That one song..


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You know that son (or songs) that the very first time you herd it, you hated it. Then it got big and you herd it a million times after, never changing you opinion of it? Well which one or more songs is that for you? I have a few myself.. Starting with this little gem.

Now almost every girl I know when NUTS over this song. Every school dance it was played at least once. I hated this song with a passion from the very first time I herd it played, and no matter how many times it was played after I would cringe. The only time I have enjoyed it, was when it was played in the movie "Hot Tub Time Machine".. I did enjoy that part.


This one may shock some people, given my particular career choice.. But something about this song pissed me off the first time I herd it. That feeling has never gone away. Maybe it has something to do with the lyrics, maybe it was the video.. Maybe it was just a Rise Against thing. Not sure.

Okay, so this one is more of an annoyance factor really.. But still a song that from the first time I herd it, I could not stand it. The only time I have enjoyed a Lady Gaga song, is the one Eric Cartman covered, and was released for Rockband 2. Now THAT I enjoyed.

First off, no pun intended with any popular comments.

I don't know if this is the type of song you had in mind as it has not retained its popularity over time, but for some reason this song was popular when I was in high school. I never understood why. I find it incredibly annoying. All it is is a whiny little bitch yelling for a few minutes. I think it proves anything can become a hit if the hot radio station plays it for a little while.
My god!!!:lol:,yeah that ONE song!!lol. Actually there are so manys. Once I was this guy that had long hair, always was dressed with a T-shirt of a band, and it was always black. However, since last year, I started to listen more music that it wasn't metal. lol.
Anyway here are my picks:

Enrique Iglesias (I know Mongoose this guy has something lol): "Dímelo" LMAO I mean here in Latinamerica, this was the party song! I hated it at first but now, I have it on my ipod!

Seal: Kiss from A Rose: I remember when I watched Batman Forever I listen to that song and didn't mind, but again, now I think it's pretty good, specially the intro with all the scat singing.

Flo Rida: Right Round I even didn't care for this song....until I saw "THE HANGOVER"!!! :p. I love it since then!

Believe me, I could my own thread about it, cause I listen alot of music! These are my picks that pop in mind for now...
Miley Cyrus:party in the USA- Do i need to really explain why? I couldnt listen to a station for about a YEAR without hearing this damn song every 15 minutes.

Tears For Fears: Mad World- A couple of things here. First off, the lyrics to this song are so freakin brilliant. Second, im a huge TFF fan. Maybe thats why this song is such a MASSIVE disapointment to me. The semi-techno beat to this song combined with the UPBEAT sound of Kurt Smith's voice just pisses me off. Yje music and tone of this song just don't fit the lyrics. This is a depressing song, and he seems happy as can be while singing it. Gary Jules righted a wrong when he re-made it for the Donnie Darko soundtrack.

Fergie:Big Girls Dont Cry- This song is proof positive that shes the product of the Black Eyed Peas Machine, and can't stand on her own. "Im gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket"? What the eff is she talking about? I say talk because other then the chorus, she seemingly talks her way through this song. I dont understand half the lyrics to this song to this day, and I cringe every time I hear it. Whats worse, its one of my wifes FAVORITE songs! :disappointed:

As for the OP who wrote about "Hero of War", I understand the controversy surrounding the lyrics of the song. But Rise Against did a nice job of actually explaining what they were singing about in an interview with Rolling Stone. They discussed how they sat down with several dozen soldiers who were apart of the war in Afghanistan, and the song was birthed out of true experiences those soldiers experienced, and they put it on "Appeal to Reason" with those solider's blessing.
I Dont Want You Back by Eamon: This song was the most overrated piece of shit back in the day. The beat was wack, the chorus was wack, Eamon tries to sound like he's Stevie Wonder & be aggressive at the same time but he just cant pull it off. The guy sucks plain & simple. Like who cares if his girl dumped him, no need to go make a song about it and keep telling her to fuck off in the chorus god knows how many times, just move your ass on.
I have two...both influenced by my holiday this summer

1. Black Eyed Peas- My Humps


And everything about them. They make music for wankers, and deaf wankers at that. Just annoying, obnoxious talentless pieces of garbage, and this song is the worst of the lot. It has not one redeeming feature and it is just appalling.


In Egypt this summer, my girlfriend and I went to The Hard Rock Cafe in Sharm El Sheikh, and we had chatted about it before, and I said they would probably play more radio friendly softer rock as non-rock fans would go in there on their holidays, but if it played ANYTHING by Black Eyed Peas we were going home!

I was joking, as I NEVER thought that would actually happen!

Sure enough, after about an hour with admittedly fairly decent music on, out of the blue came Lady Gaga....then Beyonce...then fucking Black Eyed I walked out :)


My second song choice is this steaming pile of shit from James Blunt. I hated it when it came out, due to the non-stop radio play it drove me mad.

I thought I had escaped it until this summer in Egypt, when the hotel restauraunt played in basically on a loop for two fucking weeks!!! Seriously, it would come on 4 times every single meal time. Every day. Then, they started playing it through the speakers by the pool. And it the lobby.

If I ever see James Blunt I am going to punch that cunt in the face
So many songs come to mind that I could go on listing them for hours.


I can't stand this song, never could. I do not like 50 cent and don't get what people see in him. I do not see how he became so big, he sounds like Mike Tyson trying to rap.


I heard a lot of people saying that Kings Of Leon was awesome and that if I checked them out I would surely like them. So I gave them a try, I listened to a few of their songs more than once and never liked any of it. This song started to get a lot of radio play in my area and I still don't get why.

This next song is by a band I actually am a fan of...

I heard people say that Metallica was back with this song, I disagreed. I thought this song was trash. It was their first single in a long time and I think they struck out with this one. This is the song/album that started to turn me off on Mettallica.
Mine is OMG by Usher, I can't see why a lot of people in my university mark out and start dancing/singing along to this song.

I find it to be an amazingly boring listen and I usually can listen to any type of music UNTIL OMG came out and a line from the song is "there's so many ways to love ya" I was thinking "ok yes there are different ways to love someone but PLEASE don't make a freakishly BORING song about it!".
A song that I hated from the first moment I heard it, and even after hearing it a million times after it got popular, and I STILL HATE IT.... easy choice for me. "Walk it out" is that song. I never understood why anyone would like that song because it's very repetitive and the beat is terrible, it's so stupid. Nothing could ever make me like that song.

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