I'm not "adding layers", I'm using the same sentence structure you posted for the Scramble. And the one you posted unnecessary overexplanations like "WWE features a match called the, two wrestlers start the match, every five minutes one enters, and a 17-word sentence at the end explaining what a winner is, instead of just saying the last interim champ wins by default. If we're gonna do that with the Scramble, you can't balk at me doing the same with the Rumble.
I'm not going to explain the Rumble again. If you can't comprehend the rules of a basic battle royal match, then that's your problem. And nothing you said above explains or justifies your complaint of a "really long paragraph." The paragraph was a simple layout of the match. Nothing was unnecessary.
It's hardly any different than a guy who has the most pinfalls in an Iron Man match is the interim winner. The only difference is that instead of MOST pins, we're talking about the LAST pin. It's hardly that complicated. If anything it's easier than Iron Man and 2/3 falls matches because you don't even have to keep count.
And again, you're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. How is it easier than Iron Man? Two guys go back and forth, who ever has the most pinfall or submission victories wins. In the event of a tie, we go to sudden death. It's apples to oranges, because Iron Man matches and the convoluted Scramble match are two completely different concepts (with various wrestles competing at once being the obvious difference

It's not a simple battle royal style match when people are entering at random intervals, and some of them can still win despite being eliminated according to the proper rules (again, like Austin, and Rock too).
Random? One after two, after three, after four and so on is random? That's called chronological order, there's nothing random about it. And what proper rules are you talking about? When Rey Mysterio eliminated Randy Orton in 2006 after he went over the top rope, and both of his feet hit the floor, did Orton come back and eliminate Rey to earn the WHC shot at Wrestlemania 22?
You don't need to call anyone an interim anything. They just have the advantage because they're closest to winning. Again, same goes for someone who is ahead in an Iron Man match or someone who is in the lead in a Beat the Clock challenge. You're the one who's over-complicating something that has been a staple in wrestling for years.

So now you're trying to change the rules of the match?
And it's not the same as an Iron Man match. The wrestler holding the most current pinfalls is leading the score in the match, just like a football game, or a basketball game. If the opponent makes a comeback they regain the lead. In the event of a tie, sudden death (or overtime in basketball and football) is used to determine a winner. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
In the early stages of the Iron Man match from Bragging Rights 2009, John Cena was leading the WWE Champion (Orton) 1-0. Did WWE recognize John Cena as the interim WWE Champion? No. Apples to oranges, Feedback. You can't twist and tweak the set rules of the Scramble match to accommodate your argument.
"A 15-minute match where 5 guys wrestle and the last guy who gets the pin wins." I don't see how that's any more complicated than "A series of matches where the wrestler with the fastest time (to beat his opponent) wins."
You're over-complicating the Scramble, just as much as you're over-simplifying the Rumble and Beat the Clock.
Nope. I just explained the simple rules of the Rumble match, that's it. And this is coming from the guy, who's trying to change the set rules of the Scramble match.