The BS That Is Ray Rice's Indefinite Suspension (Please read OP before responding)

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
As anyone who follows the NFL now knows, Ray Rice was cut by the Baltimore Ravens (as well as indefinitely suspended from the league) yesterday after a video of his unprovoked assault on his then-fiancee (now wife) surfaced.

While I thought Ray Rice's original suspension of 2 games without pay was way, way, WAY too light of a punishment (if Saints head coach Sean Payton was suspended for a whole year for condoning Gregg Williams's bounty scheme, then Rice should have been given the same suspension), what they have now done to him is complete and utter bullshit.

So, let me get this straight: both the Baltimore Ravens and NFL investigators knew nothing about an easily obtainable surveillance video showing Ray Rice knock out Janay Rice in the elevator of an Atlantic City casino/hotel? Not even the most gullible, Roger Goddell/Steve Bisciotti fanboys would buy this. Both the Ravens organization and the NFL KNEW exactly how callous and reprehensible Ray Rice's actions were and they more than likely knew of and had access to the relevant surveillance video.

Ray Rice is now getting the punishment he deserves, but the punishment only comes after Goodell and the front office of the Ravens betted on the public never having video evidence of Mr. Rice delivering a knockout punch to the jaw of Mrs. Rice. It is too late for the NFL and the Ravens to right their wrongs and, regardless of his actions, it is completely unfair to Rice to arbitrarily add to Rice's punishment. I can only hope that Rice sues the shit out of the NFL, Goodell finally resigns, and the Ravens are forced to forfeit at least this upcoming year's first round draft pick.
While I'm happy to see that Rice is finally getting a more appropriate punishment, it is worrisome that it took the video coming out via TMZ for it to happen. I have no doubts that the NFL saw this video, and not only believed that 2 games was an appropriate punishment, but thought that, in 2014, the video wouldn't come out. I'm not trying to take away from how disgusting what Rice did was, but the most frightening thing going forward as far as NFL is concerned is the stubborn cockiness coming from the commissioner's office. Putting personal accountability to the forefront of the NFL is a good idea, but the way Goodell is going about it will undoubtedly blow up in his face at some point.
I can only hope that Rice sues the shit out of the NFL.....

Would be an interesting lawsuit, wouldn't it? I would think neither side would actually want it to see the light of a courtroom because both no one in this mess comes off as a sympathetic party, do they?

The NFL wouldn't get much appreciation for having knowledge of what went on but handing down a light punishment. Ray Rice would certainly not want to cast himself as a victim, for obvious reasons. In fact, if he filed a lawsuit, I doubt he would want to have it tried by a jury; better to have it heard by a judge who might sooner look at the severity of the punishment instead of the despicable actions of Ray Rice.

In any case, it's not as Janay Rice comes off as sympathetic either, does it? Her response to the beating was to marry the guy anyway, almost appearing to condone that type of behavior. Like it or not, there are people in this world who think it's fine for men and women in relationships to belt each other around. In private, they'd probably even admit it, although they wouldn't in public.

So, if there's a lawsuit, it would probably end before trial with lawyers for the NFL issuing a statement that Ray Rice is to be reinstated next season....or halfway through this season. That's their negotiated settlement and the happiest party will be Mrs. Rice, who may very well have married her attacker to attain the rights to half his NFL salary. If he's kicked out of football, she wouldn't get that, would she? ("It was my fault. Ray didn't want to hit me, but I made him do it.")

So, she defends the guy who brutally knocked her unconscious......those in the public who are horrified by this whole episode can be either happy or unhappy about the resolution......many others can say under their breath: "The bitch probably deserved it, anyway" .....and we'll all thrill to watching Ray Rice's pass-catching exploits as soon as he comes back.
I kinda feel the same way on both matters. Rice definitely deserved the punishment that he got. I honestly don't understand how the new video changes anything. I thought it was pretty clear that Rice knocked her out cold, as we saw where he dragged her unconscious body out of the elevator. It was known he hit her and knocked her out. How the actual video of that makes it anymore worse is beyond me. It's also said how she is still with him. Sorry but if he hits you, that should be it. But the way she's reacted is all the signs of an abusive relationship.

Anyway as I was saying there really isn't a difference to me with the videos. Both show how violent the situation was, and how disgusting it was for Rice to drag he body on the ground.

I don't understand Goodell. I honestly think there's a little bit of bias in him. Either that or he's bipolar. It seems that he has his favorites. Not that he favorites the Ravens I think they might be on the opposite end of the spectrum as far as Goodell's favorites goes. But there's certain teams and players that if they did the same thing someone else did, they would get a much harsher punishment than usual, not even taking into consideration whether they're repeat offenders or not, just first time offenders I feel like there's some players Goodell would punish much harder than others for the same exact situation. But I can't really prove that.

