The BEST In The World At What They Do?


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I'm sorry that this is similar to a different thread, but this specifies on the two GREATEST wrestlers in Pro Wrestling today.I've decided to compare these two wrestles for two reasons, reason one: They are the best. Reason two: They constantly say that they are the best, which is respectable. I'm going to throw down some credentials from both athletes and based on that, their personas, and their in-ring ability, tell me who you think is The Best In The World At What He Does.

Kurt Angle

Pro Wrestling's Only Olympic Gold Medalist
WCW United States Champion
WCW Champion
WWE Tag Team Champion
WWE Euro-Continental Champion
WWE Hardcore Champion
4x WWE Champion
World Heavyweight Champion
3x TNA Champion

Chris Jericho

First Ever WWE Undisputed Champion
2x WCW Champion
WWE Tag Team Champion
9x WWE Intercontinental Champion
WWE Champion
3x World Heavyweight Champion

Who is the best in the world at what they do? Kurt Angle, or Chris Jericho?
all depends on what you mean by what they do, but for me, it's Kurt, and he's got the straps to prove it, not the one soon to be around his waist again either =) Chris is GREAT at what he does, and I would give him the nod over Kurt on the mic, but.... thas about the only area I feel he can beat Kurt, to me in every other aspect Kurt is just well... The best in the world at what he does
Kurt hands down.

He's the better performer than Chris in every way except mic skills. Angle is legitimatly one of the best in the World having won an Olympic Gold Medal and 13 World Titles meaning he's a better draw than Chris who in my eyes was never anything more than a transitional champion. Chris tells everyone he's the best in the world as part of his character but when Kurt says it I get the feeling he actually means it and i agree with him 100% .
having won an Olympic Gold Medal and 13 World Titles meaning he's a better draw than Chris.

With all due respect to Kurt, he really only has 6 world titles for credible companies which are WCW and WWE. But i agree that Kurt angle is the best, he's a whole different breed of wrestler.
Kurt dominates this in every aspect. Even when it comes to mic skills, Kurt can cut a great promo as a facee or a heel. I've not seen an incredible face promo from Y2J.

Kurt has been incredible for his entire career. Jericho hasn't. He has better matches on a more regular basis and has achieved more in a shorter space of time.

Kurt Angle is the most natural sports/entertainer of all time. Jericho will be famous for being a great jobber. I like Jericho but Kurt is incredible.

With all due respect to Kurt, he really only has 6 world titles for credible companies which are WCW and WWE. But i agree that Kurt angle is the best, he's a whole different breed of wrestler.

Pathetic. Do I really have to explain why this opinion sucks? Beyond the fact that the WCW title was basically another WWE title at this point. If you do not consider the TNA title to at least the equivalent of that WCW title, then I really don't see why you bothered putting that.
Well one's a proven main event player who has good to great matches with just about everybody (except Mark Henry) and the other is a good wrestler who's very sloppy in the ring quite often, and has admitted himself he's that step below the true main event players. Throw in that he's spent a career performing moves that a wrestler of his size just isn't believably able to perform and, to me, it's Kurt Angel without even being close.

With all due respect to Kurt, he really only has 6 world titles for credible companies which are WCW and WWE. But i agree that Kurt angle is the best, he's a whole different breed of wrestler.

If you're going to count Angle winning the WCW title as a "credible company" then you have to count the TNA titles for the simple fact that, unlike his WCW title win, the TNA title is from a seperate company.
If you're going to count Angle winning the WCW title as a "credible company" then you have to count the TNA titles for the simple fact that, unlike his WCW title win, the TNA title is from a seperate company.

Dont get me wrong I love TNA, but its only been around for 8 years. Thats just my opinion on credibility nothing serious.
Yeah but the WCW titles they both won were just titles under the WWF umbrella at the time. They only had links to the WCW title in name only, it wasn't a seperate company title. Like when people say Big Show has won the WWE/WCW and ECW title, I wouldn't could the ECW title as he won that when WWE owned it, not when it was it's own company
Pathetic. Do I really have to explain why this opinion sucks? Beyond the fact that the WCW title was basically another WWE title at this point. If you do not consider the TNA title to at least the equivalent of that WCW title, then I really don't see why you bothered putting that.

again ill explain, TNA has only been around for 8 years so in my opinion, they're not that credible. GREAT company GREAT wrestlers but the company is too young at this point. Try being a little more professional about your replies.
But even taking world title accomplishments out of the equation, Angle is a machine and has had phenomenal matches on a more regular basis. Even this year, he had more Match of the Year candidates than Jericho has had in his entire career. Simply put, Kurt Angle is a more versatile and a better performer.
Yeah but the WCW titles they both won were just titles under the WWF umbrella at the time. They only had links to the WCW title in name only, it wasn't a seperate company title. Like when people say Big Show has won the WWE/WCW and ECW title, I wouldn't could the ECW title as he won that when WWE owned it, not when it was it's own company

