The Authority's back! Where do we go from here?


Occasional Pre-Show
So this topic is to come up with possible scenarios of what might happen now that the Authority is back or what we'd like to see be booked now that the Authority is back in power. Here are some scenarios I would like:

1) Make all of Team Authority a memory excluding Seth Rollins (and unfortunately Big Show). Don't use Kane, don't use Luke Harper, don't use Rusev. They have some good stuff going on alone without the help of being part of this. Well 2 of the 3 of them.

2) Align Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman as new members of the Authority. It has been looking that way that Paul Heyman has helped Rollins learn to manipulate others plus RAW ended tonight with Lesnar/Heyman on the ramp with HHH/Steph, Rollins, J&J security, and Big Show. therefore Lesnar should be the muscle of the Authority and as much as Steph and HHH have great mic skills, I wonder what it'd be like if Heyman was the mouthpiece of the Authority.

3) We know Sting vs HHH is bound to happen and possibly Sting vs. Rollins. Now that the Authority is back, I'm going to assume we will be looking up in the skies for the vigilante.

4) Incredible Heat needs to be brought onto Cena. This needs to come from the face announcers, the face wrestlers, and the fans. As much as the kiddos love Cena and the adults hate him (with vice-versa of the adults loving HHH/Steph and the kids hating them), this is an opportune moment to not turn Cena heel but give him the heat we have wanted to see that might push another wrestler to get that popular fanbase.

5) If 4 were to happen, now Reigns can be the top guy. or a bigger Ziggler push? or DB?

Any thoughts? I know I'm rambling but thought I'd see what others think.
That was so gangsta how Seth Rollins pulled that off on how he had John Cena bring back the Authority. The WWE creative team must have been real busying this past holiday weekend putting that script together. Using Edge as bait so Cena could bring back the Authority like that! What a way to end the last RAW of 2014. God help us all in 2015 with the authority back. Triple H & Stephanie, Seth Rollins, the Big Show, J & J security (lol), with the WWE WHC Brock Lesner along with Paul Heyman.

It's going to be a long hard road to Wrestlemania this new year.
I think Harper and Rusev were just for the Survivor Series storyline. However, I wouldn't be surprised to see Corporate Kane rejoin The Authority. He seemed like the loyal type.

It would be awkward for Brock to be apart of The Authority since Seth has the MITB Briefcase and eventually have to cash in. Brock is the current champion. He seemed distant from Rollins and HHH.

I could see Sting appearing at Royal Rumble in the main event, if not the RAW after Royal Rumble.

I think fans will have sympathy for Cena. He made the right choice. I think the incredible heat will go towards Rollins.

Bryan should be the top guy, based on continuity but I could see WWE booking Reigns as the top guy instead. Ziggler just being booked as a midcarder again.
Holy crap, Seth Rollins was freaking scary on RAW. I can now potentially take him seriously once more.

Edit: As for Kane, I think Triple H should kick him out- citing his poor performance. I feel Kane has lost all heat as a heel and what is the point of having two big men in the same stable? Then again, if they made Kane+Big Show into a tag team, that might work.
We knew it was going to happen sooner than later, given the flimsy way that the Authority could come back if Cena allowed it, and that this fact was rammed down our throats weekly. Also, if the HHH/Sting WM rumors are true, then you need to get HHH back now for a proper build up. Although Rollins looked heinous, it made Edge and Christians look like total pantywaists. At least when Jericho got steamrolled by Lesnar the other week he went down fighting.

I would not align Lesnar with the Authority. I like the fact that they have cards and power but not all of the power. I would also keep them streamlined. I'd keep Kane off screen for awhile. Rollins and Show would be it.
That was so gangsta how Seth Rollins pulled that off on how he had John Cena bring back the Authority.

