The Bryan situation. Is this a Masterstroke by WWE?

The Yes Guy

resU deretsigeR
I don't agree with some of the IWC guys who are absolutely pissed that Daniel Bryan was not in the Royal Rumble.

The WWE creative team is not a bunch of idiots and is way smarter than most of us. Think about it..
Even a little kid could have figured it by now that DB is the definition of OVER right now.
WWE must have foreseen the negative reactions and the boos which most of the superstars got when Bryan didn't show up at the RR match. And STILL they didn't let DB get anywhere near the Match.

So by this logic, WWE was willing to damage one of their big four PPV to get DB over more than he ever was.

So, is this a Masterstroke by WWE???
For their sake, it better be leading to something. The chanting for Bryan during title matches is threatening to become a big problem. I mean it will keep happening if he keeps getting booked in mid card matches and not winning titles.
I've been saying all along it will be a triple threat match at WMXXX Where orton taps to the yes lock and Bryan has his ultimate WM moment.

Now, How is WWE going to book DB in the main Event??? Maybe it could be done with Vince. Maybe they can bring back Shane O Mac to battle against the grain of the authority and Pappa McMahon and Brother Hunter and Sexy Sister Stephanie? Maybe he can get some leverage to change the main event. But that may be too obvious.

Maybe Hogan will return and somehow get some power to Make adjustments to Matches? And be in DB's Corner for the victory or Maybe HB Shizzle??

Who Knows, but I'm calling it now. Bryan Danielson will go over and become the WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION on the Grandest Stage of them all WRESTLEMANIA XXX
I don't agree with some of the IWC guys who are absolutely pissed that Daniel Bryan was not in the Royal Rumble.

The WWE creative team is not a bunch of idiots and is way smarter than most of us. Think about it..
Even a little kid could have figured it by now that DB is the definition of OVER right now.
WWE must have foreseen the negative reactions and the boos which most of the superstars got when Bryan didn't show up at the RR match. And STILL they didn't let DB get anywhere near the Match.

So by this logic, WWE was willing to damage one of their big four PPV to get DB over more than he ever was.

So, is this a Masterstroke by WWE???

No, it's them being EXTREMELY stubborn. They're just trying to break our spirits and get us to the point where we stop chanting for Daniel Bryan so that they can say they were right about him all along.

If they were trying to to build Bryan up, him not being in The Royal Rumble Match would have been brought up as a storyline point, the fact that it was quietly done says to me, it served no purpose.
If it's Daniel Bryan Vs Sheamus at WMXXX i'm going to be fucking pissed inless he wrestles two matches. How cool would that be if they saved the news of the match until the actual match??? Fans would fucking freak out. I would mark the eff out and die.
I think it's a big storyline. I'm not sure where they go with it as far as getting Bryan's revenge on the Authority, but I think WWE knows what they are doing. As was mentioned, there is no way they didn't know this type of reaction would happen, yet they still didn't get him involved. That tells me that they have some sort of plan.

I do however, find it disrespectful of most people's reaction to this thing. Just because one guy was not in the title match or the Rumble, they crapped all over the matches. That spit in the face of 32 guys that were simply trying to do their jobs. For most of those guys, it's not their fault that Bryan was not there. They were just doing what they are told to do in the ring. There was no need for that type of reaction tonight, and unfortunately it will now continue every single show. I mean, what do people expect, Bryan to be in every single match on the card?
I think it's WWE trying to put it to, what they consider, is the IWC. I don't believe they really grasp how stubborn "we" can be. I don't think Rey Mysterio has ever been booed so badly in his life. If anything positive for Bryan comes out of it, i strictly damage control.
What do they gain by doing all of this? This is not an episode of RAW. It's the second most important PPV of the year. They charged almost 60 bucks for this PPV, why would they tank it intentionally to work the internet? He's not going to get any more over than he is around these parts.

