The Bryan situation. Is this a Masterstroke by WWE?

What i think is and i sure as hell hope this is what it is

What if d b now goes on a knack for making taker accept to a match against him and taker calling bryan beneath him

I mean think about it he is the one guy at the moment that everybody is rooting for there can be nothing "better for business" then that at the moment.

I can actually imagine him going over taker come wrestlemania. Imagine what bryan is gonna be if that happens.

He's supposed to beat Taker yet he loses to Wyatt cleanly? Not really believable.

Losing cleanly is the nail in the coffin.
I believe it to be part of a bigger storyline for DB that will pay off at WM or somewhere soon afterwards, having him the "face of the company" throughout the summer. 2 things are going on here tho and I believe 1 of those 2 things was completely unforeseen by WWE and almost cost them a superstar in the making. The first thing is, by "holding DB down", it has created this mass hysteria by the fans that, if you sit back and really dissect it, has proven to be more successful and has taken on a life of its own creating even more interest and more desire, more of every emotion really, surrounding this whole DB scenario and for that reason, WWE is hitting the nail on the head. Think of it, DB wins the title clean at Summerslam, then what? He goes on to become a popular champ for a few months and than what? The fans get behind Bryan sure, but I guarantee you by Royal Rumble last night, he would have lost some steam. Instead, he WAS the royal rumble last night and he didn't even participate in the actual Rumble! When he does win that title finally, the universe will undergo another big bang because and that will be the ultimate success. The 2nd thing, I am absolutely happy they did not have Reigns win that rumble. I like Reigns, I was pulling for him (knowing its about 1 year too soon for him to actually win the thing). But the one thing I dont think wwe foresaw was that by furthering this DB hold back, it has begun to turn other stars in the opposite direction. By the time the final 4 guys were left in the Rumble I hoped Reigns would not win because the fans being as disappointed as they were would have surely ruined what would have also been a great moment for Reigns and could have done some severe immediate damage to a star on the rise. Batista is already established. He taking the heat is neither here nor there. Hopefully the payoff is soon for DB because I can foresee a hell of a lot of booing and taunts from the crowd, no matter who is in that ring not named Daniel Bryan
All I can say is THANK YOU to the Pittsburgh crowd. There is no way the WWE can dismiss the sentiments echoed by them tonight. I could tell the lines Vince was feeding Cole & JBL to try and dismiss them, but it just didn't work.
I understand WWE wants the belt on Batista because he will wear it to his movie premieres unlike The Rock last year, but The Daniel Bryan moment at Mania XXX would be incredible.
What i think is and i sure as hell hope this is what it is

What if d b now goes on a knack for making taker accept to a match against him and taker calling bryan beneath him

I mean think about it he is the one guy at the moment that everybody is rooting for there can be nothing "better for business" then that at the moment.

I can actually imagine him going over taker come wrestlemania. Imagine what bryan is gonna be if that happens.

Daniel bryan going over undertaker, This is absolutely ridiculous. No one is break the streak.

You guys only think about daniel bryan. He wins the wwe title, he break the streak, he wins every match.

Is he deseved to break taker streak?
Is the YES chant is enoght to break the streak?
No he dosent deserve. He wrestled for wwe past 3 years, its not enough.

At wm21 wwe plan to give victory for orton. But orton refuse to win. This is the starting point of streak.

So no is deserved to break the streak.
Makes sense for the storyline
Authority doesnt see Bryan as a A+ player, and he didnt win his match, so why be in the rumble, more importantly what if he won? Authority couldnt have that.
BUT also it was said days before Bryan wouldnt be in the rumble, plus with the finish of his match, it made more sense.