Yes it was, but the first thing that occurred to me when we saw Triple H and Stephanie walk out was that Trips would deck Rollins, setting the stage for either: The Authority returning as good guys and upsetting the whole applecart of "corporate structure" in the storyline.... or the Authority staying bad, yet putting Rollins in his place, saying: "You've been acting like a hotshot while we've been gone. Now, you'll find out how things really work around here."

Personally, I think either would open a whole new set of possibilities, ones that would provide us with an Authority that doesn't just go back to doing things the way they've always done them......which would be good because I was getting tired of the same old stuff. Maybe it will come yet.

NOTE: Wasn't it kind of sad watching Edge with his head being held down like that, his neck totally vulnerable? In the past, not only would he have tried to fight his way out, but his rage at being restrained would have been entertaining even if he couldn't escape. Instead, he lay quietly under Big Show's pressure, with the audience understanding that Adam Copeland's real-life medical condition allowed him to do nothing, Rollins' entourage couldn't get involved for fear of really hurting the guy.

It was just sad, really sad.
Where do we go from here? Simple! Ziggler will be screwed out of the IC Title by the Authority, will give up his rematch for a spot in the Royal Rumble Match. He will then win the Rumble, and win at Wrestlemania 31 to become WWEWHC.

Ha in my dreams, give it a week or two and I'm sure we'll know who will be facing who. From this point forward expect vintage Authority, just laying out a load of people, and starting and ending the show. Maybe they'll recruit more people too, considering how they have Cena, Ziggler, Orton, Reigns, Bryan, and possibly Ambrose, Sheamus and Ryback to deal with. Regardless of how pointless the Survivor Series main event was now, I do feel the Authority makes programming more interesting and gives more feuds a purpose.
We knew it was going to happen sooner than later, given the flimsy way that the Authority could come back if Cena allowed it, and that this fact was rammed down our throats weekly. Also, if the HHH/Sting WM rumors are true, then you need to get HHH back now for a proper build up. Although Rollins looked heinous, it made Edge and Christians look like total pantywaists. At least when Jericho got steamrolled by Lesnar the other week he went down fighting.

I would not align Lesnar with the Authority. I like the fact that they have cards and power but not all of the power. I would also keep them streamlined. I'd keep Kane off screen for awhile. Rollins and Show would be it.

Given Edge's injury, I wasn't surprised he didn't fight back as it would have been a foolish thing to do given he can't take a bump. Christian was taken out by surprise with a weapon. So I don't really see the problem with how it all played out.

I am really interested in seeing how Cena's role in this will be, since he has brought the Authority back.
Maybe some animosity from the other babyfaces is forthcoming(we had DB referencing his joy when Zigs pinned Rollins at SS) starting next week?
Reigns has a feud with Big Show.
Ziggler will surely be a part of it as he doesn't have a feud.
Lesnar and Heyman seem to be aligned with the Authority now.
How will Bryan and Orton fit in?
Maybe Ambrose finishes up with Bray and inserts himself once again vs Seth...

Loads of possibilities with the Authority's return. I wonder how the WWE plan to do it, starting in 2015.
main reason they brought authority back is vigiliant sting. HHH vs sting at wm is going to start with bang. Cena wont get heat from fans. Bcoz in that situation a face wrester will do the same thing. I dont get why they put bryan in rumble. It affects whole situation. I actually like roman vs brock. If they put bryan vs brock then its absolutely waste of undertaker streak broken. Bryan dont need that push. Reigns needs to build like next big thing. People complain about his push. Its wrong. Its perfect time for roman be the next face.
Whatever the details are, there's one indisputable fact; this needs to be WAR.

Given how the quote-unquote "good guys" were just humiliated last night by the bad guys executing terrorist acts, and now the big shots are back to really lay the hammer down, seeing the typical formula where the Faces are disorganized, egotistical, and isolated, getting boots to their faces roughly ninety percent of the time from here to Wrestlemania... That's just not going to freaking cut it. As impressive of a performance Rollins put on at the end of the show, that can't go typically answered. Battle lines have to be drawn, and fire has to be fought with fire.