Likely scenario IMO is they use the situation to work Bryan back into the authority storyline. I think a WM Main Event & title run was promised to Batista as a condition for him coming back.
I, like so many others, are thoroughly ticked with how it is being handled. That being said, what if they pull a bigger swerve and give the fans something they thought they would never see?

If you remember, a couple months ago, WZ posted that Undertaker himself wanted to face Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania. Now, I know the sheets have Taker facing Lesnar, but what if all of it, and I mean ALL OF IT has been done intentionally? With only the select few being informed to it, what if the actual plan is being kept under lock and key for Taker to actually get his wish, instead of the matchup with Lesnar?

In my opinion, the overness of Daniel Bryan right now is quite possibly the only superstar that I think could surpass the negative feedback of the streak being broken.

That's my call on it all. In a promo on Raw, Bryan talks about "The Yes Movement," and how eventually they will have no choice but to listen, but the one person who does listen, and ACTS ON IT is Undertaker, challenging Bryan to a match at WM. Undertaker gets his wish and gets Daniel Bryan at WM, because let's face it, the pop he would get from ending the streak would be MONUMENTAL compared to him winning the title. Don't get me wrong, he would still be popped HUGE, but how much more over could he become if Taker actually agreed to let Bryan be the one to end "The Streak"? While it may all be a pipe dream, I think this scenario not only would give fans what they want, but it would prove that you don't have to have the title to be the most over member of the roster.
Here we go Daniel Bryan vs Dave Batista, ultimate underdog vs "What's best for buisness" champion at Wrestlemania, oh crap had a brain fart forgot about lesnar... oh well you can forget about a decent wrestlemania
The only thing i will say is there is still ANOTHER pay per view before Wrestlemania. The world title has been defended in the past at Elimination Chamber. This could be an interesting pay per view to really set up Wrestlemania. Just because Batista won the Royal Rumble doesn't mean he is facing Orton yet. Just still have to wait. Hopefully, you will get what you want.
I don't agree with some of the IWC guys who are absolutely pissed that Daniel Bryan was not in the Royal Rumble.

The WWE creative team is not a bunch of idiots and is way smarter than most of us. Think about it..
Even a little kid could have figured it by now that DB is the definition of OVER right now.
WWE must have foreseen the negative reactions and the boos which most of the superstars got when Bryan didn't show up at the RR match. And STILL they didn't let DB get anywhere near the Match.

So by this logic, WWE was willing to damage one of their big four PPV to get DB over more than he ever was.

So, is this a Masterstroke by WWE???

OP It has been well documented for the past 4-5 months that wwe refuses to put Daniel Bryan Over. What part of it you dont understand. WWE clearly has their own agenda against D bryan and are willing to achieve whatever means necessary.

Lets look back: Based on what the consensus ive gathered in multiple forums
- Bryan beaten down every week throughout september (IWC said he'll win title, dont worry)
-Bryan win and lost title within 24 hr (IWC said he'll get the bigger payoff at HIAC)
-Bryan lost at HIAC (IWC said hbk vs bryan is gonna happen instead)
-WWE moved Bryan out of title picture completely (IWC said wwe secretly planning for a bryan rumble victory)

Look where we are now? Bryan lost to Wyatt clean and didnt even get to sniff the rumble match. And now some of you Bryan fans say its wwe way of getting him over by not getting him involved in the rumble? Well it sure piss the hell out of everybody from fans to orton and batista lol.

What exactly do you mean the writers are smarter than us? If you mean by them having extensive "soap opera" writing experience and a degree in communication etc. OK. But that does not necessary say they're not idiot of not knowing what the fans want. Actually i take that back because the writers are idea generator because they're job is to pitch idea to Vince. Vince acts as the filter, he gets the final say. And Vince doesnt see Bryan as that ideal star. Simple as that.
Im hoping they really capitalise on this negativity like they did with the Montreal screwjob. Could be a real watershed moment for the company if done right. Whether or not Vince is creative enough to do this anymore remains to be seen.
Some WWE fans are just idiotic at this point. Wake the fuck up. There's no grand plan, there's no big build up, there's no swerve there's no nothing. WWE is not smart enough to do this, they're dumb enough to bury the guy - which they are doing.

