Team DX vs. Team Paul Heyman


Occasional Pre-Show
So after watching Raw and seeing Brock Lesnar take out Vince Mcmahon i thought to myself, "Nobody wants to see HHH vs Lesnar one on one again that would be boring as the first fight". We all know HHH will return to confront brock lesnar and we all know brock lesnar wont appear on every raw.

So here's the idea HHH calls out Lesnar only to get the Shield who then take out HHH. Paul Heyman tells HHH that when you mess with heyman u mess with his Family "The Paul Heyman Guys"

Some where down the line HHH comes to the ring this time he wants Heyman and once again gets the shield. This time HHH is able to fight them off and all of a sudden Lesnars music hits. HHH is in the middle of the ring and brock is on the apron. HHH screams, "Get in here" only to be jumped from behind by the shield again. Lesnar joins in on the action and they start to beat him down.

"BREAK IT DOWN", Blows loudly in the arena as the DX music hits the crowd is going crazy. HBK appears at the top of the ramp and says on the mic "LETS GETEM BOOYYYSSs. Road Dogg, Billy Gun, and X-pac come running down.

Brock lesnar standing behind the shield leaves off with Paul Heyman who's screaming in desperation, "Brock Lets go Please!!!" DX clears house on the Shield as DX all gets a chance to hit their signature moves on The shield.

HHH gets on the Mic and speaks directly to Heyman in anger, "You want to bring your family into this situation, well then YOU'RE GOIN TO MEET MY FAMILY". HBK then makes the challenge, "How about we have it be the Paul Heyman guys vs the D-Generation X at Wrestlemania"

Paul Heyman with his guys standing in the middle of ramp way says with his squirmy voice that no way in this day n age will we ever see D-X vs the Shield and Brock Lesnar and then points out that his guys are younger and stronger and he wouldn't want the DX to be embarrased by how bad they would be beaten if the match were to happen.

"No Chance in HELL!!!" Mr. Mcmahon's music hits and he says he's never been a fan of Paul Heyman or anybody that has supported him. He also says that even the D-X has made his life a living hell in the past he would love nothing more than for DX to beat down and get rid of the Paul heyman guys oce and for all. McMahon grants DX the match and this leaves heyman and his guys unhappy. DX does the usual if you're not down with that.... and then leave with the crotch chop pyros in the back. Crowd is happy insane the end.

So it would be DX(HHH,Billy Gunn,Road Dogg,X-pac with HBK in their corner) vs Heyman Guys(Brock Lesnar, The Shield(Ambrose,Rollins,Reigns) Heyman in their corner)
I actually like this idea a lot over the rumored HHH vs Lesnar 2 match. This would actually be pretty damn awesome. Good idea. This could easily happen too. They were all just on the 1,000th episode of raw.
Certainly better than Lesnar/HHH II. One rematch is enough for WrestleMania. Only problem is The Shield being grossly overshadowed by up to 6 part timers if you include Vince. By the time this angle was over, The Shield should have physically annihilated everyone. All of DX, HBK, Vince, even Heyman. Then after Mania the feud can continue with Triple H feuding with Shield.. trying to remove or disband them or whatever.
i dont think this fued would give less credibility to the shield because they could pssibly be overshadowed. if done right the shield could stay a strong team. They can attack hbk or vince leading up to the angle just in case lesnar isnt available and that would make them look strong. This fued would give the shield a chance to prove that they can hang with the big boys.
How do you know HHH vs. Lesnar one on one again will be boring? Do you have a crystal ball and see into the future? No, you don't. This is Wrestlemania, everybody steps their game up for their matches at the big one, and I'm sure both guys know that their last match wasn't very good, so I doubt they will repeat the same mistakes they made in that match and we'll see them put on a good one this time. I'd rather Lesnar face Taker at Wrestlemania, HHH does not need to beat Lesnar nor does Lesnar need to beat HHH again, but if they are gonna continue his feud with HHH then I'd prefer to see him face HHH one on one again instead of in a tag match or 6 man or 8 man or whatever. I'd like to see them add a stipulation to their rematch though to spice things up, like maybe a Hell in a Cell match. With Heyman throwing shots at HHH's wife & kids last year and now Lesnar attacking Vince, the feud has become more personal & intense between the two, it only makes sense that the rematch take place in a big environment like this. We could see some good things come out of the Cell between these two.