And it can't be self-contained either. This has to be a legit Authority vs. the Resistance storyline, which means nobody can stick their head in the sand and hide from it. Not even the Divas- since Nikki would largely be seen as Stephanie's 'Attack Poodle'- can be isolated from the story being told.

And more importantly, the comeuppance, whenever it finally happens, needs to be larger than most. The thing about Seth Rollins for me is, speaking as a mark, he just gives me all manner of blue balls, similar to the Shield. I'll elaborate; When the Shield were at their utter scummiest, when they thoroughly deserved a twenty-on-three beatdown for their injustice, what was given? Well, a feud with the Wyatts, a couple of failed matches, and a post-WM face turn. That was it. With Rollins, who has officially took scum down a notch? Cena beats him clean, Reigns beats him clean, Ambrose beats him clean. And in any other year, that'd be about it before they turn Rollins face and pretend this is all water under the bridge. And that's just unfulfilling from a Mark's perspective. Hell, all Kane got was a day doing concessions for a comedy skit and that's it. What, they couldn't have Taker come out of psuedo-retirement just to drag him back into hell? And the Big Show. Booooooooyyyyy, if anyone deserved to be dropped off a cliff in the kayfabe sense, it would be this guy. He's finally embraced his destiny as a low-rent thug for the bad guys, and I'd feel better about this if I knew he wasn't just gonna twist in the whirlwind and shift sides a couple dozen more times in his career. I'd honestly like it better if he was legitly retired during this storyline, because that could at least make a beatdown feasible for him.

But all that's unlikely to happen. You'll see the Authority stomp on the ashes of the Good Guys up to the Royal Rumble before you EVER see any return fire. And boy does it SUCK.
How about just rid of any kind of on screen manager/ceo/coo/new sheriff. That storyline played out after the Mr. McMahon character. It sucks up air time from deserving talent. I'd rather see someone like a Jack Tunney character that you rarely see and isn't constantly on TV.
How about just rid of any kind of on screen manager/ceo/coo/new sheriff. That storyline played out after the Mr. McMahon character. It sucks up air time from deserving talent. I'd rather see someone like a Jack Tunney character that you rarely see and isn't constantly on TV.

for that to work....some of the 'new' guys who have been pushed, need to be established well first. None of them are as yet, but are all WIP and on their way there.