I think the crowd just wanted a major crazy yes chant, and wanted Bryan to win it, win the big one, cause over the last year, wwe set it up so it should've happened for him, and the crowd got, Batista, back after 4 years for his handed win. He had to win, and was going to win, cause it was probably part of his contract deal, so that being said, if DB was in it, i think the crowd would of riot if he was eliminated by anyone.
My God, why won't people stop hoping the WWE is just postponing Bryan's eventual title run? Everybody has been saying that for like a year now. It's not going to happen. Maybe not even because of the writers, but because of HHH and Vince having to give their final approval en they just don't see it in him. They don't give a rat's ass what anybody in the WWE Universe thinks about this matter. As long as everybody keeps tuning in despite their anger about Bryan's booking, this is just gonna keep on going..
This isn't a storyline, this is just WWE creative being completely out of touch with where their fans are and it goes beyond Daniel Bryan as well. It was obvious Batista was going to win and it became obvious last night that no one wanted it. Reigns was getting cheered at the end and to me that indicates that what a lot of us want is something new, something fresh. Batista vs Orton at Mania for the title is just rubbish, they might put Bryan in the match just because of what's being happening but it isn't some master plan they have, they'll be dragged kicking and screaming to the point of Bryan being their champion.

I think this is the Daniel Bryan nonsense being mixed in with us just being sick of being spoon fed part time wrestlers every Wrestlemania. We want guys like Bryan and Reigns to be given the spotlight along side Punk and Cena. We don't want Batista showing up to take the top spot for a couple of months
On the main page, there's a story talking about a Tweet Mick Foley sent out following the conclusion of the Royal Rumble last night.

"I've never felt so disgusted at the conclusion of a WWE PPV. Like many of you out there, I just don't get it. This Daniel Bryan thing is a phenomenon. You get it. I get it. The fans in Pittsburgh (yes, I was thinking of writing "RIGHT TH…but I'm just not in a cheap pop mood) got it. But tonight, for the first time, I had to admit to myself that the powers that be are just not going to get it. And that makes me sad. I'm just honestly sad, just flat out f***** sad. Yes, I dropped an F-bomb there to emphasize how F'ing sad I am for the guys who bust their butts night in and night out – Ziggler, Punk, Bryan, etc – with no hope of getting their shot at this year's Mania."

I think that pretty much sums up the feeling of a lot of fans. On one hand, you can't help but feel that this has to be part of some kind of long term plan. After all, you have to think to yourself, "how can anyone in WWE not be able to clearly see Daniel Bryan's popularity?" I mean...his popularity has been growing for over 2 years now and it's just flat out exploded in the last 6 months or so. It's not some flash in the pan, flavor of the month kind of thing. Unless Vince doesn't even watch his own product, he has to know how popular Bryan is and Vince doesn't seem like the kind of guy leaves money on the table when he can see & hear clearly what's what.

On the other hand, if there is no long term plan, then maybe Vince McMahon truly is out of touch with fans. As a result, maybe it's time to step aside. Batista isn't The Rock, he never was and he never will be. He's not nearly as big of a star as The Rock, fans aren't going to buy into the notion that he's as big of a star as The Rock and they're not going to gobble up having him shoved up their collective asses passively. If Vince truly thinks that Batista is a bigger star than Bryan at this point, then he's setting himself up for one lackluster title match at WrestleMania XXX. Orton vs. Batista will probably wind up with an audience that's indifferent, hostile towards them and will be the victims of about 75,000 people giving them the "Daniel Bryan" chant. They're simply not going to wallow at Batista's feet just because Vince McMahon might want them to no matter how many tantrums he might throw backstage.
Listen there were obviously 3 moments that in them I just wanted to stop seen the show in them:
1.Wyatts attacking Cena - Because I just know it will lead to a Cena win over Wyatt at mania {if Bray will win - I will be a little happier}.
2.When Mysterio entered - first I said Bryan or Reigns will win and secondaly I just thought to my self - WTF is going on here because Bryan is the greatest wrestler in years and in my opinion since the end of the Attitude Era.
3.When Reigns was eliminated - This just made me go crazy.I was so angry!! You could hear the crowd chanting for Reigns and booing Batista but for the money they would do anything.This kid just give the best f***ing performance in the royal rumble ever - he works his @ss of in the last year and a half - got over with the crowd & great in the ring and the mic - and he just {like Bryan} deserves this match.Look even a man like Antonio Cesaro {one of my favorites} was cheered by the crowd and Batista who is booked as a face wasn't!!!!

