The Best Wrestler There Wasn't

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A wrestler who could have been destined for greatness but never saw it happen was Kenny Dykstra. A lot of people seem on here seemed to not like him, but I saw loads of potential. He was in the Spirit Squad as the only guy that stood out from the bunch, surviving the angle where they all (litterally) got shipped off to developmental by DX except for Kenny who was given a last name and a new character. He then got put into an angle against Flair who put him over and had a great short-lived tag team with John Morrison, it looked like he was on the path to stardom. Then he gets stuck in an AWFUL angle with Chuck Palumbo who squashed him every single week, followed by an angle where he was tag teaming in intergender matches with Victoria against Torrie and Jimmy Wang Yang, then he got future endeavoured. What happened we might never know. He had the potential to be a star but it never happened because they ruined multiple opportunities for him to get the big push he needed. The worst of all being when he was going to join Orton and Edge but didn't get to. He deserved to get a push similar to if not larger than what Ziggler, who was in the Spirit Squad with him, ended up getting.
I have to agree that WWE dropped the ball with Kennedy, Hassan and Hennig although the later was probably due to his own reasons. I see a lot of potential in Carlito, Zack Ryder, and feel that Dude Busters were only just getting started. They needed a new name though, heh.

Established vets like Chavo Guerrero and William Regal could of held the Heavyweight/WWE title at one time, but they were at the top of midcard and were reliable in their efforts, night in and night out.
Ludvig Borga.

They were calling him "The Hellraiser From Helsinki" and he was a total heel, giving the impression that Finland was about to declare war on the U.S.:shrug:(Yeah? Let 'em just try it!)

He was generating some amazing heat with his constant chant of "You stupid Americans" that fans were eating up. He was a strong ring worker with some pretty good technical skills that he rarely showed because he was depicted as a brawler.

Borga was just getting to the point where he was facing main event guys. Then, he was injured....and somewhere along the line, he quit.

Now, he's dead, which probably means he won't be back, right? Not even in kayfabe.
For me it's a tie between four guys, MVP, Mr.Kennedy, Muhammed Hassan, and Curt Hennig.

First off I'm gonna start with Curt Hennig, he had a perfect gimmick, a perfect look, perfect mic skills, and amazing talent. But his big push suddenly stopped when he had an injury sometime in the early 1990's, and he was forced to be Ric Flair's.. what was it? assistant? let me just call him Flair's A-RI with all do respect to both him and Alex Riley I think his relationship with Miz and Cole was based off Perfect's relationship with Flair and Heenan. So when he recovers they turn him into a babyface, he had a decent run as a face teaming with Macho Man to take on Flair and Razor Ramon, But he never got his ME push cause of all the guys who were overshadowing him, and rumor is he was supposed to win the 1990 royal rumble, but never did cause of Hulk Hogan and his game of politics, so he never was a ME player.

And when you look it Muhammad Hassan he was one of the most despised wrestlers in WWE history, he was a heat magnet, he had talent, he had a great look, but it all got ruined when for some reason(I'm blaming Michael Hayes for this) he was given a terrorist angle, and with the worst timing possible for it, he eventually got written off TV and then got released.

Then you had MVP, the guy could talk, the guy could wrestle, and he was over with the crowd by the time of his feud-partnership with Matt Hardy, which bring me to the entertaining programs he had with Kane and Hardy, he was destined for, though eventually he became a babyface and it ruined his career, and he eventually became the guy who put over the younger talent like The Miz and Jack Swagger.

Then you had Mr.Kennedy..Kennedy.., he was the most entertaining part of Smackdown! back at around 2006-2007, he was placed in a feud with The Undertaker similar to MVP and his feud with Kane, and he actually beat The Undertaker once thanks to MVP, and the WWE were so high on him that you just knew that hes gonna make it big, unfortunately Randy Orton ruined that for him and ruined Kofi Kingston too a year later, so it's a shame how he ended up and considering he's in TNA now I don't even know how he's doing there but that company went downhill ever since Hulk Hogan came in.

Honorable Mentions : Heidenreich, Sean O'Haire, Carlito.

Now I would mention Drew McIntyre and Chris Masters, but their careers aren't over yet, so here's to hoping they improve their mic and in ring skills and make it big one day.

I agree 100% on Hassan and Henning. People complain about Cena now, Hogan really held a lot of great heels back in my opinion. Mr. Perfect and Ted DiBiase were the two best heels of all time and both should have had a run with the title.

Muhammad Hassan could have been a great heel if they would have been a little more careful with his booking. There was no need for the whole "terrorist" angle and Michael Hayes should have been fired on the spot. If you would have just played him as an Arab-American who was pissed for being profiled and now he was denouncing America it would have worked. His music pissed people off, his look pissed people off, he was good on the mic and good in the ring. Personally I think he should have been given the U.S. title as soon as he moved to Smack Down, that would have went so well with his gimmick.

My others are:

Magnum T.A.: I mean this one is obvious, he was on his way to super stardom before his accident.

Simon Diamond: I seen this guy in ECW come out at the begining of a PPV and cut a promo and thought to myself this guy just has "it" I don't know why he never amounted to anything, but I thought he was great.

Mr. Kennedy: If he would have got that Vince's son angle, I think he would have really ran with it and became a top draw. Great mic skills, great in ring skills and he just had this drive that I don't see anymore now that he is in TNA.

Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli: I'm not going to lie I was a mark for the Mamalukes in WCW and the new F.B.I. in WWE. I thought there was a lot of work to be done with him, but I thought he could have at least been a good mid- carder.

Sean O' Haire: He had a great look, agile for a big man, but he just couldn't get over and I could never figure out why. Hell they gave him Piper as a mouthpiece what more do you need?

Monty Brown: I liked this guy in early TNA, I thought he had a lot of upside to him, former NFL player, big, quick, could put on a decent match. Then when he went to WWE as Marcus Cor Von it was like a completely different guy.

Disco Inferno: I would have loved to have seen this guy in WWE as a wrestler or as a manager. I remember way back in the day they said Honky Tonk Man was supposed to bring him in and manage him. I thought he was good on the mic, it was kind of corny but I actually liked his gimmick and he could put on a good match.

Colt Cabana: I know he is still a big name in ROH, but I think WWE really missed the boat on this guy. He may not have the "WWE physique" but the guy is golden on the mic. His shows on were hilarious, he is a wrestling trivia book, and he can work. I would loved to have seen him and C.M. Punk go at it during the SES angle. I think he would be a gem on commentary as well.

Honorable Mentions: Matt Bentley, Petey Williams, Adam Bomb, Nova, Prince Iukea
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