Tell us who should or should not be the ABC Party's candidate

In the interests of not trying to sound pompous and arrogant I have tried not to sound my own horn here, stick to the bases, refraining from engaging in any real political fencing and staying civil. This however, prompts me to pick up the shield and sword. I have stated my platform for trying to promote an underdog, a strong one at that, which would be me simply because I am not as tenured. Do not however think for one moment that I am not among the best.
Then you may wanna start stepping on some people's toes to garner bigger support. I'm not trying to rile anyone up, but I don't think you have support outside this party.

In my short time thus far I have already gained quite a bit of recognition, and even as an unknown been at least good enough to form a party, gain a significant amount of members that helped push this party into the majority over the David French Party, and make people who've been around much longer take notice and recognize me as a formidable candidate against all odds. If there are any doubts as to whether or not I am the best candidate for the job, let them be erred and I will conquer them. Here's a question, why not me? What does anyone else have to offer that I do not? What is it that makes anyone else a better candidate over me?
Sticking their chin up and not claiming to be an underdog. This isn't gonna get sympathy.

I can do the job as well or better than anyone else who would say otherwise, and I bring a fresh and new outlook to the table that no one else shares. I bring about an approach that no one else will embrace. I stand more for the people than anyone else. So what makes anyone else think they truly stand alone or above me? I can assure you they don't. I'll give you better than good, I'll give you the best.
Well great. But what kind of outlook is that exactly? Because if it's about the "lesser known" poster or about the "people" that really isn't saying much.
I am The Game and I am that damn good, make no mistake about it.
Sure. What else were you going to say?
I don't know, but if this is a cult, they did a lousy job on the brainwashing.
Did he though? You may be willing to step to that bomb fellow, but you sure got back in line really quick when Habs cracked his whip.
Did he though? You may be willing to step to that bomb fellow, but you sure got back in line really quick when Habs cracked his whip.

Nah. I told him. It didn't really go through well. I'm not gonna jam it in and rile everyone up. I know I gotta stand out in the party, but I can't ruffle the feathers and lose their support.
I understand. You can talk down to random peer xyz, but you wouldn't talk to your mother like that. So enjoy suckling at Habs' nips while opportunity passes you by. Because "ruffling feathers" is the enemy. ;)
Then you may wanna start stepping on some people's toes to garner bigger support. I'm not trying to rile anyone up, but I don't think you have support outside this party.

That's not something I am willing to do. I don't want to play dirty politics to gain support. I wouldn't think that to be very endearing to anyone. I may not have the support outside the party at the moment, but I have full confidence that when I am pitted against anyone and it comes down to it people will see that I am the best choice here.

Sticking their chin up and not claiming to be an underdog. This isn't gonna get sympathy.

I'm not looking for sympathy, nor am I saying I am not an underdog candidate here. You yourself just stated that I don't have enough support which alone makes me just that, an underdog candidate. I just wanted to make it clear that there should be little question as to whether I am good enough to take the position which I am. I also believe that I would be the best at the job and offered anyone to challenge me on that.

Well great. But what kind of outlook is that exactly? Because if it's about the "lesser known" poster or about the "people" that really isn't saying much.

I've made my stances very clear and out in the open, go back a few pages, look at the PPM thread, look in other threads here, I have put my agenda, direction, and outlook on how the position should be handled and will be when I have it all over the boards in this section. Play down being about the people, running as the lesser known all you want, it says a lot and I've said much more in regards to the actual position.

Hey, who doesn't like to quote Triple H? :rolleyes:
Why You Should Endorse Ma As A Potential, Fellow Mod

As a "new member" I am not new at all. I've been around these parts in one form or another for years. I know the ins and outs, I know the rule book inside out

I stopped reading right here. You were infracted for spamming TODAY. You were infracted for a signature rule violation a week and a half ago. And you know our rule book "inside and out?"

Funniest thing I read all day. Thank you.

I'm debating on green repping you for the humor.

Wait... on second thought...

Just throwin' that out there.
Right, this is where I stand. From the beginning I threw my support behind Dagger and Killjoy, and I am still in firm support of both. I've also thrown support behind Hatehabs, because at the end of the day, not only is this party the one he started, he has been very clear, very clever and well thought out in his posts, just like Killjoy and Dagger. When it comes down to picking one out of those three, I will make my decision when it comes to it, but I could happily pick any of the three at this moment in time and have no real regret over it.

Ba-Bomb, the only reason your name isn't on that list is that I haven't seen enough of your posts. From what I have seen here, I have no doubt at all that you, like the three I've mentioned, would make an excellent mod. But realistically (and unfortunately in some ways) the bigger names are more likely to win this, and I can only personally judge what I've seen around the forum.

