The current state of the Smackdown Tag devision?



I can't seem to understand what keeps happening to the Smackdown! Tag Team devision. The WWE seems to jump in and both kill even recently created teams and somehow figure out how to introduce new ones like they're changing underwear. The Smackdown tag titles have almost less credibility right now then the Raw ones do (and that's not saying much) Is there any actual logic behind this?

In the case of MNM, making them job to Kendrick and London before being split to different shows was an insanely stupid idea; with both Mercury and Nitro not even getting the slightest push towords any type of credible singles career - they are basically wasted tallent still occupying old, washed up gimmicks.

Now, they completely missed the oportunity to jump at Jeff Hardy and stick him with a tag partner, either on Raw or on Smackdown - and are hoping that he can substain himself long enough in a Singles career, while completely ignoring Matt Hardy who is doing absolutly nothing right now but jobbing to a midget in a Lucky-fucking-Charm's outfit.

Where do they think they're going with this?
i seriously dont know... i dont think they care about the tag div. anymore... i just cant think of an answer... they need to reunite the worlds greatest tag team on raw due to benjamin and haas doin nuthin... and the hardys on sd! other then that i see the tag div dieing
The "Worlds Greatest Tag Team" is another example of what I'm talking about, though I have to say that Shelton was doing great in his own singles push for a very long time and it looked like he was even getting better on the mic, they completely killed that; and once again we're left with two singles guys with nothing to do.
i really think that the wwe is just trying to kill the tag div. all together... they have so many great superstars that could be great tag teams... and they just put them on heat or not on tv at all like benjamin,haas, matt hardy, carlito, they could even use orlando jordan
I think the problem with SD tag team division (if you can call it that) is that they keep taking CW's and putting them in tag teams.

Flames Out
well i like the team of london and kendrick... but how can they beat the gymini and the team of kash and noble sucks... they should put kash on ecw
Eternal Dragon said:
I don't even think they should have a tag team division on SD- keep that on Raw and put the CW's where they belong.
Flames Out
in my opinion, even if the hardys reunited what would it accomplish, only one tag team together, they dont have anygood opponets, the new talent could make some great tag teams, every new tag team to sd gets a title shot, idol stephens, london kendrick, pitbulls. mnm, LOD( w/ hedenriech). Its bullshit, i understand this tho, like theres not much for the creative team to work with, so they think, they could make some legit-ass-tagteams. Like I wouldnt mind lashley teaming with someone, All im saying is like, if they bring back the hardy boys, yeah it would be cool, of course, but then, There competition will be london and kendrick, and those weird idol and stephens. There not gonna be reviving this anytime soon, Like i dont like the ecw thing either, hella good talent went to ecw, but they dont have as much power as smackdown, angle gone, big show, rvd. If the ecw didnt go down imo, Rvd and mysterio would be a kickass tagteam and they could do some other stuff. But i know ecw is not ending soon. Thats just my say in this
zero said:

Well, what I'm trying to say is that their should only be on tag team title- and thats on Raw. Just like the women's division is on Raw and so on. They should keep the tag teams on Raw and instead of constantly putting CW's in tag team just keep them in the CW division. That way we can see great tag teams on Raw and great CW's on SD.

Flames Out
yeah, I agree. Plus, they should bring back the Hardcore championship in it's place. It would be just like the old days when you could pin the champion anytime and anywhere. A new champion would come out every week, even in Velocity. The European Title should come back as well.

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