Ted Dibiase?


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
I Dont know if someone already posted a thread, and I apoligize if someone did about this topic. Dibiase has been injured since february and off tv. He returned to action a few weeks ago against Jinder Mahal. Now my question, What the hell happened? Dibiase has yet to appear on tv. Is he 100% clear yet? Whats going on? Is he injured still? Some help me out Im lost please. :shrug: And What do u guys think WWE should do with him when he returns to t.v?
I believe they are still trying to think creatively what to do with him and all of the other health issues he has been having over the past year, I think they should have him come back with a new character, yet still acting like a Dibiase and grow through the ranks for a month or two and pair him against christian as they could have a decent feud I would like to think.
I think DiBiase is still working his way back, a bit like Wade Barrett. Both are healthy, just need to get rid of the rust, so to speak. I like DiBiase, but he needs to be in a tag team, with someone with better mic skills. Hopefully they bring him back as something different than the DiBiase Posse.
I think he's trying to shrug off the ring rust. Probably why we haven't seen him on TV yet. Its the same with Barrett, i think they'll work dark matches until they're ready to come back.

To be honest, I saw no benefit from Dibiase turning face and having those flag matches against Hunico. But If(and only IF) Dibiase returns to TV within the next 2 weeks ,well, I know i might draw a lot of flak for this, but i can say this in just two words : The Legacy.

Its the perfect time. Cody has been hellbent on destroying the luchadores(Cara and Rey) and he needs a tag team partner. Who better than Dibiase? We all know they've worked together before. They can probably add Randy Orton and Joe Hennig(Screw that stupid gimmick of his) which can not only bring Dibiase back, but can effect a heel turn for orton and give Joe Hennig some much needed time on raw. This way we have a new evil faction, which if booked properly can improve the quality of the show. A survivor series match with Cara, Rey and International Airstrike vs The Legacy would do wonders(provided Cara doesn't injure himself again). By bringing Ted Dibiase back, a lot would be accomplished. He and Cody can also insert themselves into the tag division and hold the titles for a long time using heelish tactics. Like i said, if booked properly, it would draw more attention than the "Big Summer Angle of 2012"(whatever that is)
The Fortunate Sons gimmick was always an interesting idea, but I think DiBiase should stay face now. Part of his problem was being saddled with Ted Sr.'s legacy... So it makes sense to be the opposite, a face rather than the legendary heel his dad was.

The Posse thing is gonna continue for him, so why not use it? If he is an outdoors man at heart then try and get Shawn to put him on his hunting show. Not go the Stalker route but maybe combine the religion (the guy was gonna be a minister at one point) and outdoors stuff. Shawn used his religion pretty well, why not Ted? and if nothing else it's a good basis to bring Bray Wyatt in on...
I think DiBiase is still working his way back, a bit like Wade Barrett.

DiBiase is working his way back, but not like Wade Barrett.

Wade is one of the guys management wants to feature.....and that broken arm he suffered came at a most inopportune time, as far as the company and Wade himself are concerned. I think his accident occurred at the moment management was ready to truly launch Wade to stardom. His ring personality was fully defined, his reputation was set, and I believe they were about to send him on a journey that would take him to main event status.

Now that he's finally ready to return, the vignettes have preceded him, building us up for his comeback. Does DiBiase have anything like that? Your announcement that Ted has already returned and fought Jinder Mahal is news to me, I hadn't read anything about him being around again, much less have the company preparing us for his comeback.

WWE has a plan in place for Wade Barrett and is already rolling it out. Ted DiBiase, on the other hand, is probably one of the poor souls on the roster being told: "Sorry, we've got nothing for you now."

When Creative thinks of something, we'll see Ted again. If not, he'll job.....and wind up being one of the guys who are glad to get any ring time at all.

Poor Million dollar boy.
Oh Ted Dibiase Jr.?!? What could have been?

I had to wiki him to make sure he was still alive. And it said "who gives a shat?"

I don't blame Ted entirely. Writers shotgunning his angles, which really hurt him. They could have drawn out 2 specific angles, much much longer. They would have been more entertaining and more emotional.

"Million Dollar Belt angle" - he was simply given the title by his dad. No angle, no build up. Just boringly handed the belt. What's the point?

It should have been, Ted turning down the title his father handed to him, wanting to earn it on his own. And, Cody Rhodes should have come out and accepted it. This gives Cody instant heel cred, and Ted a lil integrity. Ted would have to fight his way to the title, and eventually have a pay off match with Cody. Or in the end Ted Sr. could have taken the belt away from Cody and given Jr. another chance. If Ted accepts he gets heel heat for taking the short cut, after failing to do it on his own. This could have been a 3 month angle.

"New Virgil angle" - This was like 3 weeks. He asked R-truth. He brought in Mike Jones / Vigil, then eventually had Maryse.

I understand in this day and age, this angle could not be drawn out for years like the orginal Ted/Virgil break up. But if R-Truth did serve Ted for 3 months, with Jr. abusing and degrading Truth, it would be a great build-up to R-Truth rebelling finally. They could have had a pay-off match. To flawlessly move to the next phase, Ted could have teased he had a new valet and Mayrse could have been revealed as pick and helped defeat Truth in that blow-off match.

Tell a angle with a story. Beginning. Middle. End. It's not science. It gives wrestlers a chance to have emotions and connect with viewers.

I think the Legacy / Fortunate Sons angle was done very very well. And Ted did have the opportunity to break-out when he stood up to Randy Orton. But as it turned out, Orton was the focus of the fued as he kicked Rhodes / Ted Jr out instead of the other way around.

Are we shocked Ted never connected? Most of the time he was a rich son of the Million Dollar Man. Did we ever see him acting rich? Did he have a private locker room? Did he show up in limos and private jets? Did he use his money ro bribe people? No. Show up that he is rich, make us believe the character.

Now, Ted Jr. is left contacting wiki and convincing them, that he is actually alive.
I can't say i have missed him at all. don't get me wrong i think he is a great talent. but he has not really done anything since his days in lagacy. in my opinion WWE should bring him back as part of a tag team with his brother. I thought Ted was very impressive when he first started in WWE tagging with Cody. So maybe having him tag with somebody like his brother might help get his career back on track.
What i think they should do with Ted Jr. when or if he returns is give him a few tune up matches, and then out of now where some mid card talent like Cody Rhodes show up and interrupt one of his matches or cost him one, and it can start a small feud, and after that give him another feud to someone like Jack Swagger, that way it can work for both of them since they are great in the ring, but we all know they are not the best when it comes to the mic, so with this feud they can work a little on that, and that way we can see how or where to go from there, and if that feud goes ok, then have him work with someone like Cesaro, even if he doesn't get the belt, but those matches can be good and Ted Jr. can show what he's made of.......

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