The Best Feud That Never Happened


The Legend
I was thinking about the old WWF the other day (1996ish in particular) and thinking about the lack of stars and etc and I started wondering: What was the best feud that was possible, but for whatever reason never happened?

To me, it was in 1996: Shawn Michaels was at his peak. His in-ring work was second to none and he was the most over guy in the company. He needed quality challengers. Mr. Perfect was a commentator for the WWF at the time and had a back injury, but in 1997 he came back and wrestled for years at a high level. To me, it's a tragedy that HBK in his prime never got to wrestle Perfect shortly outside of his prime, but still great. Yes, they met in 1993, but HBK was still learning the ropes. If they had met in his absolute prime, it would've been a true classic. I would've much rather have seen Perfect/HBK for the strap at Summerslam than HBK/Vader or even HBK/Sid at Survivor Series. It's a real shame.


- Hogan/Hart in 1993 or 1998. Obviously, Hogan's ego prevented this, but it would've been a tale of two eras: The steroid, huge guy era vs the talent era or the New WWF Generation. It would've been entertaining.

- Flair/Goldberg: Unless I missed it, why didn't they ever have a lengthy feud? Goldberg was obviously the biggest star in WCW in 1998-2000. How did he miss a feud with Ric Flair? Was it injuries? Just their paths didn't cross? Flair was still working at a high level in 1998/1999. The matches could've been great and would've been fresh. In fact, I can only remember a couple of times they ever wrestled (one being in WWE). Unbelievable.

- Sting/Henning: Again, two greats in the business and their paths ended up crossing in 1998. How did they not have at least a feud? I think they had a few matches when Sting was champion, but it was mostly leading up to the Sting/Hall match at Uncensored 1998 if I remember. It's a shame these two didn't get to lock up.

I'd love to hear what everyone else has to say.
Well i would of said Hogan vs Austin but if your saying in the mid 90's then... The Kliq vs WWF much like WCW vs nWo. It could of worked and been realistic because of the attitudes of the Kliq wanting to take over, before hall and Nash left.
- Hogan/Hart in 1993 or 1998. Obviously, Hogan's ego prevented this, but it would've been a tale of two eras: The steroid, huge guy era vs the talent era or the New WWF Generation. It would've been entertaining.

The original plan was for Hart vs Hogan to end up going on at Starrcade 98. Alas, Hart didn't get over with the WCW crowd the way they'd hoped, Goldberg had skyrocketed to fame and dethroned Hogan and he had been pushed to the backburner after his feud with Warrior. The feud really wouldn't have worked as well in WCW as it would have in the WWF. Was a shame.

- Flair/Goldberg: Unless I missed it, why didn't they ever have a lengthy feud? Goldberg was obviously the biggest star in WCW in 1998-2000. How did he miss a feud with Ric Flair? Was it injuries? Just their paths didn't cross? Flair was still working at a high level in 1998/1999. The matches could've been great and would've been fresh. In fact, I can only remember a couple of times they ever wrestled (one being in WWE). Unbelievable.

First, Flair was not really performing at that high of a level, but that's not why they didn't feud. Flair was an old man by this point and had been booked pretty poorly for awhile. Goldberg had been booked as a total monster. They had one encounter that I remember on a Nitro where Flair tried to stop Goldberg from manhandling David Flair I believe. Goldberg threw Flair around like a rag doll. Recall that Flair and Goldberg were both big faces in 98 and Flair was booked to feud with Bischoff over control of WCW. Then Goldberg got hurt. Then Flair became an authority figure that wrestled occasionally in 99 before getting the World Title. Then Flair was pushed to the back burner again as a part time wrestler while Hart went to the main event.

- Sting/Henning: Again, two greats in the business and their paths ended up crossing in 1998. How did they not have at least a feud? I think they had a few matches when Sting was champion, but it was mostly leading up to the Sting/Hall match at Uncensored 1998 if I remember. It's a shame these two didn't get to lock up.

This one was largely due to injury I would imagine. Hennig was over and was a heat magnet, but he got hurt early in 98. He was likely going to be a major heel after he turned on the Wolfpac to stay Hollywood, but his knee got hurt and he was gone for awhile. Then Sting took time off. By the time Sting and Hennig were both working again, Hennig was in the mid card and had lost his heat.

