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The All American Americans


I'm the Big Daddy
I always am thinking of those that could form stables and groups (I believe there arent enough right now)... I came up with this one and think it could really work well. I do not have all the details worked out but think of this... Jack Swagger is a major up and comer and definately a future main eventer. How bout start a group of real athletes.. he goes around saying he is a true wrestler bc of his amature backround. He adds Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Hass both also college wrestlers. They go around saying how that others are just entertainers and brawlers and only the three of them are true athletes... Have someone like Mark Henry (not a college wrestler but competed profesionally in worlds strongest man) as the muscle. What does everyone think... Think of how this group would work if all the planets align and Kurt Angle comes back and lead this group.... p.s. I am not sure who else has accomplished amature backrounds that could fit.
Maybe, but I think that Swagger is way above most of those guys. Shelton Benjamin doesn't deserve to be in a stable with Swagger. Swagger's has always been a loner since debuting in the WWE anyway and that's been successful for him. They had the cahnce to put him with Orton and Legacy, but it looks like the WWE want to keep him out of any kind of stable.
The Team America I would like to see is like Lariat’s, but without Cena. And of course, they would be heels. I always thought Angle could use a guy like Swagger as his Mid – Card Star with the World’s Greatest Tag Team as his, well, Tag Team.

I already thought of this, but Mark Henry would be the perfect addition missing in my formula. Great idea!!
I super duper love the way everyone thinks x or y is gonna be a "sure future main eventer who will replace x or y".. How many wrestlers would be main eventers by now if you had all been right? Kennedy, Umaga, MVP, Morrison, Swagger, the list goes on and on.

Back on topic, Nah, not one of them is on swaggers level, swagger actually has talent and a character, the rest of them are lost bullets.
Maybe, but I think that Swagger is way above most of those guys. Shelton Benjamin doesn't deserve to be in a stable with Swagger. Swagger's has always been a loner since debuting in the WWE anyway and that's been successful for him. They had the cahnce to put him with Orton and Legacy, but it looks like the WWE want to keep him out of any kind of stable.

Shelton needs something he is a waste of talent and maybe being in a group would help him... Every good stabel has 4 things a singles wrestler (in a title hunt), a tag team, muscle, and sometimes an older vet or mouthpiece. So you have Swagger, TWGTT, Henry, and Kurt if Vince ever wants to kill TNA.
And forgive me if I am worng wasnt Benjy and Charlie already in a stable and it was IMO when they were at their best (Team Angle).
Yes!! And to top it all off, this Stable actually looks pretty “credible”. I like it!! I don’t want to say “I love it”, because that’s reserved for my Dream Team, led by Jericho, consisting of Austin, The Rock, Angle, Hogan and Flair. HAHA!! Okay, that would be a little crazy.
This could work, Swagger is great, Shelton's great, Haas is great, and Henry is a great muscle! But I don't know if Swagger is the group leader type, belive me Swagger's good but to be the leader of a stable you need mic skills, and Swagger hasn't showed to many good mic skills, but he is getting there. And besides WWE will never push Haas or Benjamin. And if Angle did come back to WWE I'd rather have him feud with Swagger rather than aligning himself with Swagger. Think about the great Swagger and Angle matches, DREAM COME TRUE!
Id love to see that. Keep them all heel as well, but instead of mark henry seens how he had a pop on his debut on RAW. Have the Big Show lead the group. He is a former Collegiate athlete but with basketball. Id love to see that
I will give this one a big no. I'm not completely against having Swagger lead a stable, but Benjamin and Haas don't belong in the same room as Swagger's jockstrap. I really wish people would get over Shelton. He is not great, he isn't even good. Also, this has already happened, it was called Team Angle. Not very innovative.
What exactly is wrong with Shelton Benjamin? His talent? Ability? Or is it that every time it ever seems like WWE is going somewhere with Benjamin they just stop whatever they are doing and have him job to someone random. Hell, the last storyline/feud I can remember that actually came to fruition instead of getting lost or given up on was the Benjamin/MVP matches that started turning MVP face. Those were great matches of both of their parts and even with Benjamin putting MVP over they could have gone ahead and moved Benjamin into another story better than just reteaming him with Benjamin, constantly talking about the Worlds Greatest Tag Team but never actually calling them that, and just having "the Gold Standard" lose constantly.

Also this all goes the same for Charlie Haas, he is great in the ring and its just unfortunate that they tend to always give him stupid gimmicks, use him to job a lot, and will ultimately fire then probably rehire him again.

Swagger has the talent and charisma but unfortunately he has the lisp and YES, I know that is a speech impediment and it shouldn't hold him back, but really every time I hear him talk I picture Sylvester just as Christian pointed out. If you were to put him in a true athletes, I'd say someone else should be the mouthpiece of the group - just saying.
What exactly is wrong with Shelton Benjamin? His talent? Ability? Or is it that every time it ever seems like WWE is going somewhere with Benjamin they just stop whatever they are doing and have him job to someone random. Hell, the last storyline/feud I can remember that actually came to fruition instead of getting lost or given up on was the Benjamin/MVP matches that started turning MVP face. Those were great matches of both of their parts and even with Benjamin putting MVP over they could have gone ahead and moved Benjamin into another story better than just reteaming him with Benjamin, constantly talking about the Worlds Greatest Tag Team but never actually calling them that, and just having "the Gold Standard" lose constantly.