They obviously knew the severity of the Rice situation. Why they only gave him a two game ban is beyond me. Once they actual video came out they knew they had to cover their tracks. In fact I think they were looking for a way to cover their tracks right after everyone got pissed about the original suspension and this was it.

I'll say one thing though. The NFL is getting a lot of heat, and I can't stand Big Rodger Goodell. He's already got sort of a reputation for making a lot of controversial decisions, and this just adds another one to the list. The more and more things that keep piling on, the more it will get Goodell out of that commissioner's chair. It probably won't happen, but boy is it a dream of mine that it does.
Ray Rice getting suspended for knocking his wife after the full security video was released by TMZ? Here I was thinking it was unfair to Jayne Rice to get dragged out of an elevator like a wet carpet in front of the whole world was unfair...

On a serious note, Ray Rice is an afterthought in all this. Roger Goodell makes himself the end all be all of the NFL related drama and this time around he got himself in a big mess because he rather work on the NFL's reputation rather than any of it's actual problems. Unfortunately, we won't see Goodell step down or get canned unless the Team Owners decide Goodell is not doing them a good enough job earning them money.
While I thought Ray Rice's original suspension of 2 games without pay was way, way, WAY too light of a punishment (if Saints head coach Sean Payton was suspended for a whole year for condoning Gregg Williams's bounty scheme, then Rice should have been given the same suspension), what they have now done to him is complete and utter bullshit.

Exactly why I hope this situation brings Goodell down. His words regarding Sean Payton, "If he didn't know, then he should have." Well Goodbell you scumbag, if you didn't know about the Ray Rice video, then you should have.

This whole thing is such a joke.

Even before we saw the video footage, what did people actually believe happened in that elevator? Rice dragged an unconscious body out of there, which we all saw many months ago, and admitted that he hit her. Like, what conclusion could someone possibly come to other than what we saw in the video that was released yesterday?

How did he get just a 2 game suspension off of that? And how do you go back on the suspension now that the video's been released? The video changes nothing. It was clear from the start that that was exactly what happened.

Even if the NFL/Ravens never saw the video before Monday (which I'd bet my life on it that they did see it), how does it change anything? He should have gotten a harsh suspension from the get-go, but since he didn't... why change it now? It's so stupid.

Of course they saw it though. Of course they thought by the time the video would ever see the light of day, nobody would have cared by then. Idiots.

The NFL is such a joke. The players, coaches, etc. all provide us with great entertainment and I'll always love the sport, but Roger Goodell and the other people in charge are just so incompetent and selfish that it's mind-boggling. They're ruining the damn game, and it seems like it's only going to get worse and worse.

And as far as Ray Rice goes... good riddance. Fuck the Ravens and fuck him too.
So you mean to tell me that the mighty NFL organization and all the connections that they have worldwide could not obtain a video from an Atlantic City hotel? Yet, TMZ somehow got the footage. I'm sorry but that is a very hard sell for me to buy. Even after the long history of domestic violence and the lax nature that NFL has taken towards it, they still have trouble disciplining the offenders. Greg Hardy and Ray McDonald, two guys who have just recently gotten into trouble over the very issue, but somehow still played this past week. However, I find it hard to believe Goodell's job is in jeopardy, b/c that would mean the NFL actually got something right for once.
This story just keeps more and more juicy. So how about now a law enforcement official is saying he sent the video to the NFL back in April, and has a voicemail to prove it. Big Rodger and the rest of the league just got caught in a huge lie, and I have to admit it's pretty entertaining. I think I'm getting my hopes up that this could be the fall of the Goodell regime, but it's definitely going to drag his name through the mud at the least.

They say that former FBI director will be investigating how the league handled and pursued the evidence, and also Giants and Steelers owners John Mara and Art Rooney II will be overseeing an investigation as well.

I give them credit though, they're still adamantly saying they never saw the video. What else could they do? Too late to admit it now, but I think they're all full of crap. The freaking police said they sent them the video. There's no way they didn't see it when going over the evidence. And ok let's say they didn't...they knew that the footage was there, so they obviously didn't try too hard to get it. You would think they would just wait till they got the video to hand down a suspension.

