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The 10%


Pre-Show Stalwart
Eric Bischoff- "Ever notice how the shows that the dirt sites put over get the lowest ratings and the ones they bury get the highest? hmmmm."

He always likes to comment about the dirt sheets and the 10% of fans that take to the internet. I think he is a little off on his estimate of "internet smart fans" Do any of you buy the estimate of 10%? What do you think it is? From the Impact rating jump we witnessed this week it has to be much higher. They went from 1.3 million to 2 million viewers in one week. Thats 700,000 more people watching. Im pretty sure its not to catch the fallout from a PPV that saw Angle retain the title. I'm pretty sure its because people read spoilers and wanted to witness what they read. To me that means that about half of impacts fans read the spoilers and choose weather to watch or not based on what they read. If they are reading the spoilers, they are probably clicking around reading the other dirt sheet stories and forums and opinion pages. Not saying half the fans agree with whats written on these forums, but these dirt sheets have to have some effect on the perception of all these fans that are not watching regularly. What do you all think? How big do you think the "internet fan base" is for real? Do you think ratings would go up and stay up if TNA did pay attention to what internet fans are saying and at least putting the general consensus of internet fans into play on thier programming? I know they couldnt please everyone but even doing random things that internet fans want would be more consistent that what they are providing now. What do you all think of that?
I have to agreee with this. As a big James Storm fan I decided that I would watch a full episode of TNA for the first time in a couple months. Honestly I liked the show I was excited for most it and enjoyed it. Sure it had less matches then I would have liked but whatver it was good. So I could see a couple thousand from the PPV fallout, a couple more because of James Storm's title win, and to even it out Hulk Hogan's face turn seems to be well recepted to.
If you're trying to imply that 700,000 people watched Impact because they read spoilers, then you're delusional. I'd say the internet wrestling fanbase is about about 100k at most if at that and the ones who read the spoilers are about half of that. If you watch TNA's ratings trend, mostly after every PPV, they have 1.7 million viewers to follow up. After last year's BFG, TNA had 1.9 million viewers for the follow up. Following every TNA PPV, the ratings are high and as for the case with BFG, the ratings are even extra higher because people are anxious to see the fallout of TNA's WrestleMania. Do I think dirtsheets play a role and help put the bad perception of TNA out there, hell yes I do but there are more to TNA's ratings than a bunch of internet marks watching or not imo.
One problem: James Storm winning the title was THE LOWEST RATED SEGMENT OF THE SHOW

And another thing, most of these internet fans aren't really fans of TNA at all. They've got this ideal promotion in their minds that they want TNA to live up to. They're fans of that promotion. They don't know what all the other wrestling fans want to see, and they don't care. So it's a horrible idea to listen to them.
One problem: James Storm winning the title was THE LOWEST RATED SEGMENT OF THE SHOW

And another thing, most of these internet fans aren't really fans of TNA at all. They've got this ideal promotion in their minds that they want TNA to live up to. They're fans of that promotion. They don't know what all the other wrestling fans want to see, and they don't care. So it's a horrible idea to listen to them.
Couldn't agree more. Internet fans simply love to hate anything TNA does because it's not like ROH or WWE. You have a collection of them bitch and moan they don't air wrestling then you have another set that say they need to be entertainment geared instead of a gloried indy promotion like 2004. You have another set that simply wants to hate everything and love what they want to love.

Dirtsheet Internet reports just feeds the statistical bullshit that people want to hear and then bashes or fakes certain reports. I remember, Monday going on Wrestlezone and reading a report basically saying that the morale is low because they feel Hogan screwed Roode out of his title finish because he isn't ready and the "feeling" in the locker room is that if your not from WWE, WCW or ECW that you wouldn't get elevated to a high status.

One day later, Storm wins the title totally killing that story which has yet to be called out to these "reporters" and "sources"

Unfortunately, It's been going on for years even dating back to the 90s. Fans apparently think in 2011 that wrestling matches and entertainment value should be judged on the minutes of a match instead of the quality of the match or quality of the show. And I blame that on ROH and these dirtsheets that fill their heads with BS.

