Terminator: Genisys Trailer, Stills, & Plot Details

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
The stills:






The beginning of Terminator: Genisys, is set in 2029, when the Future War is raging and a group of human rebels has the evil artificial-intelligence system Skynet on the ropes. John Connor (Jason Clarke) is the leader of the resistance, and Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) is his loyal soldier, raised in the ruins of post apocalyptic California. As in the original film, Connor sends Reese back to 1984 to save Connor’s mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator programmed to kill her so that she won’t ever give birth to John. But what Reese finds on the other side is nothing like he expected.

Sarah Connor isn’t the innocent she was when Linda Hamilton first sported feathered hair and acid-washed jeans in the role. Nor is she Hamilton’s steely zero body-fat warrior in 1991’s T2. Rather, the mother of humanity’s messiah was orphaned by a Terminator at age 9. Since then, she’s been raised by Schwarzenegger’s Terminator—an older T-800 she calls “Pops”—who is programmed to guard rather than to kill. As a result, Sarah is a highly trained antisocial recluse who’s great with a sniper rifle but not so skilled at the nuances of human emotion.

As far as the PG-13 rating goes, here's a snippet of an interview with Jai Courtney:

I would love to see it be rated R, but I don't think it will. I think in this day & age, it's much more likely to be PG-13. There were no f-bombs. But there'll be a healthy amount of movie violence.

The cast:

Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator (old model)
Aaron V. Williamson as The Terminator (new model)
Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor
Jason Clarke as John Connor
Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese
Matt Smith
Lee Byung-hun as the T-1000
Dayo Okeniyi as Danny Dyson
Courtney B. Vance
J. K. Simmons
Sandrine Holt
Michael Gladis
Douglas Smith

It's hard to have any hope for this film. The stills are discouraging. I'm sorry, but I see too much unintentional hilarity (excluding the pic with Arnold), and I rolled my eyes at the Terminator in the last pic.

The cast? I don't watch Game Of Thrones, so I can't say I know too much about Emilia Clarke. But Linda Hamilton and Lena Headey set the bar high for Sarah, especially Hamilton in T2, so Clarke will have some big shoes to fill.

Jai Courtney is another boring and emotionless action guy (i.e. Sam Worthington), and Jason Clarke as John Connor? I don't see it. Clarke is decent enough in supporting roles, and more recently, he delivered a respectable performance in Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. But if I'm using the past as a measuring stick, I have a hard time believing in Clarke holding his own with the likes Edward Furlong, Thomas Dekker, and Christian Bale.

Arnold should provide a good nostalgia kick, but we're at a point in his career, where you can't rely on him as a box office draw anymore, because the mystique is gone. The Last Stand was supposed to be Arnold's big return to movies and action, but it flopped hard, and Sabotage was another big flop earlier this year.

The PG-13 rating? Fans expect the f-bombs and an unrestrained approach to the action sequences, so a more tamed film could hurt this one at the box office.

Sorry, but every piece of news from Genisys leads me to believe we're looking at another forgettable, mediocre, or awful Terminator film. And I don't like the idea of recreating or reworking scenes from the original film.

Any expectations or thoughts for Terminator: Genisys?
Looks like a low-budget SyFy production. They should have stopped with T2.

The Khaleesi still looks hot though, heh

The cast? I don't watch Game Of Thrones, so I can't say I know too much about Emilia Clarke.

She is excellent on Thrones, it's just too bad her first foray into the big screen looks to be a hot mess if those stills are any indication :icon_lol:
In the first still I swear that looks like Pablo "Pornstache" Schreiber....

Anyways, I think I will skip this film. Not excited for the cast besides Arnold & the off chance that Lee Byung-hun pulls off some crazy Terminator fight scene. Re-doing the story of Sarah & such does not give me a good feeling. They could have gone another direction, but now they have a huge hurdle to overcome in living up to the Sarah Connor we have come to know. That right off the bat is making this movie face an uphill battle & open to criticism. I really dont care if it is Rated R or PG-13 as long as the action scenes are good, but I dont expect this to be a winner by any stretch.

