Rank The Film Series Thread

Their sons, Jules and Verne, create a huge problem, especially if we can presume the family lives in Hill Valley. These boys, who were never meant to exist in 1881, eventually marry and reproduce with women who, in the original history, do that with other mates. Same thing as Doc and Clara; the entire dynamic of the town changes.

The only way the four of them can get away with existing in the past is if they never interact with anyone. Fat chance of that.

You're right, Bill, this is a funny thread. I love discussing possibilities of time travel.

I think it would've been perfectly fine if they coexisted together traveling through time from a completely scientific aspect. Studying the future, past, whenever, but without really having a life anywhere or effecting anyone's life in any way. As long as they never reproduce and when they eventually settle down they do it in BFE away from everyone, her death in 1881 is technically accomplished. Sure Doc never officially died (well he technically does in the first movie), but by removing himself from time, essentially he just killed his life.

But since we're getting away from the thread:

Spiderman 2
The Amazing Spiderman
Spiderman 3

Frankly, I enjoyed The Amazing Spiderman. It's just that the first two films were done so well that it still isn't as good as them. Plus...Emma Stone :thumbsup:

Spiderman 2 is up there with the best superhero movies of all time. It's a great story from hero to villain. And the end with the reveal to Mary Jane was done perfect.

The first Spiderman I just like overall better than The Amazing Spiderman. It could have to do with being original.

Spiderman 3 was just doomed from the beginning. A proper story involving Venom should take two movies. One where Peter finds Venom, uses him to destroy a villain and finally sheds him. The very end should have Venom finding Eddie Brock and that would lead to the 2nd movie. I think the root cause of the failure of Spiderman 3 was that they knew there wasn't going to be a 4th movie, so they crammed everything they could into one big mess.
How is it impossible? Remember how alternate '85 Biff killed George McFly, so he could be with Lorraine? Well, you don't see George in alternate 1985, because he's dead. Biff never died or was murdered in any of the timelines, so the old Biff could return to the future to enjoy the fortune that came from the almanac. And of course, Marty burning Gray's Sports Almanac, so that it would never exist set everything back to normal (until Doc was struck by lighting in the 50's of course).

In the 2nd BTTF there are already 3 timelines. The original timeline where Marty and his family are scraping by (1955-1985), the alternate (good) timeline after George knocks Biff out (1955-2015), and the alternate (bad) timeline (1955-1985) where Biff is powerful because of the Sports Almanac.

Doc Brown says when they are in the alternate (bad) 1985, that they can't go back to to 2015 because it will be the alternate (bad) 2015 where Biff is still powerful. You can say that because Doc and Marty went from the alternate (good) 2015 to the alternate (bad) 1985 that they can't go back but remember, in the 1st BTTF the timeline is changed.

The original timeline lasted from 1955 to 1985 where Marty, his family, and Doc are leading a mediocre life. After George knocks Biff out, the timeline was changed to an alternate 1985 where everything went from mediocre to good (in Marty's and Doc's view). So the timeline was altered and as soon as they traveled back, it was reflected.

So, how can future Biff go back to the alternate (good) 2015 when he already altered the timeline by giving young Biff the Sports Almanac? Every event that was changed in the original 1955 changed future events as soon as they traveled in time. Future Biff should have traveled to the alternate (bad) 2015 where he was powerful and Marty and Doc would have been stuck in a weird time paradox trying to figure a way to get out.

I think it's safe to say there's all sorts of holes involved in those movies. There's websites dedicated to all the time travel plot holes alone. But they're still fun movies.

Amen to that.
Well, I just got back from watching the new Thor movie so it is time to bump this thread and update my ranking of the Avengers film series.

1. The Avengers
2. Thor 2
3. Thor 1
4. Iron Man 1
5. Iron Man 2
6. Hulk
7. Iron Man 3
8. Captain America

As much as I enjoyed the first Thor film, the second was infinitely better. It was an amazing movie and I loved it. Avengers itself remains the best, that goes without saying. Thor 2 had an excellent story and I loved that more of it took place in Asgard. Loki was brilliant in this one as well, his interactions with Thor were the best part. Next of course is the 2nd Captain America film. The first was my least favorite of the prequels although I plan on giving it a second chance before the new one comes out this spring.
Right, so many lists to go through, let's start.

