The best promo guy on the planet IMO!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I will make a big statement!

There is someone currently in WWE who is the best I have ever heard on the mike.

Better than SCSA, better than the Rock, than HBK, than C.M. Punk.

This guy doesn't even wrestle, yet his promos are gold time and time again.

IMO, the best promo guy on the planet is:-


Heyman is brilliant on the mike. He has put over so many guys with just his mouth, by describing how good they are. He is antagonistic, controversial, and slimy.

When we was a commentator in 2001, he built up the ECW guys like RVD, and made them sound like world-beaters.

He is like a lawyer, a salesman, a televangelist or a snake-oil conman. You know that he is shady, and likely to rip you off, but he convinces you to buy anyway. He could sell ice to the eskimos.

Brock Lesnar is a bigger deal with Heyman as his mouthpiece. Have you heard Brock speak? That may have sunk the act right there. But, have Heyman do the talking, and Brock is a monster.

Take the night after WMXXX. Brock would have done no justice bragging about beating the Streak. However, Paul Heyman was at his best, mocking the Undertaker and the fans, while making the beating of the Streak, and Brock's dominance, a huge deal.

If Paul Heyman was a wrestler, and in better shape and looked the part, but had the same charisma and stickwork, he would be a top guy in the company. Furthermore, Paul Heyman doesn't wheel out the same tired catchphrases, over and over.

Do you agree with my assessment about Heyman as best promo guy on the planet, or do you think someone else is better?
First of all, it's "mic" as in "microphone" not "mike".

Secondly, Shawn Michaels was always a below average mic worker so I'm not sure why would you put him in the same category of elite mic workers such as The Rock and Stone Cold.

And lastly, Paul Heyman might be the best mic worker in WWE today but I'd still put guys like Rock, Piper, Flair, Graham, etc. ahead of him.
First of all, it's "mic" as in "microphone" not "mike".

Secondly, Shawn Michaels was always a below average mic worker so I'm not sure why would you put him in the same category of elite mic workers such as The Rock and Stone Cold.

And lastly, Paul Heyman might be the best mic worker in WWE today but I'd still put guys like Rock, Piper, Flair, Graham, etc. ahead of him.

I'm sure that Heyman would put guys like Rock, Piper, Flair, and Graham ahead of him too. He's mentioned in the past that Graham was one of the guys that inspired him to get into the business in the first place. But in 2014, none of those guys are around anymore, while Heyman's stepped his game up to another level (and he was pretty damn good before too).

Out of anyone in wrestling right now, Heyman's the guy... and I'd say out of actual wrestlers, the title has to go to Bray Wyatt. That kid is just gold on the mic, and if he can keep it up, has the potential to go down as one of the great talkers of all time.
First of all, it's "mic" as in "microphone" not "mike".

Secondly, Shawn Michaels was always a below average mic worker so I'm not sure why would you put him in the same category of elite mic workers such as The Rock and Stone Cold.

And lastly, Paul Heyman might be the best mic worker in WWE today but I'd still put guys like Rock, Piper, Flair, Graham, etc. ahead of him.

Heyman is better than the Rock. The Rock USED to be good, but he got lazy since he left wrestling, and his last two years he has been average, and keeps wheeling out "If you smell....", "Candyass" and all his other catchphrases. I would have hoped he had fresh material by now.

Flair is terrible on the mic. I didn't see him in his heyday, but now he mumbles and loses track of what he is saying. It is like he is on a caffeine (or something else) high.

Piper's lost it too. He can be good, but I found him rambling during his recent "Piper's Pit".

The most impressive thing is that Heyman doesn't wheel out the same catchphrases over and over.

I loved his condescending putdown of the fans post-WMXXX.

"I will say it to you slowly..... EAT!....SLEEP!.....BEAT.....THE....STREAK!"
Heyman is brilliant at the moment, but lately HHH has been somewhere back to his best form, absolutely trolling the crowd at times.

Rock will probably be the all time best IMO, he had crowds eating out of the palm of his hand just by raising an eyebrow.

HHH is one of the best heel promo guys though, and if he keeps up the way he was prior to WM (the Reality Era promo for instance) he'll be rivalling Heyman each week.
Shawn Michaels was a proper promo cutter, he spoke with an honesty that made his stuff work, as opposed to yelling hollow nothingness that you can slap on a t shirt.

At any rate Heyman is the best mic worker in the WWE right now for sure, although Cena is no slouch and is right up there near him when not doing the corny attempts at comedy.
Is this supposed to be a revelation? Pretty sure he has been regarded as amazing on the mic for a long time now. They attach him to guys who can't speak well for a reason.
First of all, it's "mic" as in "microphone" not "mike".

Secondly, Shawn Michaels was always a below average mic worker so I'm not sure why would you put him in the same category of elite mic workers such as The Rock and Stone Cold.

And lastly, Paul Heyman might be the best mic worker in WWE today but I'd still put guys like Rock, Piper, Flair, Graham, etc. ahead of him.