Those are just couple of points to think about.
Oh.And if you let me rank the PPV I would gave it in it's max a 4/10 because they just ruin one of their best PPV's {on the paper} in the last couple of years.
Yes is the answer!

The WWE has shown the fans that they (the WWE) have chocolate cake and the fans or "children" now won't shut up about the chocolate cake. We (The WWE) told you the fans you would get some, just relax and stop crapping on the main course we've been busting our ass to feed you.

How can the chocolate cake taste sooooooo good if we give it to you now?

How is it going to be sooooo memorable if we make it easy??

How long have we (The WWE) been hearing about how we need to doing things differently??

In the age where you can't do anything without it being spoiled The WWE is reinventing the game. Even wrestling personalities with 30 years in the business are being fooled. Just read their blogs and tweets over the past 2 years.

As for anyone who is under a WWE contract saying something about the chocolate cake you are an absolute idiot if you believe their blog or tweet hasnt been ok'd before its been released. Examples are Mick Foley and Hacksaw after the RR PPV.

You are being told a story and you don't even realize the part you (the fans) are playing. It's brilliant!!!

Orton broke 2-3 submission holds.
Orton kicked out of Super Cenas finisher.
Orton kicked out of an RKO.
Orton retained!

Batista bested CM Punk, Ryback, RhodesBrothers, Reigns and so forth.

Bryan now has to go through these two men. Can he do it?

We (The WWE) also used our chocolate cake to create a new top guy who is unquestionably strong as he goes after our "top guy" Cena.

You'll get your chocolate cake and you'll never forget it. Just enjoy the wait.
What i think is and i sure as hell hope this is what it is

What if d b now goes on a knack for making taker accept to a match against him and taker calling bryan beneath him

I mean think about it he is the one guy at the moment that everybody is rooting for there can be nothing "better for business" then that at the moment.

I can actually imagine him going over taker come wrestlemania. Imagine what bryan is gonna be if that happens.

Bryan going over Taker at Wrestlemania? Come on, seriously. I like Daniel Bryan but COME ON. He's going to end the streak? LMAO, yeah sure.
Its adorable how even the dirtsheet writers think this thing is all just WWE being "blind". They aren't blind. This is EXACTLY what they wanted. This reaction we are having to it, the reaction the writers and wrestlers are having to it... its exactly what they wanted. It gets D-Bry even more over.
So, is this a Masterstroke by WWE???

One thing you have to understand is there is a reason why the WWE stays on top. Not listening to dirt sheets and dumb non business minded people.

What is more talked about right now?
Batista's return? No
Wyatt's Clean win as a heel? NO
Regins? Kinda ...but no
Cena/Orton rinse repeat of boringness? NO

Daniel Bryan being shunned......YES YES YES. This is the only thing people are concerned with. People will be bitching and complained tagging WWE and Dbry in everything Facebook, twitter and other social media.

This pushes Bryan futher in people's faces.

Orton is boring and will soon wash away, Cena has lost so much fan base due to his fueds with big time old school stars.

Dbry is that underdog, being held down by the man (WWE). His Pop's are so huge that he is going to give Hogan a run for his money. Dbry is possed to go down in history with The Rock, Stone Cold, HBK and more.

This Play of leaving Dbry out is absoultly brilliant.
I seriously doubted wwe would sabotage something as big as this on purpose i did think wwe holding Bryan back was part of an elaborate plan to keep his popularity as part of his appeal is that he's an underdog.but now I'm starting to think the storyline where they called him a b+ star is actually wwes true feelings towards him.the fans have been making it very obvious for a long time that they want him to be the top guy but last night it seems they are starting to get genuinely mad.number 30 rey mysterio and the actual winner Batista got so many boos last night its going to be hard for wwe to ignore them now especially if it carrys on tonight on raw.