You judge a show off of the enjoyment and entertainment value whether that comes from promos or matches. Wrestling Matters slogan has been now the excuse to attack TNA when they do not present a 4 star match on free TV but ironically when they do showcase a major match, the excuse is "Why isn't this on PPV!"

Anyways, the point here is the IWC is a total joke to pro-wrestling. I think WWE feeding that Punk gimmick only made it worse and the logical that they know it all is totally laughable because numbers prove the majority enjoys a show based off it's entire entertainment value and not how many matches you can book on a show.

Impact was fantastic for a reason. It's funny that the main event only drew 1.7 million viewers while the Knockouts which most ignorant fans view as a irrelevant part of wrestling (women's wrestling in general) draws 2.2 million people alone.

I think this nonsense that the IWC knows it all has gotten out of hand but it does not seem to end and considering this is a repeat of history, I don't see it ending sadly. Best thing for TNA is to continue to do the right thing and appease viewers and not them.

The funny thing is alot of these "reporters" are finding ways to make Bischoff's statement look wrong or "Wait and see if the numbers drop" but even if the numbers do indeed drop, the simple fact Bound For Glory drew enough hype to cash in on 2.2 million viewers against The World Series and Jersey Shore Finale just proves the casual fans are always right. Internet fans are just a 10% minority that nobody listens to unless you own a computer which is why most promotions like ROH don't end up with ANY amount of success and usually get their talent raided by the big boys in WWE and TNA.
One problem: James Storm winning the title was THE LOWEST RATED SEGMENT OF THE SHOW

And another thing, most of these internet fans aren't really fans of TNA at all. They've got this ideal promotion in their minds that they want TNA to live up to. They're fans of that promotion. They don't know what all the other wrestling fans want to see, and they don't care. So it's a horrible idea to listen to them.

Most internet fans are not fans of either WWE or TNA. You are 100% right when you say they have an ideal promotion in their heads and that's what they want. It was the same way during the Monday Night Wars.

But good for TNA. Hopefully they can keep it up because I would prefer to see some competition for the WWE.

As far as Bischoff goes, he's a moron. He goes off that no one cares about the IWC yet he is always the one talking about them. Once again Eric learn to worry about the things that you can control.
I don't think a company TNA's size should be so quick to dismiss 10% of wrestling fans. While I wouldn't go out of my way to book for them I sure as heck wouldn't go out of my way to insult them. Yes the IWC is always going to complain, but if the product is good the complainers will only be making themselves look foolish and unreasonable as they do when they attack the WWE for putting Wrestler A over Wrestler B. TNA's problem is that they're just too hard to defend in most cases.
When I clicked this thread, I was hoping that it was going to be a good read. However, I went on to read an idiot's post about how 700,000 people watched it because of the spoilers. No, not at all. You want to know why they watched it? Don't think it's because it's the show right after BFG. Don't think it's because James Storm won the title. Don't think it's because Dixie Carter is now over the company again, and has her feel good, cheesy moment speech. No, just no. You ready for the big shock and awe? It's because Hulk Hogan is face again. That's what people seen. People buzzed about it, it wasn't massively huge, but when you say that Hogan lost to Sting Sunday night, and now Hogan is a good guy again. It's going to get people to watch. Granted, some of those things above did contribute to it. But, the main thing is Hulk Hogan. And trust me, I respect Hogan for what all he did for the business, but I hate the man because he doesn't know when to stop, like most and tarnishes his legacy inside the ring instead of sticking to the back. Maybe he'll follow the steps of Arn Anderson some day, and before someone says "But it's Hulk Hogan, his name draws ratings when he's there." This may be true, but if he didn't appear as much as he did, or even at all. We'd see more time for the people that needs to be pushed in the company that states "wrestling matters".

TL;DR - Hogan's face turn caused ratings to go up the most.
I'm just glad to see that TNA got to see some improvement in viewership. I happen to like TNA quite a bit, and while I don't always like the direction they go with things, that's just the way it is. Often times when I feel that way I end up getting something else I do like from it, showing me that you just have to wait and see, you can't be so quick to judge.