Also this all goes the same for Charlie Haas, he is great in the ring and its just unfortunate that they tend to always give him stupid gimmicks, use him to job a lot, and will ultimately fire then probably rehire him again.

Swagger has the talent and charisma but unfortunately he has the lisp and YES, I know that is a speech impediment and it shouldn't hold him back, but really every time I hear him talk I picture Sylvester just as Christian pointed out. If you were to put him in a true athletes, I'd say someone else should be the mouthpiece of the group - just saying.

I agree with you. I believe if there ever was a All American American stable, none other then Elijah Burke would be great to be the mouthpiece of the group.
kurt angle and jack swagger. i love the idea. two great wrestlers, two great entertainers, two great heel. i see a new era of tagteam wrestling. they team up and doninate untill swagger turns on angle because he says he doesnt need him anymore. they have a feud where angle puts swagger over at wrestlemania. say hello to the future of wrestling The All American American Jack Swagger!!!!
This would be awesome. It would be just like the Varsity Club back in the day with Steiner, Rotundo, and Sullivan. You have Swagger, Benjamin and Haas all come out in there Varsity Letterman Jackets bragging about there collegiate accomplishments. Have all there matches be mat based and then they cheat to win. I think it could work if given the time and effort. All those guys are good in the ring, so use there ring skills to get themselves over more than their mic skills. Give them a "team manager" maybe and old schooler who was a great amateur in college also. That would be great. They could feud with all kinds of stables. Feud with Legacy about the fact they are "real" wrestlers and earned their way as opposed to being sons of wrestlers. Same feud with the Hart Dynasty. But that is the kind of thinking that they are missing in the management of the dubbya dubbya ee
I love the idea of an Amateur Wrestlers stable, HOWEVER, Swagger cannot lead a group consisting of 2 people who are more experienced. That would be like saying Randy Orton could have been the leader of Evolution. I wouldn't mind seeing Swagger be the leader of this type of stable, but bring in 2 new Amateur wrestlers as the Tag Team. Also, bringing in Angle to be in the stable would kill the push that Swagger is getting, and he would be stuck fighting for the US title. A stable only has 1 world title contender, and that would be Angle (a multi-time champ, and a future WWE Hall of Famer). Putting Mark Henry as the muscle would stunt his growth as a potential main event player, plus he has been in the company for 13 years, and shouldn't be led by a rookie. I think a 3 man stable (Swagger and 2 new guys) would work perfectly, with a mouthpiece, and I think the perfect mouthpiece would be Matt Stryker. That may sound weird, but if they would go to a similar route as the Varsity Club, then why not have a TEACHER as the mouthpiece (plus he is probably the only guy in WWE right now who can be a fresh mouthpiece for someone).

The World's Greatest Tag Team is done forever, and can't be bought into this stable. Benjamin is a waste of in-ring ability, because he cannot get over for the life of him. Haas was never more than a Tag Team wrestler, and lord knows where that gets you in WWE. They should have never been broken up (the second time), because Shelton doesn't deserve a 9th chance to get over, and Haas will soon be future endeavored (unless he can find a new tag partner).
It would be nice if Brock were to miraculously come back to the WWE and be the “muscle” of this JLA group. Can you picture a Stable led by Angle, with a protégé in Swagger and backup in the form of “The World’s Greatest Tag Team Angle”, with the added certified powerhouse of Lesnar?? That group should be unstoppable. Is there yet another armature turned pro Superstar that I’m forgetting about??
Swagger could definitely lead a stable. He has the charisma and is over enough with the crowd to do it. If only he could get more comfortable with being on Raw. He looked so pained and sorta embarassed in that MVP Lounge last Monday.

However, I don't like the idea of Benjamin being anywhere near Swagger. Benjamin may have an amateur background, but he's not hated at all. He'd only drag the group down. Until Swagger gets enough heat for the entire stable, that is. Then Benjamin could pull his weight.

So, essentially, I like it. But only if Benjamin A) Suddenly learns how to get over with the crowd, or B) lets Swagger do the work on the mic and cleans up his jumpy game.
There is no doubt that if such a stable came true, that Benjamin should work the Mic. He has shown to us that he has some pretty entertaining mic skills (thinking about that yoshi tatsu match). I don't think henry would be a great addition, but I could see some TNA asshole like kurt angle come and lead.

There is also no way this would be called the "all american americans" just giving swagger that name made me barf.
There is no doubt that if such a stable came true, that Benjamin should work the Mic. He has shown to us that he has some pretty entertaining mic skills (thinking about that yoshi tatsu match). I don't think henry would be a great addition, but I could see some TNA asshole like kurt angle come and lead.

There is also no way this would be called the "all american americans" just giving swagger that name made me barf.

