The 2013 "Big Summer Angle"


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know what a lot of you will say. 'It's not even been WrestleMania yet, we can't predict the Big Summer Angle!' This isn't a prediction thread, this is a fantasy thread.

For example, for the last two years, CM Punk has blown up the summer. The Summer of 2011 was his famous shoot promo, and the Summer of 2012 was his heel turn against The Rock. There have been more, but I'm tired, and have a bad memory.

I just wanted to know what you would like to see next year for the Summer angle? Name the superstars, championships, ideas you have below.
Since Brock Lesnar has officially signed on with WWE for another two years, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see Brock Lesnar formally go after the WWE Championship sometime during the course of the summer. Ratings tend to go in a bit of a slump during the summer months, so having Lesnar on Raw on a regular basis and ultimately challenging for the title, perhaps even wrestling one or two matches on free television, could inject some fresh life into the ratings during the summer slump.
CM Punk made the WWE Championship legit again, have brock do the same. Except have him take and hold the WHC title hostage. The IWC will not buy into it, because we all know he has signed a new contract. But keep the contract under wraps. Throw a curveball, instead of Brock vs HHH 2 at rematchmania, have him face Del Rio. Win the title and "leave" the company until SummerSlam.
Well, what Sinabite says sounds not bad. Brock Lesnar would make the WHC Title-Race way more interesting and could put guys like Del Rio and Sheamus over, even if he beats them. They could book a great Match against the Face of Smackdown, Orton or Sheamus, at SummerSlam or - if lesnar gets the title at or after Wrestlemania - they could also go forward for a World Title Unification Match: CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar. Heyman Guy vs. Heyman Guy, that would be something, that is worth paying for. ^^
Well, I'm really, really hoping that the big summer angle is a Cena heel turn, which would officially begin after he beat Rock at WM. Obviously, this won't happen, as I'm convinced WWE won't turn Cena heel at this point or ever.

The more realistic possibility is that this is the summer of Randy Orton's resurgence. Contrary to what the common opinion about him might be, I don't think he's trash at this point and I don't think his career is over. I think he's going to have a huge summer (especially if he wins the belt at WM) and could play a part in unifying the belts (if that's the direction they go in).
If ratings are what WWE is looking for, how about a Summerslam rematch between The Rock and Brock Lesnar? These two are obviously enormous draws and since there's no chance of them fighting at Wrestlemania, might as well do it at the next big PPV event. The foundation for the match is already laid down - all we need now is a dynamic story that will attract viewers and make people want to see them match, and boom. You have your big summer angle. Better yet, have it over the WWE Championship.

That's as much as I can tell you. I've never been the most innovative person when it comes to fantasy booking.
Maybe they could have Mae Young give birth to a hand and after that HHH could molest a corpse. Then Great Khali could challenge someone to a Punjabi Prison Match, Big Vito could come back wearing a dress, and there could be some huge mystery build referring to a "higher power" that will ultimately wind up being Vince McMahon.

Oh wait. All that stupid crap already happened years ago.
No, no, you're all wrong. Punk will take time off after WrestleMania to heal up his nagging injuries. He returns in the summer. When and more specifically HOW will be the big 'summer 2013' angle.
If ratings are what WWE is looking for, how about a Summerslam rematch between The Rock and Brock Lesnar? These two are obviously enormous draws and since there's no chance of them fighting at Wrestlemania, might as well do it at the next big PPV event. The foundation for the match is already laid down - all we need now is a dynamic story that will attract viewers and make people want to see them match, and boom. You have your big summer angle. Better yet, have it over the WWE Championship.

That's as much as I can tell you. I've never been the most innovative person when it comes to fantasy booking.

Doubt it would happen for one major reason. 'The Rock'.

He already takes a big enough chance getting in the ring and getting hurt with regular matches against guys more his size, do you see him saying 'Sign me up' for a match against Brock Lesnar who is alot more stiffer with how he works now and has a habbit of 'accidents' with the people hes been involved with so far, all while The Rock still has movies he wants to work on and that he has to promote?

