The Current State of the WWE Product (Your Opinion)


Dark Match Winner
As Wrestlemania season kicks in to full swing, what is your take on the WWE product? What changes need to happen in your opinion in order for the WWE to improve to your liking? What things are they doing well and not so well?
I'm overall happy with WWE apart from a few small things:

1. The promos sometimes feel too scripted, allowing the wrestlers to form their own vocal personality will make any promo feel more enthralling

2. The intensity of feuds & matches seems to be lacking since the "PG Era" started, which makes them feel like they are scripted more than they are real. Re-introduce some of this lost intensity to make them more exciting & it will make the fans more involved with the storyline by feeling the hatred with the wrestlers.

3. They seem to be splitting up more tag teams than they are making, allow tag teams to last more than a year to keep your Tag Team Division going.

4. WWE seems to be stuck in a universe of it's own, not acknowledging wrestling companies much & feeling that talent they make themselves is better than those who haven't. Mix the two together, allow us to feel that this is real; even if Kayfabe doesn't exist anymore. Allow all wrestlers the chance to succeed regardless of which company they were at before, don't make the politics an issue

5. Due to the rise of gimmick PPV's, the names & the matches within them have made the PPV's look less intimidating & more like "just another show on the payroll" for the wrestler. Return them to what they once were & to give them more meaning & significance so that when these matches come... they are worth something to us fans.

I do like that WWE is allowing guys of all sizes to get exposure for the belts & that newer guys are getting the chance to prove themselves. Matchwise most matches are ok, although the slow pace of some of them needs to be corrected, as it shows that some guys aren't that good in the ring.

WWE are doing ok, getting me interested & keeping me interested. However things like I have stated above restrain me from completely liking the product
They need to get rid of the PG! Because blood, sex and cursing makes a product the best damn thing ever!

Sorry just had to show how stupid that is of reason to why WWE is doing bad.

For me I'd like to see:

1. better promos. Get someone to train them better, or stop scripting the damn promos.

2. No gimmick PPVs.

3. Develop characters and stars better by winning clean once in a while and don't go the route of a Sheamus title reign.

4. Work on the divas. A 4 minute match doesn't show any potential, or point, so try and build them up so they can go longer and work better.

5. Get another good guy, who is young and up and coming, the title. The only "new" stars to win a title have been bad guys. Cena and Orton being champion all the time is annoying.

6. Stop with the less than 20 minute title reigns. Dolph Ziggler having the title for 15 minutes had no point.

7. Having different looking guys. As it's been said before, it's like a cookie cutter system in FCW.

8. New title belt for the WWE Championship. Cena's rapper gimmick ended 4 years ago. I know it doesn't spin anymore, but they probably just taped it or something. It's just as stupid as someone like The Rock or Triple H using the Smoking Skull belt for their title reigns.

9. No celebrity performances at Wrestlemania anymore that are non-america the beautiful (since they don't do the national anthem).

Kid Rock's performance is a perfect example of this at Mania 25, when they could have used that time to put the Unified tag title match on, and actually introduce the Divas who were there for a one night only match

10. Have a world title change in May for once. There hasn't been one since 2002 for both titles. Or have a WWE title change at Summerslam (hasn't happened since 2002 either).

The Rock. Say what you like about the hype revolving around the 2/21/22 promos, the return of Booker T and Nash, the imminent returns of the Undertaker and Triple H and the road to wrestlemania. The Rock drew 1,000,000 extra viewers within minutes of returning, HE is what has spiked the ratings, HE is the one those extra million people want to see and HE is the reason wrestlemania this year will garner the buyrates it will. His return on the first night was simply breathtaking, the response he provoked out of Cena was a genuine breath of fresh air and (despite a crowd of ******s in Buffalo not reacting) his promo via sattellite on Raw was one of the best ten segments ever seen on WWE programming IMO. The Rock is the main positive of WWE right now and I am big fan of how they seem to be keeping the face to face with Cena until the big night.

John Cena. The face of the company, the reason the majority of the other 4,500,000 tune into raw, whether it be to hate him or love him, he puts asses in seats and will continue to do so long after The Rock has gone back to nestle into Mickey Mouse's billion dollar buxom. We sit here and talk about him, either because we love his Hustle, Loyalty, Respect gimmick or because we believe that one day he will have a crystal or two of kryptonite stuffed up his short-jean wearing ass. He is the main guy in WWE, has earned it and is over.

The Streak. Man will they miss this when it's gone. It sells, and will continue to sell tickets for as long as Mark Calloway has enough limbs to crawl into the ring. At this moment in time, with wrestlemania beckoning, it's one of the top 3 money-makers WWE has on their hands right now, and more importantly to us as fans, it's something that means something to us. The streak is probably more over than Taker himself.

The potential of CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Wade Barrett, Mistico, Alberto del Rio, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger etc. or the youth movement as it has become affectionately known as, the new breed, the next wave, the whipper snappers, the thumb suckers.....well, you get where I'm going with this. We're about 15 months into this initiative, and in my opinion, it's finally beginning to come good. Ziggler has finally come into his own, CM Punk is the current Chris Jericho in so far as that he can win or lose at this stage and it wouldn't matter a damn, he's made it and will be at the top for the next 5 years. Swagger is now involved in WWE's longest running feud going into mania, John Morrison is John Morrison, despite what people say on here about WWE mishandling his run, I disagree, the day he finally wins the WWE title will mark the day the youth movement is no longer the future, but the present. Mistico, along with Del Rio is going to make WWE fortunes in Mexico. Drew McIntyre is finally gaining a little momentum with a feud (or at least a series of matches) with the World Champion. These guys are finally starting to show what they can do, now it's up to them with how they carry their characters and how they rub creative. I hope they succeed, too.