Star Wars
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. A New Hope
5. Attack of the Clones
6. The Phantom Menace

When I was younger, I was very back and forth on which I preferred out of Empire & Jedi, but nowadays I'm fixed on Empire as the best of the entire saga. Jedi had the hard task of closing off an original story with so much going into it but it did the job well. I always geek out for the Battle of Endor space sequences as it is just stellar. The reason I rate Sith over Hope is that I just find it much more enjoyable to sit through outside of the 'Noooooo!' moment at the end. It actually felt like an actual story to follow and it finally did something right that the mess of Menace and Clones made to begin with. I think also the amount of tampering that Lucas did with Hope has also lessened my liking, but I'm still glad to have the original version preserved on VHS.

1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. Batman Returns
4. Batman
5. The Dark Knight Rises
6. Batman Forever
7. Batman & Robin

I'm not sure where I'd put the 1966 film in, but it deserves its own category as it's camp but enjoyable for the time it was made in. While TDK has some flaws in comparison to a strong outing with BB, I think TDK just has a lasting impact that is hard to forget. BB's main problem is that while it's superb for storytelling it was somewhat lacking in strength near the end; which is definitely a flaw of each Nolan film, especially in Rises. I prefer BR over the 89 film because I just enjoy it, while the Burton/Schumacher films have the flaw of Batman killing, it's just enjoyable from start to finish. Forever only works if you are a fan of Jim Carrey's run through the 90s, and it feels very dated. The other problem is that Two-Face was like a Joker Mk2, at least in TDK, while they should have had him for the villain of the third, they at least made him feel like the character. B&R is all said and done, it's Arnie puns where it's now so bad it's cheesy.

1. X-Men 2
2. X-Men: First Class
3. X-Men
4. The Wolverine
5. X-Men 3: The Last Stand
6. X-Men Origins

Many have pretty much said what they have about the X-Men films with little more for me to add. But given people had their list done before The Wolverine came out, I will say that Wolverine was...enjoyable but was lacking in the final third. I would say it's on par with the first X-Men but give the original the nod because of the dynamic of the cast. I will no doubt see Days of Future Past, but I still hold caution about it, even with Bryan Singer back in the director's chair, I don't want to be too optimistic when heading in.

1. Spider-Man 2
2. The Amazing Spider-Man
3. Spider-Man
4. Spider-Man 3

I only prefer Amazing over the first one because I felt it was more of an authentic origins story. Yes, there was a generic villain story and it wasn't completely fulfilling, but I just find the film to be more enjoyable than the first. Not to say the first isn't bad, just that Amazing did a better job.

Indiana Jones
1. The Last Crusade
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
3. Temple of Doom

I just refuse to accept Crystal Skull.

Back to the Future
1. Back to the Future
2. Part 2
3. Part 3

The biggest problem with Part 3 is that it's set in a Western theme and given how much of a 'Sci-fi' factor the first two films had, Part 3 dropped those elements which gave itself a good story, but the Western part ruins it for most fans. I just remember it being on TV so many times that I got bored of it, I should re-watch it again soon.

I would do The Avengers but still need to see Iron Man 3 & Thor 2 before forming an opinion. But I'll add a new list, despite not seeing the latest film out.

1. Superman II
2. Superman
3. Superman III
4. Superman Returns
5. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Now as said, I haven't seen Man of Steel to place it yet. I loved Superman II from an early age and I still do today, while it is flawed, I just find it an enjoyable watch each time. The biggest flaw with the first two films is the reset button with the reverse Earth-spin and memory wipe kiss, but while it doesn't bug me too much with two, it's a big major thing from the first one as it implied Superman wasn't fast enough to stop both missiles but could spin the Earth backwards? Yeah. I recently re-watched Superman III on the TV and I will say it had a lot of potential, but they should have re-cast Richard Pryor's role, made it smaller and put more focus on Clark himself. It has some memorable moments like the Power Plant fire, Evil Superman vs. Clark and the ending with the Cyborg. Those are scenes that carried the film and if they had dropped the comedy factor of Pryor and the opening credits, Superman III could have been the best of the bunch.

Returns is just bland and dull and Quest for Peace just...yeah, it was lazily done where shots are re-used just do a complete copy and paste from previous films. Just plain bad.

1. Carrie (1976)
2. Carrie (2013)
3. Carrie (2002)
4. The Rage Carrie 2 (1999)

Carrie 2013 isn't another abominable horror remake (i.e. A Nightmare On Elm Street 2010, and Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 2009), but it's a forgettable and mediocre experience at best. Rough year for Moretz with Kick-Ass 2 and Carrie flopping and receiving negative reviews.