IF the WWE plays their cards right and we get the likes of Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Wyatt, etc. getting good showings at WrestleMania and building momentum coming out of it, then what you suggested can work with the up and comers having had some proper character development that can help through feuds without the GM like roles being filled.
I always thought the Authority storyline has run its course, but the abysmal ratings without the Authority said quite the contrary. If there's one thing Vince loves, it's the ratings. So now with the Authority back, does this open up Sting vs. Taker at WM? Or maybe does Trips still want revenge even after being back in power? Makes the Survivor Series match all for naught. It's probably gonna be same ol' same ol' now unless the Authority somehow, someway turn face.
So happy they are back. The show is so much better with them involved. The Authority's job isn't done until Rollins wins the title. He was their handpicked guy. He's got the briefcase. It makes perfect sense that he badly wants them back....and that they come back to help put the title on him(hopefully taking it from Bryan, after he beats Lesnar!) That would make storyline sense.
The bigger question may be what happens as far as the heavyweight goes after RR? This can't be that hard to figure out how it will end, can it? Authority is gone after WM. Anybody who remembers the NWO/Sting angle (one of the best in wrestling history) should. The Authority had to be brought back, sooner or later, and the sooner, the quicker they can start b nuuilding what should likely be the WM main event. Common sense will tell you Sting's brief claim to fame in WWE will be destroying the Authority forever, as he basically did the NWO 18 years ago. Odds are the Authority won't be what it was prior to SS, I'd expect this angle to follow the NWO/Sting angle very closely so Rollins is probable to cash in and win the title before WM. Having Rollins champ in the Authority helps make the Sting/Triple H match bigger and a harder fall for Authority. As far as Lesnar goes, it's been reported he's not slated for WM, and I'm sorry to say, having him as champ has done nothing good for WWE but make people forget it exists. It did, however, strategically make the WM heavyweight match take a back seat to Sting/HHH.
I'd say whoever wins the RR, be it Reigns, Bryan, or Orton (if he can go), beats Rollins for the title and Authority (not Rollins) is history on screen and you'll have Sting mobbed by the WWE faces after he beats Triple H. No way the Authority angle exists past WM.
The bigger question may be what happens as far as the heavyweight goes after RR? This can't be that hard to figure out how it will end, can it? Authority is gone after WM. Anybody who remembers the NWO/Sting angle (one of the best in wrestling history) should. The Authority had to be brought back, sooner or later, and the sooner, the quicker they can start b nuuilding what should likely be the WM main event. Common sense will tell you Sting's brief claim to fame in WWE will be destroying the Authority forever, as he basically did the NWO 18 years ago. Odds are the Authority won't be what it was prior to SS, I'd expect this angle to follow the NWO/Sting angle very closely so Rollins is probable to cash in and win the title before WM. Having Rollins champ in the Authority helps make the Sting/Triple H match bigger and a harder fall for Authority. As far as Lesnar goes, it's been reported he's not slated for WM, and I'm sorry to say, having him as champ has done nothing good for WWE but make people forget it exists. It did, however, strategically make the WM heavyweight match take a back seat to Sting/HHH.
I'd say whoever wins the RR, be it Reigns, Bryan, or Orton (if he can go), beats Rollins for the title and Authority (not Rollins) is history on screen and you'll have Sting mobbed by the WWE faces after he beats Triple H. No way the Authority angle exists past WM.

Not gonna lie; ending the Authority on WM would be quality storytelling; I just don't see it happening, nor has there really been a precedent in place to establish it happening.

The claim is that Sting ended the NWO. That's actually murkier. It SHOULD have been the case, and the NWO did in fact fragment afterwards only to reform again... but Sting never wiped that faction out entirely. Even going cross-brands to the Corporation around the same time, there was no clear-cut moment when the bad faction was wiped out of existence. There was the dramatic victory at Wrestlemania, but then a massive lingering spell before the subject matter was put to rest. Or 'mutated' depending on how you perceived events back then. But a triumphant hero completely destroying the Evil Army on the greatest show of the year? Never ever happened.

All that said, it could still go as you say. It's just not as obvious a slam dunk as you think.
Continuing my stream of thoughts, it's been a couple of days and still thinking about Monday's finish makes the mark in me want to puke in rage. I suppose that's the desired goal, but predicting what's happening in advance makes me want to dodge the subsequent programming for a while. At least until the Royal Rumble.

And let's be honest, the next couple of weeks will the be Authority stomping all over the good guys. And they'll get started right away;

Daniel Bryan: Invariably, they'll make him compete directly for his Royal Rumble spot somewhere down the line. I also expect them next week to take what he did to Kane after SS and instead of putting him in charge of concessions, they give him a janitor's mop to torment him. I can imagine the likes of Kane and Big Show being total dicks in the backstage segments of Next Monday's show- something involving plugged toilets probably.

Roman Reigns: Like Bryan, he'll probably have to fight for his Royal Rumble spot too. How it goes about would be a little differently; they'd probably call him out to the ring where they outnumber him vastly and offer him a choice; be a lackey for Seth Rollins, really just a thug/enforcer, swear fealty to him... or lose that spot in the Rumble. They'd probably give him a chance to fight for it, though the odds would be just as stacked as they are with Bryan.

Dolph Ziggler: Gets the straightest screw out of everyone, and probably the worst immediate impact out of everyone. I can imagine an IC Title match that very Monday, only said match is so unfairly stacked against Dolph that it boggles the mind. Maybe a genuine Gauntlet Match. Or a Handicap Match. Or crooked referees/timekeepers/etc. Whatever gives the impression that Ziggler is walking out of Monday a loser and a former champ. Then they go to work on him.

