The Cruiserweight Championship should be brought back on Superstars


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've been thinking lately about how a good way to bring back the Cruiserweight Championship would be and I've come to the conclusion that if ever brought back it shouldnt be brought to neither RAW ECW or Smackdown! but Superstars. I know its a show which features superstars from all three brands but it couldnt be on RAW because RAW is so filled up with main eventers and The US title barley gets TV time as it is. ECW is simply to short to have 2 championships and Smackdown! could work but i doubt it. I mean think about it we could get a nice Cruiserweight title match every Thursday from lightweights from all 3 brands. I feel the Cruiserweights especially TBK are very underused and this could help them get TV time. And I dont no about anyone else but i was a big Cruiserweight title fan and i miss the matches dearly. What are others opinions on this? and i apologize for my poor grammer i'm very under the weather today
the WWE doesnt need any more titles at all because they dont use the ones they currently have properly so what would be the point of having another title?
They wernt able to to properly use the two sets of tag titles they had, so they unified the titles. How many PPV's take place where you dont even see all the current titles defended on the card? We have the US and IC title aka (the middle card) and a bunch of Talented MID Card wrestlers and half of them dont even make it on TV.

Why you ask? because they dont have the time

no more titles
Simple answer No. Their is no reason for them to bring the cruiserweight title back. unfortunately most cruiserweights are used as jobbers. The WWE is already having a difficult time properly using the titles they have Ex: US Title. I am a big fan of the cruiserweight division, but it is not a good idea. Plus they already got rid of it because they never used it on TV or at PPVS.
I think they should....After a few new tweeks though.

1.Get rid of the Divas Championship have that not with the Shitty womens division theres no point really.
2.Instead of it being a superstars title make it a ECW title it could be cool.
i am also a fan of the cruiserweight title but i do understand that there is just no place for it in the wwe right now and if it did get brought back the belt wouldnt ever get any tv time nor ppv time so it would just suck.......BUT i say they need to turn that stupid allstars show into the diva "slash" cruiserweight show and only showcase that type of talent then you could bring that title back and drop one of the girl belts so to be only two belts on that show,and making the show in its self an hour longer would be nice,ecw too.I know it sounds like a crazy idea but it just might work lol
I think they should....After a few new tweeks though.

1.Get rid of the Divas Championship have that not with the Shitty womens division theres no point really.
2.Instead of it being a superstars title make it a ECW title it could be cool.

ECW would be my choice for the proper place to bring back the Cruiserweight division. Personally I would like to see creative make the cruiserweights something that is specific to ECW only. This would be an intelligent way to elevate the brand, separate it from RAW and Smackdown by giving it some distinguishing quality, and more than anything else it would give otherwise unused or misused stars the opportunity to work legitimate programs.

Jamie Noble, The Hurricane, Brian Kendrick, Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne, the list goes on. It's not like WWE are hurting for talent that would both do the Cruiserweight style of ring work justice.

You might be asking yourself, "how are they going to get people to take the little guys seriously?" Simply put, they should bring the title back and put it on one of the most legendary and arguably greatest cruiserweights to ever step between the ropes.....Rey Mysterio. He's beyond his heavyweight competition days, it's difficult to buy into the "ultimate underdog" gimmick anymore, and more important than any other reasoning: If he's unhappy and on his way out the door, at least let him pass the torch to another up and coming smaller competitor *cough*Evan Bourne*cough* before he leaves.

However, in closing, even if they do bring back the CW title and revamp that division for whatever will never measure up to what WCW had in the pinnacle of the company's existance. I'm talking about when you had names like Rey, Juvi, Benoit, Malenko, Kidman, Guererro, etc. all tearing the house down on a weekly basis for the right to compete for the title.

Would love to see it, but at the same time would hate to see WWE disgrace something that hooked me on wrestling to begin with.
Just remind me again, why does Superstars need a title?

The thing is, because superstars does not have a title people see it as a no show. It has nothing to gain from being on th air and nothing to strive for. For me, Superstars is doing just fine. It allows people to come from Raw, Smackdown and ECW to further their stories and just make a decent show. Superstars does not need a title because it is not a brand. All the brands have titles but make no mistake, Superstars is only there as a stepping stone onto other things. I personally didn't like the cruiserweight championship anyway because I thought that when it was around there wasn't a good enough array of cruiserweight talent to compete for it. Now that the brands are exclusive, I don't think there is enough opportunity for any person to actually win it. I think if it was to go anywhere, it should go to ECW, give them a few more cruiserweights in the draft and make it a two hour show. That would be the most reasonable way of doing it I think.
ECW would be my choice for the proper place to bring back the Cruiserweight division. Personally I would like to see creative make the cruiserweights something that is specific to ECW only. This would be an intelligent way to elevate the brand, separate it from RAW and Smackdown by giving it some distinguishing quality, and more than anything else it would give otherwise unused or misused stars the opportunity to work legitimate programs.

Jamie Noble, The Hurricane, Brian Kendrick, Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne, the list goes on. It's not like WWE are hurting for talent that would both do the Cruiserweight style of ring work justice.

