The creative direction regarding the AJ/Dolph/Big E feud


Occasional Pre-Show
In a bizarre thought I had watching over the backstage segment and match that AJ had on raw, I thought to myself, are the WWE thinking of turning Big E face? For me he seems like he has the capabilities to become a face, although I wouldn't bank on a clear success.

I thought of this scenario for the Big E and Dolph Feud: AJ gets involved that gets Dolph the positive outcome, the win, sort of the reverse at payback where she cost dolph, but this time costs Big E. Then after the match AJ and Big E have a stare off, AJ goes crazy and the crowd start to get behind Big E, then we hear the music... Sierra hotel lima echo delta.. Shield!
They come in for the beatdown on Big E and the end scene, hopefully turning Big E face, has 4 champions standing tall over Big E langston, with the shield and AJ joining forces.

Now if I was creative I probably would not go with this direction. But I figured this could be a decent way to get the shield rolling again after a dropoff in momentum IMO and then helps to create the next stage in both the shield's and AJ's characters.

What do you think? Create some scenario that could possibly turn Big E face.
Big E was a face in NXT and probably one of the most over faces they had. When he would wrestle they billed him as a monster and he had a FIVE count instead of a three count and he would chant "FIVE FIVE FIVE" and the fans were over with the "FIVE" chant just as much as they are with DB's "Yes" and "No" chants. They even did a feud between him and Vickie where Vickie put a bounty on him to solidify him as a face.

When he came up to the main roster I was confused why they would have him be a heel when he was so over. My only guess is because the mentality that they don't want him to be as over as the people in the main feud.

If anyway possibly I would love for Big E to go back to being a face and doing the five count.
I've never seen E on xXt unfortuanately but I agree with OP's scenario with Shield and AJ. I've always wanted them to have a chick with them as most groups do, though I'd prefer it to be Paige but AJ will do. I'm sure that scenario will turn E face but the question is how far would it push him? Like Mark Henry went face kind of when Shield attacked him but it didnt really get him anywhere. I mean he's a face but still midcard. I would hope with E they try to use this to push him to the Main Euent. But in all honestly now days to get to the M.E. you have to get into it with Cena it seems he's the only one to elevate the next star to the top. But I digress. As I said I agree with the OP that scenario is a great way to turn E face but they'd have to have a good reason as to why they attacked him. AJ is always a great scapegoat but what would be the great injustice E commited that caused the Shield to attack. Maybe they could say E betrayed Ziggler but as heels that explanation would make no sense. So maybe they can say they attacked E because he's not trying to rise to the next level and he's being complacent. But then again, so are they so there really is no good reason and considering this is WWE it doesnt matter. Half of the product they put out makes no sense but we fans keep watching so theres never any collateral damage
What do you think? Create some scenario that could possibly turn Big E face.

All they'd need to do is finish his program with A.J. At this point, anyone could turn heel by siding with her......or turn face by going against her. Now, we don't know the resolution of Big E's relationship with her; it certainly seems as if the two are ready to split at any moment, doesn't it? He puts up with her abuse by alternately trying to soothe her while keeping her at arm's length.

Eventually, they're going to split because while it was fitting to have Big E act as a second to Dolph Ziggler, it's useless in the long term to have him following A.J. around. She's doing more with the divas nowadays and doesn't really need him to deal with don't see Big E tripping up A.J.'s female opponents during a match to help her win; she doesn't need that and he surely gains nothing by doing it.

If they plan to separate the two, the main thing is to keep Big E away from Dolph if they're both faces. Dolph has no need for an enforcer if he's fighting on the side of justice, while Big E is potent enough to carve his own path instead of being someone's second. I was impressed by Big E's quickness in that impromptu match-up against Dolph the other night with ..... he's a better singles performer than I previously thought.

So, splitting up A.J. and Big E isn't a problem; she seems to be driving him away with her actions alone.

Meanwhile, he might turn face and feud with Ryback; WWE doesn't really need two behemoth heels when they can pit them against each other. Now that Ryback seems to be out of the world title picture, at least for a while, a monster vs. monster program could be entertaining.

As for A.J., I like that she's active with the other divas; the division can use her presence to spice things up. Her crazy routine can pay dividends in the manner Mickie James' used to. Eventually, she may go back to working with the guys, but what she's doing now is a welcome relief.