But yeah this whole thing just keeps getting worse and worse for the NFL. I think this has become more of a story about them than Ray Rice. Which now that I think about it is kinda sad considering what he did. It's funny how the media works. We go from a story about Ray Rice punching his wife in the face, into the NFL getting thrown under the bus big time.
I'm now more interested in seeing which CFL team signs Ray Rice... Seriously though, I can understand suspending Rice for a year or so. But from what I understand, he's got a lifetime ban from the NFL. The guy still has to make money, and is a very talented Running Back. It would be stupid of CFL or even AFL to not sign him to a contract. Besides, it's not like he killed anyone.

Also, if Vick was given a second chance then shouldn't Rice be given one as well?

First of all, it isn't a lifetime ban. He was suspended indefinitely, that means it's an unspecified amount of time. They could reinstate him tomorrow, or they could reinstate him fifty years from now. Goodell even said himself there's a good chance Rice will eventually get reinstated. They're basically just handing down this suspension to cover their asses, and then when it all blows over in a year or two they'll reinstate him.

Second, Rice was nearing the end of his career. I get that he's like 27 years old and everything, but that's like 40 in running back years. A lot of backs have short lifespans. Rice probably could've gone another two more years, this year at least. But even the Ravens were planning for the inevitable end by drafting Taliaferro.

Third, comparing him to Vick? First of all you're right Vick did get a second chance...after he went to jail for two and a half years. And he was just holding a dog fighting ring. I get that everyone loves dogs. But he could be slitting dogs throats, and I don't think it would still come close to punching a girl in the face and dragging her across the floor in today's society. People don't like that stuff.

If the NFL didn't do it they would be in even more hot water. It's a shame that Baltimore is treating him pretty much the same way New England treated Aaron Hernandez with the jersey swaps and everything, but hey I mean he did punch a chick in the face. It's not about his playing ability though. Baltimore cut ties with him because of the controversy. Any AFL or CFL team that goes and signs him to a contract tomorrow would probably look pretty bad in the media. Besides I'm not sure Rice would want go there anyway.
So, let me get this straight: both the Baltimore Ravens and NFL investigators knew nothing about an easily obtainable surveillance video showing Ray Rice knock out Janay Rice in the elevator of an Atlantic City casino/hotel?
Their dilemma is this; Either the Ravens and Goddell/Bisciotti and his crew are wholly incompetent, or they were betting that the New Jersey State Police were, and that the general public were fools. Even without the beginning of the video, Rice himself admitted that he knocked her out, he simply said that he essentially had no choice. Janay Palmar nee Rice isn't without blame here either. As much as I hate to lay blame at the feet of a woman who was knocked out and then dragged from an elevator so disrespectfully, she made matters worse. .

She lied alongside her husband, backing his story as the truth, knowing it to be a lie. Next, she sat at a press conference held by Rice, and apologized for causing a distraction to Rice's career.

So yeah, heads should roll all along. Those involved in the investigative departments of the Baltimore Ravens should be fired with new-found allegations being made by the Jersey state police that they sent the tape to the Ravens and the NFL in April. Heads should also roll in the public relations department, those who stood up and said they supported Rice, then stood up later and said they had "no idea" that this part of the tape existed.

As for the NFL, sweeping changes should be made, and if it can be proved, not only should Goddell and his cronies lose their jobs, but criminal charges should be filed against them.

Both the Ravens organization and the NFL KNEW exactly how callous and reprehensible Ray Rice's actions were and they more than likely knew of and had access to the relevant surveillance video.
And this is exactly why Rice has no grounds to sue. At best, he's a co-conspirator along with them, as he knew exactly what was on those videos. But he lied about it, essentially claiming self-defense. I don't care about cover-ups by the Ravens and Goddell and company, they should be held accountable in a different way.

But Rice worst of all, he the burglar who breaks into another mans home, and sues after he's injured and paralyzed when he's shot by the armed homeowner. The same principle applies here. Any punishment the NFL might receive shouldn't come at the hands of Ray Rice, he the principle party that who without, this situation wouldn't even exist. Grounds for a lawsuit?

He should be thankful for a second chance at life being that he's not in jail, and for the unconditional love of a woman that he knocked unconscious and humiliated later, laying some of the blame at her feet.

Ray Rice is now getting the punishment he deserves, but the punishment only comes after Goodell and the front office of the Ravens betted on the public never having video evidence of Mr. Rice delivering a knockout punch to the jaw of Mrs. Rice. It is too late for the NFL and the Ravens to right their wrongs.
It's too late for them to come out of this unscathed. And while I agree it was only in a cover-your-ass move that the Ravens cut Rice and the NFL suspended him indefinitely, it was still the correct move to make.