On a side note though there was a lot of rumours,reports,tweets and whatever about returns and one off appearances and except for Nash none where true instead we got jbl for about ten seconds and the little bull guy also the end was about as predictable as it gets.on the whole the show was pretty dissapointing and i think the crowd where voicing there frustration with about that aswell not just because of bryan.
I really hope it's part of the story. I mean, if WWE wanted to honestly bury the guy and move on, they're doing a terrible job of it. Why would the keep teasing the crowd with him? The carrot is totally being dangled.
Its adorable how even the dirtsheet writers think this thing is all just WWE being "blind". They aren't blind. This is EXACTLY what they wanted. This reaction we are having to it, the reaction the writers and wrestlers are having to it... its exactly what they wanted. It gets D-Bry even more over.

Actually, I tend to agree with that. Sure, I would've loved to see Bryan enter the Rumble and - of course - win it. I've said it before: Putting Bryan into the WM main event and having him go over is a surefire way to get that huge reaction WWE apparently wants.

But the point you make is valid, and it shares the sentiment of Nick Paglino's editorial on the WZ website, which I believe is true. Last nights Rumble did what it had to do in that it a) put Batista back into the spotlight where WWE wants him and b) made new stars with Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns and yes, also Daniel Bryan.

It speaks volumes if a guy who is in the opening match of a PPV and loses(!) cleanly(!!), still is the talk of the day in the aftermath. Not the WWE WHC title match between two of the biggest stars of their generation. Not the ever-popular 30 man Royal Rumble and its winner. No, it's a small guy with a beard who got abigailed (I'm making this a word now) into the barricade. And strangely, by seemingly doing nothing for him, WWE does a lot for him, and gets Daniel Bryan over even more. But maybe it's not really WWE's doing; maybe Bryan's popularity surge has just taken on such a life of its own that it's impossible to stop the train anymore - which I think is the case, and which I think WWE is banking on now.

Maybe they've realized that they can't break Bryan, being as hot as he is, right now, so they've decided to milk it. Milk it, and use him (or in this case: his absence) to get other people over - the people WWE wants in the spotlight, like Batista, Roman Reigns and also Bray Wyatt. It could be a brilliant move... Due to the simple fact of not giving Bryan the Rumble win, they might've had essentially a double turn on their hands last night in the finish of the Rumble, with the fans cheering for Reigns and turning him into a big thing, and booing a returning(!) face(!) Batista out of the building at the same time. The question is: Will they capitalize on this, and just follow through with the dynamic the whole Daniel Bryan thing has taken, and book heel Batista vs face Bryan for Mania?

Or will they follow through with their original route, and put Bryan into a more or less pointless match with Sheamus? I guess we'll see once the pieces for Elimination Chamber fall into place.
This is brilliant worked shoot writing from the WWE. Guess who is turning Raw on tonight? That's correct, each and every nerdy IWC smark.
The real masterchoke and what people fail to realise is this :

Why, and I mean WHY, did WWE advertise the return of Batista for WWE Raw 1 week before the Rumble?? How stupid can you be?!?!?! That was the worst decision probably in history especially if they knew than that he was going to win the Rumble.

Imagine a situation where you're in attendance at the RR, Roman Reigns dominates (and does a better job of getting heat) and is at 14-15 people eliminated, he waits alone in the ring until number #26, Batista's music starts, YEAHHHHHHHHHH, What do you think would've happened to the roof in Philly? I think it would've been the biggest pop since The Rock was announced as the guest host for Wrestlemania.