Id like to see that kind of match, but I seriously doubt the Rock would give a go ahead for it. But I could be wrong.
I would love to see another star take the bad ass tweener role, I believe either Randy Orton or a member of the shield could do this. Personally I'd like to see Randy Orton back to the height of fame he was in 2008 and definitely bring him back to raw he deserves to be there, I too would also like Triple H to come back for a time that isn't WrestleMania season. Imagine this, a heel Orton comes out and starts talking about how he wants the title by any means necessary even if it means going through every guy in the company. The Game's music hits at out comes Triple H and declares his interest in one last run for the title. They go back and forth and with weeks of build, we get an Orton v HHH classic reminiscent of a few years ago. Plus that could set up for another great HHH match for the title. This is totally unrealistic I know but its my fantasy summer angle.
i've never been a big Dolph Ziggler fan, but my idea has to do with him, and also kinda ties into what sinabite said with Brock Lesner taking the WHC and "leaving".As we all know, (unless you been hiding under a rock) Ziggler is Mr. Money in the Bank. My idea would involve what sinabite said and winning the title from DELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RIIIIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOO. (No wonder Ricardo does it like that, sounds pretty cool.just don't do it in public, you'll look like an dumbass.) Then,proceed to go on hiatus till Summerslam, at which time, someone whos fueding with Ziggler will mention something along the lines of, You don't have much time to cash that in? Ziggler would then do everything he can to get Brock to come back,slowly turning him back face (since Brock is always heel to be effective) and say how it's his lifelong dream to be champ (since his first "reign" was a blink and you missed it) i only say this cause Ziggler takes crazy bumps that look just WOW. Can you imagine him taking an F-5? Or if that doesn't work out, can have the debut of Bray Wyatt, cause he looks ready to be back at the main roster,AND with an actual gimmick.
I think that the big angle for the summer this year will be CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar. Unless Undertaker doesnt work WrestleMania this year with Punk then we'll likely see Lesnar and CM Punk
Let's have an underated superstar shock the world by doing something "big". Remember 2011 summer as Punk cut that Unforgettable promo, that was huge. Let's say we have something different. There's one superstar I have in mind who could make it to the top in one summer. Christian. IMO, this guy deserves everything. He has been through alot, but since him leaving WWE in 2005 to TNA, I think that kind of messed him up. Before he retires, let WWE have him do something "big". And of course we have to have John Cena in this storyline. I Don't know but maybe Christian could make a change, by destroying the "P.G Era". Christian is well known from the attitude era, he could bring some attitude back in the WWE. We could have Christian bring back old WWE superstars with him. Superstars like Chris Masters Shelton Benjamin Hurricane Helms, and Carlito. Big superstars who deserve World Titles(At least I.C Champ for Gregory Helms) Have this storyline include the Rock, Ric Flair and Triple H as well, and The WWE Championship too. IMO This would be great for Christian and Edge, and great for the WWE to end P.G Era. You could say that's a stupid idea, but people have opinions, and this is what I would like to see.
I'd say have The Shield keep up what they are doing, just dominating superstars in sneak attacks and matches up until June/July. Then have Mr. McMahon beg John Cena to take them on, to stop The Shield.

June PPV rolls around, it's John Cena vs The Shield in a Handicap match. After a 10-15 min match it's Cena and Ambrose as the 2 legal men. After a stare down, Cena and Ambrose start to laugh then ultimately shake hands. Next night on Raw it's revealed Cena was behind The Shield.

That's my dream situation. But ultimately, a Cena heel turn would be the best "Knock your socks off" angle.
I think that the big angle for the summer this year will be CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar.

I think so too.

And by think so I mean I hope so.

I'd like to see John Cena & The Rock vs CM Punk & Brock Lesnar headline a PPV first. Have dissension between Heyman/Lesnar & Punk build from there. Maybe do an injury angle that gives Punk some time off. Maybe have Lesnar take the title off Cena. Then cash in at Summer Slam.

Could be a lot of fun possibilities with that feud. It'll also be interesting to see if The Shield are still intact at that point.
For the 2013 big Summer angle I have a couple of ideas.