2 28 11 Monday night raw's burial of the aforementioned potential of the youth movement. As mentioned before, The Rock drew 1,000,000 or so extra viewers a few weeks ago. A million new customers to the brand. A million people that have continued to tune in ever since. A million sets of eyes on a bunch of guys they don't know along with The Rock, Triple H and the Undertaker who they probably do know or at least have heard of. And what do they do? They have Triple H come out and tell these million new viewers that nobody in the back deserves to be in the most important match in mania. That, and I quote "Nothing else will matter at wrestlemania". He buried the entire roster in front of one million new viewers. They had the chance to tell the world that they've got a locker room full of incredible talent, of new superstars to go hogwild on the new era of wrestling, and he buried each and every single one of them. What the thinking was here, what the longview was here and what the fuck they were trying to say by scripting that is as beyond me as it must be you. But if I were one of the fans that had just tuned in and heard him say that before he squashed a 6'6 monster, a 2 time WWE champion, I wouldn't be too worried about becoming emotionally invested in any of them. I guess only time will tell just where they're going to go from WM onwards.

Title-prestige. Wrestling, since day one, has been built on one main draw. One main prop that brings the whole thing together...the holy grail of wrestling, the dream that brought them to the dance, winning championships. And they don't mean a thing in this day and age. I watched Vintage this morning and saw a WWF title match between Bob Backlund and Jesse The Body Ventura. And I knew that that match meant something. I have no idea if they feuded beforehand, I have no idea if Jesse called Bob a fruity pebble a week before, I have no idea of Bob rapped to Jesse that morning about how he could "blow him like a pinwheel"....all I knew was that these two guys were fighting for the WWF title and it meant something. It meant something to the crowd, it meant something to the commentary team, it meant something to the wrestlers. And it worked. Just like it works in UFC, just like it works in The Superbowl, just like it works in the world cup.....these guys wanted to be the best. I can't remember the last time I watched a modern WWE title match and really felt like it meant something. Well, sorry, I do, it was at Wrestlemania and he who shall not be named beat Triple H and HBK in a triple threat match. A long time ago. The world title/WWE title need to be brought back to the forefront of programming and have them mean something again.

Booking/Creative. Things have gone stale....what's been done has been done, redone, rehashed, repackaged and been made as redundant as a hand in Mae Youngs britches. We want something new, we want something we can be emotionally invested in, we want to be entertained by something other than a midget learning english and a giant with a kisscam. Just start writing shit we can enjoy. There are hundreds of sitcoms, shows, series, news stories, movies, musicals etc. etc. that come up with something new and exciting everyday for us to enjoy. Why have we been stuck in the same groundhog day of storylines and gimmicks in wrestling for 15 years now? Do something new. And if you can't do something new, do something we can at least believe in and care about. I don't care what it is, but please, a 4 year old child could write what you're writing right now. You have the viewership now, you have the stage, you have the opportunity to bring wrestling back to the centre of pop culture's radar. Just don't mess it up!!
The past two years have given me a lot of hope with the amount of talent coming through - it had been so stale for such a long time. They still have a lot to work on though and here's how they could get it done.

1) Give up on Orton/Cena

They have the talent to be at the top of the card but neither can carry the federation, now or in the future. Make the Rock an offer he can't refuse or push someone else like Wade Barrett - it has to be done.

2) Reintroduce quality tag team wrestling

The one thing TNA has right now over WWE is high quality matches; tag team wrestling has evolved and it gives a card much needed variety

3) Stop playing "pass the parcel" with the World Title Belts

The WWE seem to think that the only way to give someone a push is by giving them the strap. This is a mistake - people like Jake Roberts, Andre The Giant and Ted Dibiase never needed it; it isn't necessary and devalues the championships greatly. I can't believe that Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger and the Miz have all held the belt, that makes my heart very heavy as a longtime wrestling fan.

4) Stop ignoring history

Mr McMahon, you've won. There are no more federations to topple or conquer, don't hold grudges. Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Ric Flair and to a lesser extent, Chris Benoit, played an enormous part in the longevity of your company. Don't "write them out" - it's insulting to the memory of people who have invested their time in your product.
1) Title prestige which has already been mentioned

2) Increase the shock value. While the internet demolished the traditional method of shocking the audience with suprises, double crosses, etc....there are other ways to shock the audience. Bret Hart winning the U.S. title when everyone else thought it was his last night on Raw was certainly shocking and something no one saw coming.

3) Abandoning feuds too quickly. I was REALLY into the Cena/Barret-Nexus fued as it was starting. Had Nexus continued there dominance, I think it could have grown into an excellent stable - perhaps not nWo caliber, but certainly an Evolution or something.
If this was aked a year or two ago (and maybe it was and i missed the thread) i would of told you how stale the WWE had gotten with the repetitive storylines of John Cena and Randy Orton and so on. However the past year the product has been much better with Randy Orton's face turn and the "youth movement" bringing in differnt storylines. My only hope is that their momentum can't keep going forward and not end up becoming stale itself. Their are however a few things that should change....