One I would have loved to see in a total fantasy world is Horsemen vs The Hart Foundation. I think the matches and promos could have been epic. Ending in a War Games match? Get out of town!
I agree w/Hogan and Austin, but I understand their egos caused it not to happen. Rock/HBK is silly that it didn't happen. Rock's still holding a grudge from when HBK was a jerk. I wish it had happened as well.

One I easily missed was the WWE vs the legit WCW vs WWE battle we dreamed of with Goldberg, the NWO, Sting taking on Austin, Rock, HHH, etc. Instead we got the watered down Alliance vs WWE, which turned into a disaster.
To me, the answer is obvious and no one has mentioned it yet. That is Nailz vs. Undertaker. Nailz was signed to a WWF deal straight out of prison, where he was abused by the Big Boss Man. I think his rage over that could have made him a formiddable opponent for the Undertaker. Their magazine cover alone boosted WWF Magazine sales. Imagine what they could have done with a solid run. Unfortunately, Vince thought Nailz looked great in orange and the rest is history. But, I think otherwise, Taker/Nailz III would be on the table for WMXXIX.
Bret v Hogan is the one that jumps out. Everything was in place and it would have helped Hart get over sooner as the champ.

Another good one would have been Trips v Lesner back in 2003. Were gonna get it and it will probably be good, but it would have been great back then.
The immediate one that comes to mind is The Rock and Shawn Michaels. We all know the stories as to why they never worked together, I think HBK had upset Rocks family back in the day so Rock refused to work with him. A big shame because their promos would have been fantastic.

Next up would be Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan. Two of the biggest names this industry has ever seen. I am pretty sure egos played a part in this (both refused to the other over) but this could have easily happened in 2002 when Hogan returned. It should've been Austin vs Hogan in the main event at Wrestlemania 18, with Rock picking up the pieces after and a fued with Hogan taking us through to Summerslam for the Title. Brock could've waited an extra month.

A few others worth a mention - Brock vs Triple H (2003), Undertaker vs Goldberg (2003), Bret vs Hogan (1993) and Benoit vs Punk (2006).
Another thing that I thought of, it would have been pretty cool to see Bret v Undertaker or Shawn v Undertaker at WrestleMania during the New Generation. Bret v Taker at 11 and Shawn v Taker at 13 would have worked out well and made each of those cards better.
Alot of people bring up Shawn v Rock. I would have loved to have seen that, but realistically when could it have occured. Shawn was gone by WM 14. The Rock was not big enough then to do something with Shawn. Then when Shawn came back at SummerSlam 2002, he worked with Trips (obvious match there) took time off and came back at Survivor Series 2002 and went just about full time untill WM 26. Now Rock worked that 02 SummerSlam and was gone after until shortly before WM 19 to do his thing with Austin. Stayed another month did his thing with Goldberg. Left, then came back for WM 20 to put over Orton and Batista while Shawn had a world title match, then stayed away until WM 27 and finally fought again after that which would also be after Michaels retiered.

Just don't see when they could have had their match....... Who knows though, maybe Shawn comes back for WM 29 to go against The Rock.
Alot of people bring up Shawn v Rock. I would have loved to have seen that, but realistically when could it have occured. Shawn was gone by WM 14. The Rock was not big enough then to do something with Shawn. Then when Shawn came back at SummerSlam 2002, he worked with Trips (obvious match there) took time off and came back at Survivor Series 2002 and went just about full time untill WM 26. Now Rock worked that 02 SummerSlam and was gone after until shortly before WM 19 to do his thing with Austin. Stayed another month did his thing with Goldberg. Left, then came back for WM 20 to put over Orton and Batista while Shawn had a world title match, then stayed away until WM 27 and finally fought again after that which would also be after Michaels retiered.

Just don't see when they could have had their match....... Who knows though, maybe Shawn comes back for WM 29 to go against The Rock.

HBK vs Rock could've happened at WM 19 or 20 with a little planning. If The Rock had committed to the match, it could have easily been planned. Both guys were around then.
HBK vs Rock could've happened at WM 19 or 20 with a little planning. If The Rock had committed to the match, it could have easily been planned. Both guys were around then.

For The Rock, I think getting his victory over Austin at WM 19 was bigger then a match with Michaels. And as for 20, it would have worked better there, but then you take away the Rock putting over Orton and Batista. But other then that I could see it happening. It would take some type of booking though to make it seem logical and legit as Rock coming back to help Mankind made sense.
Here's a list of about 20 feuds I would have loved to see...