I see your point, TNA did something similar with the NWA title. I guess in doing so it brings more prestige to the title and company its being held in.
not finding the belt as credible is fine, but the FACT remains he IS a 13 time world champion, if you didn't want it as part of the discussion you should have limited the scope of the argument to their time in wwe and before, simple fix, although that would have def cut out a lot of both of their careers
But even taking world title accomplishments out of the equation, Angle is a machine and has had phenomenal matches on a more regular basis. Even this year, he had more Match of the Year candidates than Jericho has had in his entire career. Simply put, Kurt Angle is a more versatile and a better performer.

I definitely see your point on this. I too believe that Kurt is the better wrestler, but Y2J was the first Undisputed Champ, 9 time IC champ, 4th grand slam in apose to Angle's 5th. In Jericho's defense i will say that I almost know for a fact that if Angle stayed in WWE and Jericho went to TNA in place of Kurt, then Y2J would be in Angles shoes at this point. Which is why i request not to base this argument on their credentials primarily.
Chris Jericho. He was in WCW, Japan, Mexico working his ass off and getting his skills even better... then the domination began. Sure, Kurt is good at mat wrestling, but he is nowhere close to Chris in the all around game. Chris is good on the mic, and he is an innovator when it comes to matches. He has had more quality matches and has a far better gimmick. Don't get me wrong, Angle is good... but not THAT good.
Chris Jericho. He was in WCW, Japan, Mexico working his ass off and getting his skills even better... then the domination began. Sure, Kurt is good at mat wrestling, but he is nowhere close to Chris in the all around game. Chris is good on the mic, and he is an innovator when it comes to matches. He has had more quality matches and has a far better gimmick. Don't get me wrong, Angle is good... but not THAT good.
For the love of GOD please tell me youre joking. The mic is the only place Jericho is better than Angle and that's by a very slim margin. While Chris was in WCW Mexico and Japan Kurt was in Wrestling the best in the Country woking his way up to the Olympics where he could face thebest in the world. As for better matches you couldn't be more wrong. This year alone Angle has had more MotY canidates than Jericho has had in the past 5.

I like them both but Kurt is just better
Kurt is a machine, I look at him differently than any other wrestler, he is almost inhuman in ways. He never cracks a smile, he is dead serious about what he is doing. He is explosive in the ring whether he is feuding with someone or wrestling someone he has no issue with. His recent matches with Hardy show what he is made of. Continue working with injured ribs like nothing had happened, no big deal for Kurt. One thing for sure is he made Hardy step up his game 10 fold. Hardy was getting lazy and boring, but Kurt didn't let him get away with that at No Surrender, the match was awesome. I know when I see the elevator bring this guy up to the ramp I am about to see some heavy bumps and have a 99% chance of seeing a great match regardless of the opponent. I can't say this about anyone else, not even my favorites, who are hot and cold in the ring for various reasons. Most of all I cringe when one of my favorites goes against Kurt just knowing there is gonna be an ass kicking one way or the other. Its real, damn real.

and I agree Absolute, I was just saying if in your thread you wanted to discredit the TNA title runs that might have been the way to go, but exactly as you said that would have def. cut Kurts run short ( and if you cut Jerichos at the same time Kurt left then his would have been missing some memorable moments as well) which would have been an era piece then as opposed to who is best now, but Ric Flair isn't a 16 time champ, he has held many more, people (people mainly being marks and company owners) may not recognize them but.... he still has a lot more
If we are talking of their whole career put together? Kurt. But it's not a blow out as some say. If we are talking a SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT part (since people keep bringing up this Olympics stuff) then Jericho. Kurt has one style. Amateur Wrestling. Always has been his style, and he is GREAT at it. Jericho has adapted his style many many times over threw out his career. Look at how he was in WCW, to how he is in WWE. Jericho also has more Heel/Face turns. Playing both characters VERY well. In one night Jericho can get the biggest pop, and the most heat. Yes angle has had better matches this year.. But who does he have to compete with really in MOTY in TNA? Really not many. Jericho has to be compared to HBK, Undertaker, Orton, HHH, Edge.. The list goes on here. Both men can make their opponent look like a million bucks in the ring. Hell Jericho put over Wade Barrett on RAW a few weeks ago. He made Wade look really good in that match! But for the fact that Chris can re-invent himself at different stages in his career, and is 10x better on the mic, I will agree with Crock and say Y2J.

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