The Butcher Shop

What's it like? I honestly know nothing about it and will probably be googling it after I'm done writing.
A lot more comedy than most Zombie shows I've seen.

The first episode it's already been a year or 2 in the zombie Apocalypse and they're looking for a vaccine and to find it they're experimenting on unwilling prisoners. They're lab gets over run while a prisoner named Murphy is tied down on the table and he gets bit 8 times but doesn't die.

The first 2 seasons consist of a Group of people trying to get Murphy from NY to a CDC lab in Cali so they can make more of the vaccine from the antibodies in his blood. The virus doesn't turn Murphy but it does something weird to him and any zombie close to him copies his every move and none of them bite him. He also turns blue.

my favorite character has to be the Hippie shrink who plays poker for Vicodin & Oxy and smokes Pot all the time
Your sig is awesome.

Where & how have you been?

Simultaneously the best and worst drawing of a butcher ever. It looks like he's confused baseball gloves and a massive rose for steaks and ham.

I've been on the other side of the computer, living the life of Riley, thanks for asking. I didn't plan on not logging in for so long. I didn't take a break from watching wrestling or have any earth-shattering life events happen. Other than work and women trying to make me crazy, I've been fine. I lurked a few times, but like I said before I didn't have anything to say.

A lot more comedy than most Zombie shows I've seen.

The first episode it's already been a year or 2 in the zombie Apocalypse and they're looking for a vaccine and to find it they're experimenting on unwilling prisoners. They're lab gets over run while a prisoner named Murphy is tied down on the table and he gets bit 8 times but doesn't die.

The first 2 seasons consist of a Group of people trying to get Murphy from NY to a CDC lab in Cali so they can make more of the vaccine from the antibodies in his blood. The virus doesn't turn Murphy but it does something weird to him and any zombie close to him copies his every move and none of them bite him. He also turns blue.

my favorite character has to be the Hippie shrink who plays poker for Vicodin & Oxy and smokes Pot all the time

Figures there wouldn't be a lab they could use in the Tri-State area. It seems as if Murphy has the same power as Michael Jackson from the Moonwalker video game.


The show sounds pretty good. The zombie apocalypse craze probably peaked for me with the first Left 4 Dead game or that South Park episode about the homeless, so I could've seen an ad or something about the show that just didn't register with me.

That shrink character sounds more like a drug addict than a hippie, but I guess I'm splitting hairs.
Nah, he didn't use the pills. They're more the currency of the Apocalypse. All he did was smoke joints he had stashed on him.
Nah, he didn't use the pills. They're more the currency of the Apocalypse. All he did was smoke joints he had stashed on him.

Go figure... I mean it makes sense big pharma would have a role in the apocalypse, but I wouldn't have guessed dystopian Bureau Printing & Engraving. Did this show's zombie apocalypse start with a methadone shortage?
Like always they didn't really go in to how the Apocalypse started.

I would laugh if that was it though
Ignorant, how? Did I said they shouldn't be in, because they're black? I said they shouldn't be in because they're rappers, and it's a rock and roll museum. I love N.W.A., and own their music, as well as stuff from the individual members. But the fact remains that they are not a rock act, and shouldn't be there.

There is a Hip Hop Hall Of Fame in the works, and they belong there.

I like how you zeroed-in on one part of my post, you race-baiting ******. Put down the liquor bottle and go to bed. You ignored everything that addressed the fact that you're a fucking ******:

One thing everybody here can agree upon is that nobody here matters in deciding what rock and roll is, who is hall of fame worthy, and, most importantly for this topic, who is Rock and Roll Hall of Fame worthy.

Rappers are already in. Precedent set. Complaining now seems not only ignorant but woefully behind. It's like complaining about Obama not doing enough to address the threat posed by the Soviet Union.

The more interesting issue at hand is who cares? Anybody who was willing to visit Cleveland to go to a music museum in the first place shouldn't be deterred by anything short of a terrorist threat, and unless your favorite group got left out at the expense of N.W.A., N.W.A.'s induction isn't your concern. This is silly.

If you want to pick a fight, be my fucking guest. Otherwise, like I said, this is silly.

