Do you think WWE need’s more High Flyers?


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I was thinking about this today while watching the Payperview and I think wrestlers such as Rey and Bourne get the short end of the stick and can not really show what they can do because they don’t have enough wrestlers that are on there level.

Bourne, I don’t think is ready yet to be a main eventer. I think he is need’s to go for the IC.

Who else would you consider in WWE a High Flyer?
I would say that along with those two Christian still flies from time to time as well as Jericho. Oh, and Chavo is still with the company and Morrison as well. But to the title of the post, no, I don't think the WWE needs more high fliers. Two reasons: it makes what high fliers they do have look that much better and second, we already have that with TNA and ROH.
Wow you are so wrong it's funny. You must really be into that luchadora stuff. Evan Bourne had a fantastic match with Jericho at last months fatal four way pay-per-view. Did you not enjoy that? Not to mention Bourne got the victory. How the hell does Rey get the short end of the stick? He's arguably wwe's second or third biggest face. The guys gimmick is stale and boring with his ultimate underdog thing but he puts on great matches see Punk, Jericho, and Morrison. Now as for other high flyers I'd say Gabriel possibly, Morrison possibly, and Kaval. Im not into high flyers really maybe when I was like 8 but now I appreciate good pure technical wrestling.
We have enough high flyers for now. If we had more high flyers, more Rey Mysterios, more Evan Bournes, the excitement that their moves create would dwindle. Bourne's shooting star press is amazing to see, but it wouldn't be that special if everyone was doing it.

On another note, for every high flyer, the WWE needs someone to work against the high flyers. We need Chris Jerichos, who sell acrobatic moves very well, while still performing them sometimes. Believe it or not, we also need Mark Henrys or Big Shows, who can shut down the acrobatic offense, make the Mysterios and Bournes have to strengthen their arsenals, and make the high flyers look impressive.

We don't need more, in short. They have their niche. Many more people, and the whole spectacle of high-flying is lessened.

Not really sure which question you're asking, though. There are high flyers in just about every part of the WWE, from the Primos and Chavos at the bottom, to the Morrisons and Bournes in the middle, to the Mysterios at the top.
With the way the technical aspect of entertainment is evolving i envision the wwe utilizing the luchadora/high-flyer type wrestler for the visual aspect of it. Would you rather see a 450 or a moonsault in 3D or an attitude adjustment or pedigree in 3D?
Though high flying can be awesome and also certain aerial dominated matches certainly are classics... I think too much of it becomes a little gimmicky!

When there are only a couple of guys that take the "high risk chances"... They kinda mean more, in an overall sense during a match with one of these few high flying athletes!
I wouldnt mind a cruiserweight division, maybe specific to Smackdown, and move Rey over to Raw so that he and Bourne can be the only high fliers on that show. There are so many talented high flyers around at the moment on the indies, or on TNA, I think the younger PG fans would go wild to see some of these talents appearing on WWE TV
I don’t think that the WWE needs anymore high flyers than it already has because I feel that introducing more highflyers would take away from the allure of the highflyers that are already in the WWE.

Look at Evan Bourne for example. People go crazy over his finisher because we will likely only get to see it once every week and that is all. If you have highflyers like Smackdown did back when the Cruiserweight Championship was active, it takes away from seeing something special like that. It is over-saturation and I think that the WWE are keen to see that be avoided. Highflyers are really in the minority in the WWE and I like it that way. I think there is a great mix between aerial ability and technical wrestling right now and it is a treat that I like to see. However, seeing it too often would be counter-productive for the WWE and the thing that makes people like Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio stand out would be lost.

I mean, I wouldn’t be too bothered because it could be pretty entertaining but I think in the long run, a lot of people would begin to think about the WWE as a spot-fest every week and not the great wrestling product that we have today. I think they have got a good dynamic and mix right now and I don’t see any reason to spoil that.
The WWE doesn't need more high flyers. We already have a decent amount of them. Justin Gabriel, Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, partially Tyson Kidd. Okay so maybe it's not a decent amount. But the promotion doesn't need to revolve around them.

A few of them is just fine. There's no need for them to be flying around all across the roster. It made sense when there were a cruiserweight championship. Which shouldn't be brought back. So it doesn't make sense anymore.

