"The Death of WCW"

I didn't think it was that bad of a read, and agree with Sly with the overly positive Ric Flair talk and the overly negative Hogan talk.

Bischoff had a good thing going, but WCW died when they fucked up Starrcade 97. How in the holy fucking hell did WCW blow the best storyline of the last 20 years. This botchery lost all of WCW's credibility and still pisses me off to this day, damn you WCW.

I don't necessarily disagree with you here, but could you elaborate on what specifically WCW botched regarding Starrcade 97? And specifically what did it have that had it riding high before the event? Hogan-Sting by itself?
They made Sting's win look like a fluke because Hogan didn't want to "hurt" his character. He wouldn't do the clean job because he is a dick.
I don't necessarily disagree with you here, but could you elaborate on what specifically WCW botched regarding Starrcade 97? And specifically what did it have that had it riding high before the event? Hogan-Sting by itself?
I will.

Before we begin, it's important to remember one thing. Bret Hart had just come to WCW, riding a HUGE wave of momentum, thanks to the Montreal Screwjob incident. WCW had the biggest free agent of the Monday Night Wars, the man who was going to bankrupt Vince McMahon...and promptly did NOTHING with him. They wasted him. Completely. One of the greatest wrestlers of his time, and he never got in the ring. He did nothing. Because of him doing nothing, he was randomly put as the special enforcer for the Sting vs. Hogan match. This is important to remember.

From nearly the very moment the nWo arrived, they were booked as completely dominant, and generally better than WCW. They ran through the entire WCW roster, making just about everyone on the roster look inferior to the nWo.

Except for one man. Sting.

Sting was the lone WCW guy whom the nWo feared. He was the lone guy they couldn't get to cross over to their side. Sting was the one man who had the nWo's number. And, at Starrcade vs. Hulk Hogan, Sting, the savior of WCW, the man who wrestling fans all over the world were salivating to give Hogan his due, was finally going to step in the ring, and WCW was going to triumph once and for all. Starrcade 1997 was the PPV where WCW was finally going to put the nWo down once and for all. It was the most hyped and most anticipated PPV since Wrestlemania 6. WCW was finally going to prevail.

Except they didn't. Time and again, the nWo escaped getting their come uppance. Time and again, WCW couldn't take advantage of the nWo. But, it really didn't matter because Sting was still coming at the end to save the show, and WCW.

Except he didn't. From the opening bell, Hogan generally dominated Sting. He generally took Sting to task, and Sting, who regularly took out 10 members of the nWo single handily, suddenly couldn't take down one man. Sting's offense was minimal. Finally, they come to the biggest botch in history.

Hogan bounces off the rope and hits his Atomic Legdrop. Nick Patrick gets down, and counts. 1-2-3. Sting was legitimately pinned, and the fans were stunned. But, there was a catch. Bret Hart, who was the special enforcer in a desperate attempt to have him do something to earn his $3 million dollar a year paycheck, kept the bell from being rang, and said over a piss poor mic that he was screwed last month and that he wouldn't let someone else get screwed tonight. The problem with this was that no one got screwed. Nick Patrick was supposed to have done a fast count, but did not fast count at all. In fact, it was a normal count. However, the show had to go on, so alleging a fast count, Bret Hart restarted the match. Meanwhile, the entire time this had gone on, Sting had been layed out. Suddenly, he gets up, hits a couple of moves, and wins the title.

The problem was that Sting's win had already been ruined, and the legitimacy of his win was severely in doubt. Instead of having Sting come out, kick the holy hell out of Hogan's ass, and get a win which would cause the crowd to go absolutely bonkers, they instead had a match which killed the crowd, where Sting got pinned cleanly, and then picked up a win in a rematch he shouldn't have had.

It was terrible booking, and ruined over a year's worth of storylines. And, the buyrate for Starrcade was enormous, indicating how much people were ready for Sting to come in and be a complete badass, and it didn't happen.

It was the beginning of the end of WCW.
In a nut shell, the whole of WCW and every major storyline circled around WCW vs. the NWO, and Sting vs. Hogan at the epicenter. This match should have ended the NWO and left it disbanded for ever, and honestly, it should have probably been Hogan's last match in the main event in my opinion. Sting should have carried the torch and ultimately drop the belt to Goldberg the next year. Sly will go into more detail, but that's my opinion.
First of all Sly...thanks for the entire Tony Schiavone-esque play-by-play of the entire Starrcade 97 main event. I know what happened. :) But the commentary was nice. I think it could have worked, had Patrick done a fast count and had Sting and Hogan battled legitimately at the end. But your desire for a Sting domination would have been very satisfying.