1. As the matches for Wrestlemania have begun to take shape the midcard titles are lost in the picture. Will they even be defended on the show? Daniel Bryan came out this week only to be buried by The Miz, when in a Raw full of promos maybe he should have came out and laid out an open challenge for the U.S. Title. Last week a feud was teased between him and Sheamus so they may be the match we see. Personally i would of had Bryan lose the title a month or so ago to Dibiase due to Maryse interference and built that up to Wrestlemania. It may have helped Dibiase get over and gain some heel heat.

On Smackdown Kofi just had a match at EC with ADR, now Swagger is involved in the Lawler/Cole feud so where is that gonna leave Kofi and the Intercontinental title come Wrestlemania? IMO the belt should be around Cody or Rey's waist as it would show a decent storyline with the belt involved to add some prestige to it.

2. As of the moment there has been no mention of a Money In The Bank match. This may mean that it won't take place at Wrestlemania this year and they'll save it for the ppv of the same name. Personally I feel this should only be a Wrestlemania match and not its own ppv. I would set up a tournament to see who advances to the match ultimately ending with the match as...John Morrisson vs R-Truth vs Sheamus vs Drew Mcyintire vs Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger...if you want to go 8 then throw in Chris Masters and Tyler Reks and if Morrisson doesn't win have someone unexpected like Reks win it. This match would really help move along the "youth movement"....someone could be substituted for Kofi if he actually has a title match in the card.

3. I never would of had Triple H return the same night as The Undertaker. The Undertaker could of came back on Raw and said it was time once again to defens his streak and he has his eyes sent on the person behind him getting buried and on Smackdown he would let the world now who it is. On that Friday he could of came out to confront Wade Barrett but Trips music would of came on and he would of came out and said something along the lines of your gonna have to put your beef with Barrett on hold cause after watching you end my best friend's career last year, this year you got to play The Game. This could save a Barrett/Taker feud to lead up to Summerslam where Taker could put Barrett over without giving up his streak.

3. The last thing is the Rock's involvment, mostly with Cena. The Miz is the champ and he has the promo skills to build this feud to Wrestlemania however he is playing third wheel to Cena and Rock now. Its as if the higher ups are saying sorry kid your not gonna sell. He's being used as a pawn. I don't know if it was scripted for The Rock to single out Cena in his return promo or not but now no one wants to see Cena vs The Miz, they want Cena vs. The Rock. I have a feeling this one wasn't thought through all the way. Miz vs Morrisson probaly should of been booked once it was so obvious that no one is gonna care about Cena vs. The Miz now. Instead of this being about Miz proving how awesome he is or isn't which is what the storyline should be, its about when are Cena and The Rock gonna get physical with each other which may not happen at all.
Let me just get the negatives out of the way.

Too scripted with the promos. Not enough actual matches on the weekly shows. Often times, they hire wrestlers that are simply too generic looking. They need to do a better job selling the secondary PPVs as well as the Summerslams and Royal Rumble to an extent.

That being said, I love quite a bit recently.

I love the emphasis on younger talent. It's overdue in some ways and it's needed. No storylines are every original. Everything's been done in wrestling, truthfully. That's fine. It can still be done well. However, to keep it fresh requires some luck, a bit of creativity and some new faces.

I also love that this young talent isn't all generic. Some has a generic look, but it's generally trying to have a good balance of athleticism involved. Such as Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Alberto del Rio.

Another thing that interests me is that they have gotten rid of the overusage of squash matches. One here or there is fine, but there were two or three every Raw for quite some time. Now, it happens but it's less often it seems.

I like the long reign of Daniel Bryan as well. While that has a lot to do with the fact that he's a favorite of mine, I also like that regardless of who it was, it COULD lead to a very important/interesting feud in the future. Possibly after WrestleMania.

The PPV matches have gotten better as well. And I'm enjoying the lead in to this years WrestleMania. The Rock is a nice bit of nostalgia, as well.

That being said, let's get in on the 2k
I been watching for 14 years and have to say wwe sucks big time these days. I can barely watch the shows anymore.

Easy stuff - No more Raw GM, take title off Miz, he sucks

1.Get rid of the comedy in wrestling. No hornswoogle, no santino, no dance contests, pointless segments. Funny diss style promos are okay but not used often in a serious feud.

2.Stop pushing new talent so quickly, give them time to grow, Stop this run of paper champs. (Miz,Sheamus,Ziggler) Take the time to make them stars, don't try to make them a star by giving them the title when you know they are not ready. Only give the world title to people who were built to be champions and actually proved their worth.

3.Get rid of ppv gimmicks. Gimmick matches like HITC are supposed to be special so you use them as little as possible. Only put the best built feuds worthy of it in this match.

4.Use all the talent on your roster especially your veterans. Who cares that Goldust and Regal are in their fourties they are still very talented and have something to contribute to the show. Use them to get people over. Dont just have them be jobbers for weekly raw. Put them in high profile fueds for the secondary titles to bring back credibility to that scene and give young stars and true chance to shine as they gain experience from the vets.