I honestly would rather spend the $8 for a ticket on some popcorn\snacks for the house & watch my copy of T-2. At least Robert Patrick & company wont let me down.
That plot is terrible. I mean, mind-blowingly terrible.

The only thing promising about this is Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor. She's awesome. But I'm not impressed with the dude playing John Connor, and while I'll always have a deep affection for Arnold Schwarzenegger, him playing the Terminator at this age is just beyond silly.

This movie will most likely suck. I deeply wish The Sarah Connor Chronicles never got canceled, or was renewed by Syfy like it was rumored there for a while.
From what I hear there are reports that the twist of the movie will leave hardcore fans immensely pissed. Now me not being a huge fan of Terminator to begin with I have no idea how to feel about that. That being said they already have two sequels after this being planned and also are planning a TV show that ties into everything.

It seems like they have a lot of faith in this movie to be putting all this planning for afterwards. We'll see if it'll be the Green Lantern of the franchise.

Also apparently this is neither a reboot or a sequel. So what the fuck does that mean?
Also apparently this is neither a reboot or a sequel. So what the fuck does that mean?

Star Trek alternate universe?

But yeah, fuck right off, Matt Smith looks like he just walked off the fucking set of fucking Dr. Who. The plot seems like something from Dr. fucking Who. This will be another film I'll be mentally deleting from existence. I understand, I've seen too many Slyfox posts not to have some appreciation for making money, etc. I'll just stay in though, with a box of tissues still sobbing like a little girl when Arnie puts his thumb up while he's nearly completely in the lava.
I was one of ten people to enjoy Terminator Salvation but at the end of the day that carried on from the previous ones and had a straightforward story. It also finally gave us a film set after judgement day which I enjoyed. This one seems it'll jump around loads and probably have difficulty keeping people engaged.

I like Emilia Clarke and Matt Smith is good and of course Arnie is boss but this just seems desperate.

As has been mentioned the similarities to the new Star Trek films and an alternate universe make sense up to a point. But the new Star Trek films are based on the original crew and the gap between the first new Star Trek film and the last one to feature the original crew was about twenty years (not to mention the gap between the film and the original show) Salvation came out five years ago and left on a cliffhanger somewhat and was still tangibly tied to the original series.

The sad thing is this would be a great idea for a film if it were a new IP. They've just put the Terminator name on it in the hope it'll help it sell better.

Regardless I'll probably still watch it if only to satisfy my curiosity. I wonder what James Cameron thinks of this
From what I hear there are reports that the twist of the movie will leave hardcore fans immensely pissed. Now me not being a huge fan of Terminator to begin with I have no idea how to feel about that. That being said they already have two sequels after this being planned and also are planning a TV show that ties into everything.

It seems like they have a lot of faith in this movie to be putting all this planning for afterwards. We'll see if it'll be the Green Lantern of the franchise.

I've read the news about the twist, and it sounds horrible. Although, if we're talking about disappointment, I'm at a point where nothing will surprise me anymore. After the original and T2, nothing comes close to matching or topping the quality of either film.

It's just a rumor at this point, but if you want to know more about the twist, you can follow this link- http://screenrant.com/terminator-5-genisys-plot-details/

As far as the planning goes, the rights for the Terminator franchise are supposed to revert back to James Cameron in 2019, so I get the feeling they're trying to milk the Terminator name as much as they can before Cameron takes control again (if he's up to it).

Also apparently this is neither a reboot or a sequel. So what the fuck does that mean?

I'm going off of other various reports and movie sites, but they're going for a movie within a movie approach. I don't remember any Star Trek comparisons, but they're saying it's supposed to be similar to Back To The Future II, with Marty and Doc returning to 1955 to stop evil tycoon Biff in the alternate 1985 after old Biff gave the Sports Almanac to his younger self.