My rankings between the 2002 made for TV remake and the '99 sequel is more of a default choice than anything.

The made for TV remake suffers from your usual set of problems: mediocre overall cast, poor production values, shitty directing, and pedestrian writing (especially the dialogue). And they completely ruined the Miss Desjardin character by turning her into this sneering bitch with a personal vendetta against Chris Hargensen.

The few bright spots come from Angela Bettis as Carrie. Not as good as Sissy Spacek by a long shot, but she deserves credit for an admirable effort, and well, she easily delivers the best performance in the cast. Plus, there's a stronger effort to stay true to the book in Carrie 2002. A prime example is showing a flashback from Carrie's childhood and the abuse from her mother. A shame, because with a better overall cast, director, production values, and screenplay, Carrie 2002 could've been much, MUCH better.

The Rage, a mainstream release, is somehow worse than a TV movie. That's enough to justify a bottom spot for me. Amy Irving returning as Sue is the only positive I can think of. Rachel Lang (long story short, she's Carrie's half-sister, because Carrie's father spent some time with Rachel's mother, Barbara) is a boring protagonist. Basically, she's a modern day Carrie White as an outcast goth chick, with an abusive stepfather. And Babara Lang is just a carbon copy of Margaret White (crazy and abusive religious mother).

Rage randomly forces footage from the '76 original as flashbacks with this schizophrenic and choppy style of editing. Rage feels like a remake 100%, not a sequel, because Rachel's stand alone story overwhelms anything involving Carrie's past and Carrie's parents. It's a weak film in every way imaginable, and now I can understand why they sell Rage with the other Carrie films in a three pack, because anyone with a shred of common sense or a respectable taste in film wouldn't pay more than $0.99 for Rage.

More proof I have too much free time on my hands......

Resident Evil

1. Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)
2. Resident Evil (2002)
3. Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
4. Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
5. Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)

After re-watching all the RE films, I can't understand how Paul W. S. Anderson is still able to find work in Hollywood. Awful director.

The RE franchise is a heap of mediocrity. Extinction (and what a surprise, Anderson wasn't the director for Extinction :rolleyes: ) and the original aren't great, good, or solid films. They're not as awful as the others, so it's more a default thing again. The clincher for Extinction being in the top spot is the cliffhanger at the end. For me, it's a “WOW I can’t wait to see part 4!” cliffhanger. Not like the “Oh fuck, they’re going to make another Resident Evil film. Let it end already!” cliffhangers at the end of Afterlife and Retribution. Thought about putting Afterlife at the bottom, but Sienna Guillory's Jill Valentine in Retribution is appallingly bad.

The September release dates are the only reason why Resident Evil continues to survive as a franchise, and I'm pretty sure the sixth film will be terrible also. But as long they stick to another one of the dead zones in the mainstream world for release dates, Resident Evil films will continue to turn a profit.
Remember this thread? It's time for it to come back. Let's rank some film series!

1. The Avengers
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
3. Thor 2
4. Thor 1
5. Iron Man 1
6. Iron Man 2
7. Hulk
8. Iron Man 3
9. Captain America

I have not yet seen the second Captain America film, I need to but for now I left it out of the rankings. Guardians Of the Galaxy was amazing. Not quite as awesome as Avengers, but good grief it came close. Even after going into it with high expectations it exceeded all of them. The cast, the story, the soundtrack, all awesome. Speaking of the soundtrack, it might be the best soundtrack since Top Gun. I loved how the soundtrack itself played an important role in the story and every song (minus one, which played in the trailer) showed up in the movie somehow. Batista did a good job too in his role, better than I expected him to.
Remember this thread? It's time for it to come back. Let's rank some film series!

1. The Avengers
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
3. Thor 2
4. Thor 1
5. Iron Man 1
6. Iron Man 2
7. Hulk
8. Iron Man 3
9. Captain America

I have not yet seen the second Captain America film, I need to but for now I left it out of the rankings. Guardians Of the Galaxy was amazing. Not quite as awesome as Avengers, but good grief it came close. Even after going into it with high expectations it exceeded all of them. The cast, the story, the soundtrack, all awesome. Speaking of the soundtrack, it might be the best soundtrack since Top Gun. I loved how the soundtrack itself played an important role in the story and every song (minus one, which played in the trailer) showed up in the movie somehow. Batista did a good job too in his role, better than I expected him to.