5.Bring back blood. Its ridiculous, this is a wrestling show not ball room dancing. Stop hiding something that happens naturally. If someone gets wacked upside the head with a mivrophone they will start to bleed. WWE Stop treating your audience like idiots. Blood helps make matches more memorable and intensify a fued.

6.Stop refering to your talent as superstars, and fans as the universe. Bring wrestling back into the show. Stop disrespecting the sport of wrestling.

7.Be creative. Stop using the same predicatble formulas. Why should the MITB holder always win ? How about letting them lose sometimes, that will bring more animosity into a feud, because a heel may feel cheated if he dosent win, and that will really set him off.

8.Fueds need better storytelling and more animosity need to be involved. The fueds needs to be more personal.

9.Make heels more edgy, Ziggler,McIntyre, Barrett are way too generic and their characters come off as way too bland and wimpy next to bad asses like heel HHH, Orton, or Edge.
Same thing for babyfaces kofi and morrison are too soft. Kofi is like a 2011 version of rocky mavia, he just smiles. Move more towards an edgier product not 1998 but atleast better than only marketing the product towrds kids.

10. Focus on bringing back the tag-team vision, and if you really care about mistico bring back cruiser-weights. Everybody on the show has a part and give them their part. All these pieces are crucial to having a successful product. In 2000-2001 pherhaps WWE most succesful year, they had a part for everyone.
The PG-rating has nothing to do with the intensity of the matches or feuds. Bret/Owen, Shawn/Razor and that whole crew had some of the most intense matches and feuds ever and they were in during the family-friendly era. The matches seem secondary nowadays. The Titles even seem worthless because there are so many. The tag titles aren't important. The mid-card titles seem less like less than a stepping stone that they used to be and less prestigious. Guys are given titles before they even get over, and when they bust they just throw them back down into the system and some never recover.

It took Shawn Michaels 8 years after he joined the WWF (1988-1996-- and that was 10-plus years after he started his actual wrestling career), 4 years as a singles competitor who won the IC and tag titles-- to win the world heavyweight title and it seemed like the biggest and most legit victory and one of the biggest deals in the WWF world.

The problem is the whole "WWE System." All the young guys and new guys all start in WWE system and are groomed by WWE and their program, so everyone ends up looking, sounding and turns out the same. In the older days guys came up through separate, small no-name territories, worked all over the place for a long time, worked hard from the bottom up, learned from their surroundings, learned from all the experienced wrestlers and bookers around them, and learned from their own experiences. Then they ended up in the big-time WWF after paying dues and developed their character.

Now its just-- Start in WWE developmental and then get shoved down the viewers' throats. All the guys look the same, act the same-- It seems like there is no individuality. The promos are entirely scripted, even all the words, and these new guys don't know how to inject their own spin on it because they aren't brought up that way. The characters are bland. I know its not necessarily all the wrestlers' faults, but the bookers and creative should know better and teach these guys better-- Vince should know better. That matches aren't as exciting either.
I love the influx of new talent and hope they continued to be pushed toward the current logjam at the top of the food chain.

The WWE needs some new faces at the top of the card. It would better for them, and better for the Cenas, Ortons, Edge, and Mysterios of the world.

Variety is the spice of life. Orton and Cena are established enough as names not to need to constantly be in the main event picture.

This fan would prefer a Miz/Morrison match for the Championship to Cena getting championship match number 12,000.

And how about charging the creative staff with being, ya know, creative!

How many young talents have to pay the price for creative failing them and having no plans for them? Isn't the creative department's job to create identities and storylines for the wrestling talent to work with?

And stop with the 'cookie-cutter', wrestling computer names for these guys for cryin' out loud!

Give your wrestlers an identity, something fans can relate to. Rocky Maivia failed miserably, but the Rock was pure gold! The Ringmaster stunk, but Stone Cold Steve Austin did pretty well. And what does HBK stand for? That's right the self-proclaimed Heartbreak Kid, an identity other than just Shawn Michaels.

Not looking for the next Goon or TL Hopper, but a little something to differentiate one guy from the next isn't too much to ask.

Have somebody sit with Matt Striker for a few hours. He can come up with more descriptive adjectives in a few minutes than your creative staff has - like forever!
My opinion on the current state of WWE is this. It's very good.

There are a truck load of young talent who will be here for the next ten year's or so. Many of them will win multiple title reign's and Wrestlemania matches. TO think of what WWE will be like in 2015 is awesome. Guy's like Barret and Ziggler being champion's, Cena being the verteran Undertaker-like guy. Orton, hell Orton's only 30, he's got a long carer ahead of him still. Sure, guy'sl ike Undertkaer, Triple H, and Vince McMahon will probably be gone, but it'll still be great to see the rise ofm any top contender's.

Cena is phenominal right now. From his promo's, matches, and holy hell, his pop's are insane. Say what you will about his gimmick, but he's going into veteran status as far as I'm concerned.

You got guy's like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Sheamus, and Drew McIntyre who are still very young in their career's.

Sure, there are the negatives, watching Migillucuty cut a promo, seeing Natalya wrestle, John Morrison.

But, the positives outdo the negatives. RAW has been very good thel ast few month's, Smackdown is doing very good in the rating's, and Elimiantion Chamber was a great PPV.

Sure, there's no blood, no chairshot's to the head, no badass heel's, no "prestige, honor, respect." Well, really, how much prestige is in winning a fake title?