I think that the 10% just showed that they are more than 10%. I can't even fathom how else they went from just over 1 million views the week before, to doubling that the next. I can only draw a conclusion that it was not the regular fan base, but the IWC that did that. I can't put a number on what percent of the total audience the IWC makes up, but obviously the number IS in the millions, not thousands, making Bischoff's guesstimation of the IWC being a bunch of 10%er's laughable. The IWC is a tough crowd to please and draw in, but since they are the ones following the dirt sheets and thus know what to tune in for or not, this has to be an example that they count more than some would like to let on.
When I clicked this thread, I was hoping that it was going to be a good read. However, I went on to read an idiot's post about how 700,000 people watched it because of the spoilers. No, not at all. You want to know why they watched it? Don't think it's because it's the show right after BFG. Don't think it's because James Storm won the title. Don't think it's because Dixie Carter is now over the company again, and has her feel good, cheesy moment speech. No, just no. You ready for the big shock and awe? It's because Hulk Hogan is face again. That's what people seen. People buzzed about it, it wasn't massively huge, but when you say that Hogan lost to Sting Sunday night, and now Hogan is a good guy again. It's going to get people to watch. Granted, some of those things above did contribute to it. But, the main thing is Hulk Hogan. And trust me, I respect Hogan for what all he did for the business, but I hate the man because he doesn't know when to stop, like most and tarnishes his legacy inside the ring instead of sticking to the back. Maybe he'll follow the steps of Arn Anderson some day, and before someone says "But it's Hulk Hogan, his name draws ratings when he's there." This may be true, but if he didn't appear as much as he did, or even at all. We'd see more time for the people that needs to be pushed in the company that states "wrestling matters".

TL;DR - Hogan's face turn caused ratings to go up the most.

I agree with this being a post BFG bounce which is bad news for TNA because it means the numbers will go back to normal soon enough. But why did you feel the need to call the OP an idiot? That's a tad harsh, don't you think?

As for the Hulk face turn being a draw, the fans who weren't watching probably didn't even know he was a heel to begin with. While it's probably not spoilers that caused people to tune in since they didn't seem too interested in the main event, the numbers were probably mostly wrestling fans who were aware there was a ppv and probably didn't buy it, but decided to tune in and see what the fall out would be. That's one opinion anyway.
I don't think bischoff is estimating when he says iwc is 10%. He owns a production company bc he's a really really good producer. Has like 9 tv shows.
Anyway a producers job is to make the show appealing to as many ppl possible. Guess how he does this? Surveys and focus groups.focus groups of wrestling fans only surveys where u say weather u like wrestling or not. Obviously the focus groups and serveys say they like entertainment as well as wrestling which is why they do it instead of listening ti what ppl say online. When he says you guys are 10% he is saying 10% of you make all the noise like that they don't like hogan. K 20 guys online love to say hogan is a spotlight hog over and over. Doesn't make it true nor does it mean that hogan is a spot light hog or ppl don't like to see him. I agree w bischoff Iwc says hogan sting was going to be bad then act like it was but the truth is casual fans loved it.
Are websites like this responsible for the ratings bump? That's possible I think a lot more people read than post (me for example). I'd bet it mostly had to do w hogan on all those interviews last week. Fans of hogan probably didn't know he was still on tv, heard about the ppv didn't want to buy it and tuned in this week instead to see what happened.

Bischoff is a really smart business man. Your silly if you think u know more about the business than him.
Bischoff 10% comment is probably accurate. They have researched that stuff. Thats not a percentage he just made up. I remember JR once called the IWC "the vocal minority". :lmao:

IWC is tough to please. Some of the bitching about wins/losses and storylines (when you dont know where their going with it) can get a little comical. IWC is also are very biased towards the heels.

To some members of the IWC it doesn't matter what TNA does. They will hate it. But their are also die hard TNA fans that have legitimate feedback, that they should value. But I guess it gets hard for them to differentiate from the two. So everyone kind of gets lumped in together.
I believe that the number is smaller than what is being described here. I heard Bischoff give an interview where he said 90 percent of Internet fans are smart, dedicated followers and fans of pro wrestling. 10 percent were kind of on the lunatic fringe and could never be happy no matter what happens
I've been reading spoilers since 1998, when I'd have to go over a friends house to use their dial up connection. Back than Raw would tape two shows a night, using one live and another for the next week. Even the most casuals fans at my high school knew what was happening ahead of time.

