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Ted DiBiase - Recent Push and Future


Championship Contender
In the past month Ted DiBiase reunited with his former partner Cody Rhodes, and this has generated much controversy because the majority of the fans thinks that it is holding Cody Rhodes to reach the main-eventer level.
However this brought wonders to Ted DiBiase, first brought him back to TV and he has had several matches with Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara and Ezekiel Jackson, which led last week to the pin on the Intercontinental Champion.

He was always a wrestler with a lot of potential, is as good as Cody Rhodes in the microphone and still is quite good in the ring.

So what are your thoughts on him?
After Cody Rhodes do you think that he has what it takes to be on his own?

I don't understand why they had to pair him with Rhodes? He could of done all that by himself with a push. A few months ago (after the Mysterio feud), Rhodes was the hottest thing going. And now, he seems to have lost so much steam, that I don't see him as a main eventer for another year or so.
The feud with Daniel bryan had the potential of being a great feud that elevated both stars, then, Dibiase gets involved and I couldn't care less. I swear, the guy is like a plague.
I always preferred Rhodes over Dibiase as I think Dibiase just screams jobber. Why is he living off his father's name and gimmick? It never ever works. Dibiase is ok as an undercard wrestler for superstars, but nothing more.
The whole reason for placing DiBiase and Rhodes together is to that instead of getting one guy over in Rhodes, they can pull a Riley and Miz, have DiBiase blow off the steam he's building from being pushed around and harrassed by Cody, and then finally attack Rhodes who is over as a heel leading to a feud which will see Rhodes get pushed as a heel and DiBiase as a face.

They couldn't make it more clear, unless they took a sign and placed it over the ring while both men were standing within. Also, Cody Rhodes' push needed to slow down, the guy is getting over on the microphone more-so that anything else but he doesn't come across as a threat and if Rhodes doesn't come across as a threat there is no point placing him in the main event.

Giving him more time allows him to mature and grow as a character and a heel which will make it much easier for him once he actually gets the main event push. Its simple logic and understanding in wrestling.
Ted has the potential to have a good ic run I think ted can do it on his own but he needs a new gimmick and maybe a manager someone like Vickie would fit the bill
I don't understand why they had to pair him with Rhodes? He could of done all that by himself with a push. A few months ago (after the Mysterio feud), Rhodes was the hottest thing going. And now, he seems to have lost so much steam, that I don't see him as a main eventer for another year or so.
The feud with Daniel bryan had the potential of being a great feud that elevated both stars, then, Dibiase gets involved and I couldn't care less. I swear, the guy is like a plague.
I always preferred Rhodes over Dibiase as I think Dibiase just screams jobber. Why is he living off his father's name and gimmick? It never ever works. Dibiase is ok as an undercard wrestler for superstars, but nothing more.

WWE is planning on having Ted turn on Cody sometime. This will set a great future for Ted. Ted isn't living off of his father's gimmick any more. And how is Ted living off of his fathers name, that is his name too, his father is the one who gave him that name
WWE is planning on having Ted turn on Cody sometime. This will set a great future for Ted. Ted isn't living off of his father's gimmick any more. And how is Ted living off of his fathers name, that is his name too, his father is the one who gave him that name

Sorry, are you a member of the WWE creative board? How the hell do you know what they are planning? Yes, it seems like something that is plausible but don't go stating things you have no idea about.
Ted IS living off his dad's name and his dad's gimmick. I mean, what is Ted's gimmick? A rich kid who thinks he's superior to everyone. Sound familiar? Look at Rhodes and McGillicuty. Rhodes still carries his father's name, but their gimmicks couldn't be more different. And, McGilligcuty, which casual WWE fan would know he was the son of one of the greatest of all time.
Sorry, are you a member of the WWE creative board? How the hell do you know what they are planning? Yes, it seems like something that is plausible but don't go stating things you have no idea about.
Ted IS living off his dad's name and his dad's gimmick. I mean, what is Ted's gimmick? A rich kid who thinks he's superior to everyone. Sound familiar? Look at Rhodes and McGillicuty. Rhodes still carries his father's name, but their gimmicks couldn't be more different. And, McGilligcuty, which casual WWE fan would know he was the son of one of the greatest of all time.


WWE officials now realize that they have dropped the ball twice with Ted DiBiase Jr. and reuniting him with Cody Rhodes on SmackDown is supposed to be a way of reversing things. The idea now is to re-create the dynamic that Alex Riley and The Miz had, with Rhodes and DiBiase. The plan right now is for DiBiase to continue doing Rhodes’ “dirty work” until Ted turns babyface and feuds with Cody.

He might not be able to back up the words, but I never post incorrect information. Therefore, you might want to think twice before posting crap.

WWE have failed with DiBiase twice, they gave him the Million Dollar Championship, they gave him Virgil, they gave him Maryse and they gave him storyline-after-storyline, angle-after-angle and he failed! When in-truth the WWE wanted him to be the one who rose as a top heel and not Rhodes, so what do they do?

They push DiBiase as a top face over Rhodes, at his expense. Its basic logic in professional wrestling.
Ted Dibiase to me hasn't showcased anything abnormally special. Cody Rhodes has proved to be a far superior worker. Ted is just a vanilla mid carder that hasn't had any long-term success.