Their parting is inevitable; the only question is whether or not to keep Big E as a bad guy. They very well might keep him as a heel long enough to complete his business with Dolph; after that, it's anyone's guess.
Thats one hell of an idea Mustang Sally. Ryback vs E would he a damn good feud. Maybe Ryback is picking on someone in the back who just happens to be E's cousin or brother and E can confront him and start the feud. As for AJ she should just stick to the Divas division. Kind of getting tired of her fucking with these guys anyway
I do believe the Shield could use a female, however that person should be Paige. She would fit right in. Let's face it, the Shield need something to get them going again. This feud with the Usos ruined their momentum completely. Shame though, since they were the best thing going in wrestling.
Wherever this angle heads, I hope the result is never seeing this vanilla midget, "Dolph Ziggler", on my TV again. I'm not sure how he has a job, he's literally the most untalented hack on the mic and in the ring. All of these midgets nowadays can't wrestle. They just hit each other over and over and over with the same boring strikes to make up for their *ahem* inferior size.
Wherever this angle heads, I hope the result is never seeing this vanilla midget, "Dolph Ziggler", on my TV again. I'm not sure how he has a job, he's literally the most untalented hack on the mic and in the ring. All of these midgets nowadays can't wrestle. They just hit each other over and over and over with the same boring strikes to make up for their *ahem* inferior size.

Size >>> wrestling ability. You must be a Khali fan.

I'm a fan of the idea of Big E going face. He's kind of boring as a heel, and I could see him as more of an Ahmed Johnson type face character, kind of like what Ezekiel Jackson was, except, you know, less boring.
If they're gonna turn Big E face it should be in December or something when he and Ziggler are in separate feuds. I think Big E could use some time as a solo heel though beating up people like Miz, Kofi, maybe even Big Show.

As for AJ she a mixed bag for me, I like the crazy thing and it translates better he being around guys imo, but it gets old and think She should stick to divas lol. So shes fine how she is I guess.

Nice Shield idea by the way be cool if that happened.
Size >>> wrestling ability. You must be a Khali fan.

I'm a fan of the idea of Big E going face. He's kind of boring as a heel, and I could see him as more of an Ahmed Johnson type face character, kind of like what Ezekiel Jackson was, except, you know, less boring.

You must be a fan of assumptions.

But yes I am a fan of great Khali, if we're speaking simply aesthetically as an attraction. He is there to give that old freakshow feeling that you would get going to a carnival in say the 1940's. That's Khali's role and he plays it very well. We are allowed to let our children gawk at this monstrous illiterate cow, and we feel good about ourselves doing it. I am a fan of that, if that's what you're implying with your sick sick burn. ;)
They certainly seem to be setting the table for a split between Big E and AJ which will automatically turn him face, I mean the idea seems to be that AJ is man crazy and Big E isn't interested in being anything but her friend as he's seen the mess she makes of every guy she gets with.

My guess is Dolph and Big E have their match at Summerslam and her interference leads to Dolph getting the win and Big e completing the face turn by dropping her like a hot brick.

Once turned face he has a few options, Sally's idea for a feud with Ryback would work well and I could also see him feuding with Swagger and Cesaro, in fact I think matches between him and Cesaro could be very good.
I'd love to see E & Ziggler as a tag team..that'd really put emphasis on the titles again and with the two as faces they'd draw a lot of attention. I realise Ziggler is destined for the WHC but I think this would be better to see...

Big E get's tired of AJ (as everyone seems too) and starts becoming face by ignoring her, not helping her, shouting at her...then perhaps E & Zig meet backstage and bicker about AJ and how annoying she is...instant friendship, instant team, instant face team to challenge the likes of Shield and Wyatt's (whom I think will hold the tag belts, should)

What do you all think of this as an angle?
^ So you're suggesting Big E & Ziggler team back up again? Hmm, not totally against that, and maybe Ziggler could suggest to Big E, that out of his whole relationship with AJ, the best thing he gained was the friendship of Big E. Corny but it could work

**and it was announced last night that Big E is barred from ringside during AJ's matches. Only a matter of time before Big E moves on completely.

the tag division badly needs some face teams as aside from the Uso's it's really lacking

but after splitting up, having Dolph-Langston team up seems kinda like a lateral move. Then again it at least keeps Dolph busy with something to do, plus the matches with The Shield should be great

" in fact I think matches between him and Cesaro could be very good."

Big E & Cesaro had a pretty quality match on NXT, where Cesaro won via a choke out

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