Batista comes in, throws Reigns out, wins the Rumble, we see Orton in the back watching on TV, he's scared and can't believe it while Batista points at the Wrestlemania sign, crowd is going NUTS.. Thank you WWE for this amazing surprise.
(BTW People would've been nuts mostly because of the element of surprise, I truly think the fans never really cared for Batista)

Instead they announce him for Raw a MONTH in advance, so the excitement is 10000X less , no element of surprise and WORST Triple H is the one introducing him, EVEN WORST: He talks to Orton 1 week before the Rumble, he could've had a tattoo on his back saying I WILL WIN THE RUMBLE and it would've been the same thing... This is bad booking, Probably the worst booking since the Kevin Nash/CM Punk/Triple H angle.
This is brilliant worked shoot writing from the WWE. Guess who is turning Raw on tonight? That's correct, each and every nerdy IWC smark.


WWE know that these nerdy smarks who are threatening to turn the TV off won't. They love to be angered, they love to come onto message boards and complain, they love to spout their bile on Facebook.

WWE is playing all these nerds...WWE is a successful business, they hear the chants, they know Bryan is over so they are simply putting him over by not putting him over.

The moaners are too immature and thick to realise this.
honestly i dont think it's a storyline.......i think that (even if Bryan now ends up in the Main Event), it will be WWE realizing that the crowd will riot if Bryan isnt in the main event at WM, but as for yesterday, i dont think it's part of the story. i think its WWE being stubburn and trying to give us what THEY want and now what almost every fan wants. some children and women want to see Cena beat up on Orton, but most fans (even women and children) want to see Bryan beat up on Orton. Bryan is over and for many reasons. for the kids, it's the yes chants.......cant answer for the women and for the adult males, it's they like great wrestling which he provides. sure Bryan isnt the best at promos, but when it comes to telling a story in a wrestling match, Bryan can do that with the best. in the end, i think WWE will stay with THEIR plan and have it as Batista vs. Orton, but if i were WWE, i would try to either 1) make that a triple theat match for the title or 2) have Orton lose the title to Daniel Bryan at EC to set up Bryan beating Batista (both of which i dont see happening).
The real masterchoke and what people fail to realise is this :

Why, and I mean WHY, did WWE advertise the return of Batista for WWE Raw 1 week before the Rumble?? How stupid can you be?!?!?! That was the worst decision probably in history especially if they knew than that he was going to win the Rumble.

Imagine a situation where you're in attendance at the RR, Roman Reigns dominates (and does a better job of getting heat) and is at 14-15 people eliminated, he waits alone in the ring until number #26, Batista's music starts, YEAHHHHHHHHHH, What do you think would've happened to the roof in Philly? I think it would've been the biggest pop since The Rock was announced as the guest host for Wrestlemania.

Batista comes in, throws Reigns out, wins the Rumble, we see Orton in the back watching on TV, he's scared and can't believe it while Batista points at the Wrestlemania sign, crowd is going NUTS.. Thank you WWE for this amazing surprise.
(BTW People would've been nuts mostly because of the element of surprise, I truly think the fans never really cared for Batista)

Instead they announce him for Raw a MONTH in advance, so the excitement is 10000X less , no element of surprise and WORST Triple H is the one introducing him, EVEN WORST: He talks to Orton 1 week before the Rumble, he could've had a tattoo on his back saying I WILL WIN THE RUMBLE and it would've been the same thing... This is bad booking, Probably the worst booking since the Kevin Nash/CM Punk/Triple H angle.

I thought about all of this and I think you're right in theory. However, I think WWE was "forced" to spoil the Batista return early because one of the arenas that is hosting a post-rumble RAW, "accidentally" spilled the beans about Batista, like a month or so ago and it forced WWE to announce his return, as damage control.

I posted this in another thread but if WWE does a MITB match at Wrestlemania and DB wins it and then cashes in on winner of Batista-Orton, THAT would be a stroke of genius by WWE.
I've long ago ceased to believe in the vast storyline writing powers of the WWE. They do not build stories for the long term; in part because the nature of the business would make this foolish, and second, because I don't think they are quite that savvy.

Historically, they've been great at turning lemons into lemonade, such as the Attitude Era. But realize that the Attitude Era was built on the need to make a sudden pivot (Hart quitting, and the Survivor Series 97 incident), and then noticing that they had created the greatest heel character they possibly could've had (Mr. McMahon) with a natural opposite waiting in the wings (Steve Austin). This was not a master plan, by any stretch.

