The Best Tag Team Ever...


Pre-Show Stalwart
i honestly can't find a tag team out there more exciting than gen me , motor city and beer money. ESPECIALLY the team that got away, gen me !!! honestly , who is more exciting than these guys ??? click below for proof. please counter me with a team with more impressive moves than this!!!
You seem to be operating under the assumption that the "most exciting" tag team is the best tag team.

Personally I favor LOD. But that's based on my own criteria.
I "WAS" a big fan of the Hardy Boyz. But the way Matt Hardy started performing at later stages of his career in wwe and their present acts... They are no more my favs....:disappointed:

I will go for... "The New Age OutLaws".
Generation me are very exciting and no one could TRY to do their moves. TNA suffered a big loss, and hopefully wwe will have a huge win.

personally i think the best tag team ever would have to be the Dudley BoyZ and by dudley boys i mean the origonal hardecore dudley boys from ecw. and they did i great job in wwe and tna.
I can't think of any reason whatsoever why you left KoW off your list unless you're only talking about TNA tag teams..? -shrugs- They're easily the best tag team in North America. :|

Depends what your criteria is for the greatest
Entertainers? Title Wins? Most Impact? only TNA

If only TNA is your criteria, well that severely narrows it down.
and only Beer Money would get the nod for that, all the others are just in there shadow as far as overall performers or the Dudley Boyz who were done b4 they even hit TNA

So many great teams have come and gone in the past 30yrs of watching, impossible to narrow it down, so i'll just throw 4 out there

I'd have a fatal fourway
Hard to go pass the Legion Of Doom, they were scary, impressive, way out there promo's, kick ass outfits and they held more titles all over the world then anyone til the Dudley Boys took the crown

Edge and Christian - one of the greatest teams to ever come through the WWE, involved in debuts of the most craziest matches and were so damn entertaining.

Hollywood Blondes - Didn't win many titles, but both Pillman and Austin worked there asses off and cemented themselves in the uppermidcard division.

Beer Money is a great team for the current generation, no doubt. I would say too they are the best team in WWE/TNA since they hooked up, but they still pale in comparison to when Tag Teams were dominant and actually meant something.

Kings of Wrestling - from what little i've seen they are certainly impressive.

In TNA/curent WWE yes they are the best, in the past and present combined, no.
you can't compare those with teams like The Steiners, The Hart Foundation, British Bulldogs, Luger and Sting, DX, Dudley Boyz, Edge and Christian to name just a few they are teams that were dominant for along time in an era where Tag Teams meant something

I'm sorry but Generation Me suck, they were nothing more then obvious ripoffs of the Hardy Boyz inital debut, slightly more entertaining but barely
From the last few replies, it seems like The Best Tag Team NOW, versus ever. I would vote for the Hart Foundation. They complimented each other very well, with Anvil being the promo guy and the power of the team. Bret Hart was the athlete and technician. And when they had Jimmy Hart, he was their mouthpiece and a great heel team. Not a knock on Generation Me, but they look like a hybrid of The Rockers and Hardyz. Once again, not a diss, but when you see obvious influences in moves and even ring gear, the vote goes to the influencers.
If we're talking about best team ever, I'd probably go with The Minnesota Wrecking Crew. How often do we all underestimate the greatness of Arn and Ole Anderson? The Brainbusters were pretty good, too. Arn and Tully Blanchard were also an iconic combination. The Minnesota Wrecking Crew were obviously not very flashy, but they were unstoppable in a time where wrestling meant something, kind of like The Briscoe Brothers (Jack and Gerald). Let's not forget Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood, either. All three of these teams helped to build the NWA and JCP back in the 80s. Though, one can't forget iconic teams like The British Bulldogs, The Steiners, Edge and Christian, let alone The Road Warriors. I'm kind of shocked to see no one has said The Dudley Boys, yet. Still, I love most the teams from the early 80s. That's when I started watching wrestling, and these are the ones that always stand out to me, the most.

But, if we're talking about present day tag teams, though TNA does have some very talented teams, I feel as though you have to look at ROH. They have, undoubtedly, the best teams in the world, or at least North America. They've got Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team, they've got The Briscoe Brothers, they've got The All-Night Express, they've got Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly, they've even still got The American Wolves, but I think the best team they have is The Kings of Wrestling.