Flash forward, now I'm 30. I go online to read Smackdown spoilers because I don't have the SCFY network, or sometimes to just catch up with gossip. I'm more of a casual fan now but I'm still on this website every day killing time, checking out behind the scenes info. So does every single wrestling fan I know my age. All of them.

Now look around at every kid on the planet with a cable connected internet or a smartphone. Whats to stop them from being part of the IWC? All I had to do to join this forum was know Jesse Ventura's nickname, and if I lived under a rock I could always look it up on wikipedia. If your rational is that only 10% of wrestling fans look at the dirt sheets or check spoilers, why would Jeff Hardy be apologizing for anything on Impact when only internet fans know he was stoned? Its not like the announcers came out and said it.

And how would anyone know who the fuck Zach Ryder is? It's not like hes in the top ten in merch sales based on his recent Superstars appearances. Its the internet show thats getting him attention. Why can't anyone whos smart enough to visit Youtube visit wrestlingzone?

The point is that the 10% thing is way off to start with, and if you think that Vince or Dixie isn't aware of this new-fangled series of tubes known as the internet, your kidding yourselves. Theyre in their sixties, not dead.

Why the fuck would Vince use Youtube for Miz and Truth's apology if he didn't know how important the internet is!!!
maybe I see this differently. I don't think the 10% means that 10% of wrestling fans go on the internet and 90% of wrestling fans do not go on the internet. I think it would be crazy to think that. 90% of wrestling fans do not go on the internet? no.
I think maybe this means that 10% of wrestling fans that do go on the internet are your hard core fans that want to see wrestling, and who spend a good amount of time on wrestling sites talking about wrestling.

I think there are A LOT of what I would call general wrestling fans. they watch not just for the wrestling, but to be entertained. they do not spend a lot of time on the internet criticizing what's happening and not happening.

there are probably a lot of hard core wrestling fans that think Hulk Hogan is all washed up and no longer should be in wrestling at all. but I bet my left nut there were a hell of a lot of people watching the Hogan/Sting fight at BFG on Sunday night, and when Hogan had his face turn they were very excited. this is something I've said before.. I'm not going to use the word "marked out", because I bet there are a lot of general wrestling fans that don't even know what that means.

here is what I found when I google "Internet Wrestling Community".
The Internet Wrestling Community (often abbreviated to IWC) is term used to describe a group of people on the Internet who write articles and commentaries on professional wrestling. This has evolved since the days of newsgroups and has evolved with more access to the Internet, and has had a notable impact on the industry as well. It is a generic term that refers to all the smart mark, or 'smark' (see below), pro wrestling fan sites, news sites, and their associated message boards and [forums.

The IWC focuses mainly on the "behind the scenes" issues and real life stories as opposed to the scripted content that is seen on TV. A person who is in the know about the wrestling industry is referred to as a "smark" versus a "mark" who at worst believes that everything in professional wrestling is real. Typical IWC members would probably call themselves "smarks" which is a combination of the two terms because they do follow trends and developments in the wrestling industry but at heart still want to "mark out" at the scripted entertainment.
I've been reading spoilers since 1998, when I'd have to go over a friends house to use their dial up connection. Back than Raw would tape two shows a night, using one live and another for the next week. Even the most casuals fans at my high school knew what was happening ahead of time.

Flash forward, now I'm 30. I go online to read Smackdown spoilers because I don't have the SCFY network, or sometimes to just catch up with gossip. I'm more of a casual fan now but I'm still on this website every day killing time, checking out behind the scenes info. So does every single wrestling fan I know my age. All of them.

Now look around at every kid on the planet with a cable connected internet or a smartphone. Whats to stop them from being part of the IWC? All I had to do to join this forum was know Jesse Ventura's nickname, and if I lived under a rock I could always look it up on wikipedia. If your rational is that only 10% of wrestling fans look at the dirt sheets or check spoilers, why would Jeff Hardy be apologizing for anything on Impact when only internet fans know he was stoned? Its not like the announcers came out and said it.

