The Best Lonely Island Video?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
In honor of Andy Samberg leaving Saturday Night Live, which Lonely Island video do you think is the absolute best? Sorry if you don't like them - go away? - but I've always been impressed by their ability to create hilarious music that is also incredibly catchy and actually really an ironic sort of way.

Finding a video of Lazy Sunday is damn near impossible, but it's a classic. Personally I think it all comes down to the guest host. For istance, the initial shock factor of having somebody like Michael Bolton on a track:


Or just being as absolutely creepy as possible! (I submit this is the only good thing Nicki Minaj has ever done):


Or just being incredibly inappropriate. This is also one of the most catchy songs I've ever heard, and I've honestly blared this song immediately after having sex once. It was cool because the girl was the one who brought it up (I know...awesome).

They also have this great ability to make your really uncomfortable without wanting to look away... Also, fuck yes Justin Timberlake.


There's also the extremely over-used, but extremely good "On a Boat" and "Threw it on the Ground". And many, many more.


That or the Harry Potter version

I too think Lonely Island need to be celebrated:



[YOUTUBE]3v-D4pPcnT8[/YOUTUBE] (Amazing)







And everything else they've done.
The Awesometown intro was hilarious.

But Jizz in my Pants will always be my favorite. Absolute gold at the time.
1) Jack Sparrow. Why? Because Michael Fucking Bolton, I actually somehow didn't hear about this til like March and man was I blown away that he was in something with Lonely Island. When I watched it my mind was blown, hilarious song and ofcourse amazing vocals by Bolton.

2)I Just Had Sex. Is there another other song this messed up that is this fun to blast from your car and sing along with as everyone who hears it looks at you like you're crazy? Nope, I love Akon and it's catchy as hell.

3)I'm On A Boat. It's old now but man when that came out it was awesome and it was the song that got me into Lonely Island so it deserves a mention just based off that.
The Lonely Island has the power to bring the best out of any artist. (I.E T-Pain and Nicki Minaj).


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