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The Cold War Cyborg (Vladimir Koslov)


WWE Mark
Wow, all I can say is what a debut. Most will bag him, but the short and sharp promo that he delivered after his quick demolishing of the local jobber was exactly what his character needs. He doesn't need long promos, and the little speak in Russian then translate thing worked for his character.

So, to the topic at hand, what do you think they should do with Vladimir Koslov, now that he is on ECW?

Lets get something straight, he is a monster heel, so what do monster heels do best? Destroy. Destroy. Job to get someone over. Destroy. Destroy. Job to get someone over.

Koslov needs to destroy the ENTIRE face roster of ECW, save for either Evan Bourne or Christian. Then in turn they have a series of matches that are close, but Koslovs power proves too much, then they have the big pay off match where Koslov gets beaten, just, not a complete victory, but a victory. Then, that person coming off beating Koslov goes on to fued for the ECW title. (Evan Bourne might be a little early for this, needs a few more years (off-topic and a few more matches with John Morrison)) Then Koslov can go on to Destroy more local jobbers, before once again, putting someone over.

So, Discuss?
I'm going to have to disagree, unfortunately. When Kozlov first showed up more than a couple of years ago on RAW, as a goofy smiling foreigner in the crowd telling us how much he loved "double double e", I thought to myself... this is going to be really bad. Luckily for me and the rest of the WWE fans, they dropped that gimmick quick and sent him back to OVW. Then, they bring him back a couple of years later and he is a unstopable monster on Smackdown. I'm sick of the "monster" gimmick, where they seem undefeatable and squash people over and over. It's been done far too many times, and it's quite boring actually.

Kozlov isn't a horrific wrestler, I mean, he has some skill in the ring, I guess. The promo's are far from great, but I suppose they work for him. I know that Vince is going to push him towards the ECW Title, which I think is a horrible idea, but it's inevitable. Vince likes big guys, and Kozlov is a big guy. I think Christian should go over him cleanly if Vince based the results on talent and draw... but we all know Kozlov will smash Christian in their first contest, and the second... and so forth.

All in all... I'm just not a fan of Vladimir Kozlov... but it's sure apparent Vince McMahon is...
I'm going to have to disagree, unfortunately. When Kozlov first showed up more than a couple of years ago on RAW, as a goofy smiling foreigner in the crowd telling us how much he loved "double double e", I thought to myself... this is going to be really bad. Luckily for me and the rest of the WWE fans, they dropped that gimmick quick and sent him back to OVW. Then, they bring him back a couple of years later and he is a unstopable monster on Smackdown. I'm sick of the "monster" gimmick, where they seem undefeatable and squash people over and over. It's been done far too many times, and it's quite boring actually.

I am just as glad as you are that they dropped his initial gimmick. Because it was going to blow major chunks, they called him a "free agent", it stunk of MVP, but Russian. Honestly, I would have thought "what a waste of talent"

Kozlov isn't a horrific wrestler, I mean, he has some skill in the ring, I guess. The promo's are far from great, but I suppose they work for him. I know that Vince is going to push him towards the ECW Title, which I think is a horrible idea, but it's inevitable. Vince likes big guys, and Kozlov is a big guy. I think Christian should go over him cleanly if Vince based the results on talent and draw... but we all know Kozlov will smash Christian in their first contest, and the second... and so forth.

I would definitely echo the sentiment of keeping the title away from him. I think he should just be there to "find a challenge" its an interesting aspect, I mean think about it, if he had no want or drive to go for the title, but he was just there for a challenge, he could be a great way to get someone over. Building him up, then knocking him down for the next person to receive a rub.

I think a few no contests and DQ's, but no loses, then a win payoff for someone like Christian would do him wonders, Koslov has beaten the Undertaker, CLEAN. That is something a lot of people can't claim to have done. Honestly, Koslov is a monster in the world of wrestling, that if someone topples him (after we get to forget about HHH and Taker's needless wins over Koslov, well not needless, was part of the build to WrestleMania, but they could have used someone else) they will get a massive rub.