I wouldn`t mind seeing a feud between Brock Lesnar and C.M. Punk leading to a match at Summer Slam, possibly for the WWEC. It could start after Mania 29. Lesnar having lost to the Game and Punk more than likely losing to The Undertaker, both could be wanting Heyman's services totally for themselves. Punk could face Cena for the title a couple times and get screwed over by The shield interfering. people could think Cena's turning heel but really it's Brock getting The shield to attack. This could go back and forth til their match at Summer Slam where The winner gets Paul Heyman's services. Of course during the match Heyman would screw over the one he is not going to work for anymore, most likely Punk, causing Punk to turn face again. that's one idea I had.

I, also, wouldn't mind seeing a heel turn by Cena during the Summer. If Punk is going to go face then hopefully we could finally see that long awaited cena heel turn. I could see cena winning the belt from the Rock and saying this is his year and he will do what ever it takes to stay on top. as the weeks go by Cena could start cheating a little to keep the belt. It could be sort of like lord of the Rings with the hold the ring has on everyone and they'll do anything to keep it, Cena could become obsessed with the WWE title the same way. possibly leading to a big match at Summer Slam where Cena has to defend the title against Punk. Punk has Heyman in his corner. During the match heyman could turn on punk leading to a cena win and Cena becoming a Heyman guy. Punk could go face after the match. It could be a double switch like Bret and Austin at Mania 13. If the heel turn hurts profits, Cena can always say later that he had a moment of weakness and took the easy way out and turn face again. I think it's an idea worth considering.
The Big Summer angle should be Ryback vs Cena for the title both as faces. It should be the passing of the torch of sorts with Ryback going over Cena and winning his first wwe title and beating cleanly the face of the wwe. This would require wwe to start to build up ryback again which means winning his ppv matches and make this feel like a big deal like Cenas time atop the wwe is up. now i'm sure smark fans would try to ruin this by booing cena and chanting goldberg. But this is wwe's best chance to come close to replacing cena. There giving Ryback alot more mic time and even some jokes they clearly still view Ryback as a top guy so all they need to do is finish the job. Have Ryback vs Cena mainevent summerslam and have Ryback go over clean. Lesnar can work Punk but put it in the undercard if they honestly think Ryback can be the guy then pull the trigger.
Dolph Ziggler cashes in after Cena beats The Rock for the WWE Championship. Then some time in early May he defeats Sheamus, Orton or Del Rio for the WHC, and so begins The Summer Of The Show Off; the undisputed champion. With the help of Big E. Langston and AJ lee, Ziggler successfully defends the belt(s) against all the major players. This happens until Ryback resurfaces in July, takes out Big E. Langston and ultimately ends Ziggler's dominance at SummerSlam by finally winning the WWE Championship. Ziggler will soon after lose the WHC to The Miz accompanied by Ric Flair.
First of all, this won't happen, but it doesn't make my thoughts an less legitimate.

If WWE can finally succeed in building top babyfaces to push merch, I see no reason why they cannot finally turn John Cena heel. I don't care if he's a babyface, so this isn't one of those "turn Cena heel so he doesn't suck anymore" posts. I'm a Cena fan; I'll be just as happy with him staying pretty much the way he is now. But if Ryback continues to be as popular after WrestleMania, with Sheamus and Alberto del Rio filling their roles well. With the Rock around part time. I just see no reason why Randy Orton, John Cena and CM Punk can't be the top heels.

I also think if WWE wants to do Rock/Cena III as a tiebreaker, they could get away with the 3-peat at WrestleMania if they turned Cena heel. There really isn't a bigger angle left in the WWE's utility belt than a Cena heel turn to generate buzz. It really wouldn't kill the company. THey're merch sales might fall for a few months, but they'd still get Cena gera out that more normal fans might actually buy. And given the spotlight to actually try, Sheamus and del Rio could step up and be the babyfaces necessary. Don't count out Ryback either. And of course if all else fails miserably, they can just bring back Rock for SummerSlam and Survivor Series, and it'll be just fine.
I hope Orton turns heel again after WM he is better as a heel 08/09 was when he was at his best so they should try and recapture that vibe for him Orton should be WWE champion again before 2013 finishes.
Orton should beat his old nemesis Cena after he has a couple of months as champ winning title at May or Junes PPV before headlining Summerslam against A superstar that returns to WWE like Angle or Batista he could retain on a DQ before facing them again at september's PPV where he loses title to Angle or Batista!
Brock Lesnar wins the WHC after CM Punk wins the WWE title, the "Heyman Guys" take over the WWE, beating everyone that comes in their way. Cena, Orton, Rock, Sheamus, Rock, literally no one can beat these guys. Triple H then makes a free agent signing to go after Lesnar for a title match at SummerSlam this bringing the return of.......Batista.

