The 10%---IWC That is


Dark Match Winner
I just saw something a little ironic and wanted to share it with all of you. Last week there was a rant from Eric Bitchoff about the IWC and something like we are the 10% that dosen't matter. Well the Impact ratings from this week are in and guess what....They were down by exactly 10%. Now I know it is probably just a concidence, but I thought the irony was too much to not mention. Any thoughts?
Coincidence. 10% was due to everyone watching the NBA Draft and considering it's the last NBA programming we may see forawhile due to another Sports Lockout.

I was watching the Draft over Impact due to that reason, so it's not that much of a big deal. Last week's show drew ratings around 1.9 million or something with no sports programming against it. This week with the NBA Draft they lose 10%

Luckily, the NFL and NBA might be gone for awhile so TNA and WWE will benefit from that.

The 10% that Bischoff talks about is most of the idiots that complain about TNA over everything or make dumb comments because "Hating TNA is cool"

But they still watch and buy the product despite them complaining over every fucking thing. Go into the "Impact with limited commercials" thread for proof of what Bischoff means. Pointless attacks at the company when your opinion doesn't matter. So don't shove it in his face everyday on Twitter and Facebook.
I hate fans that just hate WWE and TNA because they think its the "cool" thing to do. If perception is reality than WWE is better than TNA. But the 10% thing is kinda confusing but if it means what I think it does I agree. People gotta stop watching like they know everything and watch it like they would a show like How I Met Your Mother or Two and a Half Men.

NFL/NBA lockout benefits WWE more so than TNA due to Monday Night Football not being around but if BOTH and only BOTH go into lockout will we see a significant increase in the ratings for RAW and iMpact.

If TNA keeps making their champ lose clean to a nobody the first night he`s champ then no lockout of any kind will help them unless WWE goes on strike lmao. Gunner?....Really?
Luckily, the NFL and NBA might be gone for awhile so TNA and WWE will benefit from that.

Sorry for saying this, but I'd never watch another WWE event if I had to choose between wrestling and football.

Wrestling played a big part in my childhood. My friends and I lived and breathed the stuff, so much so that we'd actually make our own belts and videotape ourselves acting out matches. ...and no, we weren't like the assclown backyard wrestling guys. It was all play with us. Sure, I may have bodyslammed a kid or two on a trampoline, but it NEVER got any more dangerous than that. Football too played a humongous part in my childhood and is to this day my favorite sport. I'm the type of guy who wouldn't skip a beat if WWE, TNA, NHL, NBA and MLB all folded long as I get to watch my beloved Chicago Bears. So, I love pro wrestling, I really do, but I'm an NFL diehard.

As for Bischoff's recent comments concerning the IWC, I honestly feel he's correct for the most part. Sure, some of wrestling's biggest fans are among the members of the IWC, but as a whole the IWC is next to irrelevant. That's due in large part to the internet fans who think themselves to be far more "wrestling saavy" than they truly are. For every coherent and well spoken member of the IWC there are dozens of people who have a difficult time forming sentences....and many of them have the absolute worst ideas and opinions that I have ever seen/read. Until that changes, the IWC truly does not matter very much. Too many members of the IWC look at the business through a microscope with an ever present desire to tear down any and every little thing they don't agree with as well. To put it into it's most simple words, these fans are ruining the business for themselves. Wrestling was never intended to be taken this damn seriously by fans. There's an old saying, guys. You can't please everyone. Truer words have never been spoken. For example I will mention the EXTREMELY outspoken John Cena haters. I myself am no fan of Cena, but I fully understand the concept of him being a massive draw with the casual fan and/or youngsters. ...And let's never forget that the casual fan and the youngstes ARE the target audience. We are not. I could use several different forms of entertainment to further prove this as well.

- The Nintendo Wii. This console took over the world because Nintendo built it for casual gamers...and people who don't game at all.

- Horror films. Hollywood has force fed remake after remake down the throats of horror fans for years now. At least that's how nearly every horror film purist feels, because they can't grasp the fact that Hollywood isn't targeting them with these remakes. They're trying to reach the casual teenage couple looking to see a movie on friday or saturday night, and most of the time they hit that nail right on the head.

