The Big Show


Getting Noticed By Management
At 7' tall and 500 lbs he's a difficult man to forget,but even as big as he is,his figure and legacy in the annals of WWE history are bigger than his imposing frame. From teaming with the likes of Undertaker and Kane to starring in comedies. Steamy affairs with Vickie Guerrero to K.O Punching The Miz and Jericho,the big man has seemingly done it all. But what will you remember him for? His lovable moments as a gentle giant or his days wreaking havok on sports entertainment, or maybe even his skills in the ring,great as they are for a man of his size.

Post here and tell me how you will remember the massive future Hall of Famer.
One moment really sticks out in Big Show's career. Probably one of the biggest moments in Smackdown history when Brock Lesnar Superplexed Big Show off the top (not second) turnbuckle and broke the ring. I still to this day mark out when I replay that moment. The crowd went crazy. It was surely something I'll always remember Big Show for.

But to be completely honest, Big Show has been a bit boring as of late. That's just my opinion. What I will surely remember him for is his unforgettable WWECW Championship reign. Big Show never really excited me outside of WCW but when he burst on the scene in WWE's newly created version of ECW, I was very excited. His first few matches with Rob Van Dam were really extreme and gave ECW on SyFy a great kick off. Over the next few weeks, he had exteme rules matches with Kane, Bobby Lashley and Ric Flair. Big Show's stregnths were really shown during his domination of WWECW and each match brought out the best in Big Show. Big Show does play a better heel, I for one miss that but I'll remember Big Show for his Championship reign in ECW.
Lulz. To be blatantly honest, I haven't liked the Big Show for quite a good amount of time now. There's just something about him that just annoys the heck out of me. Perhaps it's the fact that he can never be made to look inferior. It's been a while since there's been a momment where the Big Show was NOT the one looking superior. But alas, I digress. He's a face; and thus goes to the old saying of "good guys always come out on top" is taken into use.

There was a time where I enjoyed watching Big Show but that was about 7 years ago. I guess, to answer this question: the way that I will always remember him is as the giant moster who dominated everyone that was in his path. I remember back when I was a kid and Big Show had been in the United States championship feud with Cena; I was so scared for Cena because of how big the Big Show was. He was unbelievably huge; and incredibly scary. Of course, back then I was but a mere child and still believed wrestling was real. However, regardless of my limited knowledge to how fake wrestling was, Big Show was a fabtastic heel. Just his mere presence gave you chills to whatever it is that he would do.

Big Show is without a doubt a future Hall of Famer--he's accomplished so much in the business gaining multiple title reigns as well as great feuds. Big Show--whether you like him or hate him--has had one hell of a career and is an amzing superstar.
Superplex through the ring, it was so unexpected, and a decent match aswell. But I completely agree with Hamler, he has been boring lately, maybe a decent feud with Cody could be good, but he is just all about Knucklehead, everything he does, promotion is fine, but don't make it his gimmick.
Yep the superplex from Brock Lesnar is my best moment for Big Show.. Second may be his debut by crushing the cage and helping Austin gain the win, back then he was known as Paul Wight.
I will remember him as the best moving giant ever. Not the best big man as undertaker definately has that, but in terms of giants, no one comes close. He does stuff that you wouldnt think he is capable of doing at his age. Ill also remember that he is pretty great at promos too, and deserves the position he is at. But i wish they would give him a more toughass character even as a face.
I'll remember him as one of the greatest giants in wwe history. Honestly he is entertaining and looks strong in the ring if I'm honest with you as he has done for some time. The best moment I remember is what everyone else has said. That superplex that broke the ring.
I personally will always view Show in the same way he views himself. A warm, caring person that loves to entertain...... while trapped in the body of a monstrous behemoth.

Apart from breaking the ring with the world's biggest superplex, i'm mostly going to remember some of the god awful, truly embarrassing crap that Show has had to do over the years in the name of 'sports entertainment' i.e.

- Having Eddie Guerrero hose him down with feaces.
- Having to pretend that his dad had died and then being shown being dragged through a cemetery on the back of a casket by the Big Bossman.
- Cena's Battle Rap with him.
- Being shot with a tranq gun and then having his head shaved.
- Getting bashed my Mayweather twice in the space of a month and a half.

And then generally just being made to look like a brainless lump for the majority of his career. But then that's why i love the guy. Yes he's built as a monster, but he's still willing to degrade himslef for our entertainment, and for his size, he does actually wrestle a LOT better than you'd expect. I mean, look at all the other wrestlers of the past that came close to Show's size. 90% of them were horrible in the ring.
When I think of the Big Show, I'll think of "it's never too late in your career". Like what was said before, he was doing comedy sketches for a while, and even was pinned after a Dudley Dog from Spike. However, he's a multiple time World Heavyweight Champion from multiple wrestling companies and he travels from show to show in a tour bus. When I think of Big Show I think, "Just keep at it". And I also think of the night after the Invasion angle ended, the green colored piss he drenched someone's leg with when he heard a noise in the bathroom

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