Oh, and as Scuba 06 posted. "Stop refering to your talent as superstars, and fans as the universe. Bring wrestling back into the show. Stop disrespecting the sport of wrestling."

Well, don't wanna start a huge 5 page arguement with you, so I'll keep it short and sweet. Pro wrestling is not a sport! Never was, never will be.

To quote Vince McMahon "Wrestling promoter's have to tried to sell this as a real sport. Sport? It never has been.I can along and said what are you talking about, this is the greatest theatrical event in the world."

Anyway, back on topic. The current state of WWE is good where it is. Sure, the guy's like Austin, and HBK are gone but, you gotta move on.

Oh, and 1 other thing. PG is here to stay for a long while. Until TNA either get John Cena, or ROH become's get's a TV deal and somehow become's huge, PG is here it stay for a long while.
I like where the WWE is right now but I would make a few changes.

1. End the brand extension. The WWE is too watered down for it's own good right now. I get that it was necessary when the talent was there. They had a huge roster when they split the brands. Now that they are gone the brand extension has allowed them to introduce new stars. Now those new stars are in place, let them fight with everybody on the roster and not just half of it. New feuds, potential stories, and exposure on both shows for everybody will help in the long run.

2. Cut the amount of titles in half. This goes along with ending the brand extension. Imagine how the world title picture would look if you had both the Smackdown main eventers and Raw main eventers going after the same title and all gunning for each other. It would be in great shape instead of the stale same three or four people on each show going at it. Same with the midcard titles.

3. Focus more on actual wrestling. I want to see what the new guys can do but they're completely limited to strikes and signature moves in a 5 minute match. On the two hour weekly shows there is prolly only about a half hour of actual wrestling. The promos need to be more concise and heated instead of an intellectual argument all the time. It's old now.

4. Faces can lose clean. It's the only way to build a good heel, and as most of the new younger guys are heels, its the only way to make them look legit and get them over. They can still use dirty tactics but everytime a heel wins nowadays they don't look strong, they look lucky.
I think the current state of the E is in terrible shape. granted they have some up and comers on the horizon that will be here for a long time but the guys that have put the butts in the seats are all leaving or will be leaving very soon...HHH, Taker, HBK, Edge, Mysterio...etc

Honestly how many of you were really looking forward to Wrestlemania until the Rock showed up.

No one really wants to see Miz Vs Cena, or Taker Vs Barrett come on.

Next year's Wrestlemania will be pivotal if its Takers last. It has to be Cena at least to take him on as the only viable person to stop the streak.

who wants to watch Nexus vs Corre at mania.
Del rio, I mean these guys all have potential but i cant stand to see them on the screen for very long.

Why else did vince bring Nash, Booker, Trish, and the Rock back??? He knows his product is suffering right now and that is the only band-aid right now to fix it. They need to start making good on some of the young guys soon or it might to late to fix.

The ones that could bring in a draw and have the charisma and look need to be pushed not staypuft KOR Sheamus.
You've got to be smoking something if you think the WWE is getting better. 2009 and 2010 had amongst the lowest ppv buyrates in company history. Weekly Raw ratings average in the low 3's, not terrible but sure as hell mediocre compared to the ratings 99-03.

Come on guy open your eyes and stop being a wwe apologist. I am first and above all else a wrestling fan. I like WWE when its good but am not going to just go with the flow when they constantly make poor decisons.

If you think WWE has been so great lately why did they have to change every ppv but the big four. Now they cant decide whether to get rid of Survivor Series, a classic event. They think the concept is outdated. Its more like their ideas of late just suck. Now every ppv has to have a gimmick. Now we have speciality matches that used to be 'special' like hell in a cell like 3 times a year. Supposedly more gruesome matches and no one bleeds. Hilarious. How about on raw, didnt we just have a whole year in half of celeberites taking superstars time on raw ? What was the point of that ? Maybe cause there is a lack of talent on the show ?

Did you ever think the lack of talent was because WWE has done a poor job of building stars over the last few years. There is a bright spot in CM Punk. Kennedy and MVP were getting pushed the way you're supposed to. Then they just dropped em. Christian, a solid performer who is way over, how bout him ? No we have to punish him. Then they promote guys to champion who aren't over and never wrestled in main event before they won the strap. Loved WWE's idea of rookies, who are promoted as such, beating the vets, that's real credible, right ?

The PG era is limiting how stars can build their mic skills and character. Kofi and Bryan will never be able to be successful if they can project some emotion. The WWE heels like Ziggler are too generic and similar and no one will take them seriously in the long run, if they dont find a way to stand out.

This WM card as it looks to be is amongst the worst ever. On paper, Del Rio/Edge & Cena/Miz are amongst the weakest title matches ever, right there with JBL/Cena and Yoko/Hart. We went from Hart/HBK and Austin/Rock to a guy who is essentially wwe version of david arquette, who is sneaky. Sneaky champs ? I thought mania was about best vs best. And on the other hand you have a guy who has been on roster less than 8 months and had his first singles bout on wwe ppv last month. These guys are main eventing mania, just sad.
-wwe is doing alright, but new talent (that arent heels) need to be pushed to get big, cause, yeah wwe is doing good cause of veterans, but all veterans leave eventually, so vince should either start making guys big, or squeeze every last drop out of wwe and call it quits (of course this second option is a joke).
-they need to teach new talent better promo skills, they need to give names like john morrison, christian, chris masters, mason ryan, skip sheffield (if he ever returns), sheamous, and some others guys more of a push, drop all the veterans winning titles and getting bigger, give some to deserving people (so anyone who isnt the miz).
-wwe needs to work on their storylines as well, they are getting bleak, and it sucks.
You've got to be smoking something if you think the WWE is getting better. 2009 and 2010 had amongst the lowest ppv buyrates in company history. Weekly Raw ratings average in the low 3's, not terrible but sure as hell mediocre compared to the ratings 99-03.