Now, he seemed to have potential in the Legacy days. Now that he's been exposed more to the company, we can see that he's nothing really special. I see him floundering in the mid card, and nothing more.
Ted always had what it took to be alone. The only reason he is not main eventing yet is because he was a victim of bad booking. The Million Dollar Championship storyline hurt him but they could have done better with that than having him feud with Goldust, of all people. They seem to be setting Ted up to turn face on Cody. They teased a face turn when Legacy split up and Ted stood up to Orton and it looks like they are now going back to that idea in a similar route. I think that Ted will do fine if they just book him properly. I see a good future in the main event for him and my fingers are crossed that he can be built back up properly for his big push.
Maybe they're going to pull a Power Trip, with Ted holding the Intercontinental Title and Cody with the MiTB briefcase and eventually the World Heavyweight Championship
I believe evrything happens for a reason,including Ted slipping in the card. When legacy broke up Ted just was not ready to run with the ball. I see this year as him paying some due's. If booked the right way i think Teddy can be a mega-star face who will be involved in some off the best storylines. I also think this fued is the way to start things off.Now am i saying that him turning face and getting over is a sure thing.Hell No!!! But i do think he has matured in and out of the ring and learned some life lessons out of the ring that will help him going forward in his future in the WWE. There are a ton of thing's creative can do with Ted and i hope the new head writer Ed Kousky know's this. He already has a past with the Top smackdown face Randy Orton. He is a 3rd generation wrestler. His little brother's injuries might heel up and Brett can give it another try & Ted can be involved with that. They are already doing stuff with Cody. Hell i think Ted & Cody could have a CeNa/Orton type relationship where they have on again/off again style feud. This is all just my opinion. I just think Ted is way to young to be written off. Back in the Territory day's you had to spend year's perfecting your craft, but these day's when you are a young guy on the roster you have to grow up fast and i just wont write the guy off for not being a main event superstar yet.Hell whewn his dad was his age he was still wrestling in the mid-card of mid-south wrestling.And Ted Sr. is possibly 1 of the greatest heels EVER!!!
---Just MY opinion---
I dont exactly see how Ted is holding Cody back. Between his slow speech and his old gimmick Cody doesnt have much to offer. Cody's not going to win the IC title since Ezekiel Jackson is unstoppable right now, hes not going to win the tag titles because theres nobody to team with and theres no way hes ready for the WHC. There are no credible rivals for him to feud with, leaving Ted as the only person to keep Cody relevant. The only way Cody is going to get anywhere is if he loses the "un-dashing" gimmick, or at least the ridiculous mask. Ted turning on Cody could help further the story as well as further both their careers.
I see high hopes for this.

In the recent months Cody has been in two great feuds. (Rey and Bryan). Cody gets great heat and it helps Ted a lot more involving Sin Cara.

Ted has the skills, but after Legacy broke up, Ted has always been held back or if you count this as anything, feuding with Yoshi Tatsu. :suspic:

Ted isn't holding Cody back, if anything I think Ted is riding on Cody's back. I like this Legacy reunion and always loved Rhodes and Dibiase. Like Cody said, last week was Ted's first win since like May 20th or something like that.

If Ted and Cody stay on this same road together, I can see them as the future of the business.
I hate to go against FSWWE and Dagger but I said it once and i'll say it 100 times, Ted Dibiase is in every way mediocre and even that is giving him a little too much credit. Since the end of Legacy he has been obselete(feuding with Golddust definitely didn't help) and now the only reason he has gotten tv time is he has become a cronie for Cody Rhodes. I could see him turning on Cody and becoming a face but I just can't see him getting much of a reaction as a face. If he could pull something off and become a good draw then i'll be happy because I did like him in Legacy, but he has just bored me to death since and I want him reinvented or sent to Superstars.
He needs a gimmick. Not the million dollar son/man, not a lackey to Cody Rhodes, but a gimmick. He is doing well with this push in the ring, but unless he finds a gimmick and plays it well, he's next on the future endeavored list.
When Legacy broke up. WWE orginally pushed Ted more than Cody. They made Cody change his music...Ted got to keep the legacy theme at WM. Ted stayed on the Raw which is the "A" show. He was in the elimination chamber. They gave him Maryse. They gave him the million dollar belt and even brought back Virgil. Nothing worked he couldn't get over.

Cody went to Smackdown as an afterthought. He found a gimmick that worked and has flourished. Now they put Ted back with him so he can save Ted's dying career. It is kind of funny how things worked out. Ted should be wearing the brown bag every week, he's Cody's lackey :lmao:
Honestly, him being paired with Rhodes was just a way to get him back on TV. However if WWE wants to make something out of it, after Cody Rhodes wins the IC Championship (which I predict) and really starts becoming a top heel. DiBiase could turn on him, and set up a good feud. This would be even a better feud if WWE chooses to remember the days of Priceless, and Legacy, but we all know WWE is notorious for not bringing up the past.
The only real difference between Ted and Cody is, Cody has a gimmick/character that sets him apart. Ted doesn't.

Giving Ted "The Million Dollar Belt;" making him Maryse's bitch and giving him Virgil? Yes. Thats WWE RAW creative at its finest. Thats a way to get someone over. While on Smackdown; Cody has had the Dashing gimmick, a feud with Rey and the Un-Dashing gimmick. Its quite obvious who got the better end of creative.

The problem is, even if Ted turns face he'd still be generic. So he needs a gimmick. He needs a reason/purpose for being. Either he needs to come up with something or, creative needs to find something for him. What they did for him up until this point has not worked. And I'm not confident it will work. Because we know WWE Creative is lame a good chunk of the time. They hit sometime. Most of the time? No. Not so much.
Thought i'd dig this thread up to see what evereyone's thinking about Ted now.

At a recent house show, Ted assisted Orton against an attack from Rhodes and Christian which could mean a face turn on TV in the very near future.

I'm doubtful or skeptical but do you think that Ted can pull off a successful face turn? As opposed to being a guy across the ring from Rhodes of course...

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