And how would anyone know who the fuck Zach Ryder is? It's not like hes in the top ten in merch sales based on his recent Superstars appearances. Its the internet show thats getting him attention. Why can't anyone whos smart enough to visit Youtube visit wrestlingzone?

The point is that the 10% thing is way off to start with, and if you think that Vince or Dixie isn't aware of this new-fangled series of tubes known as the internet, your kidding yourselves. Theyre in their sixties, not dead.

Why the fuck would Vince use Youtube for Miz and Truth's apology if he didn't know how important the internet is!!!

For the same reason he thinks it's smart to have him drop his pants and showcase his 50 something years old ass on national television and force grown men to kiss it. Which coincidentally is of the same nature as his bright idea to have The Muppets on a pro wrestling show.

The 10% thing is way off? Show me some proof, don't talk out of your ass. If you're going to claim something, you better be ready to prove it, Jack. Otherwise your statements hold no ground. Or are you just going to pawn off your own opinion as solid proof? Fine, but don't get all mad and defensive when someone like me questions that bullshit.

You would have some theoretical point if Eric Bischoff meant that the Internet Wrestling Community is 10% of the overall wrestling following. He has stated on numerous occasions that this is the aforementioned IWC and the dirt sheets twisting his words. The 10%-ers are NOT the IWC. The 10%-ers are this special fraction OF the IWC who bitch, whine, moan, complain and raise a fuss to the heavens about every single thing. Is it more clear now?

P.S: It's Zack Ryder, not Zach Ryder. Jesus fucking Christ man, I hate the WWE and I hate Ryder even more but at least I have the decency of spelling his name correctly.
Yeah, @zevon_zion hit it right on the head. Bischoff has stated many times what he means by the 10% being the people who are always complaining about everything and think they could be the Booker and do a better job. He has stated many times he's not talking about the IWC, but the dirtsheet writers & the 10% of the IWC that makes the most noise, hence the term 10%ers. For every person on here bitching everyday about what IW or wwe should be doing, there's 100 people reading these complaints that don't respond or aren't signed onto these forums in the first place.

On a side note, does anyone else find it funny how the one week Hogan makes all these dirtsheet writers eat their words on him not being able to still get over and have people enjoy his matches we don't get a column or hear a peep out of people like mark madden? He sits there & talks about how bad of an idea it is to have hogan there, Philly fans r gonna eat him alive, crowds gonna be dead, nobody cares about hogan anymore, yet what got the biggest pop of the night? That's right, hogan turning face and hulking up. I just fin that amusing myself. (only brought that up, because as far as I'm concerned madden is apart of the 10%)
10%er is a reflexive term you throw out anytime someone is displeased with what they see on TNA/IW programming and chooses to express that in a post, regardless of what they may have posted in the past. It is a term you use when you wish to avoid arguments and call names instead, shielding yourself in the protective glow of "well Eric Bischoff said it!" (After he originally said "the 10% of wrestling fans who use the internet", then went on a massive PR swing to change that impression, including giving an interview to internet reporter Chris Cash- has Bischoff seen fit to publicize through that alley since?)

Instead of asking someone to detail their complaints in a post guided by a coherent theory of professional wrestling and booking strategy, and making them look like an ass when they're faced with actually having to explain their complaints, it's far easier for people to go "OMG, 10%er! You're IWC and IWC people believe this!" You're so hung up on name calling that you don't realize the name you use was created by a guy who blatantly used you by giving an interview to an internet reporter, which has not been done before or since, whom knew you'd listen to him and believe every word he said. But it's different when you do it. You're not part of the IWC.

