The best part of last night's Raw?

So the last Raw I watched before this one was Raw 1000.

Anyway the best part about the whole Raw was that advertisement for WWE Main Event. That buildup package was HILARIOUS. The Great Khali? :lmao: what's funnier is that the video actually made him look awesome.

But I suppose what boggles me most is how the hell can people watch Raw these days? Especially people who watch it live, damn. Though I get that they probably put less effort into this week than usual.

What was your favourite part of Raw?
Kane and Bryan are the best parts of every show they are on right now. Enjoyed Punk and Heyman as always. The opening match was decent, even if I find it ridiculous to see Miz and Cena teaming up. Barrett vs Kofi was a good match, wish Kofi would have kept the IC title for longer though. Ziggler and Sheamus are two of the best workers in the ring right now and they had a solid match that led to another strong Shield segment.

I guess the worst parts of the show were the backstage party segments, especially the Mae Young stuff, that was just awful. Then the ending with Cena/Ziggler/AJ was pretty as well. Dumping shit all over someone is not the way to end a show.
Kane and Bryan are the best parts of every show they are on right now. Enjoyed Punk and Heyman as always. The opening match was decent, even if I find it ridiculous to see Miz and Cena teaming up. Barrett vs Kofi was a good match, wish Kofi would have kept the IC title for longer though. Ziggler and Sheamus are two of the best workers in the ring right now and they had a solid match that led to another strong Shield segment.

I guess the worst parts of the show were the backstage party segments, especially the Mae Young stuff, that was just awful. Then the ending with Cena/Ziggler/AJ was pretty as well. Dumping shit all over someone is not the way to end a show.

Oddly enough that is the second time that has happened to Dolph to end a show.

As already said Kane and Bryan were great.
I also agree on the Punk segment.
I would have cared about Orton's "return" if I had noticed he was gone...

There was an eight year period of time where I didn't miss a single episode of Monday Night Raw. I didn't bother watching last week's show. This week I watched up until Mae Young was pregnant, and turned it off. What's sad is, when she finally dies, her tribute video is going to be all these bullshit comedy segments.
Next weeks best part will be....

"FINALLY...The ROCK has come BACK tooooo RAW!!! And he's going to electrify the millions...And MILLIONS....of the Roc---"

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...SHIELD"

The Shield hit the ring, The Rock fights valiantly, but alas, the numbers game from the pack of predators is too much!

"Your time is up my time is NOW!"

Suddenly, John Cena comes to clear the ring of The Shield, once in a lifetime, never before, never again! JOHN CENA AND TH---OMG, CENA HITS THE ROCK WITH THE FU!!!!

Four on one beat down! Cena is with the Shield! Cena is with the SHIELD!!!!!!

Excuse my fanboy fantasy booking...


The best part of RAW this week was... dat ass!!

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