"Thank you, Vince" (for real)

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
At the conclusion of Monday Night Raw...after the crowd got their "goodbye" chant out of their system, they actually realized what happened. They knew Vince was leaving for real and burst out in a "thank you, Vince" chant.

Well I'm here to say thank you as well. Not just for the great history and so many childhood memories dating back to the 80's....but thank you for turning this extremely stale product (of the past several years) into something that is almost "Must see" TV.

I find myself actually having to DVR the Raw's as of late so I don't miss them. That's a credit to not only Vince, but the workers doing a great job. This CM Punk/John Cena/ Vince McMahon and NOW Triple H storyline is one of the best in YEARS.

We all know Vince won't walk away completely...but I see a new era slowly coming to fruition with HHH at the helm. We all know he has a passion for the business and I'm hoping we see that in the weeks, months and years to come.

I'm not saying the WWE is perfect...but they have really done a 180 from a year ago when I couldn't care less what was happening. Now I tune in EVERY Monday.

Thank you, Vince.
Wrestlemania, Stone Cold, The Rock, DX, The Attitude Era, Hulkamania...

Every entity, character, great moment, storyline that has entertained us all for decades is all down to Vince McMahon, without him, none of it would have been possible.

Thank You Vince

WWE 4Ever
I also want to thank Vince... for wearing that awesome pink blazer on Raw. Seriously, I hope that catches on. Actually, I can see Santino or someone wearing that next week out of tribute to Mr. McMahon.
Vince has not stepped down people. Will he eventually? Yes, but you are very nieve to think that a BLOOD McMahon wont have the last say at all times. Will HHH have power on a day to day basis? Sure. But you would be sorely mistaken if you think his thumb is the final print. Vince is a business man and would not let a husband of his daughter control everything. Even when Vinces moves aside I guarantee you that he will still be "the man" of sorts.

That said, I thank Vince all the time. I appreciate what he has done for YEARS. I didnt wait to thank him when he was "leaving".
Vince has not stepped down people. Will he eventually? Yes, but you are very nieve to think that a BLOOD McMahon wont have the last say at all times. Will HHH have power on a day to day basis? Sure. But you would be sorely mistaken if you think his thumb is the final print. Vince is a business man and would not let a husband of his daughter control everything. Even when Vinces moves aside I guarantee you that he will still be "the man" of sorts.

That said, I thank Vince all the time. I appreciate what he has done for YEARS. I didnt wait to thank him when he was "leaving".

Hence the part where I said he wasn't done completely.

People can speculate all they want about how much power he has or will have....but the main basis for this thread was to thank Vince for all he's done. If anyone deserves it it's him.
I as well want to Thank Vince McMahon Thank You Vince I know it was a storyline but when the day finally comes and you really do decide to step down it will be the last of the territory days. I grew up watching WWF Wrestling for 27 years I have seen it change so much from The Hulkamania/ Classic Block Logo years to the Bret Hart Shawn Micheals / New Generation Years, DX/Austin/Rock / Attitude Era years, and now John Cena and the new stars of today and the future of WWE so Thank You for creating Wrestle Mania The Royal Rumble Survivor Series and Summer Slam the 4 best PPVS of all time that you brought us so once again Vince Thank You.
(This is a thank you to Vince, as well as a thank you for a current/possible angle)

Vince -
The WWE Universe you have created, sustained, and continue to develop, is prestigious.
We appreciate the sport, the entertainment, and the outlet.
Thank you yesterday, today, and tomorrow for all your time, energy, thoughts, and actions.
Simply brilliant.

Reality and all the behind the scenes stuff is one thing.
This angle and the attention he wanted from it is here, so don't get crazy with reality.
We're all die hard fans here, we don't need to say he is retired and has stepped away.
We all know what's going on.
Those that complain, are stuck in the past or speak before they see/hear what actually comes to fruition.

And if this angle gets Vince to fight back, mixed with CM Punk, dating back to the Nexus theory and the Raw GM, quite possibly the R-Truth conspiracy, well then it would be memorable.
Involving the Miz and his title run, who Nexus chose to attack and to leave alone.
Back to Bret Hart being the GM, fighting McMahon, and getting attacked by Nexus.
Then Wade Barrett, heath Slater, and Justin Gabriel leaving to form the Corre (with Ezekiel of course)
Even the Daniel Brian firing...
Perhaps HHH manipulated the board to gain power and push Vince out (yes, kayfabe)
John Cena has stayed consistent and never wavered, he is a face and a great one
Sure it's stale, but it brings the money in and he deserves everything he gets by carrying the WWE globe on his shoulders single-handedly.

This could be the biggest change of an era, and the biggest heel turn we ever witness.
All this, coming from a fan from the '80s that hated 2003-2010
Overall, 2011 has been better than the previous years, even though Money in the Bank was better than WrestleMania.