Of course, I don't think they still have the Kings, anymore, if Claudio has signed with FCW, but we'll see more on that. The Kings of Wrestling, for my money, definitely are the best tag team that I know of. WGTT is pretty close, but the Kings have so much damn talent that I don't understand how people wouldn't by crowding to see them. As far as wrestling ability goes, they're the best tag team. By story telling, they're the best tag team. I hope to see them in WWE, untouched soon. We won't, at least not untouched, but I'd love that.
Obviously this post is more or less a joke of people who can't really think. It is very obvious that the title should be changed from " The best tag team ever" to "what tag team do you like". What is the best? the top of the food chain the team that moves around and wins where ever they go.
Gen Me has done what so far, I watch you link I seen a few tag team moves and a whole lot of izaguri kicks. They are kind of exciting if you not used to watching Lucha Libre wrestling. They couldn't make it in TNA, they won't have a shot in WWE as much as you want to have faith in them doing something they haven't made it to the bigs where you find out what your made of.
Kings of Wrestling is a Stable, so it isn't even fair to add a group vs a pair it just doesn't make sense. Now that it is Hero and Claudio for the most part when will it become a full on stable again. Again this is another tag team dominating a division that isn't recognized by many wrestling fans.
Beer Money Has been in a few countries and have won title and fans world wide, being in the second tier of wrestling and dominating sure beats winning in the indies. Beer money is a team, that if kept together can move to WWE and show the world their talents.
3D Even know they spent a little bit as a stable the main two have always stayed the same with Bubba and Devon. They also have work for some of the bigger names in wrestling business and were successful they have also travel the world over and won titles.
Hart Foundation I could see how many would put them on top, they dominated the WWE, here is the problem like other teams they have done nothing outside of the WWE making them important to those who ONLY watch the WWE/WWF. This team is lumped with other that were good but only stay in the WWE. leaving many other team in the world that could offer competition to wonder how good they were.

The best Tag team ever.....Is the Legion of Doom/Road Warriors were linked to AWA,NWA
,WCW,WWF/E,AJPW,NJPW,TNA,SWS,ZERO1,World Japan promotions. They have gotten over with the fans in every promotion they have been a part of winning tag team championship in every single promotion they have been a part of. Up til the death of Hawk the word "What a Rush" received some of the biggest pops in history. If the Hall of Fame wasn't as fake as wrestling itself, this tag team would be a first ballot tag team. Until other teams can travel the world and be that big of an influence, LOD will still be the top team.
Best team ever? The Road Warriors hands down.
Best CURRENT tag team? I've heard a lot about the Kings of Wrestling but haven't really seen anything on them yet. I'll check them out but for my money right now, i'd have to go with Beer Money.
Their are at least 15 tag teams i'd go with before Generation Me even got thought about.
I don't think they were necessarily the best ever but I think honourable mentions need to be given to miz and morrison, dirt sheet and promos were amazing and what miz lacked in the ring Morrison def's made up
I wish wrestling would bring back the tag team scene ! They need a tag team like the Road Warriors. They get all these little guys as champs. Were are the big guys like Sid Vicous,Kevin Nash,Kronic was good with Brian Adams and Brian Clark in the 90`s. Make a good tag team like to big guys Kevin Nash,Matt Morgan,etc have them be texas outlaws or zombies (since thats popular)
The Road Warriors, hands down. There have been so many great tag teams, so here's my top 20, in no particular order:

Road Warriors
Fabulous Freebirds
Rock & Roll Express
Midnight Express (either one)
Ivan & Nikita Koloff
Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson
The Hart Foundation
British Bulldogs
The Rockers
Steve Williams & Terry Gordy
Steiner Brothers
Harlem Heat
The Eliminators
Edge & Christian
Hardy Boyz
The Dudleys/Team 3-D
Beer Money
Briscoe Brothers
Kings Of Wrestling
I'm going with..The Eliminators,Saturn and Kronus!!

These guys to adapt to every type of match ECW had.