The WWe needs to focus more on either a variation which has a more firm base in the ground wrestling. There's excitement in the high flyers yes don't get me wrong. But I would much rather watch a match with good ground grappling and high impact moves that are ground based (suplexes, neckbreakers etc.). To revolve a product more around high flyers wouldn't make sense.

Also especially when you think about it. When have we last seen a true high flyer with a proper size? Quite a long time ago. I actually believe Ricky Steamboat and Superfly Snuka are the only 2 people that could've properly been called high flying big guys. And Steamboat wasn't as much as Superfly.

We constantly complain how Rey Mysterio isn't legitimate in terms of his size as well as the fact that he overcomes the odds. It's no sense in having a lot of small exciting high flyers running around when they will all be screamed "YOU'RE NOT LEGITIMATE!!!" when they proceed beyond the mid-card.

So no WWE doesn't need more high flyers.
I was thinking about this today while watching the Payperview and I think wrestlers such as Rey and Bourne get the short end of the stick and can not really show what they can do because they don’t have enough wrestlers that are on there level.

Bourne, I don’t think is ready yet to be a main eventer. I think he is need’s to go for the IC.

Who else would you consider in WWE a High Flyer?

I agree with you. Although i would rather see the cruiserweight title come back and have guys like Bourne challeging for it. I feel this way it would give more oppertunity for WWE to bring more high flyers through the ranks and from the developmentals.
I completly agree with you about Bourne too. I feel he is totally outwith his depth by attacking Orton etc. Sure i'm not saying he may never get to that level (Rey is the perfect example of being a high flyer but working your way to the top) But i dont feel Bourne is there yet.
More high flyers/cruiserweights and we will have some cracking matches!!!
I was thinking about this today while watching the Payperview and I think wrestlers such as Rey and Bourne get the short end of the stick and can not really show what they can do because they don’t have enough wrestlers that are on there level.

Bourne, I don’t think is ready yet to be a main eventer. I think he is need’s to go for the IC.

Who else would you consider in WWE a High Flyer?

No. I don't think the WWE needs more high flyers. Mainly because I'm not a big fan of them. Rey Mysterio going for the World Title may be fun...but him hoisting it in the air just cheapens the title. It's like the chapter is closed...he won the title...and now what? Him continuously beating bigger, stronger, and just all out much better opponents is just outright ridiculous. I'll buy the fact that he overcomes the odds and beats one of them in a David vs. Goliath type of event...but to continuously do it on a constant basis just isn't believable. I'm sorry.

If they want to add more of these guys and do what WCW did where they would open up the show with the high flyers and lightweights that were very entertaining...and then end with the big guns...that's one thing. But if they are going to have all these little 130 pound high flyers continuously beating these 6 foot 8 inch 350 pounders day in and day out. It just ruins the whole aspect of things because it's so ridiculous and would never ever happen...ever.
I don't think WWE needs to bring in any more high flyers. In fact, I don't think they need to bring in anybody at all. With the Nexus and the NXT Season 2, they've got plenty to choose from. THe Nexus especially has 7 great talents, and if Daniel Bryan ever does come back they'll have 8. The roster is huge right now, and Triple H, Undertaker, Melina, Phoenix, and Big Zeke should all be coming back within the next few months if not sooner.

THere's not too many people in the WWE I would consider to be "real" high flyers. FIrst of all, the standard that WWE used to hold for crusierweight and high flyer action has been reset by TNA, and again by ROH. It's not really what WWE focusses on anymore, and the few high flying moves don't really compare to what ROH has going on. Not that I'm saying either promotion is better than WWE at all, I'm just pointing out the change in high flying action over the years. Christian, Miz, Morrison, and the others have some cool moves, but mostly focus on mat wrestling and standard moves, filled in with planned spots. It's not bad, it's just what it is. Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston are the two huge cruiserweights I think they have right now. They're the guys that are always in the air. They are always hitting crazy jumping kicks and chops, and delivering rope moves. Rey a high flyer...but I'm really sick of him. It takes the point out of high flying action when you only do like, 4 moves ever. Nexus' Justin Gabriel is a legit high flyer, and I'm looking forward to seeing him in singles action and tag team action on Raw in the future, so we can really see what he's got to offer.

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