The Cigar Lounge Newsletter - 2nd Edition


You don't want it with me.
Well, these last few days in the Lounge have been exciting.

You could come watch Shock The Monkey 223 make an ass out of himself.

He hates America, he hates the staff, he hates the rules. We hate him.

There is an evolving debate over voting age. It is an interesting read, and worth your time. Plus, the wide ranging ages of these forums present one of the few environments where all of these specific viewpoints can be heard.

Rookie of the Year candidate Razorback is back with another philosophical debate over the meaning of life.

The Book Club is active again. Let's see if we can get some literary debate going.

This issues featured poster is Dexter. See what a middle of the road libertarian (what you get if you average me and Tastycles) thinks about some very important topics.

Remember to come in and give your opinions. We're always looking for new topics, and this is a great place to raise your profile. Debate a mod and impress the forums!!!
Shame my online relationship topic didn't get any detractors. I was hoping to lay the smackdown.

I hate monkeys. They're overrated. So it comes to no surprise that STM is an idiot.

Anyway, to the Cigar Lounge! *whoosh*

EDIT: Dammit, the thread I wanted to post in was locked.
I respect his opinion as much I respect any other person's.

In fact, some of the things he said could very well be true in some instances. Not as a blanket statement like he put it but I do think some people join the armed forces because they have a lust of feeling superior to other people.
This issues featured poster is Dexter. See what a middle of the road libertarian (what you get if you average me and Tastycles) thinks about some very important topics.

Thanks for the recognition, FTS. And that's a pretty accurate depiction of where I stand on most things.

I'm loving the Cigar Lounge. As a fairly new poster, that's the subforum that's appealed to me the most so far. Even when I absolutely hate the opinions someone posts, I've still been, for the most part, impressed with how thoughtful everyone has been in expressing them, and how respectful most have been toward differing opinions.

I especially want to recognize FTS, Ty Burna and Nitafrong for being such great posters. Doesn't mean I agree with them all the time, but I never miss a post by them. Hell, I'll even give some recognition to ShockTheMonkey223 for giving us all someone to shout down. ;)

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