Randy Savage vs Goldberg 1998

Ultimate Warrior vs Goldberg 1998

Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan 1993
This would have been the right way to phase Hogan out

Curt Henning vs Randy Savage 1993
Instead of them partnering up, this would have been a great feud

Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan 1991
This would have been the logical feud with Flair representing the best outside of WWE and Hogan representing WWE

Sting vs Undertaker 2012
Could still happen

Bob Backlund vs Hulk Hogan 1984
This would have been the logical feud after Hogan beat Sheiky for the belt

Steve Austin vs Randy Savage 1998
This could have been the best feud of all time..the two craziest heavyweights of all time

Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan 2002
This would have been the best way to go in 2002..Hogan and Rock could have followed

The Rock vs Randy Savage 1998
These two feuding would have been hilarious with all the crazy good promos

Chris Jericho vs Ric Flair 1998

Triple H vs Randy Savage 1998
Over Steph

Steve Austin vs CM Punk 2012
Could still happen

Mick Foley vs Randy Savage 1998

Triple H vs Bret Hart 1997

John Cena vs Hulk Hogan 2005

DDP vs Steve Austin 2002

John Cena vs Steve Austin 2012

Shawn Michaels vs Randy Savage 1992 (headlining instead of the Savage/Warrior feud)

Bret Hart vs Randy Savage 1992 (headlining instead of Hart vs Yokozuna feud)
This is a great thread, it got me thinking that another great feud considering they were "pretty boys" back then. it could have been The model Rick Martel vs Ravishing Rick Rude, it could have been great because at the time both were over, also were great talents and ladies men, and it could have been fun, and another feud that could have been great was The British Bulldog vs Lex Luger, when they were a tag team and the Bull Dog turned heel, they should have follow up on havin a feud between them instead of the Bull Dog vs. Diesel, and in more recent times, and in my opinion, the WWE really drop the ball on this one, but considering the type of athletes they are, it could have been RVD vs Sean O' Haire, it could have been an awesome match, because they know martial arts, both of them can be high flyers, it could have had everything, but like i said, that's just my opinion.......
Bret Hart vs Randy Savage 93/94 - I always felt Bret could have done with big rivalry in this period to make him even more concrete as WWF's new top guy. Instead of having Savage as a commentator I'd have had him be the one to beat Yokozuna for the title and face Bret at WrestleMania X.

Randy Savage vs Vader 95 - Instead of Vader feuding with Hogan for 8 months I'd have loved to have seen it split into a feud between him and Macho, just a pairing I think would have made for awesome opponents.

Hogan vs DDP 99 - DDP had came off a good feud with Savage in 97 and a good US title run and feuds with Raven, Bret and the Giant in 98, so he would have been an ideal challenger for Hogan's title in the early part of 99 instead of being turned heel. In truth I always thought he should have feuded with Hogan in the summer of 97.

Shawn vs Lesnar 03 - I know they weren't on the same brand but for a feud that could have been this good an exception should have been made.

HBK vs CM Punk 09 - I admit timing might have been a little tight on this one but Punks SES gimmick was ideal to feud with a born again Christian HBK, the angle using HBK's past and Punk's messiah like character writes itself.
Randy Savage vs Vader 95 - Instead of Vader feuding with Hogan for 8 months I'd have loved to have seen it split into a feud between him and Macho, just a pairing I think would have made for awesome opponents.

Agree on this one completely. Savage was a really good "stiff" worker during his WCW time. They should have done more with that.

Hogan vs DDP 99 - DDP had came off a good feud with Savage in 97 and a good US title run and feuds with Raven, Bret and the Giant in 98, so he would have been an ideal challenger for Hogan's title in the early part of 99 instead of being turned heel. In truth I always thought he should have feuded with Hogan in the summer of 97.