I wouldn't mind seeing Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and X-Pac taking on The Shield however, but last time we saw X-Pac on RAW 1000 he was in terrible shape, so I doubt the WWE are gonna call him up again until he's in good condition. Then again I've also heard that Pac can still go in CHIKARA or wherever it is he wrestles now. If Waltman is good to go, then Shield vs. Dogg, Gunn & Pac would be great, if he's not then maybe Dogg & Gunn can take on Ambrose & Reigns with the Tag Titles on the line. I have a feeling The Shield are the ones that will be taking the Tag Titles from Team Hell No.
This is a great idea. Similar to something I said a week ago, except with DX taking the place of a team of Superstars that were targeted by The Shield.

My preferred version of this would be an 8-man tag match: Brock and The Shield vs. Triple H, Ryback, and two of the others that The Shield has victimized. That gives Triple H a chance to get at Brock, Ryback and their partners a chance to get at The Shield, and The Shield a chance to look strong and get a bump even in defeat. Hell, Trips could even get a nice, clean, ego-replenishing pinfall on Lesnar. If Lesnar doesn't want to do a deal with WWE, The Shield can say they booted him after costing them the match. Storylines get tied up, everybody moves on to fresh programs, and I don't have to watch Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar II. Everybody's a winner!*

*Except for the people who want to see Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar II. They would most likely not feel like winners in this scenario.
How do you know HHH vs. Lesnar one on one again will be boring? Do you have a crystal ball and see into the future? No, you don't. This is Wrestlemania, everybody steps their game up for their matches at the big one, and I'm sure both guys know that their last match wasn't very good, so I doubt they will repeat the same mistakes they made in that match and we'll see them put on a good one this time. I'd rather Lesnar face Taker at Wrestlemania, HHH does not need to beat Lesnar nor does Lesnar need to beat HHH again, but if they are gonna continue his feud with HHH then I'd prefer to see him face HHH one on one again instead of in a tag match or 6 man or 8 man or whatever. I'd like to see them add a stipulation to their rematch though to spice things up, like maybe a Hell in a Cell match. With Heyman throwing shots at HHH's wife & kids last year and now Lesnar attacking Vince, the feud has become more personal & intense between the two, it only makes sense that the rematch take place in a big environment like this. We could see some good things come out of the Cell between these two.

I personally enjoyed their first match. It was intense and was just the fight I expected. And I was thrilled that Lesnar not only went over, but made The Game submit. My only gripe with the rematch is a double rematch Mania feels like a big fucking rib. I already paid WWE to see Rock VS Cena at WrestleMania, and I already paid WWE to see Lesnar and Triple H collide. I'm just not that excited to pay to see them again, especially when Cena and Triple H getting revenge are pretty much guaranteed. I'm sure they'll try to swerve us on one of them, but there's just so many other possibilities with both men.
How do you know HHH vs. Lesnar one on one again will be boring? Do you have a crystal ball and see into the future? No, you don't. This is Wrestlemania, everybody steps their game up for their matches at the big one, and I'm sure both guys know that their last match wasn't very good, so I doubt they will repeat the same mistakes they made in that match and we'll see them put on a good one this time. I'd rather Lesnar face Taker at Wrestlemania, HHH does not need to beat Lesnar nor does Lesnar need to beat HHH again, but if they are gonna continue his feud with HHH then I'd prefer to see him face HHH one on one again instead of in a tag match or 6 man or 8 man or whatever. I'd like to see them add a stipulation to their rematch though to spice things up, like maybe a Hell in a Cell match. With Heyman throwing shots at HHH's wife & kids last year and now Lesnar attacking Vince, the feud has become more personal & intense between the two, it only makes sense that the rematch take place in a big environment like this. We could see some good things come out of the Cell between these two.

I wouldn't mind seeing Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and X-Pac taking on The Shield however, but last time we saw X-Pac on RAW 1000 he was in terrible shape, so I doubt the WWE are gonna call him up again until he's in good condition. Then again I've also heard that Pac can still go in CHIKARA or wherever it is he wrestles now. If Waltman is good to go, then Shield vs. Dogg, Gunn & Pac would be great, if he's not then maybe Dogg & Gunn can take on Ambrose & Reigns with the Tag Titles on the line. I have a feeling The Shield are the ones that will be taking the Tag Titles from Team Hell No.