- Music. Lots of younger males LOVE to trash the hell out of the flavor of the month bubble gum music, and this too is pointless. That music is developed and released for a specific target audience, and young males are not a part of that intended audience. Bitching about Justin Bieber now is just as irrelevant as bitching about The Backstreet Boys or NSync 10 years ago.

I could talk about this for days, but it all boils down to this..... A select few fans do not, will not and should not dictate any given form of entertainment.

...and yes, I think Impact's most recent ratings decrease probably did have a little something to do with the NBA draft. Perhaps the tuesday night rerun (is that starting immediately or what?) will see the return of that 10% as well as a few new fans who don't normally tune in. Now would be a good time for me to go off on a tirade about how so many IWC guys love to track ratings (another pointless activity that FAR too many members of the IWC seem to be constantly worried about), but I'll save that for another time...
I just saw something a little ironic and wanted to share it with all of you. Last week there was a rant from Eric Bitchoff about the IWC and something like we are the 10% that dosen't matter. Well the Impact ratings from this week are in and guess what....They were down by exactly 10%. Now I know it is probably just a concidence, but I thought the irony was too much to not mention. Any thoughts?

For one thing ... I'm probably going to rant here but Eric Bishoff saying that is a complete idiot and a slap in the face of the "10%".

I might be a bit extreme but, whether its a WWE guy or TNA guy saying fans who voice their opinions on the net don't matter, is very insulting and offensive. It's the internet age, chances are if your fans are on the net, they are hardcore fans and the ones that are most likley to order and buy the product.

Once someone says "the internet doesn't matter" or "10% are irrelevant" then I am going to take it personal. As a customer who pays money to order their PPV's or watch their events live at, my time, low salary. It's like them not appreciating how much we have devoted to their shows.

On a business side, if we are talking about your hardcore fans, then 10% is revenue. Let's say your event makes $3 Million ... 10% is $300,000 or if a show was a 1.3 Rating ... 10% not giving a crap of your show drops it to 1.17. I don't know about match but loosing %10 of your audience does still hurt the bottom line.
Bischoff made it clear regarding the whole IWC 10%ers. He clarified it but since the threadstarter and many of you may not have got the memo, let me clarify.

Bischoff made it clear in his interview with Chris Cash that he was referring to the LOUDEST 10% OF THE 90% THAT POST ON THE IWC THAT OVER ANALYZE EVERYTHING AND HAVE A SOAPBOX. BISCHOFF DIDN'T SAY THE ENTIRE IWC IS IRRELEVANT! In other words, the 10%er comment isn't referring or speaking to every single person that post on wrestling forums. He's talking to the know-it alls that think they know the ins and outs and people who talk like they have facts and don't have the facts. He talking to those who say TNA buyrates are low without having any sources to find that and that TNA's business is dying ,etc. He's talking about youtube shooters with many subscribers leading their viewers on with bullshit. He's talking about the Kellers, Meltzers, irresponsible reporters, etc.

So my point is that to the threadstarter, incase you're celebrating a 10% drop in the ratings, don't do that unless you are guilty of being among the 10% of the 90% on the IWC that think they know it all.
Bischoff made it clear regarding the whole IWC 10%ers. He clarified it but since the threadstarter and many of you may not have got the memo, let me clarify.

Bischoff made it clear in his interview with Chris Cash that he was referring to the LOUDEST 10% OF THE 90% THAT POST ON THE IWC THAT OVER ANALYZE EVERYTHING AND HAVE A SOAPBOX.
That's what he said the second time through, after TNA's fanbase did a collective "WTF?!?!" at Eric Bischoff's suggestion that they didn't matter.