Erick Rowan: All things considered, the guy probably gets off lucky. Maybe they would play an angle with Luke Harper (gee, how original, you just can't split up the Wyatts without making their family strife an angle every couple of weeks) to call Rowan to the dark side and the resulting refusal leads to a family feud.

Ryback: Basically, he gets thrashed hard by a returning Mark Henry, and from there... well, there's where I blank. You can't really do much to him other than ambush and repeatedly beat the crap out of him. Maybe we'd see Rusev take part in such shenanigans as a set up for their RR match.

Dean Ambrose: With Bray Wyatt not letting go for anything, Dean stands to be a wild card who might slip through the cracks. Key word being 'might'. But you can have these two be affected by the 'war' taking place around them. Maybe it would be enough for Dean to shed Bray off his back and help the good guys the only way the Lunatic Fringe can do.

John Cena: Given that they just took his soul on Monday, I really forsee them laying off of John. Initially. But I do think they promise that Cena's match with Brock Lesnar, win or lose, will be the last one of his career. Basically it's a kayfabe-firing angle as a final punishment, where they work to completely and totally screw Cena one final time(I'm not one of the people in the 'Lesnar Loses' camp). This doesn't mean John is gone; remember when the Nexus 'fired' him? When he managed to just keep showing up and ambushing everybody? This would be something similar.

Sting: They really can't touch him at all. They'll claim he's 'fired' and he's to be arrested on sight... but we all know how effective that will be.

Do keep in mind this is a lot more wishful thinking than any constructive prediction. I don't have the faith in Creative that I did a year ago at this time. I suppose that's just me learning my lesson.
To answer the OP's question, where do we go from here? The answer is a simple one. Straight back into the world of 20 minute HHH promo's to open the show. Couple that with 5-1 handicap matches against Team Cena for the foreseeable future and just generally a load of bullshit.

I think the question should have been this though. Did the Authority really leave? Each week we had Seth Rollins doing pretty much what he wanted, and shoving the whole "bring them back" down our throats. And we all knew that once McMahon made that stipulation stating Cena was the only one who could bring them back, it was just a matter of time.

I'm in agreement that RAW does need someone to steer the ship, but an overbearing authority isn't the answer, it's been down to death. When the company executives make themselves more important than the talent they represent, that is a problem. Not happy to see them back, they could have done it differently somehow I"m sure. I just wonder how long it will be before fans start complaining again. Don't think it will take long.
We go back to finally having a master cut brilliant promos at the top of Raw to get the proper pace set. Raw was better in 2014 than I can even remember. The Authority Angle is excellent work.

Now that we have some new main eventers, there is the potential for some really fun Authority stories.
Not gonna lie; ending the Authority on WM would be quality storytelling; I just don't see it happening, nor has there really been a precedent in place to establish it happening.

The claim is that Sting ended the NWO. That's actually murkier. It SHOULD have been the case, and the NWO did in fact fragment afterwards only to reform again... but Sting never wiped that faction out entirely. Even going cross-brands to the Corporation around the same time, there was no clear-cut moment when the bad faction was wiped out of existence. There was the dramatic victory at Wrestlemania, but then a massive lingering spell before the subject matter was put to rest. Or 'mutated' depending on how you perceived events back then. But a triumphant hero completely destroying the Evil Army on the greatest show of the year? Never ever happened.

All that said, it could still go as you say. It's just not as obvious a slam dunk as you think.

Like you, I also believe that the Authority's End Game should be WrestleMania 31 meaning that HHH, Rollins, Brock Lesnar, etc.... all are beaten by the faces they come against...but only after a journey from not till Mania where they create complete hell for the babyfaces leading to that point. That would be brilliant storytelling.