He basically feuded with Hogan for two years. Hogan cost Page a match against Savage in 97, he fought Hogan on Nitro in 97 and came close to beating him, he then feuded with him throughout the summer of 97, teaming with Karl Malone and Jay Leno (which no matter what you thought of those stories were the two major storylines of the promotion) and then was the one who brought Warrior to WCW as part of his feud with Hogan. He then fought Hogan again in early 99 and won the belt at Spring Stampede. He was likely going to feud with Hogan here. Recall that he wasn't supposed to win the belt, it was supposed to be Hogan. Hogan blew out his knee in the match and DDP got the win as a result.
He basically feuded with Hogan for two years. Hogan cost Page a match against Savage in 97, he fought Hogan on Nitro in 97 and came close to beating him, he then feuded with him throughout the summer of 97, teaming with Karl Malone and Jay Leno (which no matter what you thought of those stories were the two major storylines of the promotion) and then was the one who brought Warrior to WCW as part of his feud with Hogan. He then fought Hogan again in early 99 and won the belt at Spring Stampede. He was likely going to feud with Hogan here. Recall that he wasn't supposed to win the belt, it was supposed to be Hogan. Hogan blew out his knee in the match and DDP got the win as a result.

I don't recall Hogan and DDP having a one-on-one match. I remember the tag matches w/ Malone & Rodman and Leno/Bischoff, but never one-on-one. Those two would've been a HUGE main event back in the day. It's pretty lousy that we didn't get that big feud between the two.
I was thinking about the old WWF the other day (1996ish in particular) and thinking about the lack of stars and etc and I started wondering: What was the best feud that was possible, but for whatever reason never happened?

To me, it was in 1996: Shawn Michaels was at his peak. His in-ring work was second to none and he was the most over guy in the company. He needed quality challengers. Mr. Perfect was a commentator for the WWF at the time and had a back injury, but in 1997 he came back and wrestled for years at a high level. To me, it's a tragedy that HBK in his prime never got to wrestle Perfect shortly outside of his prime, but still great. Yes, they met in 1993, but HBK was still learning the ropes. If they had met in his absolute prime, it would've been a true classic. I would've much rather have seen Perfect/HBK for the strap at Summerslam than HBK/Vader or even HBK/Sid at Survivor Series. It's a real shame.


- Hogan/Hart in 1993 or 1998. Obviously, Hogan's ego prevented this, but it would've been a tale of two eras: The steroid, huge guy era vs the talent era or the New WWF Generation. It would've been entertaining.

- Flair/Goldberg: Unless I missed it, why didn't they ever have a lengthy feud? Goldberg was obviously the biggest star in WCW in 1998-2000. How did he miss a feud with Ric Flair? Was it injuries? Just their paths didn't cross? Flair was still working at a high level in 1998/1999. The matches could've been great and would've been fresh. In fact, I can only remember a couple of times they ever wrestled (one being in WWE). Unbelievable.

- Sting/Henning: Again, two greats in the business and their paths ended up crossing in 1998. How did they not have at least a feud? I think they had a few matches when Sting was champion, but it was mostly leading up to the Sting/Hall match at Uncensored 1998 if I remember. It's a shame these two didn't get to lock up.

I'd love to hear what everyone else has to say.

For me personally it's the big one, the one everyone has dreamt of and wanted but will probably never see: Sting v Undertaker.

The two most enigmatic and mysterious superstars of all-time, The Phenom and The Franchise. If there's one star worthy enough of ending the streak (or coming close to do so) then it would be Sting. Easily the Wrestlemania headliners of all headliners I'd even compare to Ali v Fraizer, Mayweather v Pacquiao (if it ever happens) or even a Jets v Giants Superbowl.

But Sting's ego/contempt for the WWE has prevented that and now he's the wrong side of 50 it looks very unlikely this match will ever happen....perhaps some day on the independent circuit when both are old men and for a few laughs.

Shame WWE aren't doing more to get Sting as at a time when ratings and PPV buys are at their lowest this could really re-ignite interest in the WWE and pro-wrestling in general.

And let's be honest how on Earth can Sting be happy with his stupid Insane Icon gimmick at TNA? I met him in Manchester backstage at a TNA show and I asked him briefly about possibly going to WWE and ending "the streak" to which he smiled and asked "which streak would that be" impression was that he wants to go to WWE but there seems to be some sort of invisible stumbling block. He ended by saying "don't rule it out".

As for Goldberg and Flair they breifly feuded for one night only (as one user pointed out already) when Goldberg manhandled David Flair for his part in the stungun incident which lost him the title. I think he match ended in a no contest. Besides it wouldn't have made any sense; Goldberg was a power-laden juggernaut and Ric Flair was struggling to stay awake for the entire broadcast it would have made as much sense as a solar-powered fllashlight.
There are only two that could be said here ... Austin vs. Hogan and The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels.