I wonder what James Cameron thinks of this

There's nothing recent for the photos and the plot details, but here's part of an interview with Cameron earlier this year:

I pay attention to [the new Terminator films] but I’m not terribly concerned about it one way or the other. I’ve had to let it go. There was a point in time where I debated going after the rights. Carolco Pictures, the company that produced Terminator 2, was failing and in bankruptcy and the rights were in play. I talked briefly to 20th Century Fox about it. At a certain point, I think I was finishing Titanic at the time and I just felt as a filmmaker maybe I’ve gone beyond it. I really wasn’t that interested. I felt like I’d told the story I wanted to tell. I suppose I could have pursued it more aggressively and gone to the mat for it but I felt like I was laboring in someone else’s house in a sense because I had sold the rights very early on.

My goal in that was not to insinuate myself artistically but to try to make sure they stayed true to the Terminator character and the idea of Arnold being in it. Because he’s a friend of mine and we’ve been through all the wars together and everything. And I wanted them to see the possibilities I saw for what they could do with this character.

And then David Ellison took the project over from Megan and he and I met a couple times. And so Arnold is very much front and center in the new Terminator films. So I might have had some tiny effect on it — but obviously they had to make the right financial and creative decisions themselves so I’m not trying to take credit for the film that they’re making but that was my goal in being loosely attached to the film but I won’t have any credit on it.
This is just depressing now.

Mitch and I have discussed our views on the Terminator franchise quite a lot over the years so I don't want to repeat the same stuff over and over again.

A football manager in England took over one of the best teams in Europe, who had just won the Premier League title at a canter. A few months into the new season with the team stuttering and losing too many points, the manager was accused of "Driving a Ferrari like a Fiat". That is an apt comment for any non-Cameron Terminator production.

One of the biggest strengths of Cameron's Terminator films was that they allowed the audience to mentally fill in the gaps of time with, for example, how Skynet grew and grew to develop their own machines, how total the destruction would have been, how the resistance formed and came together. Yes both T1 and 2 touched on these areas but 3 and 4 didn't leave much, if anything, to the imagination.

Now this new one seems to be trying to do a 'Days of Future Past' and give a big fuck you to Cameron's creation. Not for me.

I don't even. Like even.

The problem with this movie, I think, is that it's trying to make a squared peg fit in a circle hole. Terminator has always been an edgy and, sometimes, quite violent film series. In an attempt to make it more "user friendly", they've abandoned everything that was good about the series. Sometimes you just have to admit that enough is enough.

That said, I'm still somewhat excited about the casting Emilia Clarke is a good actress and should bring the same emotion to the part as she does in Game of Thrones. And Matt Smith adding to the cast is genuinely brilliant - both for his career and for the film. He is marvellous.

I remain unimpressed and uninspired yet hopeful. It has the potential to surprise me but I'm not holding my breath.

I don't even. Like even.

The problem with this movie, I think, is that it's trying to make a squared peg fit in a circle hole. Terminator has always been an edgy and, sometimes, quite violent film series. In an attempt to make it more "user friendly", they've abandoned everything that was good about the series. Sometimes you just have to admit that enough is enough.

That said, I'm still somewhat excited about the casting Emilia Clarke is a good actress and should bring the same emotion to the part as she does in Game of Thrones. And Matt Smith adding to the cast is genuinely brilliant - both for his career and for the film. He is marvellous.

I remain unimpressed and uninspired yet hopeful. It has the potential to surprise me but I'm not holding my breath.

I honestly feel if this was an original Sci-Fi time travel film it would be greeted with more optimism. But as it stands they've shot themselves in the foot for a recognisable name so people will possibly check it out.

Matt Smith and Emilia Clarke are both great actors and at this point if you cast Arnold Schwarzenegger in a film you know what you're going to get. The other guys are generic white hero guys #5345 and 5346 but they'd be servicable to the plot.

I feel this will end up the way the studio had anticipated Salvation. They expect it to do well and allow them to do sequels but the critical and commercial response will be lukewarm at best meaning those plans will probably be scrapped.
I can't say I'm particularly thrilled or excited about the premise of this movie either. Personally, I think the best way to go with the series would be to start from scratch without any of the immense baggage created after T2 back in 1991.