Eric Bischoff did something we all do from time to time. He opened his mouth and said something he didn't really mean. I don't think he's an internet-oriented person; I'm pretty sure that isn't under his purview, and from the way he presents his product and his production company, he would seem to be far more television-oriented. For all the shit that he gets on his Facebook page, I can see him, as do so many other people of his generation, swiping the whole internet with a broad brush. Not because that is how he honestly perceives the whole internet after time to think and reflect, but because he posted an off-the-cuff rant.

In the digital age, you can't take back something once you've said it. So he followed the tried and true route of political redemption; say you were misinterpreted, and then take your message to the places where your most affected audience can hear it. Say you're a House Representative caught e-mailing pictures of your penis to women in their early 20's. What you could do is deny and lie about the evidence staring everyone in the face, and see how far that gets you. Or, you issue a mea culpa. "Yes, what I did was wrong, I acted in the heat of the moment, etc." You sit down and do the Oprah interview. If they have some kind of talk show program on Lifetime, you do that; anything to show the audience that you've offended that you're sincerely sorry, in ways that will reach that target audience.

In Eric Bischoff's case, he pissed off wrestling fans that use the internet. That's most wrestling fans. So you take your case to the internet. You do an interview with an internet 'reporter' that has some name recognition. You explain your version of events- "what I really meant to say was...." In one way or another, you show the people that you've pissed off that you care.

I'm not saying that Eric Bischoff has some secret, hidden agenda; I'm not trying to say "well, what Eric really said was...", or anything like that. The man slipped up with his mouth, like all of us do on a pretty regular basis, and got caught with his words. People on both sides of this equation are eager to find some kind of malicious fault with the other side; why can't this be a far simpler case of a man putting his foot in his mouth and then trying to fix the damage? If that's not enough for you, ask yourself why Eric Bischoff would choose to grant Chris Cash an interview out of nowhere, less then a week after he started a controversy with this "10%" business.
When there is a big drop out of nowhere in ratings it is usually due to something like the NBA or NFL. Ratings dropped significantly in the late 90s in both WCW and WWE when there were highly anticipated sporting events going on at the same time. No big deal.

Anyway, Rayne is a perfect example of the 10 percent of the IWC Eric Bischoff is talking about. He is putting words in Bischoff's mouth and explaining what he believes happened concerning what Bischoff said as if he is the one objective voice of reason here who has an inside scoop on wrestling personalities' thought processes. What he says is mere IWC speculation, he has no concrete proof that Bischoff put his foot in his mouth. He never spoke to Bischoff, he doesn't know for sure what Bischoff meant and he never asked him what he meant. He is assuming and that is primarily what Bischoff is complaining about. The 10 per centers among the IWC believe they know everything although all they really know is what they read from guys like Meltzer or Keller who best manipulate the most obnoxious for their own personal gain. The thing is we are wrestling fans, we should be no different than the casual fan. Some of us believe we know so much more than others and that we are on the 'inside' because we feel we've never missed a story here. But there is a lot of irresponsible journalism on this site and others and really most of it is just what they want us to see for their own profit. We are in the dark. Even though we might know so much after reading wrestling reports and columns for 10 years, we no very little and maybe even less than the causal fan because we are also so warped with misinformation. We make sense of what we believe with the information we have but we don't have one one hundredth of the right information we need to have a full grasp on the stuff we read about.

We are all entitled to our opinions. Many of us make good arguments based on what we know. I myself wonder if Bischoff really did put his foot in his mouth or not. The thing is i would never claim Bischoff did 100 percent or try to pretend to be privy to this information. I would state that I believe this happened, I would not state this is exactly what happened. Rayne just knows what is what, writes convincingly here about what he believes but passes off as absolute fact and essentially writes the situation off and misguidedly moves on to the next news story. That is how Meltzer and Keller work their audience, that is how the 10 per cent of morons among the IWC come about, and that is what I believe Eric Bischoff is complaining about. These fans don't carefully consider facts and if they do they only do it from their own subjective viewpoint which is often based on a lot fact mixed with a lot of misinformation.