So again, thank you Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
I anticipate the conclusion of this long and subliminal angle.
Thank you, Vince. I've had a great time with WWF/WWE. The action figures, the video games, the drunken and chinky eyed Monday Nights watching Raw. Laughing, crying, dropping my jaw, and clutching my mouth to many great moments in WWE. From the cartoony gimmick era to the fiery Attitude Era even to the colorful PG Era, I've enjoyed it all. Although there's been ups and downs the ride's still been an incline. Fun was it memicking and modeling my favorite superstars--Hogan, Flair, Macho Man, Beef Cake, Boss Man, Zeus, Jake Roberts, Bam Bam, Bret, Venis, Snuka, Piper, Kane, Undertaker, Cena, The Rock, CM Punk, Michaels, Ultimate Warrior, LOD, Hacksaw, Big Show, Mr. McMahon, Shane-O-Mac, Steph, Hunter, Million Dollar Man, Angle, Rude, Edge, Christian, Ron Simmons, Razor Ramon, Diesel, UnderFaker, Gilberg, Goldberg, Eddy, Batista, Orton, Good Ole' JR, King Lawler, Kelly Kelly, Booker T, Trish, Lita, Michelle McCool, Stacy Keebler, Ms. Elizabeth, Lex Lugar, Rakishi, Yokozuna, Tug Boat, Brooklyn Brawler, Santino, Zack Ryder, and a cast of others. Vince, you made it all possible. You had a vision for the WWF and brought that vision to fruition. You're a trail blazer, pioneer, genius, philanthropist, rock star, superstar, and promoter. You're the man. Tried their damnest to stop the Machine those haters, but they couldn't do it. Critics and even the government could not stop the train. And the train will keep rolling long after Vince, long after me. "I love the E!"
Thank you vince! Although you ruined all the Territories and alienated quite a few people. you still made it pretty decent Bad decisions aside.
Vince truly is a fu"#in legend. Because of him there would be no WWE and i carn't imagine what my life would be like without the WWE. From a very young age i started to watch WWE and will continue to till the day i die. Because of Vince and the WWE i am a true die hard fan of WWE. Thanks for all the good memories.
What can you say to VKM other than thank you sir!!! Thank you for so many memories some emotional some terrible some really good!!! You are truly the king of sports entertainment so many memories and your not that bad of a wrestler either!! You rock VKM!!! :praise:
I consider the WWE like a Mafia...

HHH has become Vince's Top Lieutenant...but Vince is the Godfather and all decisions will still go through him.

But I thank Vince for actually taking a chance on some of the young guys....to let them carry the ball and see if they can't score.
Wrestling Observer reports that Vince McMahon will assume "lighter duties" behind the scenes in WWE, with Triple H gradually taking more of the lion's share. Around WrestleMania 28, Triple H is believed to fully take over the day-to-day operations, while McMahon will merely exist in an advisory role, still overseeing, but largely hands-off.
Thanks for killing the bad part of WCW Vince!
I still wonder if killing the competition was really the best idea because now WWE has no competition. Missing the good old days of having to alternate between TNT and USA to watch Raw/Nitro. Or just skipping the first showing of Nitro and watching the re-run. But thanks Vince. You provided us some classic moments, stepped into the ring took some nasty, nasty bumps and have kept most of us entertained for many many years. If this is in fact the last time we see you on WWE TV at least you went out with style. Man I bet the pink trend really catches on soon!
Here is to Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon, a Creative genuis, a Business Icon, and one handsome son of a bitch. Thank you Vince for making the WWE what it is and has become. You are the King of Sports Entertainment,now hit his Music. :worship:
Thank you Vince, for all of the great childhood memories, when i used to get picked on and teased as a child. Thank you for creating monday night RAW giving me 2 hours to vent away my problems, allowing me to watch the underdog wrestlers be on top and give the finger to guys that tried to make there lives hell. Also for creating Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, The Mr. McMahon character and Wrestle Mania.
Holy dick sucking! God guys. Its okay to say thanks, but dont forget the last 5 years worth of crap he gave us. Give him shit too. This should be a Thank/Fuck You vince thread.

Its the way he would want it anyway. :p
i dont know if Vince knows how to act that good to cry like he did...but it looked for me like he really was sad and that it indeed was like a almost goodbye..dont know what you guys think..
i dont know if Vince knows how to act that good to cry like he did...but it looked for me like he really was sad and that it indeed was like a almost goodbye..dont know what you guys think..
i dont know if Vince knows how to act that good to cry like he did...but it looked for me like he really was sad and that it indeed was like a almost goodbye..dont know what you guys think..

THANKS WE LOVE YOU (deep down)

THANKS WE LOVE YOU (deep down)

Was kinda wondering the same myself. Could be either...

Storyline wise...there's always a chance Vince could come back later down the road and feud with his son-in-law over control of the company and bring back Mr. McMahon, version 2.0. Who knows? I do know that in reality Hunter is taking in a lot more responsibility backstage and this could be the beginning of the next step up. He wouldn't be in this situation if Shane didn't decide to leave...because we all know he'd be the one running the ship when daddy finally leaves.

I think we all appreciate Vince during Wrestlemania time every year due to the nostalgia and history...but this is a little different and I think everyone can see that.
vince is still in charge hhh is just the on camera authority figure so dont act like hes dead.

yes thank you for an awesome product in the wwf/wwe and this year especially has been great.

But its not going to end, its a storyline people
Vince broke the mold in all fashions of wrestling. He was a great announcer as well. As of recently, Vince has brought back a lot of old school wrestling fans, including myself. I hope the ratings get better, because he sure deserves it after this angle.

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