I thought the first two films worked for several reasons: they had the right actors for the right roles, there was some genuine human depth to the overall story and they kept the key premise simple. In the first one, a killer cyborg is sent back in time to murder the mother of the unborn savior of mankind, thereby radically altering the time stream. In the second one, they essentially kept the key elements but it was set 10 years in the future. It was possible that Skynet could have one desperate last chance, a back up plan in case Plan A failed. They kept all the time travel stuff simple but they totally screwed that over with the sequels that followed. Judgment Day happened in Terminator 3, the T-800 played by Schwarzenegger says that JD was inevitable, thereby making everything that took place in the first two films pretty much meaningless. I didn't even watch the next one, nor did I watch the Terminator TV series.

I just can't get excited about Schwarzenegger being in this movie for this role. I know it's a movie and I've got no problem suspending disbelief, I wouldn't be watching pro wrestling if I did, but the guy looks ancient in that still. The man's 67 years old, which just makes it laughable for him to be in this sort of role. His stunt double or a CGI creation will probably be featured in 75% of the movie because Old Man River might break a hip. It's the same way with Stallone, who's even a bit older, because they're playing the sort of action roles and characters they played that ultimately made them house hold names 3 to 4 before they became old enough to draw social security.

Reboot the thing, keep the general premise of the film, do everything possible to get the right people in the right roles, add enough of modern day flare & effects to help give the movie its own feel but don't make the effects the "star" of the film or detract from th story.
Well, guessing it will be just another reboot of franchise that will not live to original. Thats basic problem, big expectations and probablly short on story. And PG 13 rating kinda sux. So, probablly wont be that good. But it will make a bundle and thats all Holywood mathers. :)

A football manager in England took over one of the best teams in Europe, who had just won the Premier League title at a canter. A few months into the new season with the team stuttering and losing too many points, the manager was accused of "Driving a Ferrari like a Fiat". That is an apt comment for any non-Cameron Terminator production.
Good alegory. After all, Moyes wasnt Ferguson. :)

And just like with this movie, United had not that good team(comparing to other top teams offcourse) but Ferguson somehow managed to get best of them all, use oponnents weaknesses and win PL. In this case, not that good premise(in terms that time travelling and robots at that time werent something that new) Cameroon made to legendary movies that made thru time as cult. Anything after him would probably be anticlimatic if they somehow manage to pull the best out of it. Which I doubt they will manage. But as I said they will make a bundle of money. As we saw with likes of Bay who makes Transformers, TMNT and ruins our childhood memories, making bundle of cash is all that mathers now. :)
The first trailer:


And the first poster:



I'm reaching a point, where the lines "I'll be back" and "Come with me, if you want to live" are losing the intended nostalgia buzz. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, because it's the first trailer, but Genisys looks like another forgettable Terminator film, and I rolled my eyes at the shot of Arnold flying into the helicopter at the end.
I just want to see s good, canon, timeline in a movie. Show us Judgement day, show us when the T-1s and T-70s came out! Show us when Skynet upgraded to the T-400, and later the T-600s! I dont give a crap if they go back in time again. Let's see the war!
The first trailer:


And the first poster:



I'm reaching a point, where the lines "I'll be back" and "Come with me, if you want to live" are losing the intended nostalgia buzz. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, because it's the first trailer, but Genisys looks like another forgettable Terminator film, and I rolled my eyes at the shot of Arnold flying into the helicopter at the end.

It looks like a perfectly servicable sci-fi movie but I still feel the Terminator name will bring it down because few people will judge it on it's own merits.

But again with the time trave!?!?!
Out of the five Terminator films four have been time travel films. You'd think they'd try and mix it up a bit. Also the guy playing Kyle Reese doesn't endear me. He really does come across as generic white guy #23553. I mean Michael Beihn left an impression when you finished watching the first film (heck he made an impression in his one scene from Terminator 2) this guy looks like he won't

I just want to see s good, canon, timeline in a movie. Show us Judgement day, show us when the T-1s and T-70s came out! Show us when Skynet upgraded to the T-400, and later the T-600s! I dont give a crap if they go back in time again. Let's see the war!

This is what I liked about Salvation. It actually went that route and looked like it would be setting up for when John sends Kyle Reese back and you'd actually get some character development between John and his father eventually.
It looks like a perfectly servicable sci-fi movie but I still feel the Terminator name will bring it down because few people will judge it on it's own merits.