Okay relax there fat guy who destroyed his collection of rock wwe dvds because the rock won the title. I know its still early morning but get over yourself and stop being grumpy. I dont want to see HHH vs Lesnar and thats plain and simple. Do u see me coming around busting your chops because u want to see a sequel to the summerslam match, no. If u have a good idea about what their mtch will be like then go write about it. I'll be glad to read it and agree or disagree with the points u make. Other than that relax, its just wrestling u dont need to bash other peoples ideas or thoughts on what or how they feel. Good day sir.
I don't think Triple H would ever agree to being in any sort of tag match at Wrestlemania. If he's wrestling, he wants the spotlight and he's not sharing it in tag action.
Okay relax there fat guy who destroyed his collection of rock wwe dvds because the rock won the title. I know its still early morning but get over yourself and stop being grumpy. I dont want to see HHH vs Lesnar and thats plain and simple. Do u see me coming around busting your chops because u want to see a sequel to the summerslam match, no. If u have a good idea about what their mtch will be like then go write about it. I'll be glad to read it and agree or disagree with the points u make. Other than that relax, its just wrestling u dont need to bash other peoples ideas or thoughts on what or how they feel. Good day sir.

Come on man. :wtf: He just asked if you had a crystal ball. You definitely just bashed him way more than he bashed you. It is just wrestling, but it's definitely something we're all passionate about. People have different opinions, and are allowed to disagree.
I don't think Triple H would ever agree to being in any sort of tag match at Wrestlemania. If he's wrestling, he wants the spotlight and he's not sharing it in tag action.

I kind of agree with u, but HHH is the kind of guy that does whats best for buisness. So who knows what he thinks is best for business.
In a discussion forum, I think it's okay for anyone to make an assumption about what they think will happen. Hunter and Brock just don't mesh well in my opinion and I think a second match will be just as boring. I don't think Brock cares enough to go the extra mile to steal the show.

However, when someone makes an assumption, it is stupid to ask them if they have a crystal ball. This is a message board. A wrestling forum one at that. People make assumptions. You don't need a crystal ball to have one.

Oh yeah. Brock really stepped his Mania game up against Goldberg. Right.

I don't like Lesnar, lulz.
I kind of agree with u, but HHH is the kind of guy that does whats best for buisness. So who knows what he thinks is best for business.

I may be mistaken, but I'm sure the rise of these new stars is thanks to Hunter. Look how well The Shield and Cesaro have been built. I think Hunter is smart.
I may be mistaken, but I'm sure the rise of these new stars is thanks to Hunter. Look how well The Shield and Cesaro have been built. I think Hunter is smart.
If the shield and cesaro are because of HHH then i couldnt agree anymore with u that HHH is a smart man. He knows the business in and out and he'll be a great chairman leader once vince decides to resign.
The core idea of having D-X facing off against Lesnar and the Shield is an excellent idea. A lot of people around the IWC are complaining that a second showing of Lesnar and HHH would be boring because apparently, they accomplished everything they could ever dream of doing in a feud last time they had a storyline together and they wouldn't be able to offer anything else. Well, as much as I disagree with that thought-process people are having, shoving HHH and Lesnar in a tag match with other related people would be a great way to go about this potential feud.

Paul Heyman has been "shown" to be connected to the Shield and has always been in a working relationship with Brock Lesnar. You can shove these guys together and it will make sense. Vince McMahon has been attacked by Lesnar, who happens to the HHH's father-in-law and has allies in Gunn, Dogg, X-Pac (and possibly Michaels if wants to come out of retirement) who can aid him this time around. You've got at least 10 people involved within this feud and the time that there is between now and Wrestlemania, this angle can be done under a slow build and not get boring like a predicted HHH/Lesnar encounter would until then.

The perfect thing about this storyline is that we have two options once we get to WM: have a huge tag team match or HHH/Lesnar II separate from the Shield vs. DX w/ Shawn Michaels in the corner. You can go both ways here and with the slow build that the WWE can implement, we are able to have an interesting encounter again between HHH and Lesnar as well as the added fun of Shield/DX who possess similar characteristics. The Shield would love to take down the silliness that DX presents.

This storyline is definitely do-able if they go down this path. They've got other options to consider like the potential use of Brad Maddox or Vince McMahon at WM to further the storylines or make booking much simpler for an already simple creative team.
Excellent idea, it's just not a WrestleMania idea. A Triple H vs. Lesnar rematch is lame, more so because there's already going to be a Rock/Cena rematch. However both Lesnar & HHH are big enough stars to make it feel worth of the show.

