The American Population proved Tupac Wrong

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And although it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game
Now tell me what's a mother to do
bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you
You gotta operate the easy way
"I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way
sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid,"
Well hey, well that's the way it is.


Here is the chance for you to talk about the changes of the last 15 years historically in America, or any other western nation in regards to race. Speak your mind, but under the WrestleZone rules.
He wrote that 13 years ago. I'm sure he has changed his mind over the last few years smoking blunts with Biggie in Cuba.
No, we haven't. We may have just proved we really aren't ready for a Black President by voting one in, because if we didn't we'd have been racist. I like Barrack Obama, but damn people; why are you acting like he's the messiah/anti-christ before the shit's even hit the fan?
No, we haven't. We may have just proved we really aren't ready for a Black President by voting one in

Does that make sense?

because if we didn't we'd have been racist.

That would make America a sexist then.

I like Barrack Obama, but damn people; why are you acting like he's the messiah/anti-christ before the shit's even hit the fan?

I just want to know how racism in America has changed in the eyes of the WrestleZone users. The Messiah will follow the Anti-christ, but not until the year 3260.
Does that make sense?

Yeah, it does if you'd actually read what I said. If America didn't vote him in, we'd have been seen still as a backwards racist country and lost ANY ground we may have, or may not have, gained in the last hundred odd years. Doesn't matter if he was or wasn't better then McCain, by the end he wasn't even that relevant.

That would make America a sexist then.

How so?

I just want to know how racism in America has changed in the eyes of the WrestleZone users. The Messiah will follow the Anti-christ, but not until the year 3260.

That's like...impossible to define, because in some eyes Racism is gone and its just morons who think its around that continue to perpetuate it for the betterment of themselves. Others it still alive and strong. Its all perspective, and kind of pointless to talk about as it'll just be argued.
It's not like Tupac was a genius.
Besides, Tupac isn't dead, there is a site that gives you 300+ reasons on how he is still alive.
Yeah, it does if you'd actually read what I said. If America didn't vote him in, we'd have been seen still as a backwards racist country and lost ANY ground we may have, or may not have, gained in the last hundred odd years. Doesn't matter if he was or wasn't better then McCain, by the end he wasn't even that relevant.

Aren't Americans who did vote this way racist for voting for Barack because he is black? And 100 years? Hmm, I seem to think to remember something in the 60s that proved there was still extreme racism in some parts of America. It doesn't matter that he was better than McCain you say? So you are saying America didn't pick the better person to run the country, just to keep face?

Voting against a Woman named Hillary Clinton in the Primary

That's like...impossible to define, because in some eyes Racism is gone and its just morons who think its around that continue to perpetuate it for the betterment of themselves. Others it still alive and strong. Its all perspective, and kind of pointless to talk about as it'll just be argued.

Again, you are not being clear. Are you saying only morons believe there is still racism? Because there is. And I am not a moron. I do not condone racism however. Is that the point you were getting at?

Arguing is not pointless as long as you don't argue with people in trenches.
Aren't Americans who did vote this way racist for voting for Barack because he is black?

Which didn't you just prove my point, that America DIDN'T prove Tupac wrong?

And 100 years? Hmm, I seem to think to remember something in the 60s that proved there was still extreme racism in some parts of America.

Well lets see, I'm pretty sure their were a lot of amendments past, ERA and the such, err...MLK. Hmmm, who knows. I know that in the last hundred, 200 hundred years we no long have slaves. I think that's a pretty significant step, don't you?

It doesn't matter that he was better than McCain you say? So you are saying America didn't pick the better person to run the country, just to keep face?

I'm saying at the end of the day it didn't matter. McCain lost because of Palin, he may not have won it without her but she SURE as hell killed any chance of it being a close race at the end. I also told you I like Obama, but it doesn't matter. If we hadn't voted him in , we'd have been racist. We vote him in, and we're now the Gold Standard and "without sin" or whatever; either way its bullshit and had nothing to do with McCain.

Voting against a Woman named Hillary Clinton in the Primary

The Democrats were smart, they KNEW that what I was saying would be the case. And after Bush...sheesh, it just helped him.

And I refuse to say Hillary can use Sexism EVER! Seriously, she's not a Woman.

Again, you are not being clear. Are you saying only morons believe there is still racism?

No, I'm saying moron's are the ones who run around perpetuating it. Its like the damn "N' Word. Its morons who use "racism" as an excuse to do things and say other's can't (blacks, whites, browns, purples; all of um).

Because there is. And I am not a moron. I do not condone racism however. Is that the point you were getting at?

Good for you. My point is some people think Racism is worse then others, some think its not as big of a deal and is instead just brought up when someone wants or believes they're entitled to something. I personally believe Racism is much farther and in-between then people like to say/think, but that's just in America.[/QUOTE]

And Big Sexy, that's another perspective point. That's why I say I don't understand why people think he's a God, or push him as a God. He's also dead, and nothing really "new" has come out from him so why should you care if he's alive or dead? You still have his music, whether he faked his death or not.
If a president is voted in because he's black, then we aren't ready.

I'm not saying that is what happened, but if it is then we aren't ready.

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