HBK below average? Is that a joke? HBK was solid on the mic, nothing special but I would say a guy like Dolph Ziggler is below average and a guy like DB is average...HBK is better than both of those guys

Paul Heyman is great on the mic but my only problem is that he has played the same character his entire career. Most of his promos, while not exactly the same, are very similar. He is awesome but guys like Austin, Rock, Flair...etc could do it all. They could make you pissed, laugh, happy, cry whatever, they covered the full range of emotions and could do it as a heel or face against any opponent. Another difference is that Heyman doesnt cut a promo every night like some of those guys did. Heyman promos are rather rare. So, is it even fair to compare Heyman who cuts at most 2-4 promos a month to guys like Austin and Rock that sometimes would cut 2 promos in one night and maybe like 10 in a month? Either way, as far as managers go on the mic he is the greatest of all time and its not even close.

As for wrestlers, HHH and Bray are on absolute fire right now. As much as some of you would hate to admit it, HHH made that feud with DB. I forgot how good HHH was a telling a story. The guy is simply amazing in and out of the ring. Bray is awesome, but I fear that he will have to do a serious gimmick change at some point.
I agree with the above poster HBK was good on the mic.
but imo Hogan was the best ever he has the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand even now when he messed things up they dont care its Hogan for gods sake.LOL

But I also think Heyman is great and he has moved with the times and doesnt keep doing all old material like The Rock who has to wright stuff on him arm nowdays
Thing about Rock is, he never said anything. He stayed on the same ten or twelve things his whole career, and just molded them to fit whomever his opponent was at the time. Granted, he was very good at those few things, but that's all he had. HBK was fantastic on the mic. Go back and watch his lost my smile promo, better than anything Rocky ever did imo. Heyman is pretty good, just not my cup of tea. Though his 'tears on the faces of children' speech was top notch. I love how people keep mentioning Bray here, shows how far he has come in a few short years.
I will make a big statement!

There is someone currently in WWE who is the best I have ever heard on the mike.

Better than SCSA, better than the Rock, than HBK, than C.M. Punk.

Really, do we have to pretend that Michaels was some kind of great mic man? The single biggest example of revisionist history ever in wrestling. Yeah yeah, he was awesome, but he had glaring weaknesses, and his mic work was one of them. A 6/10 talker on a good day.
Heyman is definitely the best in the WWE right now.

He's right under Flair, Rock, Austin and Hogan when it comes to the greatest of all time on the mic.

And if he was a wrestler . . . damn he would be a legend. That's so weird to think about lol. Someone in an alternate universe is opening up a 'Best of The Punisher Paul Heyman' DVD right now.
When I saw the name of this promo, I knew where you were going with this. Yes, Paul Heyman is, by far, the best talker in the company. He had the best promo of his career, and arguably of all time, two weeks ago. He was so good that he got a babyface reaction.
I will make a big statement!

There is someone currently in WWE who is the best I have ever heard on the mike.

Better than SCSA, better than the Rock, than HBK, than C.M. Punk.

This guy doesn't even wrestle, yet his promos are gold time and time again.

IMO, the best promo guy on the planet is:-


Heyman is brilliant on the mike. He has put over so many guys with just his mouth, by describing how good they are. He is antagonistic, controversial, and slimy.

When we was a commentator in 2001, he built up the ECW guys like RVD, and made them sound like world-beaters.

He is like a lawyer, a salesman, a televangelist or a snake-oil conman. You know that he is shady, and likely to rip you off, but he convinces you to buy anyway. He could sell ice to the eskimos.

Brock Lesnar is a bigger deal with Heyman as his mouthpiece. Have you heard Brock speak? That may have sunk the act right there. But, have Heyman do the talking, and Brock is a monster.

Take the night after WMXXX. Brock would have done no justice bragging about beating the Streak. However, Paul Heyman was at his best, mocking the Undertaker and the fans, while making the beating of the Streak, and Brock's dominance, a huge deal.

If Paul Heyman was a wrestler, and in better shape and looked the part, but had the same charisma and stickwork, he would be a top guy in the company. Furthermore, Paul Heyman doesn't wheel out the same tired catchphrases, over and over.

Do you agree with my assessment about Heyman as best promo guy on the planet, or do you think someone else is better?

Not really a big statement considering lots of wrestling forums have this opinion. Everyone said it when he was alligned with Curtis Axel and was said to be a great mouth piece to get him over.

I for one don't think you can compare a Heel and Face promo. Rock and Cena have some great Face promos, but can you imagine Heyman pulling it off as well as he can his Heel promos? CM Punk seems to be able to pull off both. Randy Orton is terrible on his face Promos but has some decent Heel promos.

I think Bully Ray is overlooked. Comes across as a great talker in TNA.
I'm wondering how long Cesaro is going to take Heyman constantly overshadowing him with Lesnar ending the streak before Cesaro takes him out.

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