Clearly, I am not ignorant to the fact they are already there. I know they're there. And still, I say they do not belong. When you name it the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, you're making a statement as to what you will be honoring inside. I do not see how the N.W.A. fits.

Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Rush...These are rock bands. They belong. Chicago, Deep Purple, Cheap Trick, Steve Miller...They belong. The N.W.A. being there is a square peg in a round hole. Public Enemy? Run DMC? They had crossover success, and appeal, and belong there, but I would still disagree that they should be there as performers.

I would still assert that you look ignorant and behind the times. Do you complain every time a rapper is inducted? If so, does it hurt when the doctor drains your shunt?

Every thread you start that isn't WZCW recently just exposes you as a dummy. Stick to role play where you can be somebody. NSL indeed.

It could be argued that there's a place for acts that, while not Rock themselves, have had a significant influence on rock (in its broad sense). Certainly this could get some more blues artists in, and if your definition of rock is broad enough to include rock/rap crossovers or nu metal, then Rap pioneers could be argued to have an influence.(ie RATM)

There's a reasonable argument for you to chew on while you stumble through a reply, dipshit.
I like how you zeroed-in on one part of my post, you race-baiting ******. Put down the liquor bottle and go to bed. You ignored everything that addressed the fact that you're a fucking ******:


Race-baiting? What other reason would there be to call me ignorant? Especially after I had just said "I know they're (rappers) there"?

Liquor bottle? Bed? I'm at work. I wish I was drinking.

If you want to pick a fight, be my fucking guest. Otherwise, like I said, this is silly.

Who said I was picking a fight? I was arguing my point that rappers don't belong in a rock and roll museum.

I would still assert that you look ignorant and behind the times. Do you complain every time a rapper is inducted? If so, does it hurt when the doctor drains your shunt?

Yes. I do complain. Because it doesn't matter if it's 1999 or 2016, rappers do not belong in a rock museum. They can be in the Hip Hop Hall when it opens. And if any rock acts got inducted in there, I'd complain then too.

Every thread you start that isn't WZCW recently just exposes you as a dummy. Stick to role play where you can be somebody. NSL indeed.

You're entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong you are.

Oh boy...

Race-baiting? What other reason would there be to call me ignorant? Especially after I had just said "I know they're (rappers) there"?

You completely ignored the comparison I made. You're ignorant like someone who hasn't heard the news is ignorant. You either have poor reading comprehension or were being selectively stupid.

Liquor bottle? Bed? I'm at work. I wish I was drinking.

So you're just naturally this dumb then. Yeesh.

Who said I was picking a fight? I was arguing my point that rappers don't belong in a rock and roll museum.

I didn't quote or address you, I just made a general statement. You pulled one part out because your inner racist got woken up and you felt offended.

Yes. I do complain. Because it doesn't matter if it's 1999 or 2016, rappers do not belong in a rock museum. They can be in the Hip Hop Hall when it opens. And if any rock acts got inducted in there, I'd complain then too.

So then does the draining hurt?

You're entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong you are.

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I didn't quote or address you, I just made a general statement. You pulled one part out because your inner racist got woken up and you felt offended.

Inner racist? It must be pretty well hidden, because I didn't know it even existed. When I asked if you were calling me ignorant, I was asking if it was because they were black. I did not say that was the reason. I went on to point out exactly why I felt they don't belong.

Not sure what this has to do with anything. I was saying that while I agree with the point they were making, I wasn't sure they went about it the right way. What does that have to do with N.W.A. and the hall of fame?
Inner racist? It must be pretty well hidden, because I didn't know it even existed. When I asked if you were calling me ignorant, I was asking if it was because they were black. I did not say that was the reason. I went on to point out exactly why I felt they don't belong.

You immediately assumed race despite no one making it about race. Seems very defensive, especially since you ignored the rest of that post and continue to do so. I don't care about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I was mocking you for caring so much. Come on.

Not sure what this has to do with anything. I was saying that while I agree with the point they were making, I wasn't sure they went about it the right way. What does that have to do with N.W.A. and the hall of fame?

You don't follow very well. Re-read then click the link and have a chuckle.
For anyone joining in-progress, this is what made NSL feel defensive:

One thing everybody here can agree upon is that nobody here matters in deciding what rock and roll is, who is hall of fame worthy, and, most importantly for this topic, who is Rock and Roll Hall of Fame worthy.