Come on guy open your eyes and stop being a wwe apologist. I am first and above all else a wrestling fan. I like WWE when its good but am not going to just go with the flow when they constantly make poor decisons.

If you think WWE has been so great lately why did they have to change every ppv but the big four. Now they cant decide whether to get rid of Survivor Series, a classic event. They think the concept is outdated. Its more like their ideas of late just suck. Now every ppv has to have a gimmick. Now we have speciality matches that used to be 'special' like hell in a cell like 3 times a year. Supposedly more gruesome matches and no one bleeds. Hilarious. How about on raw, didnt we just have a whole year in half of celeberites taking superstars time on raw ? What was the point of that ? Maybe cause there is a lack of talent on the show ?

Did you ever think the lack of talent was because WWE has done a poor job of building stars over the last few years. There is a bright spot in CM Punk. Kennedy and MVP were getting pushed the way you're supposed to. Then they just dropped em. Christian, a solid performer who is way over, how bout him ? No we have to punish him. Then they promote guys to champion who aren't over and never wrestled in main event before they won the strap. Loved WWE's idea of rookies, who are promoted as such, beating the vets, that's real credible, right ?

The PG era is limiting how stars can build their mic skills and character. Kofi and Bryan will never be able to be successful if they can project some emotion. The WWE heels like Ziggler are too generic and similar and no one will take them seriously in the long run, if they dont find a way to stand out.

This WM card as it looks to be is amongst the worst ever. On paper, Del Rio/Edge & Cena/Miz are amongst the weakest title matches ever, right there with JBL/Cena and Yoko/Hart. We went from Hart/HBK and Austin/Rock to a guy who is essentially wwe version of david arquette, who is sneaky. Sneaky champs ? I thought mania was about best vs best. And on the other hand you have a guy who has been on roster less than 8 months and had his first singles bout on wwe ppv last month. These guys are main eventing mania, just sad.

I don't give a shit about the rating's. The show is great. (Your probably call me a hypocrite, bu let me explain. TNA has shit rating's becuase it's a shit show. WWE's rating's are consistent 3.2 or higher. In Hindsight, WWE is better.)

Anyway, so what if their buyrates are low? They have many sponsor's and advertiser's, merchandise sales, and show's to keep them up on the top of the money value.

Yes, I have opened my eyes. There show is a consistently good show. Sure, there may be a few ok, or bad shows, but for them ost part the show's are throughly enjoyable, good wrestling, and they continue on the storyline's. 2010 was a great year in WWE, 2011 is shaping up good too. Sure, it's not the same it was 5 year's ago, becuase it's the transition period. Their grooming younf star's to stay fro the next ten year's.

You mentioned guest host? Well, um, it's 2011. And their no longer here anymore.

Poor job building star's? So, they did a poor job building CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barret, The Miz? 2 Former CHhampion's and 2 future Champion's. Christian has a very low probablity to ever be Champion. He's a veteran being used to elevate young talent.

MVP, I doubt we've seen thel ast of him in WWE. Anderson can kiss my ass! That self-center, lying, blaming everyone else prick! Anderson had potentional, he blew it when he got continuosly shot down by a shitl oad of wrestler's and botched like hisl ife depened on it. I mean really, he dropped a man on his head.

Please, please do NOT compare The Miz to David Arguette! The Miz can acually wrestle in the ring. Arguette was just used for Russo's "shock value" braindead thought process. Miz is talented and play's a great heel. Arguette should have never been in a ring.

The guy who has been on the roster for 8 month's is very talented, has a lot of potentional, and was a face of a Mexican promotion. Seriously, Del Rio has all the credential's to be a very good champion and big time player in the future.

Cena/Miz, weak? That will be one hell of a match. Del Rio/Edge, only thing I'm waiting for is Dle Rio to win the World Championship.
The WWE is taking "the safe path that leads ever downward into stagnation", to quote a great author. (Rep for the first person who knows who.) They aren't taking any significant risks creativewise, because they don't have to. What they're doing is resulting in the same weekly ratings, and they're currently in an expansion process overseas. As is often said in business, if you aren't growing, you're dying; the WWE seems to be focusing on international growth as their American growth seems to have plateaued.