I personally go with The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels. Of course, it would have been tough to get these guys together. Rock's rise came while HBK was on back leave ... when HBK came back ... The Rock was a part timer ready to make his final run. But, as classic as the HBK vs. Jericho match at WM 19 was ... and as nice as Rock vs. Austin was at the same event ... Rock vs. HBK would have been fantastic.

These two on the stick and in the ring know how to tell an amazing story ... and I think it would have been one for the ages. I really wish I had gotten to see it.
In my opinion the best feud 2 never happen was probably shawn michaels vs eddie guerrero the two were in separate brands for the majority of the time they were on the same roster, the best time this feud could of took place was in 2004-2005 after eddie had won his first championship and at that time was at his most popular
Here's one that actually had a Mania Main Event match!!!

Sid Justice vs. Undertaker at WM8!!
I know they wrestled forthe title at WM13,but that was the injury bug had bitten Sid a couple of times,

When Sid first hit the scene in 91,he got the monster of all pushes...coming out to a posedown with Hogan at SummerSlam91.

They teased it a few times and even put them against each othe in tag team battles at house shows.

But if they had kept him a face instead of turning him heel...Sid could've very well broken the streak before it truly got started...WM8 was only Taker's second mania after demolishing Snuka at WM7.

I believe that this was a feud that never really got its chance to grow into something HUGE!!
I don't recall Hogan and DDP having a one-on-one match. I remember the tag matches w/ Malone & Rodman and Leno/Bischoff, but never one-on-one. Those two would've been a HUGE main event back in the day. It's pretty lousy that we didn't get that big feud between the two.

They definitely main evented a few Nitros. They didn't work all that well together in my mind. I think if you youtube it you can find a few of their matches.

Anyway, I do agree they should have feuded a little more in one on one. I think DDP should have won the title that Luger did.
Benoit vs Punk would have been sweet. I would like to have seen Austin/Hogan when Austin was still in WCW. i know Austin has an idea and Bischoff brushed him off.
Flair was still performing at a high level in 98-99, he had some excellent matches with Hart & Sting during that time and clearly carried Hogan at SuperBrawl, also had some good matches vs DDP. As far as Goldberg was concerned no one as big as these two would be allowed to feud with each other because it would have detracted from the NWO. That is why they rarely crossed paths, and in fact were both booked as faces opposing Hogan et all. Simply put, as long as Hogan & Nash ran the NWO, no two stars as big as Flair & Goldberg could feud with each other because it would take too much spotlight off the NWO, bad politics.

The bigger lost feud was Hogan-Goldberg. After Goldberg's streak took him to the WCW Title, he was immediately pushed into the background while former champ Hogan got the main events with his celebrity tag team bouts and War Games match. From July to Oct 98 Goldberg only got a main event push for one PPV feud, vs DDP at Halloween Havoc, though he shared top billing with Hogan-Warrior. Only after Hogan took a leave did Goldberg get top billing, vs Nash at Starrcade 98, an event that did extremely well thanks to Flair & Goldberg despite no Hogan.

Following Nash winning the title & ending the streak at Starrcade he turned heel & reunited the old NWO, bringing Hogan back & purging the mid carders who were dilluting the ranks. With the NWO back as lean, mean, ruthless bad guys it made sense for Goldberg to feud visciously with them, especially Nash & Hall cheated him to steal the title. If anything Goldberg and Flair should have teamed up in all out war vs Hogan et all, especially since Flair had The Presidency at this point, meaning Team WCW had some significant power vs NWO.

Instead Goldberg was buried in a mid card vs Hall that went nowhere, the anticipated re match vs Nash was buried on the midcard of an off month PPV and he never got anywhere near Hogan and the WCW Title. Flair was buried in a ridiculous out of nowhere feud with his son David that was used as a way for Hogan to beat him on PPV one last time. Then out of nowhere they had Flair turn heel which the audience hated, Hogan inexplicably turned face, ended the NWO angle, leaving the other members out in the cold, and Goldberg was further buried as Sting & Brett Hart returned from injuries.

Goldberg-Nash II should have been huge and should have been the forerunner to an even bigger all out WCW-NWO Goldberg vs Hogan feud and subsequent re match. WCW made a lot of booking mistakes, especially with Flair & Hart, but the missed opportunity of Goldberg-Hogan, that was huge.

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