The Best vs The Rest: The Problem with WWE's Women's Division

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
There are many problems with the brand split. Horrid, Power Ranger-looking belts. Ever-rotating four man commentary teams. Shane McMahon wrestling AJ Styles at WrestleMania. Perhaps the most egregious problem with the brand split is what it's done to the women's division, which is ostensibly what the one ring did to Bilbo Baggins. Yes, just like Bilbo, the women's division is like butter spread across too much bread. The problem isn't the roster, which is quite probably the best female roster that a mainstream wrestling company has ever assembled. The problem, for once, isn't even ingrained sexism. The problem is you have a main event, and you have a midcard, and you have them on separate shows.

First, we have the problem with SmackDown: it's a midcard with no main event. Becky Lynch is the definition of an also-ran. Of the Four Horsewoman - Bayley, Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch - Becky was the only one to never win the NXT women's championship. Becky also never won the Raw women's championship. While Charlotte has played the queen and Sasha and Bayley have taken turns dethroning her, Becky never did. Becky failed to win the title time after time. She is then pulled away from her rivals, put in a large pond of small fish - and Nikki Bella - and suddenly, poof, is the champion of a new division. Immediately, this makes your roster look second rate.

Of course, there was an easy solution - have Becky defeat Nikki Bella, the longest-reigning Diva's champion in WWE history. You have a gate-keeper, you have a torch-bearer - why is she not being used to pass the torch or let anyone through the gate? Instead, she's been put in the midcard of the midcard, and will now be in a mixed tag match at WrestleMania. There have been two other SmackDown champions - Alexa Bliss and Naomi - and their only bragging rights are that they managed to beat their predecessor. This hasn't helped matters.

The Raw women's division has a much simpler, much more easily explained problem: there are fucking five of them. That's not a division. That's barely a birthday party. And that's only five if you count Dana Brooke, who's more often been Charlotte's ringside accompaniment than an in-ring competitor. No, we'll not count Alicia Fox, nor Summer Rae. Otherwise you have Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks, who've had approximately seventy matches between them, Bayley (who will soon have seventy matches with each) and Nia Jax (remarkably, yet to wrestle Charlotte).

The overall standard of wrestling on Raw is higher and the belt has more prestige - Charlotte is a much better antagonist than anyone on SmackDown not named Nikki Bella, and she can boast of having beaten Nikki Bella - but the possibilities for matches and feuds are pathetically finite.

Let's assess. You have one show, the problem of which is that they lack bonafide main eventers, even if they have talented individuals and a fairly deep roster. You have another roster who has several main eventers but a shallow roster. If only - if only - all these wrestlers were employed by the same wrestling company and could be on the same show. Unfortunately, Ted Turner's promises of guaranteed money and creative control means Vince McMahon would have to break the bank if he wanted to lure Maryse over to the World Wrestling Federation.

There's an obvious counterargument to this. For too long, women's wrestling has been treated like a gimmick or a sideshow - as if they were tag teams, midget wrestlers or, God forbid, the stars of 205 Live. If the men get to be on both brands, why do the women get confined to one? Is that not treating them just like a sideshow? Next you'll give them a purple and silver belt. The problem with this is you have exactly two options: being principled or having a compelling women's division. You can't have both. Because women's wrestling has been treated as a curious niche for so long, there are fewer female wrestlers than there are male wrestlers. Because there are fewer female wrestlers, there are fewer world class female wrestlers.

There is still a wrong road ahead to equality. The question we're presented with most immediately is: would we rather two lackluster women's divisions or one good one?
I will tell you what to do because the answer is quite simple although they won't do it. Both the women division and tag team division are terrible on both brands because their are barely enough people in the division. So what I would do is put all the women on raw since that's where the division started and I would put all the tag teams on smackdown. That way if you want to watch the women you have to watch raw and if you want to watch the tag teams you have to watch smackdown. But they already made belts for their individual brands so that's not going to happen.
Trouble is depth. Where does Charlotte goes when soon comes time to see Bayley vs heel Sasha? She would squash Dana and Nia and then get back to title chase again? Luckily for them draft is coming so new faces are about to show on each show but really, other then Charlotte, Sasha and Bayley no real contenders there. And we already saw that or variation of it through NXT and now main roster. Same with Smackdown. Sure, Asuka is coming soon but Nikki would retire, Natalya isnt contender and "Jersey rejects girlfriend" is laughable with Jobber Elsworth. That leaves Bliss and Asuka after Mania. Oh and Naomi when she comes back. Never seem to understand why not get one Champion but rest could fight for contender spot. Sure, this way you get lighter schedule, but cant see why couldnt you build contenders through both show. At least we would get fresh feuds other that NXT reruns. And it same with tag team. Other then American Alpha they dont even have c0ontenders on Smackdown.
Both divisions on each show have had a better past year than any year in any women's professional wrestling division in history. Doesn't mean that there are not problems but progress is progress. Most people couldn't care less that Becky never held the NXT Women's Cumdumpster. Nikki Bella isn't that great of a gatekeeper and may still get a chance to fulfill that role (I predict the payoff to the Mania Cena match is Cena proposing).

