vs. Sting match, and I'm not one who is begging for it to happen, why not slap a label of a "Legends match" on it? It would somewhat lower the standards, and acknowledge that it's much about nostalgia and not aiming to tear the house down wrestling wise. If they did that, multiple guys could have had return matches occassionally during a weak-card PPV, such as Hogan, Flair, etc. While we've seen them all so many times... seeing a guy wrestle once a year is a good thing. Plus, it boosts DVD sales and such.
Sting wrestling a Wrestlemania match will be HUGE!

He may be older, but he's still got it.

He could do the same thing Rock did and train beforehand and practice the script of the match and get his timing down. I think Sting will surprise people with how good his Wrestlemania match will actually be.
Sting wrestling a Wrestlemania match will be HUGE!

He may be older, but he's still got it.

He could do the same thing Rock did and train beforehand and practice the script of the match and get his timing down. I think Sting will surprise people with how good his Wrestlemania match will actually be.

What are you basing that off of? His last year of T-Shirt belly wrestling in TNA?
Granted he won't be 1990's Sting, but he's had sufficient time to get himself back into reasonable shape for a man of his age.

Then again, could that be what's holding things up? Personally, I've been waiting for this guy for a couple years now, since all those mysterious promos for WM28, with many of us guessing they were foretelling the arrival of Sting in WWE. In fact, it was later reported he was in negotiations to do just that.

At this point, the whole thing is becoming anticlimactic, no? What's the guy waiting for? If it's intended he wrestle a few matches, then time is surely his enemy......although if WWE is insisting that the guy whip his AARP body into decent physical shape for one more abbreviated run, it could be that's what's causing the delay. It would be understandable if Steve Borden wanted this too, not wanting to embarrass himself after finally showing up in the place that will put him in it's Hall of Fame.

I'll admit I'm getting less excited about Sting coming in with each passing month. Still, I'll also admit that all will be forgiven when we see him standing on the walkway to the ring.

Shit or get off the pot, Stinger.
You're assuming Sting wasn't just going through the motions the last couple years with TNA.

I have a feeling he will be signed and debut soon - probably around the time the new 6 month payments are due for the WWE network. Either at Summerslam or around the time of the next PPV.. Maybe even the RAW before the PPV having it end with Sting up in the roof pointing his bat at Brock Lesner so people buy the network to see what happens at the PPV

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