The Best


Pre-Show Stalwart
Sorry if it has been done before

I like better heels than faces. And i really enjoy when I see a guy who ca play a great heel. At the moment there are some very good heels in the WWE like The Miz ,ADR , Christian, S(h)eamus and of course CM Punk. There have also been some good heel in the faces of Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels , HHH , Randy Orton,Edge, The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase , Ric Flair, SCSA and Vince McMahon.
And my personal top 3 list would probably look something like this:

1 - Vince McMahon
2 - The Million Dollar Man
3 - Chris Jericho/CM Punk

And in this manner I have some questions to you

1 Which heels do you currently enjoy the most

2 Which are your top 3 heels

3 Who do you think has the potential to be great heel
first of all, CM Punk, can be the best heel ever, undoubtalby, and people are starting to relise it now, hes the hottest thing in pro wrestling, its a work, but the rock mentioning CM Punk, makes people who dont know who CM Punk is, look and see, who CM Punk is, so as to who has the potention to be a great heal, CM Punk, not a great one, the best weve ever seen,

DB could play a heel well i think, just get him out of this thing with Cody, have him team with Sincara a few times, then turn on him, saying he hates the whole zipidy flying wrestling style, and that hes a techniction, i belive a heel like that could get over,

Y2J was an amazing heel, his stuff with HBK is some of the greatest stuff WWE ever say,

and HHH, when hes a bad ass heel he has to look of the kinda guy who would kick ur ass, his stuff with orton leading to there WM match was great, the old stone cold getting run over thing, all that was great, imo HHH is a very good heel and can draw legit heat from people,

but currently, my fav heel has to be Truth, the whole Lil Jimmy shit is funny, and its new, altho hes an awful wrestler, i think that story line would be more suited to some1 who could actuly do some good stuff in the ring
:worship:I don't have a top three, but at the moment I would say CM Punk is the best right now. I hate to throw around the word charisma because it is overused for people who don't really possess it (I'm lookin' at you Miz). But Punk has a dark charisma to him. He's being his real self. A friend of mine told me he met Punk at a ROH show and he refused to sign an autograph and stated, "You're not going to make any money off of this". He's a real shooter. I think the best heels are guy from my youth, like, Roddy Piper, who knew how to piss people off in the crowd. Plus Piper didn't care about winning. Look at how he treated Cindy Laupher by kicking her when she was down on all fours in the ring. He was a RULE BREAKER ABOVE AND BEYOND!!! Check out his feuds with Orndorff and Hogan. I was five years old then (1985) and he really seemed like a REAL villian. I don't get the comparison with Miz. Also, Jake was a real methodical villian. He didn't have to raise his voice and get all worked up to get his point across. His actions spoke volumes (DDTing Steamboat onto concrete, attackin Savage with a venomous cobra, all with a sick smile on his face!) There were others like, Million Dollar Man, Ric Flair (during his feud with Dusty Rhodes), the Four Horsemen. These are guys the audience really genuineley hated!!! A heel is not someone who gets cheered. I like Jericho as a heel but he got cheered based on his overall merit and contributions to wrestling, and he was a little comical even in his last incarnation. R-Truth gets props because his utilizes old-school tactics to get the crowd angy, like tossing soft drinks onto fans and taking hats from little four year olds. These new guy should take notice. A real heel has a problem getting out of the building after a show, ask The Freebirds and Piper!
1) The heel I currently enjoy the most is...must...resist...obvious answer....Nah, it's CM Punk. He's the only one who brings some excitement to the table, so he has to be the one.
2) My top three favorite heels of all-time probably are:

1 - Roddy Piper circa. 1985
2 - Andre circa. 1987
3 - Vince McMahon circa. 1998
I should have put Flair in there, but I suppose I just wanted to be a little different.
3) I'm going to remind everyone of Wade Barret. I liked his Capitol Punishment promo, I laughed out of my chair when he said the barely audible, "USA," was, "pathetic," so I really felt for a moment that he does have something to him. I'm not saying that he will be great, but I think some potential is there.
I was going to say Dolph Ziggler, but I'm almost afraid that they've missed the boat on him. They should have given him a serious title run on Smackdown and let him try it out, in my opinion. I used to think that he had a little Shawn Michaels to him, but he needs an acting coach to become that good...and probably a miracle.

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