Okay, Shelton never really bothered me before, but why would he be the man on the stick in a Stable?? He always looks like he forgot what he was going to say when he talks. What exactly was entertaining about Benjamin and Tatsu to you?? As a matter of fact, what exactly is entertaining to you period??

Henry on the team can add power and name value, that’s why he should be in there, among the obvious.

The name, fine. I thought the name could only work if Jack is the leader, but since he’s not, I agree on the ONE point.
I enjoy reading ideas that I actually like. We all know that something like this won't happen, because hey...they just don't do anything creative these days. After reading all of the Brian Kendrick, Santino, and other WWE Jobber Push petitions on these boards its refreshing to see an idea that has a logical premise, and wouldn't take much work to get off the ground.

A mid card to upper mid card stable is very realistic and believable. Remember right after Shawn Michaels got injured when HHH was the leader of DX? That was a mid card stable. Remember Right To Censor, The Un-Americans, The Brood? All mid card stables that were relatively over, or at minimum given a legitimate shot to get over.

Swagger can lead a stable with Henry as his muscle. Swagger has a lisp, but dammit the man can still cut a promo, and that means a lot in the WWE these days. Benjamin and Haas as a team would work because there aren't any teams! So with that said, they would be one of the top teams! They're definately better than Cryme Tyme, and far more seasoned the The Harts, Colons (do they count still), and Legacy.

Swagger as US Champ, Henry as the muscle, and WGTT with some gold would get over pretty well as long as they don't job too often, and dominate on a mid card level. It would be a good angle to run for a year. Swagger and Haas would probably benefit the most. Swagger by moving to the ME, and Haas for getting more TV Time and recognition.
I think it would be even better if Angle returned to train up Swagger in his footsteps.

Imagine this. Angle debuts back on Smackdown and everyone goes nuts. He starts to talk about how while he's been away the WWE has diminished in talent and there are no 'real' wrestlers here anymore. He goes on to say there is one man who he believes has 'it' and he would like to bring him out and offer his experience and expertise.

Then out comes Swagger and the 2 do their goofy smiles and what not.

Now, this would work I think better on Smackdown. Also, it would allow Kurt to wrestle on a lighter schedule coz he would more be building up Swagger to take over as the wrestling machine.
Okay, Shelton never really bothered me before, but why would he be the man on the stick in a Stable?? He always looks like he forgot what he was going to say when he talks. What exactly was entertaining about Benjamin and Tatsu to you?? As a matter of fact, what exactly is entertaining to you period??

Hmmm.... Entertaining about Benjamin and Tatsu, How about the fact that the WWE put over 2 superstars in a single match, and made the whole entire arena laugh at the same time?
This would be a really weird stable. I'm not sure if I like it too much. I personally don't believe Swagger needs muscle in a stable, since he's so big himself, he shouldn't back down to anyone. That being said, he didn't fight Orton or MVP the last 2 Raws, which I feel was a mistake, because they shouldn't make him a cowardly heel. He's 6 foot 6, a person that tall shouldn't be scared of anyone unless its the fucking Great Khali. So I personally don't think Mark Henry would be needed in that stable. Another thing that I have against it is Shelton and Haas together again. I know that they were teaming on Smackdown a bit a few months ago, but its been forever since they fucking appeared as part of Team Angle. They need to keep forging their own identities, and no matter how successful or unsuccessful those are, they need to be seperate for the rest of their careers. So this stable would be a total failure IMO, but in others, who knows?
To be honest I think what we saw on Raw where Swagger was sucking up Orton's Ass works well for him, if he were to join a stable of Benjamin and Haas, I think it'll hold him back. Many people on these forums complain Benjamin is going nowhere, so why would you want Swagger to align with him.

Swagger is an up and coming star no doubt, so if anything, Benjamin would be getting the rub off him not vice versa as the veteran should be doing.

Now that I have directly replied to that, I wanna draw direct attention to Jack Swagger's teeth, if anyone proves me wrong I hope to hear it. I think his teeth are fake and that's why we hear the lisp, I saw a close up and the teeth looked flat, no groove between them I think Swagger is supposed to be the "Anti- Snitsky". Maybe they'll do an angle where someone messes them up, but to me they look like a mouthguard
What?? I think, now I know this isn’t going to happen, if Swagger and W.G.T.T. were to face Legacy in a 6 Man Tag, I think it would be an even match up. Think about it. Jack, Shelton, and Charlie vs. Randy, Ted and Cody. Sounds like a good technical match to me. It might not put butts in the seats, but it will get the IWC smiling. It would be a lot more entertaining that what the Benjamin is doing right now.
I like where this is going, but I'm not sure about the need for muscle in the stable, as z99zazn said, with the size of Swagger i dont really think they would need muscle. So what about this, a stable of amatuer trained wrestlers, led by 'the mouthpiece' of the group.............Matt Striker

I am personally a big fan of his at the announce table, and his teaching gimmick in the past could work with this. If he could draw enough heat, and forgive me if im wrong, but i believe he could, then i think this could be massive!

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