EDIT: To say they aren't taking any risks isn't quite accurate. NXT was a novel concept, although they should have just ended it after the first season. The second season was pretty awful (my user title is an homage to one of the worst promos in the history of professional wrestling, delivered by Michael McGuillicudy (and I know I misspelled that- if your fans with college degrees can't spell your wrestlers' names without looking them up, you might have erred in character design.) I don't know anyone from the 3rd or 4th seasons. Tough Enough could work, as the reality TV pony hasn't quite been ground to dust yet.
My opinion of the current state of the WWE is its doing real good. I am enjoying this years "Road to WrestleMania" a lot more than last year, mainly because I am going to my first WrestleMania, but having The Rock back also helps. If I was going to change things around I would do this:

Tag team wrestling, when I was a kid and first got into it, if you couldnt be "Hulk Hogan" or "The Ultimate Warrior" nobody had a problem with being "Hawk" or "Animal". What I am trying to say is that when I grew up tag teams seemed to be almost as big as the single main eventers. I enjoyed gearing up to watch L.O.D. vs Demolition as much as I did watching Hulk vs King Kong Bundy. The division meant something, tag teams were paired together and kept together for a long time. I can't stand it when established singles wrestlers tag together and win the gold, only to disband after their rematch is over, makes me sick. Anyway I figure everyeone is getting my point on WWE's Tag Team Division, maybe they should have a Tag Team tournament with WWE Tag Team Legends some how being involved, with new tag teams debuting so its not just the few they have now.

I also am a fan of stables, been one since the nWo and DX. I was totally shocked and enjoyed watching The Nexus come out for their first time and the few weeks after that, but they lost a lot of momentum since their initial month. I thought that with the addition of CM Punk that it would boost The "new" Nexus, but it still has not done it in the way that where your guessing "who is going to join them, what are they going to do this week?" type of buzz that nWo and DX had. With that said I would wish that they would keep the initial momentum that the stables generate and not let it die down to where they "job" predictably, I didnt mind it when the nWo guys looked out matched only to have the nWo come in for the save or just destroy the opponent.

I am sure I could come up with a few more but I will just leave it at that, I am overall very happy with today's WWE.
Well most of the promos suck and I will high light a good example.

On smack down when kane had the back stage confrontation with core surrounding him, they all stare at each other then kane says..

'what do you want?'

I mean seriously, is that the best, these high paid creative script clowns could come up with? Kane is some deranged monster, and they get him to say that? Thats something a 12 year old would write, and sums up the promo styles these days, dumb, corny, flat, unimaginative, no creativity.
I don't give a shit about the rating's. The show is great. (Your probably call me a hypocrite, bu let me explain. TNA has shit rating's becuase it's a shit show. WWE's rating's are consistent 3.2 or higher. In Hindsight, WWE is better.)

Anyway, so what if their buyrates are low? They have many sponsor's and advertiser's, merchandise sales, and show's to keep them up on the top of the money value.

Yes, I have opened my eyes. There show is a consistently good show. Sure, there may be a few ok, or bad shows, but for them ost part the show's are throughly enjoyable, good wrestling, and they continue on the storyline's. 2010 was a great year in WWE, 2011 is shaping up good too. Sure, it's not the same it was 5 year's ago, becuase it's the transition period. Their grooming younf star's to stay fro the next ten year's.

You mentioned guest host? Well, um, it's 2011. And their no longer here anymore.

Poor job building star's? So, they did a poor job building CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barret, The Miz? 2 Former CHhampion's and 2 future Champion's. Christian has a very low probablity to ever be Champion. He's a veteran being used to elevate young talent.

MVP, I doubt we've seen thel ast of him in WWE. Anderson can kiss my ass! That self-center, lying, blaming everyone else prick! Anderson had potentional, he blew it when he got continuosly shot down by a shitl oad of wrestler's and botched like hisl ife depened on it. I mean really, he dropped a man on his head.

Please, please do NOT compare The Miz to David Arguette! The Miz can acually wrestle in the ring. Arguette was just used for Russo's "shock value" braindead thought process. Miz is talented and play's a great heel. Arguette should have never been in a ring.

The guy who has been on the roster for 8 month's is very talented, has a lot of potentional, and was a face of a Mexican promotion. Seriously, Del Rio has all the credential's to be a very good champion and big time player in the future.

Cena/Miz, weak? That will be one hell of a match. Del Rio/Edge, only thing I'm waiting for is Dle Rio to win the World Championship.

Are you kidding ? I throw actual facts and data at you, and you say "I dont care about the facts". I see at the bottom of your post. It says, how can TNA be a success with the same ratings for 7 years. Wait, I thought you said ratings didnt matter ? Lets go by your same logic. How is WWE a success if their ratings have been rapidly declining over past 10 years. Dude, if you wanna settle for mediocrity, thats fine but to say the product is great is truly laughable. I mentioned all the major changes WWE has had to take to get people to watch and you totally ignored it.

Transition period ? Did we refer to the time when Orton,Cena,Batista,Edge, or Rey got to become the faces of the company as a transition period. No, they got over big time and it's only because, they were built in the traditional sense that had each of them have a steady rise to the top. The fact that we are refering to this period as such, or as a youth movement reflects the very fact that WWE didnt plan for the future. They still hadnt built a a group of stars ready from 3 or 4 years back who were just phased in and accepted as big enough name to be a mainstay at the top.

Guest host ended ? How bout the Rock ? Are you that blind to see that his face is in all the promtions, and his name is being touted and being built around him playing a significant role in the main event. Did it ever occur to you that he is there because that match and this card is so weak. I thought you wanted to move foward, so why go backwards, bringing back stars from the past ?