Which song are you referring to? "Hooked on a feeling"? Because I thought that song was playing while he was being tased in the prison.

Anyways, I will include CA2 as I saw it 3 times in the theater (in fact it's funny because my girlfriend went with me the 3rd time and the sound went out near the climax and I was explaining to her what they were saying).

1. Captain America 2
2. Avengers
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Thor
5. Iron Man
6. Captain America
7. Thor 2
8. Iron Man 2
9. Hulk
10. Iron Man 3
Pirates of the Caribbean:
1. Curse of the Black Pearl- the first film and also the best one; set up the plot (and the finance) for the next two films. Told a lot about all the characters; their nature, their past, their present.
2. At World's End- this was the third film of the series and was filmed side-by-side with the second one. Both films are very similar in camerawork, characters and CGI, I have picked this one over the other because it ends the story from the second film.
3. Dead Man's Chest- apart from the above reason, another thing that brings this film down is too much talk and less action. The ending was still awesome with Barbossa's surprise return, with the lines "So tell me, what's become of my ship? hahahaha"
4. On Stranger Tides- this one was just lame. Four films, this one is at number four because it was the worst. Hopefully its sequel will be better.
The Fast and the Furious: (from least bad to worst)
1. The Fast and The Furious: As usual, first movie, okay plot, but new shit- fast cars, hot babes, N20 etc., so huge success. Only a matter of time till a sequel came out. NFS launched two successful video games capitalizing on it.
2. Fast Five- Fifth movie, The Rock's entry. Gave some much needed life to it. Everyone wanted to see The Rock vs Vin Diesel.
3. Fast & Furious 6- The Rock again, getting better and better with every film. Paul Walker is dead, last chance to watch him.
4. Tokyo Drift- Actually has somewhat of a story. Guy can't race in America, goes to Japan, gets in trouble, wins the final conclusive race, earns respect, avoids asskicking.
5. Fast & Furious- Too dark, literally. Most of the action takes place at night and inside a long tunnel.
6. 2 Fast 2 Furious- Total jabroni-type movie. Nothing to say here.
X-Men (from the best of the best to... near-excellent)
1. Days of Future Past
2. First Class
3. X-Men
4. The Last Stand
5. X2
6. The Wolverine
7. Origins: Wolverine

X-Men movies are always fantastic and a treat to watch. Action, emotion, strong story and character development, ideal pace for plot progression- the movies of this series have everything. The fourth film (Origins: Wolverine) was quite dark... well Wolverine has a dark past and that won't suit everyone's taste. Apart from that, the other films were splendid.
Which song are you referring to? "Hooked on a feeling"? Because I thought that song was playing while he was being tased in the prison.

Anyways, I will include CA2 as I saw it 3 times in the theater (in fact it's funny because my girlfriend went with me the 3rd time and the sound went out near the climax and I was explaining to her what they were saying).

1. Captain America 2
2. Avengers
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Thor
5. Iron Man
6. Captain America
7. Thor 2
8. Iron Man 2
9. Hulk
10. Iron Man 3

No it was "Spirit in the Sky".

Is Captain America 2 really better than Guardians Of the Galaxy AND Avengers....? I never got around to it because Captain America 1 was my least favorite of the prequels, the second didn't strike me as a must-see. If it's as good as people are saying I'll give it a chance.
No it was "Spirit in the Sky".

Is Captain America 2 really better than Guardians Of the Galaxy AND Avengers....? I never got around to it because Captain America 1 was my least favorite of the prequels, the second didn't strike me as a must-see. If it's as good as people are saying I'll give it a chance.

This is obviously just my opinion, but yes. I thought it was absolutely amazing. I also enjoyed the first one more than you did though. I saw CA2 3 times in the theater. Guardians twice. Avengers I can't remember if I saw 2 times in the theater or not, but I still know it's an amazing movie.

I would also recommend rewatching CA1 again before you watch CA2, because they tie together a lot.
Go see Captain America Dagger. Like now. Lol. I would wager it would rank either after guardians and avengers for you or in between them. I enjoyed it more than Avengers actually, but I am probably the only person on the planet that views that.