Daniel Bryan is slowly getting burried. Period. End of story. They don't want him over, they want to feature guys like Cena, Orton, Batista and soon Hulk Hogan. That's it. Deal with it.
Here is the thing, I'm with almost 99% of the wrestling universe, I'm very much a Daniel Bryan fan and I love the chants that he brings the the WWE universe. But at the same time I worry about outcome of him not being in the main event of Mania. Even tho Batista Vs Orton isn't my first pick, if it does end up being the Main Event I'd rather not have to listen to the crowd shit on it for the entirety of the contest. 15,000 people is one thing, but 90,000 people (which is what the superdome can hold at Mania) is certainly another. They could get that to work in their favor on the other hand by making it a triple threat like countless others have suggested and putting the strap on Bryan. Turn 90,000 angry fans into 90,000 YES screaming fans, turning the end of Mania into the most memorable one of all time.
This is definately a masterstroke by WWE and they are completely working the WWE Universe.

I laugh my tits off at people getting so angry over all this 'holding Bryan back'. This is exactly what WWE wants. The more they hold Bryan back, the more pissed off the fans become. Eventually when they unleash the shackles off Bryan, his popularity will explode.

WWE know what they are doing.
How can this be a masterstroke? Daniel Bryan lost cleanly did he not? The way I see it, Daniel Bryan is done.

You have to look to the past. I can't think of any WWE Great who got chopped down (cleanly) in their prime to someone like Wyatt. You only lose cleanly to other great wrestlers, and the only wrestlers that Bryan should be losing to right now are Cena and Lesnar, not wrestlers like Wyatt.

He lost clean, he is done.
This is not a masterstroke from the WWE. They've constantly buried Bryan the past few months and have made an obvious attempt to kill any and all momentum he has.

If it were a masterstroke and apart of the story line, the commentators would've definitely made note of the fact Bryan was not going to participate in the rumble and put it over as the machine trying to keep him down, but they didn't.

Now, with tonights reaction to the show, I see WWE trying to flip it and work this into their story line and then try and front and say this was the plan all along, but it's clear as day that it wasn't.
The more I think about it, how versatile is Bryan's character, coming from a creative stand point.

If I were apart of the WWE creative team, this is what I would be weighing up in my mind when it comes to Daniel Bryan.
- Can Bryan play a cool heel?
- His mic/promo skills are mediocre at best.
- How much longevity does Bryan have being the WWE champion?
- You can only chant YES YES YES so long before it gets old and stale. YES YES YES is not edgy, it aint cool, it's flavor of the month (6 months).

If Bryan were to become champion, I'd give it a few months before the WWE universe quickly turned on him.
I think it's a big storyline. I'm not sure where they go with it as far as getting Bryan's revenge on the Authority, but I think WWE knows what they are doing. As was mentioned, there is no way they didn't know this type of reaction would happen, yet they still didn't get him involved. That tells me that they have some sort of plan.

I do however, find it disrespectful of most people's reaction to this thing. Just because one guy was not in the title match or the Rumble, they crapped all over the matches. That spit in the face of 32 guys that were simply trying to do their jobs. For most of those guys, it's not their fault that Bryan was not there. They were just doing what they are told to do in the ring. There was no need for that type of reaction tonight, and unfortunately it will now continue every single show. I mean, what do people expect, Bryan to be in every single match on the card?

In my opinion, even as a DB fan, I think it's a twofold problem. Problem one (as I see it), no one is more over than DB is now, excluding him is a huge knock to them, and the fans let them hear it last night. Problem two (as I see it) for fans lies in the fact that they just handed the Rumble win, and subsequently the title at WM to a guy who's done absolutely crap in the last 4 years when he walked out.