In our legal system, evidence appears out of nowhere in criminal and civil cases that happens to have been withheld for one reason or another. But the evidence itself isn't tainted, and it changes the course of trials and the correct verdicts are reached. Such is the case here with Ray Rice.
and, regardless of his actions, it is completely unfair to Rice to arbitrarily add to Rice's punishment.
Interesting that you would use the word arbitrary here. The NFL AND Ravens acted using evidence, evidence they claim was just now brought to their attention? Are they lying? Most certainly. But the punishment is both fair and right.

Do Baltimore or the NFL care about what is fair or right here? Unlikely. In these situations, they rarely do. That's why they're being investigated here. But just because they got it right using fallacious motives doesn't mean the end result isn't just.

I can only hope that Rice sues the shit out of the NFL,
Along with being a fiancee(now wife) beater, he also was an active participant in the cover-up. Am I missing something here in not understanding why a man who gave his now-wife a left hook Floyd Mayweather would be proud of should somehow financially profit from all of this?

He got in as deep as the Ravens and the NFL were when he held his press conference and lied, watching as his now-wife apologized for his sins. I'm appalled at the idea that he should somehow benefit from all of this because of corruption by his former team and the NFL as well.

Goodell finally resigns, and the Ravens are forced to forfeit at least this upcoming year's first round draft pick.
Agreed, at the very least. If it can be shown who involved definitively knew and overlooked Rice's actions, bring criminal action against them as well, if possible.
One thing I'm not getting; This whole debacle prompted the NFL to institute a policy on domestic violence: 1st strike: 6 games, 2nd strike: Lifetime ban... Now why did this video suddenly surfacing change anything? If they wanted to extend his suspension, shouldn't they have made it for the 6 games? If they're just going to suspend people for an arbitrary amount of time, why even have a policy? I totally agree with him being suspended and missing the season but it seems like they're just doing this on the fly.
The only part of his punishment that is bullshit is the fact the video had any bearing on it at all.

How the fuck did that conversation go, exactly?

"Well we you knew you punched her, but we didnt realize you punched her, like, really hard....So....yea."

If you commit domestic assault, you need to have your ass sat down, and sent to some classes. Football is done.

This entire situation has been pretty much the biggest debacle in NFL history.
Thought I would bump this, for the actual lifting of the suspension and to just weigh in. Cena is indeed right that the suspension was bullshit, but not for the reasons stated already. Though don't get me wrong, all of those reasons are right.

Let's all be understood on this; this suspension (and overturning of said suspension) in no way absolves the NFL for their mishandling of the situation: our society, and most all societies fail people enduring domestic violence (to further the understanding of the issue, it is important to note there is growing literature about the high prevalence of domestic violence in gay and lesbian couples and of domestic violence linked to STI/HIV transmission when condoms are neglected due to fear of upsetting a violent person). In most jurisdictions, progressive societal responses still resemble a village oaf meating out justice in a ham-handed fashion.

One of the many challenges in domestic violence situations is illustrated in this case where, for whatever reason, a partner declines to leave an abusive relationship. By removing or limiting the capacity for one of the two people to earn a living, the punisher antagonizes the situation by imposing fiscal constraints on a troubled relationship. Requiring immediate couple's and individual counseling (I'm skeptical that the NFL imposed counseling in this case will be productive) paired with real, pragmatic options for the abused individual to extricate themselves from a future scenario where they feel threatened is a minimum that should be offered. Otherwise, swift, harsh, and immediate "justice" typically satisfies the onlooker, but rarely alleviates the core issues affecting the individuals involved in this type of situation. Putting people in prison is not the answer if they exit (and they will) unchanged and inflict their behaviors on the next person.

Solving domestic violence requires a long-term concerted, cradle-to-grave macro-government effort that starts infants off on the right foot, and ameliorates the psychological issues of existing and would-be perpetrators (from pre-teen years on up). It would be a massive undertaking that seems unlikely given the aversion our society has to any program that asks people to adopt a nationwide progressive measure of any kind (see, sex education, educational curriculum, etc.)

Put simply, and to the shock of no one, the NFL gives exactly zero fucks about Jenay Palmer's safety, or women. This was the easy move for the onlooker (read: you the fan) to jump aboard the shield after they disastrously fucked the investigation. And those of you calling for Goodell's head? Understand he doesn't make a move, without a majority approval of the owners. You know, the people who actually run this league, not old Ginger McDouchey himself. You know, the same people that could actually help bring change to the world, but won't. Because, you know, change and stuff.

So yeah... That, my friends, is why this is all bullshit.

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