That's a fair point.

If we're just talking about a run-of-the mill sci-fi/action film, I I'm sure you won't see too many complaints, but we're talking about Terminator, so of course it'll be held to higher standard.

The time travel storyline doesn't bother me too much. The problem is,every Terminator film after T2 is underwhelming, forgettable, mediocre, or awful, so there's no real reason to get your hopes up.

As far as the casting goes, yeah, I'm not sold on Jason Clarke or Jai Courtney at all. I was hoping to see a glimpse of J. K. Simmons, but maybe he'll pop up in the next trailer.

Also, and maybe this a bizarre coincidence, or maybe they blatantly copied the design, but someone else pointed this out in another place. Take a look at the posters for Terminator Salvation and Genisys. It's almost impossible to ignore the similarities.



John Connor heel turn! Why is John going back in time to kill his mother? Wouldn't that erase his existence? And if the machine turned John, wouldn't that mean they have won?

They seem to be quite desperate to get attention for the film to place a major spoiler in the official trailer. Then again, I had absolutely no desire to watch the movie before this trailer. Now I have interest in seeing what the potential trainwreck could be.
John Connor heel turn! Why is John going back in time to kill his mother? Wouldn't that erase his existence? And if the machine turned John, wouldn't that mean they have won?

My only guess is it's a clone, or a new hybrid breed of Terminator from SkyNet. The machine knows everything about John, but the real John is still alive in the future. Maybe SkyNet is hopping Sarah will be hesitant to kill her own son, and they'll use her emotions to eliminate her once and for all, killing two birds with one stone.

They seem to be quite desperate to get attention for the film to place a major spoiler in the official trailer.

The first thought that popped up into in my head, when the trailer debuted. But Genisys is the first film in a new trilogy, so there’s a good chance there’s a twist behind this twist.

I have too many doubts about this “reset the future” tagline. I understand they’re going with a Back To The Future II approach (or X-Men: Days Of Future Past, if we’re using a more recent example), but there’s no real reason to have any hope for this series after Rise Of The Machines and Salvation.

The only potential upside I can think of for the new trilogy is the possibility of a more in depth look at the humanity vs. machines war. Hopefully, they’ll actually take the time to explore the war and how the war effects John (similar to what happened in The Sarah Connor Chronicles) in the other sequels. It’ll be a refreshing change of pace from the usual “SkyNet uses time travel and a Terminator to assassinate John or Sarah Connor” storylines in the other Terminator films.

There’s no real buzz surrounding Genisys, and morbid curiosity for a new Terminator film is not a enough to spark some real interest. Genisys will debut as the #1 film during its opening weekend, but I’m pretty sure we’re looking at another mediocre and forgettable Terminator film, and the overall box office success will be middle of the road at best.
My only guess is it's a clone, or a new hybrid breed of Terminator from SkyNet. The machine knows everything about John, but the real John is still alive in the future. Maybe SkyNet is hopping Sarah will be hesitant to kill her own son, and they'll use her emotions to eliminate her once and for all, killing two birds with one stone.
The problem I have with that theory is this is assuming Sarah Connor knows what her unborn son looks like. Unless of course they factor in that Kyle has already travelled to this timeline and will recognize this clone.

I have too many doubts about this “reset the future” tagline. I understand they’re going with a Back To The Future II approach (or X-Men: Days Of Future Past, if we’re using a more recent example), but there’s no real reason to have any hope for this series after Rise Of The Machines and Salvation.
The whole premise of the franchise is to reset the future though. I can live with their dumb attempts at time travel logic.

There’s no real buzz surrounding Genisys, and morbid curiosity for a new Terminator film is not a enough to spark some real interest. Genisys will debut as the #1 film during its opening weekend, but I’m pretty sure we’re looking at another mediocre and forgettable Terminator film, and the overall box office success will be middle of the road at best.
Yeah, I think it might be a bomb because not many people want to watch another Terminator film but they did well casting Emilia Clarke and use her appeal from Game of Thrones to draw some buzz. She's still a terrible actress imo though lol.

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