Ultimately, an obsessed fan like Rayne believes he knows everything and he's too stubborn to recognize that his opinion is nothing more than mere speculation of what he perceives of the behind the scenes reality he reads about from a group of both good and bad wrestling reporters with self-serving agendas.
tna need to put all the stars on this time of year and yes that mean's JEFF HARDY. none of these nobody's from the indy scene.
I'm not saying that Eric Bischoff has some secret, hidden agenda; I'm not trying to say "well, what Eric really said was...", or anything like that. The man slipped up with his mouth, like all of us do on a pretty regular basis, and got caught with his words. People on both sides of this equation are eager to find some kind of malicious fault with the other side; why can't this be a far simpler case of a man putting his foot in his mouth and then trying to fix the damage? If that's not enough for you, ask yourself why Eric Bischoff would choose to grant Chris Cash an interview out of nowhere, less then a week after he started a controversy with this "10%" business.

I think it may be more than just a slip of the tongue. In politics, a slip of the tongue is usually the most honest people get, and I think it's the same way with Bischoff.

The argument that we (18 - 34 males) are not TNA's target audience is just plain silly. We aren't WWE's target audience. WWE wants kids, and casual fans. They know that their aren't 5 million smarks out there to drive their RAW rating, so they need other demo's too. TNA has tried over and over again to be the anti-WWE. The constant blood, the use of the word 'asshole', the knockouts shaking their thangs. This isn't a kids show, and when I see kids at tapings of this show, I think 'really? you're taking an eight year old to this?'.

TNA is targeting it's product at the 18 - 34 demographic, most of the IWC is in this demo. They are on a network that is 100% dedicated to this demo. Bischoff has belittled the IWC before, so this is no one time slip of the tongue.

Eric Bischoff is out of touch. He still thinks people who use the internet live in thier parents basements and don't have girlfriends. Let's be honest here: Bischoff is old. Hogan is old. Flair is old. They are old, out of touch, and stubborn. So is Vince, but he runs a large enough company that their are people there who understand demos and marketing and know who to appeal to and how to do it. Going on rants insulting your target fan base isn't the way to do it.
When there is a big drop out of nowhere in ratings it is usually due to something like the NBA or NFL. Ratings dropped significantly in the late 90s in both WCW and WWE when there were highly anticipated sporting events going on at the same time. No big deal.

Anyway, Rayne is a perfect example of the 10 percent of the IWC Eric Bischoff is talking about. He is putting words in Bischoff's mouth and explaining what he believes happened concerning what Bischoff said as if he is the one objective voice of reason here who has an inside scoop on wrestling personalities' thought processes. What he says is mere IWC speculation, he has no concrete proof that Bischoff put his foot in his mouth. He never spoke to Bischoff, he doesn't know for sure what Bischoff meant and he never asked him what he meant. He is assuming and that is primarily what Bischoff is complaining about. The 10 per centers among the IWC believe they know everything although all they really know is what they read from guys like Meltzer or Keller who best manipulate the most obnoxious for their own personal gain. The thing is we are wrestling fans, we should be no different than the casual fan. Some of us believe we know so much more than others and that we are on the 'inside' because we feel we've never missed a story here. But there is a lot of irresponsible journalism on this site and others and really most of it is just what they want us to see for their own profit. We are in the dark. Even though we might know so much after reading wrestling reports and columns for 10 years, we no very little and maybe even less than the causal fan because we are also so warped with misinformation. We make sense of what we believe with the information we have but we don't have one one hundredth of the right information we need to have a full grasp on the stuff we read about.

We are all entitled to our opinions. Many of us make good arguments based on what we know. I myself wonder if Bischoff really did put his foot in his mouth or not. The thing is i would never claim Bischoff did 100 percent or try to pretend to be privy to this information. I would state that I believe this happened, I would not state this is exactly what happened. Rayne just knows what is what, writes convincingly here about what he believes but passes off as absolute fact and essentially writes the situation off and misguidedly moves on to the next news story. That is how Meltzer and Keller work their audience, that is how the 10 per cent of morons among the IWC come about, and that is what I believe Eric Bischoff is complaining about. These fans don't carefully consider facts and if they do they only do it from their own subjective viewpoint which is often based on a lot fact mixed with a lot of misinformation.