Rappers are already in. Precedent set. Complaining now seems not only ignorant but woefully behind. It's like complaining about Obama not doing enough to address the threat posed by the Soviet Union.

The more interesting issue at hand is who cares? Anybody who was willing to visit Cleveland to go to a music museum in the first place shouldn't be deterred by anything short of a terrorist threat, and unless your favorite group got left out at the expense of N.W.A., N.W.A.'s induction isn't your concern. This is silly.

I didn't address him or name him, but he felt hurt inside somewhere, and so he replied only to the portion that hurt him, the center paragraph:

Ignorant, how? Did I said they shouldn't be in, because they're black? I said they shouldn't be in because they're rappers, and it's a rock and roll museum. I love N.W.A., and own their music, as well as stuff from the individual members. But the fact remains that they are not a rock act, and shouldn't be there.

There is a Hip Hop Hall Of Fame in the works, and they belong there.

I've since just been pointing out that he's stupid* while he continues to be stupid.
Lack of passion for it. I wrote an application and made a character once, but scrapped it knowing I'd end up screwing those guys in the fed if I got bored with it or didn't like it.

I forgot the character's last name, and rather than a first he went by his initials, "U.S." The gimmick had a political slant, and I would've taken a lighthearted approach. Sort of William Regal-esque.

I'm very glad for WZCW's success, and I tip my hat to all its members and administrators. The sense of community in WZCW is representative of the whole of WrestleZone Forums. It's always a bummer to see a longtime member write his farewell to the e-fed because the announcement and replies are so earnest.
I'm really glad you liked it!

The response seems to warrant another installment. It was fun to write, especially the crawl portion. Anytime I can get two or more of my nerd worlds to collide it makes me happy. No promises though, just because life is life and if my work just turns out cruddy I won't post it. Either way, I'll need to refresh my memory before I resume. This time I'll try to make it to an earlier showing than my 2am opening night excursion.

What you see in The Writing Gallery is essentially a 3rd or 4th rough draft. Originally it was longer with Roman Reigns and Usos dialogue and a bit more of Torito's journey. Stupidly on my part, it started to become me trying to retell the movie beat-for-beat with WWE Superstars and that got boring and unfunny very fast. So, since I wasn't happy with how it was going, I just posted the opening crawl portion that I was happy with. Glad I decided to go ahead and post the rest of what I had. If someone liked it then I'm good with it.

Thanks so much for reading my stuff. I wanted to stake out some ground in The Writing Gallery when it first switched over from Book This, but then I got distracted and forgot to post for a year. I plan on trying different things, but who knows, if this Brand Wars thing takes off I may have to get my Lucas on and bring y'all the prequels. Time will tell. Thanks again.
Thanks a ton, Brockie.

I'm nothing if not imaginative, and with two significant heroes being MIA in both franchises it didn't take long for the gears to begin to churn. WWE and Star Wars are both rich universes built on telling folks that basic good versus evil story, and blending them is definitely an exercise for the imagination.
Back to Lucha Underground juxtaposed against WWE questions for our kind host;

Undertaker will no doubt have the legacy of legacies. But if we're discussing interesting characters with deep mythology, does Mil Muertes have the chance to hold a candle to the deadman?

I can't help but think Mil and Lucha are getting away with these updated versions of 80s and 90s gimmicks, and succeeding in spades in 2015! He's already been resurrected and has a following of similar "undead" people as his underlings. I think a few more seasons of LU and Mil will have the opportunity to be seen in the same light as Taker.

What's your take?
I think that, no matter the wrestler or gimmick or level of success, nobody in the near future will get a fair shake in these kinds of scenarios. The Undertaker has achieved near mythical status. You said it yourself, his is the "legacy of legacies."

Time also isn't on Mil's side. He's 40 and LU still has a relatively small following. It's going to be hard for him to make that kind of impression on the wrestling world at large. It's not impossible for Mil to be viewed as perhaps The Undertaker of lucha or even as someone in Taker's sphere, but that's a tall mountain to climb.

Mil Muertes may be relegated to cult icon status depending on how LU grows, but that's not a bad thing.

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