As for my film rankings i am going to do studio ghibli films. All directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

Hayao Miyazaki films
1. Princess Mononoke
2. Spirited Away
3. Howl's Moving Castle
4. Nausicca Of The Valley Of The Wind
5. Castle In The Sky
6. My Neighbor Tortoro
7. Ponyo
8. Kiki's Delivery Service
9. Porco Rosso

I know I left a couple out as I haven't seen ones like the castle of cagliosto. Now, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away was a coin toss for me and I pretty much tie them as Miyazaki's best films ever. There actually isn't one film I do not like of his, and this list can't even be classified as best to worst, just how much I enjoyed each film. He just retired recently and it's a shame but I thank for such amazing movies.
Alright, now that the new Avengers film is out, let's bump this topic. I want to see how rankings look now for you guys in not just The Avengers series, but many others. Let's get to it.

The Avengers
1. The Avengers
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
3. Age Of Ultron
4. Thor 2
5. Thor 1
6. Iron Man 1
7. Iron Man 2
8. Hulk
9. Iron Man 3
10. Captain America

I left Captain America 2 out of the rankings as I have not seen it yet. Cap is my least favorite of the Avengers, so seeing The Winter Soldier wasn't high on my priorities list. We also have Ant Man seeing a release this summer, so I might go ahead and see Cap 2 while waiting on that if I get bored enough between now and then. So, then there's Age Of Ultron, the newest addition to the series. The first Avengers film was much better, I also enjoyed Guardians Of the Galaxy more. However, I enjoyed it. Plenty of action, good story, and funny lines. It comes in 3rd for me.

Remember to keep big plot spoilers in spoiler tags in case someone has not yet seen a film. ;)
The Avengers

1. Marvel's The Avengers
2. Guardians Of The Galaxy
3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
4. Iron Man (2008)
5. Avengers: Age Of Ultron
6. Thor: The Dark World
7. Captain America: The First Avenger
8. Iron Man 2
9. The Incredible Hulk
10. Thor
11. Iron Man 3

Well, I watched Thor: The Dark World for the first time ( I know, I'm late) a few days ago, and wow. Definitely a noticeable upgrade over the first film, they did a great job of teasing Loki turning on Thor throughout the movie, and the cliffhanger at the end was perfect. Also, I'm hoping we'll see more of Natalie Portman in the future.

For me, It's another list, where I don't see a truly awful or atrocious film, but when you compare the likes Iron Man 2 and 3 or the first Thor film to the other films in Marvel's cinematic universe, they're easy picks for the weaker films in the series.

Looking back on Iron Man 2, you had a lot of buzz surrounding Mickey Rourke as the main villain, when the first trailer debuted. After all, during this time period, Rourke was riding a wave of momentum during his short-lived comeback run after his Oscar nominated performance in The Wrestler, so there's a chance a lot of people had unrealistic expectations for Rourke in Iron Man 2. You can point the finger at a lack of significant screen time for a primary antagonist, or Rourke himself, but when you look at the big picture, Rourke is easily one of the more forgettable villains in Marvel's cinematic universe.

I've re-watched Iron Man 3 more than once, and I sour on the movie each time. I don't think it's a terrible film, and I don't have a big problem with the infamous Mandarin twist. Downey, Jr. did a good job with post-traumatic stress disorder Tony Stark, but overall, Part 3 is just not good enough to stand out in the pack, and truth be told, the movie kind of bores me towards the end.

And I guess I'll update the Spider-Man films, while I'm here:


1. Spider-Man 2 (2004)
2. Spider-Man (2002)
3. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
4. Spider-Man 3
5. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2 deserves serious consideration for the best superhero film ever made, with the likes of The Avengers, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: Days Of Future Past, and one film from The Dark Knight trilogy.

Sam Raimi's first two Spider-Man films are still superior to Marc Webb's first two Spider-Man films in every way imaginable, and recently, I've mellowed on my disdain for Spider-Man 3. But from a storytelling standpoint, I still believe The Amazing Spider-Man '12 is the more coherent film.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has its moments, but the story is just too convoluted, and the ending is a massive clusterfuck.

For me, Gwen's death (the sound of Stone's head bouncing off the concrete...ouch), and Garfield's reaction to it is easily the major highlight of the movie. A legit shocker, because I seriously believed Gwen would regain consciousness at the last second.

I'll revisit this thread somewhere down the line for Poltergeist, Insidious, Paranormal Activity, and Jurassic Park. I haven't seen the Poltergeist remake yet, I've only seen Poltergeist III once, and that was years ago, and Insidious: Chapter 3 hits theaters in a few weeks.

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