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The Cruiserweight Championship


I'm better than you!
Ok, so i was thinking about some of the guys that could really make this division if WWE ever wanted to bring it back in:

- Evan Bourne
- The Brian Kendrick
- Chavo Guerrero
- Gregory 'Hurricane' Helms
- Jamie Noble
- Kofi Kingston
- Primo
- Charlie Hass
- Curt Hawkins
- Zac Ryder
- Kung Fu Naki
- Tyson Kidd
- Rey Mysterio (if he wanted)

Now, I was thinking that WWE could use this title as ECW's mid card title or something. Or even a title that can be defended on all shows like the unified tag titles. The championship could give guys like Helms, Noble, TBK and Kofi a title to hold before being pushed. Or, if they are never going to get a shot at a world title or even the IC and US titles they have at least a title they can hold. Guys like Noble, Fu Naki, Hass etc are never going to hold another title but bring back the cruiserweight championship and it opens up a whole other exciting division.

Now, I've been against adding more championships like a lot of you probably feel but I've started to feel like now would be a great time to bring it back. You have guys like Tyson Kidd or Even Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Primo who are all very exciting superstars on the up and this would be a great title to begin their journey. It just seems like lately if there were a cruiserweight division currently active then it would be a pretty exciting division.

I was just wondering on what all your guys thoughts on bringing back the title. I see good and bad parts to bringing it back but thought it was at least worth a good discussion and see what everyone else thinks.

I like this idea. Especially since as of late a lot of the news guys that the WWE is bringing in aren't in that 240-280 pound range that they used to bring guys in. Guys like Kingston, Bourne, Tyson Kidd, etc are all relatively light-weight. Even people like the Miz, Morrisson, and Hardy can get in on the action if they wish to do so.
Yeah i see what you're saying. I've just been finding lately that there is a great amount of talent in some of the smaller guys yet they'll never get any kind of a title shot. The cruiserweight would be a good championship, even if use as a bit of a filler for push's. Like have Bourne win it before moving onto the IC then the WWE title or something.

I just think it would be a very exciting division if brougt back today.
WWE should bring back the Cruiserweight Championship! Especially since their competition TNA has the X-Division, which brings some of TNA's most exciting matches. Many middle and upper card matches seem to just drag lately, and wrestlers like Evan Bourne, Jamie Noble, Hurricane Helms, and others are just being matched up against wrestlers with uncompatable styles. How many more David VS. Goliath matches can WWE do? Injecting the Cruiserweight Championship back into the WWE can inject a style that not only brings more excitement to the WWE, but it's a style the PG audience will enjoy (kids LOVE Rey Mysterio and his lucha libre style)
I thought there was no point retiring the championship at all in my opinion. I loved that division, and the crusierweights we got now are all great candidates (You forgot about Jesse by the way). I would like it to return to ECW and have the same prestiege as the US or Intercontinental...
I guess the only reason that it's gone is because they wanted to make room for the Diva's Championship. And since that turned out to be the dumbest idea, we should bring back the Crusierweight.
the only problem i would see with this, is it will be nothing more then a filler. very little story telling will be told with it (which i guess isn't a bad thing.. WWE!!) and most/all matches will last no more then 5-7 minutes. look at how WCW and TNA have booked their light heavyweights.. some amazing matches have emerged.

i guess right now i'm 50/50 for it.. all about weighing up the pro's and con's of it.
Bringing back the cruiserweight championship now, while TNA is growing is the worst thing WWE could do.
If WWE brought back their cruiserweight division, it would be like they're directly competing with the X division. And comparing the WWE's crusierweight divison to the X Division is like comparing a Big Mac to filet mignon. (I assume that's accurate, I've never tried a filet mignon but I've heard good stuff about it.)

If WWE brought back the cruiserweight division, TNA would see this and push their X Division like crazy. WWE would lose that competition.
No, there's no point, it's pretty much a paper title, noone really cares who is Champion.

However.... Do I want to see more Cruiserweight style matches? Hell yeah, when Rey Mysterio was in his prime, he was one of the highlights of the show, guys like Kidman, Tajiri and Paul London were all superb to watch, I'd say that it was probably one of my favorite bits of the show. However, they don't need a title to showcase it, just get some really quick guys who can do all sorts of flying moves that are aesthetically pleasing and it's a winner for me.

"IF" it's a case of no title then no Cruiserweight matches, then I'd probably be pro-Title, but it's really a meaningless title, noone cares who has it, and any speak of a "push" coming from such a useless belt is nonsense, but I'd like to see a greater array of cruiserweight talent on WWE Programming.

As for it being shite compared to the X-Division, I wouldn't be making comparisons, and most fans wouldn't be either, I've seen a good 2-3 months of Impact and haven't seen much in the way of highflying, some guy doing a flip over the ropes is as edgy as it gets, not to mention, noone watches TNA anyway.
The fact that WWE got rid of the crusierweight title was idiotic. And the fact that they now have this dumbass divas title is ridiculous. WWE is brain dead to make such a choice. I would love to see it back in the WWE and defended on all the shows..get rid of the Divas title, whats the point of having 2 womens champions when the same 6ix actually compete in the ring everyweek. no point.....BRING BACK THE CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE!!!!!!!!!!
Cruiserweight matches would be really exciting to watch, and a belt would make having them more worthwhile, but I think the problem is that the WWE is afraid classifying guys as cruiserweights immediately makes them look weaker.

