The Booking of Sasha Banks


Wrestling analyst Diva expert
I will get straight to it I am truly saddened by the booking of Sasha Banks. Her fourth title reign lasted only 7 days and since her main roster debut none of her title reigns have lasted 30 days. Has management cooled on her or does she have some backstage heat? What are they doing with her? Is she being moved out the way for a soon to debut Asuka? What are your thoughts? I am ready to for the debut of Asuka, however I feel that Sasha deserves better than what she has been given IMO.
I predicted she would win last night and then have a feud with Nia Jax and lose the title to her eventually. Yeah Sasha's reigns have been criminally short. At least when she was feuding with Charlotte, they were trading the title back and forth to make it a good rivalry. It looks like Bliss and Jax will be feuding now for some reason and I don't know what Sasha will do now? Feud with Emma?? Isn't Paige supposed to be coming back? What about Summer Rae? Those are all possible feuds for Sasha I guess...
2016 was a disaster for her in terms of booking. She was the most over woman in the roster but was forced to lose all but one PPV match. Sasha would win on TV but lose in PPV making here look more like a pretender than a legit superstar.

What's worse is that it all amounted to nothing. Charlotte would lose in a B-PPV (only so she wouldn't overshadow Cena's title reign) and it made Sasha losing all those PPV's to Sasha even worse since it made Charlotte's entire streak meaningless.
I struggle to understand last night's result. Maybe she's hurt or they found another project for her. Maybe they are moving Asuka to Raw and want to keep the two separated. Maybe they feel like it is easy to burn out on her easily as champ so they save her pushes and big moments for the bigger events. I don't know. Maybe they are creating a narrative that she has to overcome her inability to keep a title. It's hard to say. I guess she was never meant to have the SS spot but if that was the case why have her win? She could have handled the loss at SS.

It just feels like something happened in the past week that made this change necessary. Again though, who knows?
Here's my analysis: This doesn't appear like a burial or a sign of management cooling on her. At least, not if yesterday's match has anything to say about it.

If anything, it might be leading to something bigger like a triple threat at No Mercy. Sasha likely wins the title back there and that leaves Alexa and Nia free to fight for as long as they like.

As for Asuka, i'm feeling a lot more confident about her than I was before; it's been rumored that their going to keep the streak she started in NXT on WWE, maybe even until WrestleMania if Vince can stay patience enough. We will see though.
I just don't get it, this should've been the reign where she atleast gets a defence or two in. Even if it was two months it would be more of success than the previous reigns, difference is like someone said above atleast she was trading the title in a continuous feud with Charlotte.

In this case, it seems like their moving on to Nia & Alexa. What a fucking shame, it's like their killing peoples chances of even wanting to invest in Sasha. The ONLY possible good thing that could come out of this is Sasha heading to SDL in the rumoured Shakeup, as after last night I have no interest on seeing her on RAW anymore.

Wish they would've given Sasha a chance, seems like the company sees her more of a stepping stone rather than one of the faces of the division as her and WWE both "claim".
Wait, during her first 3 title reigns did she defend the title on house shows? doesn't have results from 2016. I know someone is going to say those don't count.
I can only hope she heads to smackdown if they pull the trigger on the shake-up. But I do not want to see her in an immediate feud with charlotte... I know they compliment eachother in the ring but there is an opportunity for her to have some fresh pairings, not ones we've seen throughout all 2016.
WWE rarely counts wins/losses for house shows. Yes I do believe she defended at live events but unless your AJ Styles and KO they are rarely acknowledged. Even with her title defenses she has never reached a full 30 days as champ consecutively.
The problem is that WWe always saw her as the other one. By that i mean, she popular enough to be on top but she only there to help the main heel in the division look good. If you look at her feud with charlotte last year, it was the same booking, she was there to make the top heel look good and this year replace charlotte with Alexa and that exactly the same scenario. i feel like on Raw, it all revolve around the top heel as far as the women's division is concern. Whoever is in that position will get lenghty title reigns and will have more focus while the babyfaces are just there to make the heels look good.

Sasha is a good hand and one of babyface in the division and in their mind, they can use that to help the heel look like a million bucks so i don'T see her having long title reigns anytime soon unless they finally pull the trigger on the rumored heel turn they wanted to do since the beginning of the year.
I was disappointed myself due in no small part that I hate it when they play hot potato with titles. It's a huge pet peeve of mine and WWE has resorted to doing it too much this year with most of the straps on the main roster.

In my eyes, this also damages Sasha Banks as champion when you consider how much they drew attention to the fact that she's always lost the title in her first defense back to whomever she won it from in the first place. I don't know why they went this route but it feels like a classic Vince move in that you get the feeling that maybe he just suddenly changed his mind and wanted the title back on Alexa. However, one possible saving virtue I can think of is that this means Sasha is headed to SmackDown once the alleged Superstar Shakeup goes down; still though, if the plan is for her to head to SmackDown then why have her win the Raw Women's Championship for the 4th time in the first place? It puts me in mind of Neville dropping the CW title to Tozawa on Raw only to win it back less than a week later at SummerSlam; as with Neville, Alexa was in the midst of a triple digit title run that gets interrupted for nothing.
Maybe, down the track, Bayley returns and wins the Women's belt.

