The best High Flyers ever...


Hey guys, I recently made a thread about the best techincal wrestlers ever, so I decided to make a new one. Im a big fan of high flyers, the fast faced acton really gets me going so... in your opinion who is the best high flying wrestler ever?

For most of you I bet that guys like Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy come to mind, and as good as they are I really don't believe they were the best. Don't get me wrong Jeff Hardy is in my top 5 favourite wrestlers and the king of the 619 isn't to far behind. But when people talk about the best high flyer in wrestling history, one name come to mind.... Jack Evans. They way he moves around the ring is just so inspiring and his high flying moves are just amazing. He's has stints in both TNA and ROH but I would just love for him to be able to have a go in WWE against guys like Sin Cara and Kofi Kingston.

So just leave a post and tell me what you think about who is the best high flyer ever.
Man I would bet my ass that certain guys are gonna say "jack Evan is a spot monkey he sucks dick" even though I think Jack Evans is the second best high flying ever.

My pick would be PAC from DGUSA. He does crazy shit all over the place. He can dp things that so few others can (maybe one other but atleast pac has a ground game) look under to see the man that gravity forgot.
Absolutement non, as the French would say. When one looks at high flyers, there are two criteria you can judge: whether they are you're traditional "good wrestlers" or whether they are capable of the most outrageous moves. If you're looking at the former, then the answer is almost certainly Rey Mysterio, though if you took some of Owen Hart's career out of context you could perhaps come to the conclusion that it was him, and further stretching it, you could maybe say Eddie Guerrero, Jeff Hardy or Brian Pillman. If you are looking for some sort of hybrid of the two, it's still Rey Mysterio.

If it is the latter category that you are discussing, and your selection of Jack Evans means that it almost certainly is, then the answer still isn't Evans. The answer is undoubtedly in Mexico, and it could be a number of different wrestlers from there. The guy who is now playing Sin Cara is the most entertaining in this respect that I've ever seen in the flesh, back when he was called Mistico de Juarez but I don't doubt there is plenty in Mexico that are greater than he. Indeed, Rey Mysterio was probably capable of more than Evans is before his knee went. The guys in the US indies are heavily indebted to the luchadors and to a lesser extent Japanese wrestlers. If that's what you want from wrestling, watch lucha libre, because it's better and the wrestlers even have a personality and everything. Even if they are speaking Spanish.
Simply put: If you want best EVER, you're looking at Eddie Guerrero. The man was great in character and was an amazing athlete, possibly one of the best this world has seen. Guerrero took a gimmick and lived and breathed it which is more than you can ask for from most WWE stars these days. Guerrero also was a great draw with fans loving every move he made and every word he said. There was almost never a bad word said about Eddie.

Now though? Mistico, EASILY and not even by a margin. Yeah ok he's currently trying to learn the WWE styling but in Mexico, Mistico IS The man to be. If you want to be a wrestler, you look up to Mistico, he is REALLY and honestly that damned good.
Loads spring to mind including Ray before the knees went, AJ Styles, and Mistico but my money will always go to Jushin Liger.

Liger had to my mind the perfect blend of high flying and technical skills. One of the widest movesets in history and an awesome look. His matches with Brian Pilman in WCW are amongst the best from the company, and they probably scrape into his top 20 matches.

He is one of the first people I show my non wrestling friends and not one has been disappointed.
Rey Mysterio! His matches in WCW were epic! Especially against another great highflyer and technical wrestler, the late, great Eddie Guerrero.
I'm old school, I'm going with Randy Savage. No one made dropping an elbow look better, the way he hopped around in the ring effortlessly and so quickly it was amazing. He was no spot monkey, and he certainly didn't focus on just flippity floppity crap like some guys do, he was a great wrestler, one of the best, but when he took to the air, he floated up and SLAMMED down.

Rey Mysterio Jr. was great back in his WCW days. I loved the cruiserweight division there, and Rey dominated that bracket, after WWE took over Rey was hard to take seriously for me though.

I'm beginning to think that I look at high fliers differently than most though... Because IMO when you talk about high fliers it comes down to 3 people: Superfly Jimmy Snuka, The Macho Man Randy Savage, & The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. But no one has even mentioned HBK yet.
Loads spring to mind including Ray before the knees went, AJ Styles, and Mistico but my money will always go to Jushin Liger.

Liger had to my mind the perfect blend of high flying and technical skills. One of the widest movesets in history and an awesome look. His matches with Brian Pilman in WCW are amongst the best from the company, and they probably scrape into his top 20 matches.

He is one of the first people I show my non wrestling friends and not one has been disappointed.

I really have to agree with you on this. back in the early 90s Liger and Pillman would regularly put on the best matches of any show that they were on. Hell even check out Liger vs Owen its on Youtube and its a phenominal match.

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