Ultimately, an obsessed fan like Rayne believes he knows everything and he's too stubborn to recognize that his opinion is nothing more than mere speculation of what he perceives of the behind the scenes reality he reads about from a group of both good and bad wrestling reporters with self-serving agendas.
Glad to see you don't hold a grudge over that whole 'pretending to be a journalist' thing I called you out on. Nice seeing you again!

As I've said before, my mode of voice is a reflection of the confidence I have in my statements. I follow simple rules for what I deduce; such as people in business will follow the path that leads to the most potential profit, such as the simplest solution usually being the best one. I'm willing to accept the risk of the possibility of being wrong, especially when the most common argument against me is "well how do YOU know?" I state my opinions convincingly because I believe I make convincing, easy to follow arguments. "You can't know everything" only tells me what I already know, that my understanding is never a specific one but a vague one. Duh.

What's most interesting about my post is how different people are interpreting it. You choose to view it as an attack on Eric Bischoff; someone else has chosen to view it as a defense of him. This is what's so hilarious about the TNA/Anti-TNA schism here, is that I can't make a neutral deduction using a situation that happens on a daily basis without the extremes claiming I'm fighting against them.

Anywho, good to see you again! I look forward to the next time you bitch about my mode of voice instead of the content of my posts.
I just saw something a little ironic and wanted to share it with all of you. Last week there was a rant from Eric Bitchoff about the IWC and something like we are the 10% that dosen't matter. Well the Impact ratings from this week are in and guess what....They were down by exactly 10%. Now I know it is probably just a concidence, but I thought the irony was too much to not mention. Any thoughts?

My main thought is that you are actually proving him right. Impact was not down 10% because a rating point is not equivalent to 10%. So you basically did exactly what Bischoff said, attempted to engage in purposeful haterade without having a clue what you are talking about. As best I can tell the total audience for impact was down a little over 3 percent.

That's what he said the second time through, after TNA's fanbase did a collective "WTF?!?!" at Eric Bischoff's suggestion that they didn't matter.


If that's not enough for you, ask yourself why Eric Bischoff would choose to grant Chris Cash an interview out of nowhere, less then a week after he started a controversy with this "10%" business.

Actually the impression I got was that the people that like TNA on the internet applauded what he said because it was true. Furthermore, even people that did not like TNA admitted it was true. The only people that this angered was that 10% of the IWC. Like usual they made a lot of noise and tried to suggest that this pissed off everyone on the internet. It certainly did not. Not even close.

He had already talked at length on the subject on Monday Night Mayhem. He didn't need to do anything. Why would he not keep talking about something that is getting attention? You might claim it is only negative attention but if you truly think that then you are blind to what is around you.

At the end of the day this was EB taking a shot at turning around the negative brand image TNA has had to deal with lately. Basically trying to combat the "it's cool to hate TNA" issue. Seems like a smart idea in the middle of a re-branding effort to me.
I just saw something a little ironic and wanted to share it with all of you. Last week there was a rant from Eric Bitchoff about the IWC and something like we are the 10% that dosen't matter. Well the Impact ratings from this week are in and guess what....They were down by exactly 10%. Now I know it is probably just a concidence, but I thought the irony was too much to not mention. Any thoughts?

10% of 1.8 million people is 180,000.

When you take 1,800,000, which was last weeks ratings, and subtract 180,000 people, which is 10 percent, you get 1,620,000. Here was last weeks viewership.

1.69 million people

That is not exactly 10 percent now is it?
I just saw something a little ironic and wanted to share it with all of you. Last week there was a rant from Eric Bitchoff about the IWC and something like we are the 10% that dosen't matter. Well the Impact ratings from this week are in and guess what....They were down by exactly 10%. Now I know it is probably just a concidence, but I thought the irony was too much to not mention. Any thoughts?

First of all no more "us" please. Im not part of that whinney group of bitches with skint knees, who know it all and are so smart to the business they think doing backflips is working.