They could brawl...
They could go hold for hold on the mat..
They could go aerial and high-fly with the best of them

Plus they cut what might possibly be one of the most memorable promos in ECW history,all I have to say to those that remember,,

(A tough team in their own right!)
The Road Warriors, hands down. There have been so many great tag teams, so here's my top 20, in no particular order:

Road Warriors
Fabulous Freebirds
Rock & Roll Express
Midnight Express (either one)
Ivan & Nikita Koloff
Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson
The Hart Foundation
British Bulldogs
The Rockers
Steve Williams & Terry Gordy
Steiner Brothers
Harlem Heat
The Eliminators
Edge & Christian
Hardy Boyz
The Dudleys/Team 3-D
Beer Money
Briscoe Brothers
Kings Of Wrestling

This^^^^^Solid list right there.
two man power trip! even though they weren't togther that long they made me step back from my tv a little bit! Stone Cold and HHH a tag team! No fair to anyother team out there! If they stuck together and focused on tag team divison(yea right haha) they would have been unstoppable! LOD wouldnt stand a chance!
two man power trip! even though they weren't togther that long they made me step back from my tv a little bit! Stone Cold and HHH a tag team! No fair to anyother team out there! If they stuck together and focused on tag team divison(yea right haha) they would have been unstoppable! LOD wouldnt stand a chance!

The same argument could be made about Two Dudes with Attittude, Shawn "HBK" Michaels, and Kevin Nash. The combination of speed, agility, ring presence, and just pure power. GAME OVER! (pun intended) Two Man Power Trip or anybody else for that matter would be begging for mercy. Sadly, they only qualify for my top pick for Best Short Lived Thrown Together Tag Team

Best tag team of all-time? I'm in the majority it appears when I say The Road Warriors, notice how i didn't say LOD. LOL. Without a doubt these two were the most influenital in getting people excited about tag wrestling during the late 80s-early 90s. Their promos were always off the charts, the look was fantastic, and most importantly they complimented each other perfectly inside the ring. Plus they had Paul Ellering, the perfect manager for the perfect tag team.

My Other Favorite Tag Teams the I feel don't get much love

Hollywood Blondes The cockiness that Steve Austin and Brian Pillman were able to deliver through their characters was just unmatched. Of course both were gifted wrestlers but their on-screen personas are really what sold me on this team.

Money Inc They might be down pretty low on people's lists but I really enjoyed them. Was always a HUGE fan of the "Million Dollar Man" so seeing him win a couple tag titles was great to see. This team is another example of partners complimenting each other. Really? Who better to tag with MDM than IRS? Loved their gimmick.
as far as entertaining and fun to watch teams go without a doubt of course generation me,motor city machine guns,the hardy boyz are right there at the top as the best high flying teams but as far as the best team of all time id go with Team 3D/The Dudley Boyz i mean come on cant aruge with results and those results being 23 time tag team champions! devon sucks on his own and until recently so did ray but to me both will always be at their best teaming with each say the 2nd best team of all-time is between edge & christian,legion of doom and maybe even demolotion? :shrug: my favorite team of all-time though has gotta be E&C frickin loved every thing they did back in the day and when i was a little kid i wanted to grow up and be just like edge
The same argument could be made about Two Dudes with Attittude, Shawn "HBK" Michaels, and Kevin Nash. The combination of speed, agility, ring presence, and just pure power. GAME OVER! (pun intended) Two Man Power Trip or anybody else for that matter would be begging for mercy. Sadly, they only qualify for my top pick for Best Short Lived Thrown Together Tag Team

i would have loved to see this match!!! this has fantasy written all over it!!! i agree with your points but my money would be on the trip!!!
You seem to be operating under the assumption that the "most exciting" tag team is the best tag team.

Personally I favor LOD. But that's based on my own criteria.

absolutely , i like to be excited when i watch wrestling. i also like to see innovative move sets
If we are talking the best tag teams in TNA, you have to think about Beer Money. They have done a great job as what began as two people randomly thrown together. Both guys made the team work and their accomplishments have done alot to help bring back a lost art. Tag team wrestling was dead before TNA jump-started it. I've also gotta include The Motorcity Machine Guns. Their work is phenominal. Other teams like Team 3D, Inc. Ink, Generation Me, LAX, AMW, and Mexican America have helped to cement TNA's tag division as one of the best anywhere.

My past favs in the history of tag teams would be all versions of the 4 horsemen, the Hollywood Blondes[Austin & Pillman], The Hart Foundation[all incarnations], DX[all versions], LOD[except LOD with Heidenreich :disappointed:], and The Rockers. I'm sure I'm forgetting some here,but, those are the ones that immediately come to mind.
Best Tag Teams NOW:
Jay & Mark Briscoe
Motor City Machine Guns
American Wolves
Kings of Wrestling
Beer Money Inc

Best Tag Teams EVER:
the Steiners
the Road Warriors
the Dudley Boyz
the Midnight Express
Jay & Mark Briscoe

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