For the rest of you, I honestly don't give a shit about your opinions pro or con, but it's time for a logic check.
Zeven_Zion said:
The 10% thing is way off? Show me some proof, don't talk out of your ass. If you're going to claim something, you better be ready to prove it, Jack. Otherwise your statements hold no ground. Or are you just going to pawn off your own opinion as solid proof? Fine, but don't get all mad and defensive when someone like me questions that bullshit.
Nice tough guy talk, but you're asking a guy to disprove a statement which has no way of being measured because it has no definition. The criterion for who seems to be part of the 10% changes from argument to argument based on whoever's unhappy by a certain development in TNA/IW. If a measurable definition for a "10%er" could be found, we could start counting people and figuring a tally- maybe start calling them the "8%ers", but the definition is entirely subjective. Prove to me that purple is not a banana hankerchief. The two statements have the same logical coherence. "10%er" is not a statement of accuracy in measuring a group- it's a name intended to place its desired target in a never-enumerated minority.
XXJJ said:
Bischoff 10% comment is probably accurate. They have researched that stuff. Thats not a percentage he just made up. I remember JR once called the IWC "the vocal minority".
Smiley faces are nice and all, but how do you count how many people are selected by a definition which changes from person to person? If 10% of wrestling fans wear shorts in February, we can research that. We can't research "the guys who bitch too much."
Dizzy said:
(An impassioned defense where TNA/IW is placed in the position of aggrieved martyr.)
Been there, done that. Too easy. IWC fans do this, I don't, WWE does this, TNA/IW doesn't, we've all read the post before.
As zevon_Zion said, bischoff has stated time and time again he didn't say the 10% of the fans who use Internet like u keep trying to say Rayne. That was dirtsheets & morons like u that said he said that. He has made it very clear time and time again what he meant by the 10% term. I swear, I really think you get on these boards just to try and start shit with people who can actually see that IW is an entertainment show and enjoy it for what it is... I live how you like to talk down on people and act as though you are right abouteveryrhing, when in all actuality, the majority of the time you are so wrong you are put into that 10% category.

And did ya everthink that maybe he hasn't done an interview with the guy since is because oh idk, the dude misquoted him and took his words out of context to fit what he wanted to write?
As zevon_Zion said, bischoff has stated time and time again he didn't say the 10% of the fans who use Internet like u keep trying to say Rayne. That was dirtsheets & morons like u that said he said that. He has made it very clear time and time again what he meant by the 10% term. I swear, I really think you get on these boards just to try and start shit with people who can actually see that IW is an entertainment show and enjoy it for what it is... I live how you like to talk down on people and act as though you are right abouteveryrhing, when in all actuality, the majority of the time you are so wrong you are put into that 10% category
Yes, he did state it time and time again. Because the first few times he said it, he was quoted, verbatim (that means "exactly", look it up), as saying "the 10% of professional wrestling fans that use the internet." Considering a whole hell of a lot more than 10% of professional wrestling fans use the internet, TNA/IW launched a public relations offensive, which is where he gave the interview with Chris Cash. I know it doesn't fit into your narrative of "the evil internet is trying to destroy Eric Bischoff with their opinions", but the Chris Cash interview was an entirely positive one. "oh idk" indeed.
Bigrog25 said:
And did ya everthink that maybe he hasn't done an interview with the guy since is because oh idk, the dude misquoted him and took his words out of context to fit what he wanted to write?
Again, when you make up the narrative afterwards, it's easy to say that, but seeing as I actually remember shit the way it happened, we can both see that that's simply not true. Here's a link to that interview. Don't get distracted by the fact that he keeps repeating his second definition for "10%er", the whole reason he gave this interview was as a public relations blitz to correct the impression he left from his first definition of "10%er". The dude didn't "misquote" him, he gave a video interview where you can actually see the lips on Bischoff's mouth making the words he was going to say. The whole "the internet is so unfair to TNA" bit is old enough already- can we use it when the internet is actually unfair to TNA?

See, I actually remember the shit that's happened in the past. I don't make the past up as I go along so that it fits the narrative being given in the present. It's a very valuable life tool I suggest you pick up, the idea to be able to go "wait a minute, that contradicts what he said a couple months ago, he's bullshitting me!"

If my self-confidence and belief in the words I write bothers you, well, you're just going to have to learn to get over that yourself. It's that self-confidence that allows me to ignore the various insults people throw away for not liking my opinion. It lets me notice things, like the guy who responds to my post about how "10%er" is a meaningless, undefined term only used to insult someone when they have no logic based, coherent argument to use, chooses to respond by calling me a 10%er. If you're worried that I think I'm smarter than you, well, stop giving me reasons to think that.