Secondly. Glad to see you actually listened to what EB said. No wait, you didnt just like the rest. If you had you would know that when EB talks about the 10% its not 10% of all wrestling fans; Its 10% of the IWC.

Jeez why is it so hard to get?

These guys ruin the credibility of people who are trying to bring legitimate wrestling news to YOU AND ME. How can you back a group that fucks it up for the rest of us on such a regular basis?

There is a reason no-one in the industry listens to the fans anymore; we've allowed these clowns to destroy our voice. And why? For what? Half baked stories? Axe grinding? I mean, I know you all resent or hate guys like Hogan for their success but giving patronage to these site because they suite your bias or agenda is doing more harm than good.

They are constantly exposed as liars. They dont fact check their stories. And even if they wanted to now; they couldnt, because as EB said, no-one in the industry tells them anything because they taken insider info before on numerous occasions and made their own story up--out of it.

You want a say? You want to be heard?

Its easy. Dont enable these dicks to ruin it for YOU.

And another thing that sums this 10% up, the ratings. Constant reports about ratings. How much they're up--how much they're down.

Why dont they ever talk about Impact being the no1 rated show, for that demographic, in that timeslot, on that day.

Because the objective isnt fair and balanced reporting?

Fuck me and call me Wendy.
When there is a big drop out of nowhere in ratings it is usually due to something like the NBA or NFL. Ratings dropped significantly in the late 90s in both WCW and WWE when there were highly anticipated sporting events going on at the same time. No big deal.

Anyway, Rayne is a perfect example of the 10 percent of the IWC Eric Bischoff is talking about. He is putting words in Bischoff's mouth and explaining what he believes happened concerning what Bischoff said as if he is the one objective voice of reason here who has an inside scoop on wrestling personalities' thought processes. What he says is mere IWC speculation, he has no concrete proof that Bischoff put his foot in his mouth. He never spoke to Bischoff, he doesn't know for sure what Bischoff meant and he never asked him what he meant. He is assuming and that is primarily what Bischoff is complaining about. The 10 per centers among the IWC believe they know everything although all they really know is what they read from guys like Meltzer or Keller who best manipulate the most obnoxious for their own personal gain. The thing is we are wrestling fans, we should be no different than the casual fan. Some of us believe we know so much more than others and that we are on the 'inside' because we feel we've never missed a story here. But there is a lot of irresponsible journalism on this site and others and really most of it is just what they want us to see for their own profit. We are in the dark. Even though we might know so much after reading wrestling reports and columns for 10 years, we no very little and maybe even less than the causal fan because we are also so warped with misinformation. We make sense of what we believe with the information we have but we don't have one one hundredth of the right information we need to have a full grasp on the stuff we read about.

We are all entitled to our opinions. Many of us make good arguments based on what we know. I myself wonder if Bischoff really did put his foot in his mouth or not. The thing is i would never claim Bischoff did 100 percent or try to pretend to be privy to this information. I would state that I believe this happened, I would not state this is exactly what happened. Rayne just knows what is what, writes convincingly here about what he believes but passes off as absolute fact and essentially writes the situation off and misguidedly moves on to the next news story. That is how Meltzer and Keller work their audience, that is how the 10 per cent of morons among the IWC come about, and that is what I believe Eric Bischoff is complaining about. These fans don't carefully consider facts and if they do they only do it from their own subjective viewpoint which is often based on a lot fact mixed with a lot of misinformation.

Ultimately, an obsessed fan like Rayne believes he knows everything and he's too stubborn to recognize that his opinion is nothing more than mere speculation of what he perceives of the behind the scenes reality he reads about from a group of both good and bad wrestling reporters with self-serving agendas.