All in all... I'm just not a fan of Vladimir Kozlov... but it's sure apparent Vince McMahon is...

Heh, yes opinion. Vince likes him, the crowd hates him, he gets heat. I know some may think his heat is X-pac heat, but I personally think it isn't. I think people just want to hate him cause he is Russian.
NOw we have three monster heels on ECW: Mark Henry, Kozlov, and possibly Ezekiel JAckson.
I want to see them have some epic battle of the titans. Henry could be "You went undefeated for a while, but now let's see how long you last against THE WORLD'S STRONGEST MAN!!!" and Kozlov could be "THIS IS THE CHALLENGE I WAIT FOR BLARRRRGH" and they could beat the crap out of each other.

I'd watch it.
The Cold War Cyborg.... what a stupid name. The Soviet Cyborg sounds so much better, but then i'd expect such a shit nickname to come out of Stryker. Douchebag doesn't even know the rules of a triple threat ffs.....

Anyway, moving on. I've always liked Kozlov since he came back as the silent destroyer, and would love to see him in a program with Zeke more than i would Mark Henry. Give the two newer monster heels time to shine, especially Zeke. Depending on how this Hart Foundation V.2 thing shapes up, he could fued with them. As in, him versus the whole stable.
Kozlov isn't awful. He's another one of those built into a monster jobber to the stars, a role Kane and Umaga have previously filled. The thing about Kozlov is that I don't think he is terrible in the ring, and his gimmick is plain enough to work. I'm not sure where you can go with someone when you build them up to be that dominant and then they lose. I think he is going to have a big, bruiser feud with Finlay on ECW (keeping them both away from the ECW title). After that, who knows. You can only do so much with someone like Kozlov.
Koslov need's a bit of personality, That way he could get some decent heat, Instead of the predjice heat he currently get's. It's what pre-debut promo's are for. CM Punk got a great reaction when he debuted in ECW why back when, Simply because we knew a little about him, Same for R-truth.

If WWE spent some more time in this department people might care. You have to think Mike Knox would have had massive heat if he was doing promo's where he was bullying people, Then saying "I like to do it", Or something on those line's

But yeah lol, I like Koslov in the ring he does some nice suplexes, He's a decent striker, So I hope he get's a decent push.
well lets face it peple vladimir koslovs gimmick is kinda worn out i mean ever since that undefeated streak has ended he hasnt been big like he was when he first debuted and was in wwe title main events but i do see him winning the ecw title someday.
After seeing his act again on ECW, I've come to the conclusion that he needs a mouthpiece. He has to have someone to cut promo's for him. The Russian character doesn't have the same effect it had 25 years ago. We don't see Russia as scary. We see the Chinese and Middle Eastern natives as 'scary'.

Kozlov will feud with the next ECW champion and hopefully, he'll pass for a halfway decent champion, because that's where he's headed.

And Cold War Cyborg sounds better than Moscow Mauler. Sounds like a Kitty Cat I'd buy that was mean or something. And from Russia.
I think the WWE did two things wrong with him to be honest. Now, he was built up into that "monster undefeated" role that has been worn out lately. Whether you agree with it or not, that is how he's portrayed...an upper mid-carder that has that "unstoppable aura" about him.

Now they moved him to ECW...and he just doesnt seem to fit IMO. They built him up so quickly and fast and then thrust him onto a show filled with skinny undercarders and glorified jobbers. I dont think anybody on ECW has the cache' to look legitamate against Vlad. They simply built him up too high to warrant a move to ECW. Who's he going to fued with in ECW? Outside of Christian, I dont think anyone can measure up to what the WWE built him into.

Finley MAY be able to become a good challenge for him now that Hornswaggle is gone. Christian could. Mark Henry is nothing more then a glorified jobber now at this point. And everyone else is just not in the same league. Unless they take Vlad down a few notches from his "invincible aura", the fueds he could legitamately have on ECW are very very few IMO.

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