These women are getting regular spots on national tv. If you out then on one show you would basically out some of them out of work. There is too much talent right now to let that happen. And while women one show works for the tv viewing audience it is not great for your paying gate who may want that piece of the puzzle as part of the show they are about to attend.
I think the problem with the women's division is on account of who is more over for there extracurricular activities bright now than anythingnthat happens in the ring...

When was the last time a woman wrestler did something notable that got attention???

I think this has been everyone's problem since day one of the brand split. The same thing goes for the Smackdown Tag Team division. And there's one simple question. Why not keep one division as a whole on RAW and the other division as a whole on Smackdown?

Women on RAW. Tag Teams on Smackdown. That would work.

Of course that kills the whole "competition on every level" shit, but let's be honest, that's just an ad. (even though Survivor Series was great)

Of course you can't change that now, so you must look at the future. You have James back and you have Asuka coming up sooner or later. The solution is simple: create equal rosters.

Also Becky vs Nikki would have been great to establish Becky as the first Smackdown Women's champ.
So many brilliant points, witty remarks, and interesting tidbits all in one post. Good job OP. I'll choose to both acknowledge a major argument and then answer that final question:

RAW has more bankable stars but lacks depth, SD has more guys but lacks star power. If you ask me, that is the issue with every single division in the WWE. SD can do all these tag tournaments but who cares about those teams? New Day, Enzo & Cass, and The Club are among the most popular entities in the entire industry but besides the random pairing of Sheamus and Cesaro who else is in the division? The main event scene is where this argument seems to lose steam but look back at the draft - RAW took the 2 more popular Shield members and 2 rising stars in KO and Finn Balor that SD has had no answer to (Keep trying Baron). I think the whole WWE product would be better if it was just one show, but as the OP pointed out, there are far less females in WWE than male ones, thus their problem is far mar more obvious than the men's.

So would I rather have two lackluster divisions or one good one? My vote is for the one divison, which if they just ended this brand extension would give us a damn good show. Alexa, Charlotte, Sasha, Becky, Bayley, Nattie, and Nia in one star-studded division battling for one prestigious belt. American Alpha may be the best in ring tag team in the company, but imagine seeing them prove it against New Day, The Club, and Enzo & Cass. Instead of seeing Rollins, Jericho, KO, and Reigns take turns facing each other in programs (much like AJ, Cena, Miz, and Ambrose have been doing) how about getting some dream matches going with AJ/Rollins or Cena/Reigns.
Even if you stuck all the women on one show, ie RAW, you would still have the same issue in a way. Charlotte, Sasha and Bayley would still be fighting it out for the title, Naomi, Becky and the rest wouldn't even get a sniff at it.

Yes the matches might be more diverse, but does anyone really see Alexa Bliss, great heel that she is going over Bayley or Sasha Banks. The internet would explode. What they need to do is put more women on both shows and as much as I hate saying this, put some other tag teams together. There are a lot of wrestlers that aren't being used and using them the way they did Cesaro and Sheamus might work. At least we would get to see other teams and some guys might actually get some TV time.
There's nothing wrong with the structure of the division. Raw and Smackdown should each have a Women's Champion. If they moved all the women to one brand then the other brand would be incomplete by comparison since both should have a World Champion, a Women's Champion, a midcard champion, and Tag Team Champions. I can see why some might want there to only be one Women's Champion but I personally disagree with it. If they were all on one show then there's no way that Alexa or Becky would be getting the opportunities they deserve. It would still be Charlotte VS either Bayley or Sasha for the one title while everyone else would be stuck in meaningless filler feuds. So, the structure needs no fixing. There are bigger problems that they should be addressing such as the booking. Why end Charlotte's PPV streak on the weakest PPV brand of the year instead of waiting until Wrestlemania? Why have this streak to begin with if she kept losing the title on Raw? Why would they book Bayley to win the title so unexpectedly soon? I won't even start on Naomi's title win. The booking is the problem. Not the fact that there are two titles. I'll gladly take the division in its current form with everyone spread out over two shows instead of the cluster mess that would result from having all of the women on one show.
to me, the only problems with the RAW Women's division is the storyline itself of Bayley, but in the ring and on the mic, everyone's done as good a job as they can do and are putting on fine matches.