You act as if putting the belt on someone to help them get over equals success. Where is Swagger at now, how bout Sheamus ? Miz, people are still questioning why is he is champion and you want to headline your biggest show. The facts show the guy dont draw. All of these didnt draw, because WWE didnt build them into big names. They were pushed straight more midcard to Champion. Where was the transition of fighting in the main event for a while to build your character and craft. None of them got time to build up their name value and get over with the fans. Thats why the buyrates are so low. The guys who are supposed to be the main attraction are virtually no names. Now WWE just throw stuff on the wall and hope it sticks.

WWE is doing things that reflect short term gains, not long. They are making desparate and outhere decisons. WWE is not doing the math. If you thought you were sick of Orton and Cena being in the main event, get used to get for the next 5-10 years. Kofi and stars like him who arent allowed to build their character because of pg will never get elevated to the next level. WWE will only make and is only making heels, many of which will be booked like chumps for Orton and Cena. So you will have a disproportion of heels to faces, and the same guys on top again. This is what you are asking for to continue on this same track of mediocrity.
Rayne to answer your question it is the Author of the Dune books Frank Herbert. I totally agree with you WWE is playing it to safe and getting the exact same results. Really do i care about half of the roster right now.......NO. Would it bother me if they left or retired or quit or anything......NO. In fact i was one of the few people that really did not like how the Nexus got it start, i did not like the angle or the begining of it. I understand that by attacking THE Big Dog (John Cena) it automatically makes them heel and gives them instant credability. I think they could have drug out that scenario better and kept the storyline longer.....It was rushed. As much as i like CM Punk why is it that everywhere he goes he needs a group/band of people with he that much of a pansy ass. Maybe he is the mordern day Mr. Fuji or the Brain I dont know, speaking of them we need some good managers again not that bastard running around with Khali. They do have guys that can be good not using them right.
I love the influx of new talent and hope they continued to be pushed toward the current logjam at the top of the food chain.

The WWE needs some new faces at the top of the card. It would better for them, and better for the Cenas, Ortons, Edge, and Mysterios of the world.

Variety is the spice of life. Orton and Cena are established enough as names not to need to constantly be in the main event picture.

This fan would prefer a Miz/Morrison match for the Championship to Cena getting championship match number 12,000.

And how about charging the creative staff with being, ya know, creative!

How many young talents have to pay the price for creative failing them and having no plans for them? Isn't the creative department's job to create identities and storylines for the wrestling talent to work with?

And stop with the 'cookie-cutter', wrestling computer names for these guys for cryin' out loud!

Give your wrestlers an identity, something fans can relate to. Rocky Maivia failed miserably, but the Rock was pure gold! The Ringmaster stunk, but Stone Cold Steve Austin did pretty well. And what does HBK stand for? That's right the self-proclaimed Heartbreak Kid, an identity other than just Shawn Michaels.

Not looking for the next Goon or TL Hopper, but a little something to differentiate one guy from the next isn't too much to ask.

Have somebody sit with Matt Striker for a few hours. He can come up with more descriptive adjectives in a few minutes than your creative staff has - like forever!
Thank you. This post sums up how stale and counterproductive the product is. You give Bryan the US Title, yet 2011 has proven why I can't take this guy seriously as a main eventer(other than his name). Jobbing to the Bellas?

Why couldn't they have Miz/Morrison for the title given their history? How could it hurt? Throw everything at the Rock and Cena to make that match happen. Nope, I can see it now: SuperCena gets the win and Rock holds up his hand as the confetti flies down.

It's the same old predictable, standard "safe" crap they've been doing for years. Overscripted, childish promos with the same guys in the main event. And the new guys who are "sharing the spotlight" are either too green, not over enough, or just weren't that good to begin with(why not MVP, Carlito, Shelton or JoMo first?).

They need to somehow deliver on this ppv, especially on the Raw side. If they don't, the hiatus I took from wrestling in 06-07 would be nothing compared to this.
Well, I'll make 'the short list'...

1) Elaborate figures - Pretty much, no more Austin's, Hogan's or Rock's (normally, he's back only ATM.)

2) In Ring Promos - Just no. They're too scripted, and well, plain crap.

3) Prestigious Titles - No one could want the WWE Title looking like that. And, no back bone to the title, no one could care.

4) Tag Team Division - The Uso's? Sanction and Koslov? SERIOUSLY? Bring in NEW tag teams, which can develop!

5) Give the titles to people who have been in the business - NO MIZ, OR SHEAMUS, OR ANYONE ELSE NEW! Give them time to grow as a character properly!!
(1) I would stop the brand split. Put the entire roster together and drop SmackDown. Have the wrestlers work a 9/3 or 10/2 schedule. Either 9 months or 10 months working and 3 or 2 months off time. There are enough people available to make it work. Plus it would force the issue of pushing the same old people.

(2) Assign each wrestler someone on creative to work on storylines. If you have --for instance-- 70 wrestlers and 10 creative members then each creative writer would write for 7 wrestlers each. Hold creative accountable for at least offering up fueds.

(3) Revive the tag team division. And make them extreme. Create a cage match or stipulation match just for that division. Every PPV should have a tag match on the card and promote it. No temp teams either. Get the newer guys and have them match up with someone who can help them even out the rough spots.

(4) The Return of the valet/manager. No it's not working out with DiBiase but then again nothing is working out with that guy. Revamp the Diva matches and in the mean time have them interfere with matches, distract the referees and make mischief.

That's all for now....

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