Her and Sasha have been friends. Maybe Sasha comes out to congratulate Bayley, only to turn on her.

Sasha would have a new nasty streak, and says that pandering to the fans made her soft. Now she will do anything necessary to both win the title and then keep it as well.

They could then have former friends Bayley and Sasha fight, Sasha wins, and then throw a bunch of faces at her.
The more i think about it the more i think this could be a great way to turn Sasha heel. I simple booking, you have her starting to doubt herself after not being able to defend the women's title every time she won it and at one point so go and wonder why she not able to defend the title like she did in NXT. Then she realise that she's gotten soft by caring too much about what the fans thinks of her and the way to be great again is to go back too what made her the Boss in the first place and that's doing anything in her power, even cheating, to win the championship and to keep the championship. By then they're a good chance bayley will either be back or near ready to comeback and so after sasha win the title back, Bailey comes to the ring to celebrate with her and after teasing the fact that she happy to see bayley, sasha attack her and his now a full fledge heel and you give her a long title run that way.
my guess.... or more so my hope is that this and all the constant loosing is the small slow beginning of heel time for her.
She has been a face the entire time on the main roster even tho her best work in NXT was as a heel.
Constantly loosing should make her slowly turn and be pissed that all her pandering to the crowd did was help her be a 4 time looser....
She could definitely pull it off and would actually suit her well.
In this particular case, I feel Bayley's injury is to blame. Many people expected Alexa to retain at Summerslam due to Sasha costing Bayley the match. If that happened, Sasha and Bayley would feud, while Alexa would have assuredly moved on to face Nia in the story they've been building for weeks now.

With Bayley suddenly out of the picture and Sasha as the quick replacement, I think they just gave her the title purely for the sake of surprise before moving back to their original plan as fast as possible. Putting the title back on Alexa so quickly, instead of letting Sasha defend it at No Mercy, would support this. Also, WWE probably thinks Sasha's inability to successfully defend the belt makes for a good long-term story worth keeping up now. She's going to get a big pop the day she finally wins a title defense.

The whole thing feels more like storyline readjustment than any kind of indictment on Banks herself.
It's just good booking. There's a reason Alexa kept mentioning Sasha's inability to defend the title. They're going with that as part of her gimmick.

She can win, but can't retain. It'll eventually frustrate her to the point that she snaps, probably on Bailey to start their long rumored feud if Bailey can come back soon enough.
Yeah after she becomes a heel she will have a long title reign like in NXT. It seems to me nowadays that wwe keeps title on heels longer than babyfaces.
People are starting to realize how overrated she is, maybe.. Let's face it, Sasha can't cut a promo, she can only work good matches with certain people, her gimmick is stale and she try's too hard to look different and it comes off as awkward.. There's so many better options to go with in WWE, women like Emma who struggle to get TV time.. Sasha has been over exposed and it's time they move forward with other women like Nia Jax or maybe Emma.

If this chick had backstage heat they wouldn't put the title on her at all, and main-event RAW.. Her losing it this fast is just telling the story she has trouble defending the title.. When Bliss mentioned that 2 weeks ago, i knew right away Sasha was dropping the title.
They should turn her heel again. Maybe after or during the Survivor Series Match against the MMA girls. Have it get down to Bailey & Banks vs. Rousey. Bailey goes for the tag and Banks just leaves and walks to the back. Perfect way to get the Banks vs. Bailey feud going after Bailey comes back from injury. "The Boss" is definitely better suited as a heel gimmick rather than underdog babyface for sure.
I don't see a huge issue with her booking, though I think she would be better served to be a heel.

The problem is that during her feud with Charlotte, they wanted to keep Charlotte's PPV streak alive so that lead to lots of short title reigns as she wasn't allowed to go over on PPV. I thought the back and forth title changes bade her look to be on par with Charlotte, who had been one of the best booked members of the roster over the last year or so. The loss to Bliss was just a shock loss to build interest.

She has been the one woman to constantly get over on Nia so her booking isn't all bad.
I have not had that much of a problem with how she has been booked with the exception of always losing her titles in the first title defense on the main roster. When looking at this in a positive light instead of being frustrated by it, they have the potential for a rather big moment with this when she does successfully defend a title for the first time. It's happened 4 times now so they could eventually create a career defining moment for her. Or they could ruin it with a pointless ending like they did with Charlotte's PPV Streak. Regardless, Sasha will be one of the top women for the foreseeable future and while her booking clearly has not been perfect, she entertains me a lot whether she is a face or a heel. That is what matters more at the end of the day. To me anyway.

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