The Anti-Cena

Just got the latest issue of Power Slam magazine and in their "Booking Solutions" column they added this month they had an idea that got me interested:

"In order to try to attract male adult fans who can't stick John Cena, we'd like to see TNA create a parody of the over/under-selling clown. TNA could dress the Cena send-up in gaudy merchandise (his T-Shirt could read: My wrestling sucks" on the front and, "You CAN see through my work" on the back, and bear an illustration of him falling off the top rope with a terrified expression on his face and his arms and legs flailing). In the ring, the Cena parody could perform Cena's signature moves with even less dexterity than Cena does and, at the end of each match, after his opponent has no-sold the Attitude Adjustment and the No Pressure STF and beaten him, the announcers could say that Cena should be sent back to wrestling school because he's "not good enough to wrestle for TNA"....".

This is one of the worst ideas Ive seen in a long time. Not only would TNA be parodying WWE's biggest draw, they'ld be parodying someone who can actually wrestle. Why draw more attention to a company, and it's biggest star, that is already kicking your ass in the ratings? :banghead:

TNA already does it's fair share of comedy, and parodies. And they do it BAD. Take the Shore rip-off for example. The Impact Zone, who is usually a generous crowd, chants "this is boring" when Robbie and Cookie are talking. This is the same crowd that can be heard chanting "THIS IS AwESOME" for a rest-hold. If that's not telling of how a parody would be received, nothing is. The only people that would enjoy this would be the people in the IWC who despise Cena for some reason I still don't understand.
Having read that I think it sounds like a genius idea. Kind of like what TNA did with Jay Lethal or Shark Boy except that they'd be able to use someone as a bumbling clown that takes a direct shot at the WWE's current golden boy, instead of names from the past.

What exactly is genius about this? TNA is already viewed as inferior, second-rate, and miles below the product that WWE produces. Why would you want to take shots at the guy whose had good matches with almost everyone he steps into the ring with, in any type of match? There's a reason, as you said, that Cena is WWE's "golden boy." He's earned it. It would make TNA look more low-brow then they already do.

Me personally, seeing as he's there for comic relief and nothing else I could see Eric Young pulling it off. He's small enough, yet big enough (if you take my meaning) that he could get away with the piss-take, plus he makes me laugh, which would be a big part of an anti-Cena character. Only problem is EY can wrestle so I guess he'd have to forget all that while they went this route.

When did you start watching wrestling? Cena is leap years ahead of what Eric Young will EVER be in the ring. The line about "he would have to forget how to wrestle" is laughable. No knock on Young, but he doesn't have half the in-ring acumen that Cena does. And further, when has a parody EVER drawn in the past? Shark Boy was a real winner. How about Gillberg? I'll pass, thanks.
Honestly, I find it laughable that that would qualify as wrestling journalism on any level.

To the point, I hate the idea. I'm not the biggest John Cena fan, but I just see this as TNA taking a step back and wasting valuable time. Time for matches and/or building towards an actual decent future.

TNA isn't close to perfect, but this wouldn't help in any way. Not a fan of the idea.

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