But, as you also have pointed out, from experience, we can't count on Creative and Vince,etc... to not stretch it until it becomes tedious and boring and fans begin to turn against it in the hopes that the storyline disappears from TV. Just the way they seem to do things nowadays, unfortunately, because I feel that bringing back the Authority on the last RAW of the year, before even the Rumble, should mean that the End Game is for them to be vanquished completely at WrestleMania 31 itself...and IF, just to establish a Main Story going forward...they have Rollins do a cash-in on Bryan(who would beat Lesnar for the World title in the ME of Mania) either at Mania itself or on the Post-Mania RAW, that would surely make the majority of fans happy.
The corner the WWE has now backed themselves into is unbelievable. I'm fine and happy, like most, with Daniel Bryan coming back for the Rumble, but for any fan to say they have faith in the WWE to do the right thing after Vince all but proved he has succumbed to his ADHD in that Austin interview, displays a level of denial and fanboyism that approaches immeasurable.

If anyone but Bryan wins this Rumble, the fan's reaction will make what happened with Batista last year look like a little kid's tea party. The reason I'm afraid is that I can totally see Vince thinking this is a test for Reigns. If he wins (which he will,because Vince is nothing if not stubborn) and gets booed out of the building, he fails it. If he gets cheered he passes it.

The problem is, he won't get cheered. As a matter of fact, the only one who could possibly get a positive reaction in regards to winning this Rumble in place of Bryan, is Ziggler. And we all know that ain't happening.

The news on the "early" Authority turn is disheartening as well, because if it was a "reaction to low ratings" it's almost understandable, but with it being planned, that makes it so much worse. It proves that Vince's lack of foresight is all but gone.

Honestly I don't think "out of touch" is a heavy enough term to describe Vince at this point. I think Vince has been "Out of Touch," since he bought WCW and couldn't think of a way to make money off of it, even though it was obvious to everyone but him how too. In regards to how the Network was launched, the misreading of PPV buyrates still being a lucrative business, and the overall scope of booking the last two years, it's like Vince is almost purposefully destroying his company at this point.

It's hard to draw any other conclusion. I mean seriously, on the business side of things here, the moment we all realized 100,000 people still bought Survivor Series, when it was FREE, should have been a clue to shareholders that Vince cannot be left in charge for much longer. He really shouldn't.

Either way, this is not going to be pretty. Unless you can't wait for the 45 minutes of "Welcome back The Authority" segments we are all in for next Raw as well. Which I am not.
It's unfortunate that fans believe that they have ownership and control over who wins what in the WWE. It's such an ignorant point of view to have.

Reigns winning the PPV makes the most sense if Lesnar retains the title. If Rollins or Cena gets the title, then Daniel Bryan makes more sense. But Roman Reigns, in the land of Kayfabe is the Babyface Monster right now, and Brock Lesnar is the Heel Monster. Why is that hard for people to understand?

This is why the Authority is important. They have to continue leading the fans down the right path of who to hate and who to like, because the fans prove over and over again that they can't be trusted to just watch the show and enjoy it.
It's unfortunate that fans believe that they have ownership and control over who wins what in the WWE. It's such an ignorant point of view to have.

Reigns winning the PPV makes the most sense if Lesnar retains the title. If Rollins or Cena gets the title, then Daniel Bryan makes more sense. But Roman Reigns, in the land of Kayfabe is the Babyface Monster right now, and Brock Lesnar is the Heel Monster. Why is that hard for people to understand?

This is why the Authority is important. They have to continue leading the fans down the right path of who to hate and who to like, because the fans prove over and over again that they can't be trusted to just watch the show and enjoy it.

Or to place further emphasis;

because the fans prove over and over again that they can't be trusted to just watch the show and enjoy it.

Honestly, at this point such a stance- and a fair number of people have it- leaves me scratching my head.