Now that may not sound too huge but hopefully Dave gets another MMA fight under his belt before this time and looks dominate again then it sets up a match where Brock has to face someone with the same background that he has.

As for Punk, he stays acting like he is on top of the world and there is no one that can beat him, he cuts a promo that he's beaten Cena, Rock, Triple H, Del Rio, Bryan and Ryback and there is no one left for him to take on and he names himself the Greatest of All Time. As this line is being uttered out of his mouth the glass breaks and out comes Stone Cold Steve Austin to say you may have beaten everyone but you can't name yourself the Greatest until you've beaten me. This can either set up a match between the two at SummerSlam or if they want to do a long buildup they can set a match for Wrestlemania 30, either way it will be huge as Steve is probably the last star from the Attitude Era that could come back and make huge ratings. We've already seen this with the Rock but I know me personally would love to see Stone Cold one last time in the ring and who better to be in the ring with than CM Punk?
I'm interested to see what the summer angle will be as well. Personally, if Rock and Cena are to face each other again, I would rather see it at summer slam than Mania, but it looks like that's not going to happen.
I would like the next WWE Summer Angle to be based around Paul Heyman’s dominance over the WWE and the power struggle against Vince McMahon, Triple H and the rest of the WWE locker room. The struggle would lie with the Championships. It would be similar to TNA’s angle from the past. Control the Titles, control the company.

WWE Champion – CM Punk
World Champion – Brock Lesnar
Intercontinental Champion – Dean Ambrose
United States Champion – Seth Rollins
Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions – Roman Reigns and ??

I think this angle could really give the Shield the needed push, give Brock Lesnar some “props” to work with, and put CM Punk right back where he belongs. As far as Roman’s Tag Team partner, I was going to go with Brad Maddox, up until last night. So now I don’t know who to pick.
I would like the next WWE Summer Angle to be based around Paul Heyman’s dominance over the WWE and the power struggle against Vince McMahon, Triple H and the rest of the WWE locker room. The struggle would lie with the Championships. It would be similar to TNA’s angle from the past. Control the Titles, control the company.

WWE Champion – CM Punk
World Champion – Brock Lesnar
Intercontinental Champion – Dean Ambrose
United States Champion – Seth Rollins
Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions – Roman Reigns and ??

I think this angle could really give the Shield the needed push, give Brock Lesnar some “props” to work with, and put CM Punk right back where he belongs. As far as Roman’s Tag Team partner, I was going to go with Brad Maddox, up until last night. So now I don’t know who to pick.

I like this idea and if they focus on Heyman and his guys like this then it sets up the perfect opportunity to put over a face (Ryback? Miz? Resurgence of Orton? Anybody but Cena) who will ultimately "save" WWE from these guys. How many times have we seen that angle? Might as well dust it off and try it again.
According to, there's serious talk backstage that one of the big feuds for the summer and heading into the fall will be between CM Punk & Brock Lesnar. If

If such a feud does go down, it's likely that CM Punk will be turning babyface at some point. Punk's a great talent and he's really shined as a heel. I think if WWE keeps him as more of the edgy tweener he was during the summer of 2011 that it'll really make for an interesting feud.

I'm sure some would complain that it's just not all that realistic when you compare the two physically but I say get the fuck over it. It's not going to be a "real fight" if a feud takes place. And besides, nobody has had a problem with Punk going over powerhouses like Big Show, Mark Henry and John Cena.

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