I think this reaction was unanticipated, or worse, anticipated but ignored. I'm pretty convinced that McMahon views Bryan in the same vein as The Ultimate Warrior, Rob Van Dam, Zack Ryder and so on. They believe fans are fickle, and while one day they are rooting for Bryan, they will not do so next year.

In the end, this is still salvageable for the WWE. Remember, lemonade from lemons. They have another PPV between now and Wrestlemania. Anything can change there, i.e. a possible triple threat match for the World Title. But don't think for a second that this was the "masterstroke" they had been planning all along.
I posted this in another thread but if WWE does a MITB match at Wrestlemania and DB wins it and then cashes in on winner of Batista-Orton, THAT would be a stroke of genius by WWE.

I agree MITB would be awesome, but VERY predictable.

As 2 the arena that leaked Batista's return, I don't agree and don't believe this, only Vince and Trips were aware of Batista's return, I can't imagine them being able to keep the Rock's return a secret but telling an arena administrator in some city : " Hey I've got a surprise for you Batista is returning and he'll be there when Raw hits our city ! But shhhhhhhhh "

Guy puts it up to sell tickets? Nahhhhhhh, I can't buy that,

The arena's (Sorry I can't remember where it was leaked) marketing team was made aware of the return, some missunderstanding as to when to let the fans know that's it. The intention was never to have him enter the Rumble as a surprise.

One last thing, EVEN IF the information is leaked, bring him back at the Rumble, I think his return on RAW was awful and awkward to say the least:

- Introduced by Trips (That people hate right now)
- Stephanie with the freakin weird big smile the whole time Batista was posing in the 4 corners,
- Orton is there wondering what the hell to do,
- Batista takes the mike and says nothing, "I came back for this, the WWE title" YA OK, RIGHT, SURE! (Btw i reacted the same when Rock said that 2 ears ago)
- Comes back later in the show to destroy Del Rio and snap his fingers saying this was easy. So unfair for Del Rio ... and even for the WWE Belt which Del Rio held for a fair amount of time. Lack of respect, uncalled for, I would've had Del Rio eliminate him yesterday, a program with him talking about respect and failed MMA career leading up to Mania would've interested me, not an Orton feud.

Anyways, bad booking, yes, masterchoke, yes, but not because Bran wasn't in the Rumble, because all the boos could've been avoided with a surprise and unexpected return from Batista
I don't agree with some of the IWC guys who are absolutely pissed that Daniel Bryan was not in the Royal Rumble.

The WWE creative team is not a bunch of idiots and is way smarter than most of us. Think about it..
Even a little kid could have figured it by now that DB is the definition of OVER right now.
WWE must have foreseen the negative reactions and the boos which most of the superstars got when Bryan didn't show up at the RR match. And STILL they didn't let DB get anywhere near the Match.

So by this logic, WWE was willing to damage one of their big four PPV to get DB over more than he ever was.

So, is this a Masterstroke by WWE???

No, it isn't. And when, and if, they rectify the mistake they made, don't feel validated. It's easy to pretend you had something up your sleeve the whole time when a perfect situation is hand fed to you. The WWE doesn't and will not deserve the credit, the fans will. Daniel Bryan was nowhere near that match because they were trying to avoid exactly what happened...the crowd turning on Batista. What they got was 10 times worse. Sabotaging one of their biggest PPV's to DB over and pissing everyone off right before they change over their business model, which success DEPENDS on fans committing 6 months to a WWE Network, is not a masterstroke.
Im hoping they really capitalise on this negativity like they did with the Montreal screwjob. Could be a real watershed moment for the company if done right. Whether or not Vince is creative enough to do this anymore remains to be seen.

They should open RAW with Triple H and Stephanie forcing Bryan to plead with the Universe to accept Batista for his Rumble win and spot in the title match at WrestleMania. This could possible cause an actual riot.

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