Usually that point is emphasized during a rather specific point of the show where the audience is showing downright blatant disrespect for the product they are seeing. I'm thinking Cena/Orton XC: Bloody Stone, from last year's Royal Rumble, to name such an example. Or the multiple times the crowd has tried to wreck the show with a 'CM Punk' chant. Or how thoroughly they dumped on Batista when he was shown to be the big hero WWE scripted beyond all reasonable sanity.

But the problem with saying fans should just kick back and enjoy the show brings an important question; what if the show they are offering just isn't good? Or fails to give them what they want? Do we just tell them, 'Boo Hoo, cry me a river on Youtube' and leave it at that? That's about as dismissive as WWE tends to really treat their fans. Or as ANY sport/entertainment/etc. treats their fans- like they are walking disposable dollar bills, easily replaced, easily placated.

Is it because the audience is untrustworthy because they can be ******edly fickle in their support? To an extent, yes. It's why John Cena's been on top for so long, remember. Because HIS supporting fanbase is both steady and easily replaceable, where on the other hand the 'IWC Darling' of the day might very well be turned on within the span of a few months. Because we've learned that kids out-do the grownups in that department, easily.

The truth is, fans in general HAVE no other weapons at their disposal to display their displeasure at the product being shown. Petitions are garbage, only worth an amount of time equivalent to signing your freaking name on a piece of paper. Letters do not work without a unified front, which fans these days no longer are, paradoxically, because today's massively technologically advanced era has somehow eroded the connections between fans much worse than in the old days. Walking away from the product? Are you freaking kidding me? If people had THAT kind of sense in the world there wouldn't BE a WWE. Nor would there be a TNA or GFW or NJPW or that new Luchador stuff or any of the territories or any wrestling at all. Heck, anything entertainment-based would take such a nasty hit that we'd be back down to the oldest branches of entertainment; kiddie games and brothels. Products like the WWE can endure the stance of 'If you don't like it, leave it' because ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the person in the spotlight will cowardly get back to his seat and leave all pretensions of abandoning something that gives his sorry excuse for a soul something to enjoy. And the one guy? Replaced by a hundred new kids.

That leaves outright rebellion.
It's unfortunate that fans believe that they have ownership and control over who wins what in the WWE. It's such an ignorant point of view to have.

Reigns winning the PPV makes the most sense if Lesnar retains the title. If Rollins or Cena gets the title, then Daniel Bryan makes more sense. But Roman Reigns, in the land of Kayfabe is the Babyface Monster right now, and Brock Lesnar is the Heel Monster. Why is that hard for people to understand?

This is why the Authority is important. They have to continue leading the fans down the right path of who to hate and who to like, because the fans prove over and over again that they can't be trusted to just watch the show and enjoy it.

I don't think fans believe they have ownership on who wins what. We may not like who is the champ or the challenger and as fans of the product we are entitled to air our displeasure about it. That's not ignorant, that's what we do as part of the IWC.

As for Reigns I read a piece that PWInsider did about him a few days ago, and their point in a nutshell was this. Reigns has been a solo act now since June or July of last year. In September he had emergency surgery and has been out for 3 months, just returning a couple of weeks ago. He has not really had a chance to prove himself, not had a decent singles run as yet. And what they said is in order for him to make himself believable and a credible threat, he has to start beating the top of the roster. And beat them clean. Once he shows the fans he can take on all comers, then and only then is he a threat to beat Lesnar. Right now he has nothing happening except a feud with Big Show. Cena, Orton, Bryan, Rusev and Rollins all have to fall prey to him. That will not happen before the Rumble, therefore he is not a believable threat to Lesnar.

And your last point about the Authority showing us the way, I take offense to that. No one needs HHH to lead them down the path. I don't need anyone telling me who to like or dislike, as an adult those decisions are made by me. A lot of fans love Rusev, I can't stand him. HHH can stand there for the whole 3 hours of RAW next week and tell everyone how wonderful Rusev is and we must bow down to him. My answer to that is, pound sand. Fans will make up their own minds on who to cheer and who to boo, and the WWE will just have to deal with it. As they have been dealing with it for a long time.

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