You might be asking yourself, "how are they going to get people to take the little guys seriously?" Simply put, they should bring the title back and put it on one of the most legendary and arguably greatest cruiserweights to ever step between the ropes.....Rey Mysterio. He's beyond his heavyweight competition days, it's difficult to buy into the "ultimate underdog" gimmick anymore, and more important than any other reasoning: If he's unhappy and on his way out the door, at least let him pass the torch to another up and coming smaller competitor *cough*Evan Bourne*cough* before he leaves.

However, in closing, even if they do bring back the CW title and revamp that division for whatever will never measure up to what WCW had in the pinnacle of the company's existance. I'm talking about when you had names like Rey, Juvi, Benoit, Malenko, Kidman, Guererro, etc. all tearing the house down on a weekly basis for the right to compete for the title.

Would love to see it, but at the same time would hate to see WWE disgrace something that hooked me on wrestling to begin with.

I actually agree, as I have said that for some time now, myself. I think there is an American audience out there for a Cruiserweight/Lucha Libre style Brand, in general. I'm sure it's something the Smarks would absolutely love.
ECW would be my choice for the proper place to bring back the Cruiserweight division. Personally I would like to see creative make the cruiserweights something that is specific to ECW only. This would be an intelligent way to elevate the brand, separate it from RAW and Smackdown by giving it some distinguishing quality, and more than anything else it would give otherwise unused or misused stars the opportunity to work legitimate programs.

Jamie Noble, The Hurricane, Brian Kendrick, Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne, the list goes on. It's not like WWE are hurting for talent that would both do the Cruiserweight style of ring work justice.

You might be asking yourself, "how are they going to get people to take the little guys seriously?" Simply put, they should bring the title back and put it on one of the most legendary and arguably greatest cruiserweights to ever step between the ropes.....Rey Mysterio. He's beyond his heavyweight competition days, it's difficult to buy into the "ultimate underdog" gimmick anymore, and more important than any other reasoning: If he's unhappy and on his way out the door, at least let him pass the torch to another up and coming smaller competitor *cough*Evan Bourne*cough* before he leaves.

However, in closing, even if they do bring back the CW title and revamp that division for whatever will never measure up to what WCW had in the pinnacle of the company's existance. I'm talking about when you had names like Rey, Juvi, Benoit, Malenko, Kidman, Guererro, etc. all tearing the house down on a weekly basis for the right to compete for the title.

Would love to see it, but at the same time would hate to see WWE disgrace something that hooked me on wrestling to begin with.

Where I feel your propsal is fitting, I think having it on ECW would mess up how the show is run. With the main title being the ECW Title, if you had the Cruiserweight title on a limited roster, of which consists of Heavyweights and Crusierweights, you would only see the same people going for the main title and only so few Cruiserweights getting pushed to the ECW title would just make it pointless. Unless you made the ECW brand just for Crusierweights.

Where I would welcome back some Cruiserweight action, it doesn't belong on ECW unless the roster was about the same as Raw/Smackdown and the show ran longer. They need to drop the two women's titles as well, they serve no purpose as they rarely are on PPV now.
Where I feel your propsal is fitting, I think having it on ECW would mess up how the show is run. With the main title being the ECW Title, if you had the Cruiserweight title on a limited roster, of which consists of Heavyweights and Crusierweights, you would only see the same people going for the main title and only so few Cruiserweights getting pushed to the ECW title would just make it pointless. Unless you made the ECW brand just for Crusierweights.

Where I would welcome back some Cruiserweight action, it doesn't belong on ECW unless the roster was about the same as Raw/Smackdown and the show ran longer. They need to drop the two women's titles as well, they serve no purpose as they rarely are on PPV now.

The way to fix that, which is the vision I have, is to essentially make the ECW Title the real Cruiserweight Title. It would be referred to as the "ECW Title", however with it being a Cruiserweight brand, it would essentially be the top Cruiserweight title.
The Cruiserweight title is dead and buried. The truth is, it should remain so. The WWE currently has 8 active championships and really the only ones that seem to get any serious attention focused on them are the WWE and World Championships themselves. Last thing the WWE need is another championship in al already cluttered roster that nobody cares about.

Cruiserweights have just never caught on here. WCW did it, the WWE has done it at various points and it just doesn't work for U.S. audiences. To me, a cruiserweight championship in American wrestling looks like a division for the little guys because they can't win any other championship. The little guys are frequently used as jobbers, though I think it's an image that could be changed if Vince wanted to devote time and effort into doing so. And, of course, if people were willing to pay attention to it. If Vince were to trick the audience the way TNA does with the X-Division title, it might generate interest. Yeah yeah, I know the X-Division title isn't exactly the same as a Cruiserweight title, but most guys in the X-Division or have won the X-Division title are cruiserweights. I think Samoa Joe is the only exception.
The cruiserweight title would become the 9th title in the company, and I just cant see them doing that. A lot of people are saying to get rid of the women's title and/or diva's title and while I wish that it could happen, it cant. As long as they are getting women viewers those titles stay. Now a title exclusively for Superstars does sound good in theory but I think the problem with that is a lot of people would miss out on seeing it. Superstars and Smackdown are both not availible in every area, however Smackdown is shown on the site hulu so that everyone at least has a chance to see it. Superstars is not availible in my area therefore I have no chance of seeing it. Why invest time and money into a title division that not all of your audience can see?

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