Teen Reportedly Suspended for Defending Blind Classmate from Bully


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From Yahoo: http://news.yahoo.com/teen-defends-blind-classmate-bully-151349694.html

"A high school student was filmed knocking another teenager to the ground for bullying a blind classmate.

Reports said the student had been suspended, but officials with Huntington Beach High School District in Southern California denied this was the case on Friday afternoon.

Footage of the incident surfaced hours after the altercation on Wednesday. The video, which has since been pulled from YouTube, shows one student repeatedly beating a visually-impaired classmate on the head.

Seconds later, the video, which was recorded by a bystander, showed another teen jumping in and stopping the pummeling with one blow to the tormentor’s face, knocking the bloody boy on the ground.

"You trying to jump a f***ing blind kid, bro?" the teen is heard saying, standing over the cowering boy. “What the f*** is your problem?”

Police arrested the student responsible for the initial attack for misdemeanor battery and released him to his parents. It was determined that the that teen and the victim “have a history of not getting along,” the Huntington Beach Police Department said in a statement.

“As the victim walked past the suspect at school… and (sic) verbal argument started, which resulted in the suspect hitting victim several times. Another student saw the fight and intervened to prevent the suspect from further assaulting the victim,” police said. “No arrest is anticipated for the third student who intervened in the fight.”

Dr. Greg Plutko, superintendent of schools for the Huntington Beach Union High School District, said the incident did not reflect the caliber and environment of the school.

"The Huntington Beach school community is disappointed and discouraged by the recent bullying behavior captured on video at Huntington Beach High School," he said in a statement Friday. "We are proud of our quality high schools, and this incident does not reflect the school climates that have been built by our students, teachers, staff, and families. Behaviors like this will never be tolerated, as safety and wellness must serve at the center of student success. HBUHSD has a strong anti-*bullying code of conduct, and will not condone such behaviors in our schools."

The 30-second video, which was viewed thousands of times on YouTube before it was removed, led to an outpouring of support for the teen who stopped the beating. Following reports that he had been suspended and kicked off the football team, his backers rushed to his defense.

“As the son of blind man, the defender deserves a day at Disneyland or his favorite surf break,” Bob Beamesderfer wrote on Huntingon Beach Union High School District’s Facebook page.

But on Friday, officials with the district said that the boy had never been suspended.

Plutko added that the student who came to the victim's aid was not been a member of the football team when the incident occurred.

"Of note to some has been the question of whether the student who came to the support of his classmate was removed from the HBHS football team," Plutko said. "That student was not removed from the team, as he was not on this year’s roster and has not played football since last spring."

This is ridiculous but honestly what I've come to expect from the American legal system.

Did the teen deserve to get suspended and kicked off the football team?
BSE, can you please provide a link to this story? I'd like to look into it.

From your post this is just disgusting. I have mixed emotions on this story. I would've acted in the same manner as the suspended student but on the other hand from what I've read/hear I can understand the punishment. I hate that we live in a country (USA) of *****es but we can't exactly take law into our own hands.

This person did not deserve to be suspended and kicked off the football team.

If I were in this situation, I'd have my parents sue the district for emotional distress
I'm confused by this statement. How did the American legal system disappoint you in this incident?

They suspended a student for standing up for his blind classmate, who couldn't defend themselves. I realize it's just one incident, but you here about stories similar to this all the time and makes America look bad as a whole.
They suspended a student for standing up for his blind classmate, who couldn't defend themselves. I realize it's just one incident, but you here about stories similar to this all the time and makes America look bad as a whole.

The American legal system has nothing to do with suspending the student. That's the school. I get being upset about the student being suspended but let's not blame the wrong people here.

But on Friday, officials with the district said that the boy had never been suspended.

And with this information is there any reason to be upset with the school?
The American legal system has nothing to do with suspending the student. That's the school. I get being upset about the student being suspended but let's not blame the wrong people here.

Couldn't they step in and do something about this though?

And with this information is there any reason to be upset with the school?

I think they suspended him at first but lifted the suspension after the public outcry. I know I'm assuming, but this wouldn't be the first time something like this has taken place.

There has also been reports that he was suspended. From the same article - "Following reports that he had been suspended and kicked off the football team, his backers rushed to his defense."
Couldn't they step in and do something about this though?

Do what? It doesn't appear the boy has been suspended.

I think they suspended him at first but lifted the suspension after the public outcry. I know I'm assuming, but this wouldn't be the first time something like this has taken place.

Maybe. Even if that is the case, what is your complaint here? If they did suspend him they quickly overturned the suspension. A wrong was righted. Isn't that what you want?

This article is reporting the bully has been arrested for suspicion of misdemeanor battery.

It also provides a couple of short videos of the fight.

That video also brings up another discussion.

Why would you film the incident instead of trying to help the victim?

Friends of the bully?

If I witnessed that then I would have laid a big beating on that boy. The lad who intervened actually did the right thing by only punching him once.
And now I also know that BSE can't read...

It school has clearly said that he hasnt been suspended and that he wasnt thrown off the team because he isnt on it. And judging by what the article from daily mail says its that the bully was suspended. This means the fuckwit that was punching the blind kid was suspended not the one who came to his defence.
I think the blind student is good at studies and the attacker was envious of him. I've seen a lot of envious guys at my school. (Though, not of this caliber.) This is one of the worst incidents that happened in 2015.

Since, I'm not an American, I may blame the government. But logically, there is no fault of the government. Because, a bunch of flamboyant people can't guarantee you the security of each and every person of a big and populous country.

And the action has been taken. As you say, the guy is arrested. So, peace.....
According to the school the kid defending the victim was not suspended or kicked off the football team so I don't know what the problem is here, even if he was suspended it was quickly overturned so no harm no foul. On top of that the kid who was bullying ended up getting arrested so I don't see much issue with any aftermath that occurred. The only problem was the kid filming and the bully in question, sounds like the school district handled it pretty well.
“No arrest is anticipated for the third student who intervened in the fight.”

Maybe the school district handled it the way they felt they had to. In other words, they had no intention of disciplining the kid who protected the other but still had to fly the school colors and let him know that fighting cannot be tolerated under any circumstance......but in this case, extenuating details applied.

See what I'm saying? As a school district, they can't condone fighting on school grounds, no matter what. The protector taking matters into his own hands was considered anarchy .....but the school realized: what else was he supposed to do? By the time the protector could have called a teacher to intervene, the blind student could have been dragged off and beaten severely.

So, while the bully was correctly punished, the protector was simultaneously warned and praised. That's how I think it went down.

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