The All Things Buffy Thread!!!!

The Dewbliners

WZ's Whedonite. Now 20% Cooler
Alright, so as you'd probably be able to guess by my name, I'm a huge mark for Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. I'd like to use this thread to discuss (in a non-spammy way) different aspects of the show, with each person who posts to also pose their own questions. I'll Start.

Who is your favorite Charachter and Why?

For me the simple answer is Buffy Anne Summers, but I'll pass on her and go with somebody who's totally underappreciated and underrated. My absolute favorite was Xander. Why? because everytime something required comedy timing, there was Xander. What's that? Willow's gone all veiny and is destroying the world? Send Xander to talk her down, using their lifelong friendship. Super-Buffy needs a heart to defeat Adam? It's all about Xander.

Honourable mentions go to: Faith, Rupert Giles, and Dawnie.
I like this thread as I am also a Buffy fan lol.

Spike was definitely my favorite of the gang. He was a total badass when he first came on, he just killed an old guy and felt better by snapping his neck. What vampire just snaps a guys neck and not bite the neck? Haha. Then he had his handicap for what 3-4 years? and started killing demons. Plus Spike had his dry humor that I always found funny.

Now my question, who was your favorite "Big Bad" villain? The Master, Angel, etc...

I have to say for me it was probably Glory. A God? That was a pretty cool idea to get a Deity as a villain. Plus everyone thought that it was going to be the finale, so for me it would be Glory.
Good question, and I can't honestly narrow it down to only one, but I'll give you two:

The Mayor- His mannerisms and OCD ticks were comedic timing at it's best in the third season. And the way he played Faith against B? Just genious. Plus, he went out in a blaze of fucking glory (no, not that one), not to be seen until the First (save for a video tape). Which brings me to.....

The First (Evil)- Not because it was the last "Big Bad", but because it was completely non-corpreal until "The Chosen" (series finale), and there was no way to combat it. Added on top of that, how badass was it to see Dru, Adam, and even an evil Buffy. The episode "Conversations with Dead People" with it's interactions with Willow and Dawn solidified its/hers/his place in my mind.


Which "couple" do you prefer: Bangel (Buffy and Angel) or Spuffy (Spike and Buffy)?

For me it's Spuffy, based soley on their back and forth/ love-hate relationship. I mean, Buffy and Angel were an entirely too grown up relationship. Why all the emotion when B was only 16? That's why I enjoyed her pairing with Spike. It equated to a more " I need a body in bed with me" kinda deal, and she never professed her love for him until the Hellmouth was coming down.

Edit: I totally forgot about the oft-teased, never developed relationship with Xander, so there is another choice.
Hmmm. I think I prefer Angel and Buffy. Just because it was like the forbidden fruit sort of thing. You know, he had a soul and it literally be the end of the world should they ever act upon their impulses. I though it just added an extra edge to the 'romance'. That being said, I am a huge Angel fan and I actually prefered Angel to Buffy. It was just better IMO.


Did anyone else hate Dawn? I thought she was a whiny little bitch but that could just be me I dunno.
Lol Dawn was a little much at times. I liked her up until the last season. I don't know why, but it seemed like she didn't do a whole hell of a lot. Plus she hated on Spike, granted it was understandable, so I don't fault her. (But then Spike had his soul so I felt for the guy).

Question- So during the final season of Buffy, at least the first half of it anyway, Spike was pretty much a soulhaving pussy moping over Buffy, I may be the only one, but did anyone else mark out when he got the trench coat from the basement of the high school? When I saw him get it and have that little back and forth with the Principal I was like FUCK YES!!!! lol.

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