as for Smackdown, their main problem was who's booked as the champion and i am hoping that this problem is solved at Wrestlemania. Smackdown's first women's champion was Becky Lynch.....she then lost to Alexxa Bliss (who the fans care nothing about as a heel). i was ok with the first loss as it showed that anything can happen, but when the plan was to bring Mickie to Smackdown, i would've quickly put the title back on Lynch and built up a feud with Lynch and James. they could've been what helped this division, but instead it wasnt booked right. so how to fix this, simple......either 1) have a RAW Women's wrestler move to Smackdown, maybe even Charlotte and i'll tell you how this can happen. have Charlotte not lose in the triple threat (have Bayley pin Sasha), then later in the night have Charlotte win the Smackdown Women's Championship which would confuse the announcers and then let it be known later that Charlotte's contract expired then later have Bliss somehow cause some sort of problem where she ticks off Bryan who fires her and then she goes to RAW. or 2) draft Charlotte to smackdown after WM and have Bliss or Carmella to RAW.

another way (Without moving Charlotte to SD) is to have Asuka debut on Smackdown or WM and have her win the Women's Championship. either of those would spark the division on Smackdown. Charlotte and Asuka are fine in ring performers and Bliss is ok, but she's not on the level or Charlotte, Asuka, Banks Bayley, James or Lynch.
The same thing goes for the Smackdown Tag Team division.
Someone mentioned the Tag Team Division.....well on RAW, i'm again fine with the Tag Team Division. i think they lack teams, but that's something that either pairing up two guys or calling up tag teams can't fix. in other words, RAW's tag team division is fine to me. The Club should hold the titles while Enzo and Cass should chase them

as for Smackdowns, they have two teams and then the problems start. the Usos are great heels and can go in the ring and American Alpha are awesome faces and are great in the ring.....the problem with Smackdown's tag team division though isnt the lack of teams like RAW has, their problem is how the tag teams are booked.

The Ascension are impossible for me to take seriously because they look like a poor team's version of the Road Warriors. that's how they came in and that hasnt changed. the best thing that could happen for them is to have a better story and change their looks. in the ring, they are fine enough to be a good heel team, but they need to change their image and be booked as good heels who i can seriously believe in

The Vaudevillians are hard to take seriously because 1) they are barely on the show (like the other team i mentioned) and 2) they arent booked strong (they lose a lot). they have potential as a team if those two things get corrected.

Rhyno and Slater are a comedy duo and that's what's holding them back. and the same exact thing can be said about the team of Breezango. Firstly, i wish they could've called them Fabreeze (if they could) and Second, i think the team would be much better if Fandango's character was changed completely. i get that they like his music, but i think they should come out to only Tyler Breeze's music and they should come out taking usies...but nope, WWE is booking them as Fashion Police and that's too silly for me to take seriously. i took Breeze's other gimmick much serious, that's why i think they should've switched Fandango's character to that of Breeze's and have them both being Prince Prettys.

the Hype Bros as a team has potential if Ryder gets healthy and they get tv time.
Asuka is going to drop the NXT Women's title at Takeover Orlando and then debut at Wrestlemania and win the SD women's title... That is a virtual lock, IMO. So, immediately the Women's division on Smackdown will be better. Also, if Maryse comes back as a wrestler after Wrestlemania, you suddenly have to look at the Smackdown roster and give it the edge in terms of depth. As the OP said, RAW has 5 women that are relevant, that's it.... Yes, Emma will come back and that will help but still, how many times can we have some combination of Charlotte, Sasha, Bayley and Nia Jax?
i think that the smackdown women's division as been quite good since the brand split, they got interesting feud for all the women'S and we're able to create their own characters.

The problem is mostly with the Raw Women's division and the lack of wrestlers or just the division they had between the women's in that division. I don'T know why with a 3 hours show you couldn'T try to build up everybody in that division instead of just giving the focus on sasha,charlotte and bayley. Emma as been ready to return since november and they did nothing, they had dana brooks and alicia fox on the roster, not the greatest of performers but if given ring time, they could have gotten over. Nia jax, got a little exposure but nothing special, you could have created a monster instead of doing this on and off push with her. We can forget that i think they didn'T think that Paige would be taking so much time off when they did the draft and even their, i think she would have been overshadowed by charlotte, sasha and bayley because before her injury, she was already getting push aside for charlotte,sasha and becky.

So the problem with the division is that the RAw division as been book to focus so much of the same women that it got boring to watch. I use to care about charlotte, sasha and bayley but i've seen this combination so many time that i just don'T care anymore and i wish one of the 3 gets traded to smackdown at some point to refresh the raw women'S division and give a chance to the others women.
Please note WWE not even being bothered to maintain the charade, dumping the SmackDown title match on the WrestleMania pre-show.
Please note WWE not even being bothered to maintain the charade, dumping the SmackDown title match on the WrestleMania pre-show.

Apparently some fans cried and they made it on main show again. So, at least they get treated better then Cruiserweights.
Both divisions on each show have had a better past year than any year in any women's professional wrestling division in history. Doesn't mean that there are not problems but progress is progress. Most people couldn't care less that Becky never held the NXT Women's Cumdumpster. Nikki Bella isn't that great of a gatekeeper and may still get a chance to fulfill that role (I predict the payoff to the Mania Cena match is Cena proposing).

I may not be a smart man but I know what love is.

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