I really don't believe WWE saw this to the extent it happened. In WWE's mind I think they believe that Batista is a much bigger super star and beloved than what he actually is.

I think 100% of us could agree on what they think, and what reality is right here, and now are 2 totally different things.

Guys like Punk, Bryan, Reigns, Bray, are getting cast aside for someone who is way past their prime just so he can have one last hurrah. It ain't right, it is ******* wrong ... so fans have a right to be pissed ... I would of been fine with anyone else winning last night but Bautista.

What do they gain by doing all of this? This is not an episode of RAW. It's the second most important PPV of the year. They charged almost 60 bucks for this PPV, why would they tank it intentionally to work the internet? He's not going to get any more over than he is around these parts.

Likely scenario IMO is they use the situation to work Bryan back into the authority storyline. I think a WM Main Event & title run was promised to Batista as a condition for him coming back.

Which is wrong, considering he's way past his prime, and has been gone so long. That just ain't right ... should have to earn his stripes just like everyone else, and he hasn't done nothing to earn it. IT WAS HANDED TO HIM.

The only thing i will say is there is still ANOTHER pay per view before Wrestlemania. The world title has been defended in the past at Elimination Chamber. This could be an interesting pay per view to really set up Wrestlemania. Just because Batista won the Royal Rumble doesn't mean he is facing Orton yet. Just still have to wait. Hopefully, you will get what you want.

Except it was mentioned fairly recently a few times that the winner faced the Orton, or Cena at WM30 ... in the past the odds of the title holder dropping the strap before WM was fairly nil. I'm talking WWE title, not WHW.
I really don't believe WWE saw this to the extent it happened. In WWE's mind I think they believe that Batista is a much bigger super star and beloved than what he actually is.

One of the best comments i have seen today, i totally agree. Please guys check out my RR review in the RR PPV Thread, and reply to it if you could, thanks.
Oh come on. I've heard enough about the WWE's master plans. Like when Damien Sandow lost to a one armed John Cena, it was all a part off plan to build him up more. Now he's jobbing to Khali. And what about the master plan for Kane to reveal himself as a mole for Daniel Bryan, or for the Wyatt's to help him win the Rumble?

When Daniel Bryan lost his title at Summerslam, it was all a part of a bigger plan. When Daniel Bryan lost his feud against the authority, it was all a part of a bigger plan. When he was put in a feud with the Wyatt's, when he gave up and joined them, when the WWE was basically forced to end it prematurely, it was all a part of some bigger plan. When he loses the first match at the Rumble, and when the fans chant for him during the WWE title match and Jbl responds with "he was in the first match. He lost!!" as though bewildered that the fans aren't silenced by a booked loss, it's all a part of a master plan. That plan is to do everything humanly possible to cool down Daniel Bryan, because they don't want to put him in the main event at Mania and and yet he's so over that the fans won't let anyone else get over in his wake.

If there actually is some elaborate plan to get Daniel Bryan over (there isn't), it's a moronic one. The WWE runs the very real risk of actually turning fans off from the program, or of missing their window of opportunity with a massively popular star (look at James Storm in TNA. They missed the boat with him and he's never regained his momentum). What would be the benefit of such a move? To make it look as though the WWE is completely and utterly out of touch at a time when they are trying to sell subscriptions to the WWE network?

Nope, it's time to face the fact that there is no greater, elaborate plan. The dirt sheets have been right about just about everything, right down to Cena starting a feud with Bray Wyatt.
What i think is and i sure as hell hope this is what it is

What if d b now goes on a knack for making taker accept to a match against him and taker calling bryan beneath him

I mean think about it he is the one guy at the moment that everybody is rooting for there can be nothing "better for business" then that at the moment.

I can actually imagine him going over taker come wrestlemania. Imagine what bryan is gonna be if that happens.
WWE hav poll on facebook asking fans if they enjoyed RR or not and judging by results so far the votes r very close. This not in line with wat I reading elsewhere

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