With that said, I think hatehabs, Killjoy and Dagger are three extremely solid posters, and if any one were to go through, they'd be a good bet to get behind. What is important to remember is that everyone in the party needs to get behind whoever is chosen. Regardless of the chosen candidate from this party, we are a party, and as one we need to support that candidate for the good of this party, and for the good, hopefully, of this site.
The fact that you mention the good of the party before the good of the site is nauseating. Not that I expect habs to correct you or anything. That's mighty close to stepping on toes.
Well, seeing that we as a party wish to better this forum, we need to make sure we're in order, and that we're united behind our chosen candidate first. And for the record, this party is very much in order, and any of the candidates are more than a match for you :)

Good day to you, sir.
Well, seeing that we as a party wish to better this forum
They can wish to do whatever they want. But there's only one option that's definitively the best for the board. And his name is Coco The Monkey. Don't play make-believe with these guys just because they buttered you up with an invite. If the best thing for this board is really what you had in mind, you'd make your own decision. Look around. Explore your options. You'll see the light.
They can wish to do whatever they want. But there's only one option that's definitively the best for the board. And his name is Coco The Monkey. Don't play make-believe with these guys just because they buttered you up with an invite. If the best thing for this board is really what you had in mind, you'd make your own decision. Look around. Explore your options. You'll see the light.

In your completely unbiased, impartial opinion, right? ;)

The truth is, there isn't one single option. Many of the candidates would make damn fine mod's. Yourself included Coco. Whatever happens, the forum wins.

But hatehabs, Dagger and Killjoy are fantastic posters, and in my opinion (and in the opinion of many others), any one of those three would make a fantastic mod, and would be of great benefit to the forum.
Well at least I know I have the "posters with insanely high standards" vote locked down.
Well here we are, and we have finally reached the final day before the primaries begin. Thanks to everyone who has chosen to get involved, to whatever degree, in this whole election process. Hopefully at the end of the day, it will yield what we all want, a good and deserving new moderator. Good luck to all of the competitors, especially the guys in The ABC Party.

I have made my stance abundantly clear, so I won't go on and on about it again. My intention is to become the newest moderator, and to co-moderate the TNA section. As a wrestling forum first and foremost, with an emphasis on the non-spam variety of discussion of it, I think this should be the focal point of selecting a new staff member. All due respect to sports, VG &T, music, spam, or anything else, non-spam wrestling should be the bread and butter of these forums. While IDR is doing a masterful job with the TNA section, this section is growing as TNA continues to improve, and I think it is time to add a second mod to this section, to lighten his load a little. And I think with my longevity on these forums, and with the fresh perspective which I can bring to TNA in a respectful and thought provoking manner, I think I would be a more than reasonable choice to fill this niche.

Let me reiterate for the last time the importance of getting out there to vote. I hope that each and every member of our party takes the time to vote for someone, whoever is the candidate of their choosing. Obviously I won't lie, I hope that someone is me. But even if it isn't, that's fine, but vote for someone so that we can put the strongest candidate out there to enter the general election. This applies even more so to the election. It will be an uphill battle to win the election against such strong candidates as Coco and Crock/Harthan. If we do vote and maintain a united voice from the ABC Party, I think whoever our candidate is stands a very good chance of at least keeping this thing interesting and close, and can definitely win it.

So consider all of your options wisely. Consider who you would prefer to be your candidate of choice, looking at their pros and cons. Consider their ultimate electibility because let's face it, it's no sense picking a candidate the party won't rally behind, or who can't draw support from the undecided vote or from other parties, all of which will be needed to be successful. At the end of the day, whether it is hatehabsforever, Dagger Dias, The Killjoy, JWGunslinger, or Muffin Top Merkley, or whoever else, I think we can put forward a good candidate who will make for an effective moderator.

Good luck to everyone in all of the parties, now let's see how it all shakes down :)
Sorry Habs, but I don't feel like I should let you win. While most people have been busy with their campaigns, I've been posting and reporting in the TNA section. I realize you want it too but while I read about how you'd drive discussion and keep it clean, I haven't seen you posting in a good while. IDR beat me to the spot once. I don't plan on walking out of this thing empty handed after putting more work into it again.
Killjoy, I somewhat agree with what you said there and I still have you likely at the top of my ballot but here is some constructive criticism as well. Be careful not to get too far into the quantity over quality side of things or as I refer to it Jglass Postanomics.
Killjoy, I somewhat agree with what you said there and I still have you likely at the top of my ballot but here is some constructive criticism as well. Be careful not to get too far into the quantity over quality side of things or as I refer to it Jglass Postanomics.

I know. If I don't see there's anything worth discussing, I won't post it.

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