I eagerly look forward to the next post which states that people who use video evidence to refute the arguments of other posters must be 10%ers, and be criticized for thinking I'm smart for using logic against other posters instead of using names I don't understand the etymology of.
Bischof is just an old fool. If he thinks that only 10% of wrestling fans are on the internet, he's even more out of touch than I thought. Almost EVERYONE is on the internet nowadays. If he's implying that those 10%ers are folks like us who post on forums, read spoilers, and keep up with the backstage crap and all the ignorant tweets idiots like him post then he needs to use a better word (like Hardcore fans).
Bischof is just an old fool. If he thinks that only 10% of wrestling fans are on the internet, he's even more out of touch than I thought. Almost EVERYONE is on the internet nowadays. If he's implying that those 10%ers are folks like us who post on forums, read spoilers, and keep up with the backstage crap and all the ignorant tweets idiots like him post then he needs to use a better word (like Hardcore fans).
See, the idea of "10%er" isn't that it's a precise definition for a group of people. The idea is that it's an insult you can throw out that doesn't require any supporting evidence, against anyone who doesn't like whatever TNA/IW happens to be doing in any given argument. It's right in the name- "10%", implying that anyone in that group is a minority no one listens to; and also, that anyone who uses that term in an argument can consider themselves part of the "90%", which, of course, are sound, even-keeled professional wrestling fans in a comfortable majority. You can observe the same psychology being used in the "Occupy Wall Street" protests; no one wants to be a "1%er".

People seem to think that Eric Bischoff must have had a crisis of conscience and started doing these "10%er" interviews for no reason beyond finally wanting to get the real story out to the world. Well, scratch that, most people don't even think so far as to wonder why Eric Bischoff went on that media spree in June this year, and just took "Eric Bischoff did a bunch of interviews in a row" at face value. At the time, TNA/IW was taking a horrible beating on the internet, and as much as people here love to marginalize themselves, opinions are contagious. Questions were being asked about their profitability which TNA/IW couldn't answer beyond Jeff Jarrett saying "oh yeah, we were profitable in 2006!" People were starting to ask when Eric Bischoff's production was actually going to start paying off in the form of better ratings and more PPV buys. (Ratings are up, but by a statistically insignificant amount; it's hard to believe PPV buys have had a sudden, drastic spike when ratings haven't.) Instead of answering questions like that with factual information showing that the people who were making the arguments were mistaken, he said "anyone that asks questions like that is a 10%er".

Honestly, it was a pretty smart PR move. He didn't have to answer questions about what he's actually done for TNA/IW, and to this day any time someone asks a pointed question about TNA/IW, you can count on the guppies running out of the woodwork to say "10%er, OMG!", as if it proved anything. You even get the guppies all wound up now when you point out that "10%er" doesn't even really mean anything- I'm questioning something Eric Bischoff said, and only 10%ers do that!

Bischoff isn't a fool. He's a brilliant con artist. He'll sit there for years yet, sucking off the tit of TNA/IW, and proclaiming every few months that he beat his leadin by 300%, without mentioning it's a poorly produced series about the uninteresting things that happen in a holding cell.
Couldn't agree more. Internet fans simply love to hate anything TNA does because it's not like ROH or WWE. You have a collection of them bitch and moan they don't air wrestling then you have another set that say they need to be entertainment geared instead of a gloried indy promotion like 2004. You have another set that simply wants to hate everything and love what they want to love.

Dirtsheet Internet reports just feeds the statistical bullshit that people want to hear and then bashes or fakes certain reports. I remember, Monday going on Wrestlezone and reading a report basically saying that the morale is low because they feel Hogan screwed Roode out of his title finish because he isn't ready and the "feeling" in the locker room is that if your not from WWE, WCW or ECW that you wouldn't get elevated to a high status.

One day later, Storm wins the title totally killing that story which has yet to be called out to these "reporters" and "sources"

Unfortunately, It's been going on for years even dating back to the 90s. Fans apparently think in 2011 that wrestling matches and entertainment value should be judged on the minutes of a match instead of the quality of the match or quality of the show. And I blame that on ROH and these dirtsheets that fill their heads with BS.

