The Champ Is Here


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Sorry guys, not a John Cena thread :icon_exclaim:

After watching Judgment Day, I decided to ask this question even though I've pondered it for several months or even several years the more I think about it.

What ever happened to the champion being introduced second in a title match ?? By this I mean, when did the challenger start coming to the ring second ??

In every other sport, whether it's boxing, football, MMA, etc... the challenger is always waiting in the ring or on the field when the champion, challenger or away team is introduced.

Why does a guy like Edge (World Heavyweight Champion) come to the ring first and wait on Jeff Hardy (challenger) to make his entrance. Has the :undertaker2: ever had to wait in the ring for his challenger ?? If he has, I don't remember it.

I know the first argument made will be his popularity with the fans, but I say bollucks !! The challenger should always have to wait for the champion to make his appearance in my opinion.

To most this makes no difference, but my sports acumen says the champion or home team should always garner a much higher level of respect.

Thoughts or simply a who cares ??
I'm not sure about when it occured but I don't think it is set in stone anyway. Sometimes I see the champion coming in first and sometimes I see the challenger coming in first. To me, it really makes no great difference. You still get to see both the guys come out and wrestle it make no difference in what order.

As for the Jeff Hardy thing, I personny think Jeff is now just in the WWE to get people amped up. I think they put him in second to get evryone excited for the match ahead. I persoannly think the challenger should be made to wait for the Champion. But sometimes this is just not the case.
Personally, I think that it adds to the match "atmosphere" if the champion comes out second (or last, as the case may be). For example, in Wrestlemania V Randy Savage came out first and this was even pointed out by Jesse Ventura as he said something to the effect of "the champion should come out last."

I could be way off but I think for an anticipated big match, that having the champion (especially a heel champion) coming out last really works the crowd and builds the atmostphere for the beginning of the match.
I say it depends on the type of entrance the wrestler has, and if they can get a pop from the crowd. You want your audience amped up, so think about it. Jeff Hardy gets everyone amped up for the match with his entrance, then Edge comes out, and gets nothing. He gets no pop. So now the crowd has time to calm down from Hardy's pop. It's much better to go directly from the face pop to the match. Keep the crowd on the wave, so to speak.

Also, think of the impracticality of having Undertaker come out first. His entrance is so long, ugh. It'd take 15 minutes before he even got to the ring. Then we have to sit through another entrance before we see the match? Yeah. Ok. It's much better to have his entrance last, and ride the continuous pop he gets right into the beginning of the match.

This is shaky when you have two people who can amp the crowd themselves. Like, say Cena and Hardy. Cena will get the bigger pop, but Hardy gets a sizable pop himself. Then I think it's a toss up, whomever goes first just goes first.

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