Teen Choice Awards 2012

Tons of questions, none will probably be answered.
I do not kiss and tell. I have more class than that, don't ya know?

I'm 17, it's legal. Now show dem titties baby.


When I say I'm gonna post a pic soon, I do not mean my boobs. Just like my face or something. Maybe with a little upper body. But my tits are not going to be accentuated.

Just FYI
I'll post a pic soon.

God damn men :suspic:

No, I don't think you understand. Let me explain.

I don't really care about your breasts. The Internet is a cavalcade of every sort of imaginable pornography I could ever want to acquire. I could, at this moment, indulge in well over a thousand different fetishes, very likely at no cost. I will gain no sexual pleasure from your breasts.

What is at stake here is a matter of the societal order. In the physical world, your being female grants you an advantage over men. It makes us want to do things for you. It makes us want to be nice to you. In general, it places you above us. It is readily identifiable in the physical world whether you are or not female, however. This distinction is not so easy to make on the Internet, and therefore we, through long years of work, have created an acceptable standard for proving that you are, indeed, what you say you are. This has grown into the admittedly vulgar "TITS OR GTFO". This should be the standard of any conversation on the Internet that takes place with a claimed, but unverified, female.

And yes, it is necessary that it be vulgar. In the event you don't give in, we need not treat you any differently, and we are on equal footing. In the event that you do, we have been placed on equal footing again, except that now we can be entirely honest with one another and carry on. You will be female, of course, and we will act as is accustomed. But we will also have forced to you to post a demeaning picture, and in so doing, harmony is maintained.

I hope that you have learned something about the customs of the Internet today. I'm available for any and all questions, and there will be a quiz next Tuesday.

EDIT: And for further clarification, because this is also pretty important to the customs of the Internet, pedophilia only applies to an attraction to those who are prepubescent. Therefore, a desire to view the breasts of a seventeen year old would not qualify as such. The word you're looking for in this case - if this had anything to do with sexual interest at all - is ephebophilia, and for most of human history was generally considered to be pretty A-okay.
I completely understand Harthan, and I commend you for conveying your meaning so eloquently.

For that I'll post a pic of me tonight and so you know that it is actually me, and not a potential random pic of a girl, I'll take a picture with my kick ass arrow I was awarded at camp.

Stay tuned boys
Internet wizard tricks verify to the best of my knowledge that this picture has made no appearances elsewhere in the world. Though I'd prefer some sort of written timestamp that addressed the forum, as is general custom.

But I'm about 85% convinced.
Yes, indeed. That should do.

Your gender is officially acknowledged, and will be logged in the book.
It's a surprisingly good show. I saw it all over my dash on Tumblr and just thought I'd might as well see what all the buzz is about and then I was hooked.

By the way you still have a freebie to throw any gif at me and I will not respond with or start a gif war.

I just want to find the right gif.

I saw the first episode with my cousin and I couldn't believe how good it was.
I just want to find the right gif.

I saw the first episode with my cousin and I couldn't believe how good it was.
Come at me, bro

I can only assume it would be the end of the world as we no it.

Well the end of an entire fandom's world.

Seriously the entire Teen Wolf community was going bat shit crazy just because it wasn't announced on TV, imagine what would've happened if Teen Wolf lost entirely.
I completely understand Harthan, and I commend you for conveying your meaning so eloquently.

For that I'll post a pic of me tonight and so you know that it is actually me, and not a potential random pic of a girl, I'll take a picture with my kick ass arrow I was awarded at camp.

Stay tuned boys

If it's plastic it's shit

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