You judge a show off of the enjoyment and entertainment value whether that comes from promos or matches. Wrestling Matters slogan has been now the excuse to attack TNA when they do not present a 4 star match on free TV but ironically when they do showcase a major match, the excuse is "Why isn't this on PPV!"

Anyways, the point here is the IWC is a total joke to pro-wrestling. I think WWE feeding that Punk gimmick only made it worse and the logical that they know it all is totally laughable because numbers prove the majority enjoys a show based off it's entire entertainment value and not how many matches you can book on a show.

Impact was fantastic for a reason. It's funny that the main event only drew 1.7 million viewers while the Knockouts which most ignorant fans view as a irrelevant part of wrestling (women's wrestling in general) draws 2.2 million people alone.

I think this nonsense that the IWC knows it all has gotten out of hand but it does not seem to end and considering this is a repeat of history, I don't see it ending sadly. Best thing for TNA is to continue to do the right thing and appease viewers and not them.

The funny thing is alot of these "reporters" are finding ways to make Bischoff's statement look wrong or "Wait and see if the numbers drop" but even if the numbers do indeed drop, the simple fact Bound For Glory drew enough hype to cash in on 2.2 million viewers against The World Series and Jersey Shore Finale just proves the casual fans are always right. Internet fans are just a 10% minority that nobody listens to unless you own a computer which is why most promotions like ROH don't end up with ANY amount of success and usually get their talent raided by the big boys in WWE and TNA.

Okay. Let's examine this logically shall we?

1. Of course people base their viewing habits based on entertainment. Not hard to understand that is it? For me, I felt like the 20 minutes of opening promo's this past week was a bit much, but whatever. I was willing to overlook it for the moment.

2. Fans do read spoilers and my guess is they watched like they did BECAUSE they knew Storm was going to take the title that night and it's an idea (putting the strap on an original) they've supported for a very long time.

3. The report about low morale was followed up with a story that also stated that there was concern backstage about Storm being 'too country' to represent the TNA brand. You know what? That's a reasonable thought to have considering how PC this country has become. Let's see a redneck, beer-swilling, and here's the key Confederate Flag carrying world champion just might be seen as a bit racist for some. I'm not saying he IS, but that the PERCEPTION could be brought to the forefront and in my opinion, if that happens, it's not a good thing for TNA.

4. The Knockouts division has become what WWE once was. Well....and still is. T AND A!!! Guys dig chicks with large chests! Sex sells and what better body to put the strap on (no pun intended) than Velvet Sky? Winter? Angelina Love? Jackie? ODB? Tara? Miss Tessmacher? (she'd be my choice if she were more polished in the ring!) Mickie James? Look, I'm no fan of V. Sky and her lack of in-ring skills, but from a marketing perspective, it makes perfect sense.

Now let's tie all of this together. Months ago Bischoff took to twitter and the internet to bash 'the IWC' referring to them as the 10%'ers and essentially saying they had no clue about the wrestling business. Part of what they (the IWC) were asking for was to have one of the originals be given a chance as world champion again. So what do Bischoff and Co do? They put the strap on Storm. They ask to see less of Hogan and Bischoff. So what do Bischoff and Co do? Announce the in-ring retirement of Hogan, he's been off tv more than on and Bischoff's role has been reduced as well. (on-screen) The fans pop huge for Velvet Sky so what do they do? Make her the champ. Now they want her on DWTS!!!! So essentially Bischoff and Hogan have responded directly TO the views of the IWC with their on-screen product.

So yes, just as I said months ago when Bischoff had his meltdown, the IWC does in fact matter. If they didn't, Bischoff would never have responded! Period!!!
One problem: James Storm winning the title was THE LOWEST RATED SEGMENT OF THE SHOW

And another thing, most of these internet fans aren't really fans of TNA at all. They've got this ideal promotion in their minds that they want TNA to live up to. They're fans of that promotion. They don't know what all the other wrestling fans want to see, and they don't care. So it's a horrible idea to listen to them.

Yet these people that are not fans of TNA like you say are the most fans of the TNA homegrown. While the so-called TNA lovers are the first ones to get on the Hogan bandwagon and the former WWErs. Ironic, isn't? Who are the most fans of TNA after all this?

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