While I do respect how well written your post is and how you got your point across, you are a perfect example of what Bischoff is talking about. You're doing your same old 10%er rhetoric and thinking you know everything to the point that you think you know his intentions for conducting an interview with wrestlezone. :lmao:

Bischoff didn't put his foot in his mouth. He has said the same thing time and time again and even him clarifying it still isn't enough for the "smart fan" as yourself. Bischoff is not some moron. He has a facebook page. He is among the IWC where a bunch of marks come on his page and rant bullshit and spread garbage that others follow. And the problem is those idiots grow an audience and a following and really believe their own hype that they feel they know what they're talking about. He is talking about those nerd-dwelling basement living guys who are afraid to get laid who make a bad name for all of the IWC. They are the 10% of the 90% that come on the IWC that ruins shit. I am not among that 10% of people who troll and make those bullshit contributions on the IWC with ill-informed comments.

Bischoff doesn't stick his foot in his mouth. He is a man who is straightforward and always sticks by his word. Like he said, he never targeted the ENTIRE IWC, ONLY the few smarks on the IWC, which he labeled as 10% and do nothing but talk shit and bitch and complain about everything.

I don't bitch and complain about everything, I don't follow Meltzer as a gospel, I don't spread ill-informed garbage about TNA buys or anything. So when it's said and done, I know Bischoff isn't referring to me as those 10%ers he bashes. Maybe you are guilty of that which is why I feel you are trying to twist things to how you want it to be. All I know is I'm a poster on the IWC but I'm not a 10%er Bischoff refers to.
My main thought is that you are actually proving him right. Impact was not down 10% because a rating point is not equivalent to 10%. So you basically did exactly what Bischoff said, attempted to engage in purposeful haterade without having a clue what you are talking about. As best I can tell the total audience for impact was down a little over 3 percent.

Actually the impression I got was that the people that like TNA on the internet applauded what he said because it was true. Furthermore, even people that did not like TNA admitted it was true. The only people that this angered was that 10% of the IWC. Like usual they made a lot of noise and tried to suggest that this pissed off everyone on the internet. It certainly did not. Not even close.

He had already talked at length on the subject on Monday Night Mayhem. He didn't need to do anything. Why would he not keep talking about something that is getting attention? You might claim it is only negative attention but if you truly think that then you are blind to what is around you.

At the end of the day this was EB taking a shot at turning around the negative brand image TNA has had to deal with lately. Basically trying to combat the "it's cool to hate TNA" issue. Seems like a smart idea in the middle of a re-branding effort to me.

The saddest part is that EB very clearly states that the rest of us fans would have far more say AND far more access(through fan sites) if the people running them werent serving an agenda against a) TNA; b) Hulk Hogan c)EB.

Imagine how hopeless the situation is when a group of people who lie continuosly are hailed for their vision of the industry so vocally, over and above people who have not only been in the business longer than most of us have been alive, but have actually been consistantly succesful aswell.

Im reminded of Spaceballs at this time:

"how many assholes we have on this ship anyhow?!"


"I knew it; Im surrounded by assholes"
We are all entitled to our opinions. Many of us make good arguments based on what we know. I myself wonder if Bischoff really did put his foot in his mouth or not. The thing is i would never claim Bischoff did 100 percent or try to pretend to be privy to this information. I would state that I believe this happened, I would not state this is exactly what happened. Rayne just knows what is what, writes convincingly here about what he believes but passes off as absolute fact and essentially writes the situation off and misguidedly moves on to the next news story. That is how Meltzer and Keller work their audience, that is how the 10 per cent of morons among the IWC come about, and that is what I believe Eric Bischoff is complaining about. These fans don't carefully consider facts and if they do they only do it from their own subjective viewpoint which is often based on a lot fact mixed with a lot of misinformation.

When was the last time you heard a professional sports team come out and say that their most loyal, dedicated fans didn't know what they were talking about because they didn't play the sport in question? The idea that only people in the wrestling business can critisize wrestling is (besides what Bischoff wants), just plain ignorant of the business world in general. It doesn't matter what people in the wrestling business think about their product. Who cares if Bill Gates uses Windows or not? It's the rest of us. The consumers of the product. We matter.

I think a lot more than 10% of the people I see on this and other websites are, at the very least, confused by what TNA is doing. I want to like TNA. I like a lot of the performers. I want to tell my friends to watch TNA. Some of the matches are amazing. But I don't, because it's embarrasing to watch most of the time. I tell them to watch ROH.