The only problem I have with this match is that Lesnar, with only a limited number of matches per year, shouldn't really be thrown into multi-man matches like this. I like The Shield vs. D-X idea though, however giving three more old-timers a spot at Mania would take away three spots from full-time workers as well.
I love this idea!! I love this idea so much, I am now wondering why I didn’t think about this. Of course this is the route they could, would, and should go. They could go this route since the Legends are available and have been doing house shows and such. The would go this route since it takes away some of the work load from Triple H and Brock Lesnar and gives the Shield a big rub from DX, much like the Spirit Squad. They should go this route since a one – on – one match between the Triple H and Brock Lesnar wouldn’t be as exciting.

Of course, with every great idea that I didn’t think of comes with some edits I’d like to make. (this must be what Vince has been doing since WrestleMania 1). I would make it a 5 – on – 5 match instead.

Brock Lesnar, CM Punk (or Brad Maddox, if the IWC really wants the IWC Champion in the Main Event), and the Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns) with Paul Heyman in their corner vs. DX (Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg, Mr. @$$) and a mystery partner with Shawn Michaels in their corner.

In the weeks leading to WM, I’d have people thinking HBK is coming out of retirement to be in the match. I don’t want him to come back to the ring. I want him to stick to his word.

Halfway through the match, the 5th man comes, and it turns out to be Kevin Nash. I want to hear Michael Cole scream, “But who’s side is he on!?” (I don’t want Nash turning on DX or anything, but I just want to hear Cole say that.)
Excellent idea, it's just not a WrestleMania idea. A Triple H vs. Lesnar rematch is lame, more so because there's already going to be a Rock/Cena rematch. However both Lesnar & HHH are big enough stars to make it feel worth of the show.

The only problem I have with this match is that Lesnar, with only a limited number of matches per year, shouldn't really be thrown into multi-man matches like this. I like The Shield vs. D-X idea though, however giving three more old-timers a spot at Mania would take away three spots from full-time workers as well.

Building off this - There would be probably be a point in this match where you'd have Billy Gunn and Roman Reigns - Road Dogg and Seth Rollins - or X Pac and Dean Ambrose in the ring together. At those points, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk and Brock Lesnar would all be standing on the outside of the ring doing nothing. That's four of the biggest names in the WWE ... how does that scenario get the most out of their abilities?

That's not to shit on your idea. This is a pretty great idea ... but it would need to happen as a 5-man elimination match, and at a ppv other than WrestleMania.
Yeah. Exactly. It can't happen at the biggest event of all.

I say Survivor Series because Vince ain't going to pay all that cash for all these guys ad Shawn Michaels won't return for a regular PPV.
I like this idea better than Trips vs. Lesnar 1 on 1 again. If they're going to do it as a one on one match again, they need at least some kind of gimmick. Hell in a Cell, Last Man Standing, Falls Count anywhere, whatever.

But this tag team idea is interesting. I like, but I don't see WWE doing it. As someone mentioned above, Trips doesn't want to share the spotlight. He wants to be in it all himself so it will be Trips vs. Lesnar 1 on 1 again. Please, please add a stipulation though, to at least make it interesting.
It wouldn't ever happen at Mania... but I could totally see it happening at Survivor Series next year. It makes perfect sense and might boost buyrates for a PPV that's slipping....
Can Billy Gun, Road Dogg and X-Pacc still work a match? If there were to be a tag-team match than I would prefer if it was the likes of Sheamus, Ryback, The Miz, Kane and Randy Orton. I wouldn't involve either HHH or Lesnar in a multi-man match. They are almost too big to be hidden away and would be investing far too much into one match.

Have HHH face Lesnar and then put the shield against Ryback, Orton and Sheamus.
I like this idea, I really do, but I think it would be better suited for Survivor Series. I agree with the post that said at points during the match you would have four of WWE's biggest stars standing on the apron. Imo that just wouldn't work for Wrestlemania. I keep questioning why there wasn't so much backlash when HBK/Taker and HHH/Taker had two Mania matches in a row? I get that they could possibly be giving us two rematches this year, and I am not thrilled to see HHH/Lesner again, but I think we should at least give it a chance. If that is the match we get I am sure the will try to make it different than Summerslam. Mania tends to give matches that special feel so I am keeping an open mind. I love the idea in the OP, but I think we are going to be seeing Lesner/HHH 2.
If we're talking HHH and HBK vs. Lesnar and Punk, I'm all for it.

Shawn isn't returning, so that isn't happening. Oh well.

The full DX reunion doesn't interest me. Lesnar needs something bigger, not just wripping the heads off of X-Pac and Road Dogg.

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