That didn't last long....

If this bothers anyone I suggest they take some time away and reevaluate their priorities. It's the US Title, it's a couple of matches on basic cable television. Just enjoy the matches and entertainment and don't worry about the WHY so much. There really isn't much to this.
He was a surprise and won't be given a second thought. Cena being hurt probably messed up their plans so they gave Kalisto a surprise win over Del Rio just to shake things up but it was never meant to be anything more than what which is why he won the title back right away. It was a typical wwe surprise just to have a surprise even if it is a dumb one.
Del Rio needs a legit feud going into WrestleMania Season! I would suggest Neville, Jericho, Ryback, or Ziggler. Something to bring some "real" attention to the US Title again. Kalisto was nothing more than a singles push due to his partner being out of action.
Kalisto should of held the belt till past Rumble. Having Del Rio get far enough in the Rumble to have people believe there is a slight chance he might win. This would of gave Kalisto just under a month to show us what he's got as a singles champion the wwe could decide if they like it or not. A 4 day kayfabe title reign just lowers Kalisto and just makes it look like a lucky win rather than a deserved one.

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