People writing on the internet about TNA are not a vocal minority. Where are the ratings increases to back this up? Where are the merch sales? Where are the sold out arenas? TNA isn't making headway. They are losing many valuable fans. I've started flipping away a lot more than I used to. I'm sure someday I just won't flip back.
When was the last time you heard a professional sports team come out and say that their most loyal, dedicated fans didn't know what they were talking about because they didn't play the sport in question? The idea that only people in the wrestling business can critisize wrestling is (besides what Bischoff wants), just plain ignorant of the business world in general. It doesn't matter what people in the wrestling business think about their product. Who cares if Bill Gates uses Windows or not? It's the rest of us. The consumers of the product. We matter.

I think a lot more than 10% of the people I see on this and other websites are, at the very least, confused by what TNA is doing. I want to like TNA. I like a lot of the performers. I want to tell my friends to watch TNA. Some of the matches are amazing. But I don't, because it's embarrasing to watch most of the time. I tell them to watch ROH.

People writing on the internet about TNA are not a vocal minority. Where are the ratings increases to back this up? Where are the merch sales? Where are the sold out arenas? TNA isn't making headway. They are losing many valuable fans. I've started flipping away a lot more than I used to. I'm sure someday I just won't flip back.

Again another perfect example of a 10%er. Here you go yet again proving Bischoff's points. Where the hell do you just get up and say where are merch sales and that TNA is losing headway? And then you say TNA is losing fans. :banghead: Where do u get this crap from? From Meltzer who gets 2nd and 3rd hand information or from another poster you copied and pasted that from? :lmao: Again don't talk without facts and research. You are not TNA's financer. You don't know how bad or good they are doing in terms of finance. This is why you are a 10%er. Stop spreading ill informed rhetoric, do some research checking, do fact checking, and stop believing everything you read from news columns and from other iwc posters.
Again another perfect example of a 10%er. Here you go yet again proving Bischoff's points. Where the hell do you just get up and say where are merch sales and that TNA is losing headway? And then you say TNA is losing fans. :banghead: Where do u get this crap from? From Meltzer who gets 2nd and 3rd hand information or from another poster you copied and pasted that from? :lmao: Again don't talk without facts and research. You are not TNA's financer. You don't know how bad or good they are doing in terms of finance. This is why you are a 10%er. Stop spreading ill informed rhetoric, do some research checking, do fact checking, and stop believing everything you read from news columns and from other iwc posters.

I don't believe I said that TNA merch sales are LOSING HEADWAY. You're doing what you're so angry about other people doing: You're putting words in my mouth. I simply asked where the gains were? How can you bring in Hogan, Flair, Foley, Anderson, Hardy (x2), and RVD, and not see a ratings increase? When was the last time you saw somebody wearing a TNA shirt? When was the last time you were talking to somebody about pro wrestling and mentioned TNA and they didn't think you meant tits n' ass? You're living in a fantasy world.

Pretending that TNA is doing great and everything is perfect just isn't true. You're telling people not to judge how TNA is doing because we aren't the TNA accountants. We aren't TNA management so we shouldn't voice our opinion? I used to watch TNA every week. Now I watch 15 or 20 mins out of the two hours. That's reality. I'm not the only one. So, as for saying TNA is losing fans, I'm a fan and they are losing me. How can you disagree with this?

LetEmKnow, you are doing what everybody who really thinks what they like is the best does: you're saying you can't judge it because you don't really understand it. I don't like a movie I watch, but I can't say anything, I wasn't in it. I don't like a song I downloaded, but I can't say anything, I didn't write it. That's crazy.

Reality is that TNA, and all pro wrestling, is entertainment, like a movie or music. Everybody, even if they watch one episode of the show, has the right to determine whether they find it entertaining or not. They wrestle for us. They wrestle for the fans who pay their money on PPV's, merch, and tickets.

I wouldn't even comment on TNA if I didn't want it to succeed.

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