For instance, Kofi Kingston the wrestler can beat the giant monster Kane, no problem, but little cruiserweight Kofi Kingston could never beat a super heavyweight. I don't know for certain, but I just get the feeling that the WWE is worried that once they classify someone has a cruiserweight, that immediately takes away any main event credibility.
If the WWE brought back the Cruiserweight/European Championship back I think we could see much more development and interest rise for the 'not so popular stars'. Currently, if you are in the WWE you are really only popular if you are in the main title race. However, I remember when they had the European/Cruiserweight Championship you really got to know many more of the other wrestlers and were able to see the potential up-and-coming guys. This title was a fantastic first start for new wrestlers to obtain as it gave them much more credibility, also it separated more of the different 'levels' that wrestlers develop into before trying to grab 'the big one.' This would be a fantastic idea to bring back. Also, after seeing what wrestlers would be in this division, one can clearly see that it would be a very competitive, exciting divisions to watch.
No, WWE does not know how to push a crusierweight division. That is something that only WCW and TNA knew how to do at one time. The WWE is not willing to push the title so it would not work, not even on ECW. Hell ECW has one title and they can't push that title right. The WWE needs to focus on the titles they have now like fixing the weak tag team division that got weaker when the tag belts were "unfied." I mean what happen to people saying that putting the titles together would save tag team wrestling?
I love cruiserweights but unless the WWE is serious about pushing the actual division then bringing back the title is utterly pointless. It'll just be another piece of hardware floating around that devalues the already established titles. The fewer titles there are the more important the ones that do exist actually seem.

Midcard title for ECW? ECW is pretty much exclusively midcarders and there are only about a dozen guys on the roster. Are you going to tell me that a dozen guys with one hour of television a week need TWO titles to fight for?

As far as defending it on Superstars so everyone can compete for it... why? That's what's going to make the tag title special. Everyone wants the brand split to stick but all the title would do is blur the lines.

Heck, when has the WWE ever been serious about pushing the cruiserweight title? Jacqueline and Chavo Classic held it and the belt ended up on Hornswoggle. No offense to Jackie but come on. The closest the belt ever came to being pushed was Helms holding it for over a year but even still if he ever got into the ring with the U.S. or World Champ he was demolished.

In an ideal world ECW would have two hours a week and the roster would be bigger and full of cruisers so the belt could be deemed necessary. But I just don't see that ever happening. The ways things are now and the way history has been seems to dictate that bringing back the cruiserweight title now would do more harm than good and would be utterly pointless.
I don't think it's gonna happen. The cruiserweight championship ended up just like the light heavyweight championship, which I think is even better to bring back. I mean there are plenty of light heavyweights that can go for that. But yea, the cruiserweight title isn't gonna come back, but I agree with you that it would be a good title for ECW, because that show needs all the help it can get. And, I agree with anyone who thinks the divas title is a gay idea, it looks like plastic, a toy, just like the WWE championship.
I don't see this happening at least until Vince steps away from creative. He loves big guys, he despises crusierweights. This is one of the reasons why the title never worked. He only brought it back (the LHC) to compete with WCW, who were pushing luchas like crazy.

After the takeover, he combined the titles even using the Crusier title instead of LHC, probably because it had more prestige.

He finally ended the division when the roster was depleted due to injuries/creative. The best thing that happened to the title was Gregory Helms but then his neck happened. And they probably were going to move him up to the US Title tier because of his sucess.

If they brought it back, they still wouldn't know what to do with it.
I have seen posts on here that the cruiserweight title is a paper championships and I couldn't disagree more. If you watch old WCW nitros those matches are generally the best match on the card and even if title reigns are short it still matters who holds a title. Especially if the title is made for a specific type of wrestler who will have a difficult time winning other gold. I did not watch much Smackdown in the 03 04 era but they had some great storyline's for the cruiserweight championship. Spike Dudley being the boss, Nunzio had the FBI backing him up, Tajiri had Jimmy Wang Yang and whoever else. It was a stable war and the stables were all headed by cruiserweights. The storyline's were good and the matches that delivered at the end were always great. I think the point is also missed that not all cruiserweights wrestle the same style so there are options for many different types of matches. Noble is very good with submissions and working the ground game, much like Malenko. There are various high flyers but we havent' gotten to see what they can do very many times because they are booked in a way that sees them get destroyed by large men, as they should. But if you are going to have guys like TBK on the roster and Vince knows they are very talented why not give them an opportunity to showcase that talent. BRING BACK THE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP.
I have no idea why they dropped that championship. That was a very bad decision. What else do guys like Evan Bourne, Jamie Noble, Brain Knedrick and Kung FuNaki have to fight for in their weight class?? They'll just end up wrestling in filler matches and possible being teamed up with a random wrestler and form a new team.

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