In a nut shell, the whole of WCW and every major storyline circled around WCW vs. the NWO, and Sting vs. Hogan at the epicenter. This match should have ended the NWO and left it disbanded for ever, and honestly, it should have probably been Hogan's last match in the main event in my opinion. Sting should have carried the torch and ultimately drop the belt to Goldberg the next year. Sly will go into more detail, but that's my opinion.

Woah woah woah woah woah.

You're telling me that WCW should have disbanded nWo forever? Seriously? The faction that single-handedly brought Vince to his knees? Hmmmmmmm. I think that would have been a major-league disaster. WCW would have been out of business WAY before 2002.

nWo was the most impactful stable in wrestling history. It made WCW legitimate and pulled the brand into the non-wrestling mainstream. Every day at school, some kid would be wearing an nWo t-shirt. Marketing gem.

Sting win cleanly and dominantly? Yeah. But then have nWo go back after Sting and punish him the way that the nWo had done to everyone else. THEN, bring Goldberg into the mix to strike fear into the nWo.
I believe in less is more with professional wrestling. You ride somethign while it's hot, but you don't run it into the ground. Why did people crave a DX reunion nearly ten years later, because at the height of its best run, Shawn Michaels was injured and left people wanting more. The NWO had a good 18 month run, but there were just as many members as there were months of existence. The NWO by that time had run it's course and people needed a break. Instead, the botch of Starrcade happens, and the nWo splits in half. What's even more ridiculous, Sting and Luger join a version of the nWo after fighting it for almost two years.
First of all Sly...thanks for the entire Tony Schiavone-esque play-by-play of the entire Starrcade 97 main event. I know what happened. :) But the commentary was nice. I think it could have worked, had Patrick done a fast count and had Sting and Hogan battled legitimately at the end. But your desire for a Sting domination would have been very satisfying.
The Sting domination was paramount. I mean, obviously the match couldn't have been a squash, but WCW fans were DESPERATE to have someone they could back, the good to battle against the nWo evil (remember that when I talk all the time about how wrestling is, and always will be, the battle between good and bad). WCW fans NEEDED the incredibly strong, can overcome all odds figure, because they had seen the nWo do it for so long.

WCW botched that match, and botched it bad.

Woah woah woah woah woah.

You're telling me that WCW should have disbanded nWo forever? Seriously? The faction that single-handedly brought Vince to his knees? Hmmmmmmm. I think that would have been a major-league disaster. WCW would have been out of business WAY before 2002.
WCW kept the nWo around and was STILL out of business WAY before 2002. They were bought in March of 2001. ;)

nWo was the most impactful stable in wrestling history. It made WCW legitimate and pulled the brand into the non-wrestling mainstream. Every day at school, some kid would be wearing an nWo t-shirt. Marketing gem.

Sting win cleanly and dominantly? Yeah. But then have nWo go back after Sting and punish him the way that the nWo had done to everyone else. THEN, bring Goldberg into the mix to strike fear into the nWo.
The problem with this was that Goldberg was actually a diamond in the rough. They didn't know the man would catch fire so quickly and so fully. But, Sting, on the other hand, they groomed for a year and a half to be like that.

What's amazing is how they botched not one, but TWO, chances to have a super babyface mega draw. First Sting, and then Goldberg.

And then people want to tell me that Russo was responsible for WCW's death. It's ridiculous.
I personally agree with BOTH Sides of the argument. I do believe that Eric and Russo BOTH killed WCW..why do i think that. yes from the moment that Scott hall showed up on Nitro everyone knew we were in for a show, the heel turn of the century of hogan was masterful. but they screwed up the nwo by letting ANYONE that wanted in..in.they should have stoped at 10 people most just enough to control all the divisons.

Then the Starcade debacles two years running and Eric was out..Russo in to save, and he should have after everything him and Ferara(spelling??) helped do in WWE they should have easily fixed most of the problems but they droped the ball, with all the reformations of the nwo, millionaires club, new blood...so on so forth. they should have just got back to the basics and got away from the dominating supergroups and left teams at two or three max. no to mention get the likes of Hogan, Flair, Hall, Nash, and the other old goats out of the main events.

so basicly how is see the death of W.C.W. is this Eric Bishoff loaded the gun yes....but Vince Russo was the dumb @$$ that pulled the trigger. <BR><BR>

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